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作者:Phyrex,币安广场创作者 来源:X @Phyrex_Ni




2. 传统游戏支付演变:以用户快感为前提






3. 游戏作为娱乐选择:不同于专业玩家的视角










The author's false demand for the creator's source chain tour in Bi 'an Square violates the original intention of lowering the entry threshold. At present, all chain tours are considered as false demand. Why do you say this? Because the original intention of the game itself is for entertainment and finance, the game industry has always pursued lowering the entry threshold. After many evolutions such as client-side web games, mobile games and so on, each evolution is to occupy the most convenient space for users, so that users can enter the game easily and unimpeded. However, the chain tour has gone in the opposite direction. Why do you say this? Because the group that accepts the blockchain itself is very small, there is only one possible opportunity to use a small group to promote a smaller group, that is, high income. As for where the income of the chain tour is, we will discuss the evolution of traditional game payment later, based on the user's pleasure. In the traditional game, in addition to the continuous evolution of the carrier, the payment channels and payment methods are also constantly evolving. From the point of card subscription to the present, the payment of props is close to the user's essential psychology. Let users get the greatest pleasure in the process of playing. The essence of the game is to make people happy. Some people say that the game is electronic opium, but the core is to have fun. Although there are people who make money by playing games in the real world, those who make money through the game itself are all fun games. Consensus and payment problems. This is similar to the consensus of the currency circle. Only when there is enough consensus will more people be willing to hold it, and the process of holding it is the increase of liquidity. However, For the chain tour, payment is the biggest problem. Some people think that the chain tour solves the problem of payment and does not need to be paid to Apple, or the channel fee is used to pay, which lowers the threshold. In fact, the biggest challenge of the payment problem in the currency circle is the payment in the whole link. Although some countries allow credit cards to deposit money, it is actually only an intermediate medium. At present, both dual currency and single currency are implementing their own. This is the biggest threshold, even for non-currency users. Generally speaking, the entry threshold is still very high. In the returned problem, the game as an entertainment choice is different from the perspective of professional players. For more players, the game is not necessarily a profitable way, but a relaxing choice. Compared with professional gamers, ordinary people are the bottom building of a game. More ordinary users can participate in it, which means that the game is more fun. Only more fun games can attract more players to enter, thus creating the surrounding market of the game, such as live e-sports and gold-playing studios. Fun on the basis of playing is not a simple word, but it needs to be professional and precipitation. Although there are new game companies or developers behind product sales, they must have enough experience. For these developers, the essence of money is not for fun, but for speculation. However, in the currency circle, the opposite is true. In essence, people play games not for fun, nor to attract more external users to play. This is the most fundamental essence and the most unsolvable. In some places, although some developers claim that they are masterpieces, why can't any of them be recognized by the mainstream market? This is a paradox. It's better to put it verbally, because the essence is not for fun, but for speculating money. Even the prototype of a carrier is not a carrier to return to the game. The evolution of the game engine aims to better reflect the reducibility of the game designer and make the game more ornamental and artistic. However, winding as a carrier has solved what the game industry itself does not have. The problem solved by the method is that there is no centralized server for the game itself, and there seems to be no conflict between whether the game is decentralized or not, but it is actually the most pseudo decentralized statement. What is the use of your game when the game does not exist? This is like the archive inheritance of traditional games. In and, mainstream game companies including China and Japan tried to get involved, but the results were very unsatisfactory. Even in Japan, where there is no big problem in payment, the goal is to make players make money. Our games are not popular either. It is enough for you to have nowhere to run in China, so it is meaningless to say more. Therefore, at least at present, you still can't get rid of the shell of the fund disk, because the story can't go on without the capitalization of the fund disk. Although blockchain is beneficial to the game industry, it is not the currency winding but the real winding of the chain tour that needs at least computing power and storage support. At present, the chain tour even has problems in the basic database winding, not to mention the content winding. This is not the most critical issue. More importantly, even if the definition of a complete blockchain is still vague in the spot that is about to be adopted in the United States, there are still more people who think that blockchain is a scam for the improvement of the supervision and payment system behind it. Before that, it is better to honestly do what you have the ability to do, and those who don't have the ability can participate in the coin chain tour more. Perhaps it is a good thing, but at least it is just a pile of garbage at present. This is not to say that you can't make money. After all, as long as there is one, there is the possibility of making money, and there are professional investment institutions and market makers behind them. But making money doesn't mean that this is a good direction for the development of the industry. Therefore, at present, it is more like speculating in coins and just wearing a game coat. The final result is that the game is unattended. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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