揭秘HashKey Exchange密集上币的背后故事

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11月24日,香港持牌加密货币交易所HashKey Exchange宣布Maker(MKR)正式在其平台上架,这意味着在过去短短两个月的时间里,HashKey Exchange已经完成7个新币上架。那么,HashKey Exchange为何“突然”发力密集上币,Bitkoala考拉财经将在本文做深度分析。

HashKey Exchange的上币“轨迹”

8月3日,HashKey Exchange宣布已完成1号和7号牌照升级,可以面向零售用户提供加密货币交易服务,其上币“轨迹”正式开启。Bitkoala考拉财经汇总了近期HashKey Exchange的上币信息,具体如下:

从上述汇总信息来看,HashKey Exchange 近期密集上架的加密货币基本上可以分为两类:

  • 一是市值排名靠前的主流币种,比如BTC、ETH、MKR、UNI等,具有较高的流动性和交易量,上架这些加密货币可以满足用户对主流币种的交易需求,提高其竞争力;

  • 二是一些新兴的加密货币,比如AVAX、LINK、LDO、ATOM、AAVE等,这些加密货币具有较高的潜力,但流动性和交易量还不高,上架这些加密货币,可以拓展其业务范围,为用户提供更全面的服务。

毫无疑问随着加密货币行业的不断发展、竞争日趋激烈,用户对加密货币的需求也越来越多样化,HashKey Exchange 加速上币可以满足用户对不同类型加密货币的交易需求,同时也吸引了更多用户并拓展其业务范围以提供更全面的服务。而随着支持的加密货币种类越来越多,HashKey的交易额也水涨船高,据最新披露的数据显示,11月24日其平台交易额达到了4.2799亿美元,创下单日交易额历史新高,这无疑和近期加速上币有很大关系。

相辅相成,机构客户亦“加速”在HashKey Exchange开户

或许是受到加速上币的“刺激”,近期一些机构客户也在尝试利用HashKey Exchange持牌优势探索数字资产市场,Bitkoala考拉财经汇总了近期HashKey Exchange的机构客户开户信息,具体如下:

香港是全球规模最大的上市公司“聚集地”之一,不少上市公司一直致力于寻找新的投资机会,而作为去啊你去最具潜力的投资市场,加密货币无疑备受关注,而HashKey Exchange此时可以发挥其持牌优势,为过去专注于实体经济领域的企业用户开户,不仅帮助他们数字化转型拓展金融业务,提升其在金融领域的竞争力,同时也能合规布局加密货币市场,抓住未来的投资机遇。


Bitkoala考拉财经了解到,HashKey Group首席运营官翁晓奇(Livio Weng)已经表示,会争取加入更多币种予零售投资者进行交易,预计今年第四季可扩大至15至20个币种,明年会重点资产探索像RWA(现实世界资产)相关资产,期望平台总交易量可达30亿美元,这意味着在接下来的一个月时间里,我们会看到更多加密货币、更密集地出现在HashKey Exchange平台上。

事实上,代币最大价值就是经济驱动,香港发展Web3.0和虚拟资产(VA)的目的也是为了支持城市升级、经济转型。香港监管者已经制定了一系列举措规范本地中心化合规交易市场和二级市场,但是如果没有优质的资产,交易也就没有意义,基于这个思路,或许HashKey Exchange通过短时间“密集”上币为香港Web3市场投资者带来更多选择。

Author Bitke Source Koala Finance On April, Hong Kong licensed cryptocurrency exchange announced that it was officially put on its platform, which means that in the past two months, a new coin has been put on the shelves. So why did it suddenly become intensive? Koala Finance will announce that it has completed the upgrade of the number and license plate in the in-depth analysis of this paper, and it can provide cryptocurrency trading services for retail users. Koala Finance has officially opened the coin track, and summarized the recent coin information as follows. According to the summary information, cryptocurrencies that have been intensively put on the shelves recently can basically be divided into two categories. First, mainstream currencies with high market value, such as, have high liquidity and transaction volume, which can meet users' trading needs for mainstream currencies and improve their competitiveness. Second, some emerging cryptocurrencies, such as, have high potential, but their liquidity and transaction volume are not high, which can expand their business scope and provide users with more comprehensive services. Undoubtedly, with the continuous development of cryptocurrency industry and the increasingly fierce competition, users' demand for cryptocurrency is becoming more and more diversified. Accelerating the payment of cryptocurrency can meet users' trading needs for different types of cryptocurrency, and at the same time attract more users and expand their business scope to provide more comprehensive services. With the increasing types of cryptocurrency supported, the transaction volume is also rising. According to the latest data, the platform transaction volume reached US$ 100 million on March, setting a record high for single-day transaction volume. Undoubtedly, it has a lot to do with the recent acceleration of currency listing, which complements each other. Institutional customers are also accelerating the opening of accounts, perhaps stimulated by the acceleration of currency listing. Recently, some institutional customers are also trying to explore the digital asset market by taking advantage of licensing. Koala Finance has summarized the recent account opening information of institutional customers as follows: Hong Kong is one of the largest gathering places of listed companies in the world, and many listed companies have been committed to finding new investment opportunities, and it is undoubtedly crucial for you to go to the most potential investment market to encrypt currency. Note: At this time, we can give full play to its licensing advantages to open accounts for corporate users who used to focus on the real economy, which not only helps them to digitally transform and expand their financial business, but also enhances their competitiveness in the financial field. At the same time, we can lay out the cryptocurrency market in compliance and seize future investment opportunities. Summary Koala Finance understands that Weng Xiaoqi, the chief operating officer, has said that he will strive to add more currencies to retail investors for trading, and it is expected that it will be expanded to 10 currencies in the fourth quarter of this year, and next year, key assets will be explored like reality. The total transaction volume of the world's asset-related assets platform is expected to reach US$ 100 million, which means that in the next month, we will see more cryptocurrencies appear more intensively on the platform. In fact, the greatest value of tokens is that the economy drives the development of Hong Kong and the purpose of virtual assets is also to support the urban upgrading and economic transformation. Hong Kong regulators have formulated a series of measures to standardize the local central compound trading market and the secondary market, but it is meaningless if there is no high-quality asset trading. Based on this idea, it may bring more choices to investors in the Hong Kong market through short-term intensive currency trading. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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