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撰文:ivyFanshao.eth,Youbi Capital;来源:ivyheretochill.xlog.app


ZuConnect 是在DevConnect大会之前发生的,为期两周的 pop-up city,是 Zuzalu 的延续活动。这次 pop-up city 的参与者画像可以概括为:国籍和行业多元、高素质的 300 人社区。把这样一群人聚在伊斯坦布尔这座美丽又复杂的城市,本身就会发生神奇的化学反应。参与者和选址本身就是极好的原材料,不需要过多雕琢。



此次我特意从支付金融的角度采访了来自不同国家地区的 7 位朋友(阿根廷,玻利维亚,加纳,越南,土耳其,塞尔维亚,瑞士),试图写一篇 crypto 采用的地理志。

其中有两位最令人印象深刻,他们各自都在阿根廷和加纳做过 crypto wallet 创业,后来都转型做起了教育培训事业,形式各异,有线下的开发者社区和在线西语课程。这两位显然受过非常好的思维训练或是高等教育,当我问起当地的经济 / 金融系统概览时,他们的叙述从地理和政治大背景出发,深入浅出讲到外汇和金融,呈现出 “现象 -- 问题 -- 解决方法” 一整套逻辑缜密的阐述。当我看到他们展示的本地常用的支付工具时 (比如 belo 和 USSD mobile money),几度感到震惊,这实在刷新了我对世界的想象 ——任何地区,再是有限的资源,再落后的基础设施,他们都有自己一套非常天才的解决问题的办法。 不禁感慨人的生存能力之强,感慨被困境激发出的智慧,人终将找到出路。


图:ZuConnect 场地 ——5 层综合建筑体(书店 + 餐厅 + 共享办公)

东西方教育模式的鸿沟:静态的封闭式输入 vs 动态的柏拉图对话式启发

最早的一次文化冲击来源于和 5 个来自不同国家行业的 zuzalian 去森林里徒步的经历,这几个人有研究 bio-tech longevity 的,有爱好哲学和考古的,有做隐私项目的。他们之间的对话信息密度很高且交换频繁,启发对方,且永无止境。 从对 UFO 和五十一区秘密的痴迷聊到生化技术,聊到复制人 shell man,聊到政治,聊到鲍勃迪伦,聊到考古,聊到对数据隐私的看法,再到人类社会如何运作,不同的视角加入,对话一直向前推进,越聊精神越振奋。全车 5 人,3 个人的手机没有数据流量,而这竟然对他们的生活毫无影响,他们可以一整天几乎不掏手机,注意力都在同行的伙伴身上。途中,我几次三番按捺住拿出手机刷资讯,用 feed 流来填补精神空隙的冲动,一天下来手机还剩 70% 的电量。

另一次思想冲击是一次全球化的 workshop,讨论如何打造埃塞俄比亚、阿根廷、土耳其需要的 crypto 产品。参会者的背景几乎能组成一个联合国:中东、南非、西非、拉丁美洲、土耳其、东欧、英国、我是在场唯一一个东亚人。对我冲击最大的是参会者在尚不具备完整上下文的情况下,就能有理有据,鲜明地表达自己的观点,几方自然而然进入了辩论的状态,而我发现,自己脑中只有信息没有看法。我只能在准备好腹稿的情况下表达观点,无法边说边想,跟人直接进行实时的多轮对话,这和语言无关,和缺乏思维训练有关。


They don't care about democracy, but basic life quality, including food, drink, living shelter. Humans must survive.


这立刻就引起了在场广泛的追问。有人提到了出生于土耳其经济学家的观点:为了繁荣,公民需要 “包容性机构”,以创造 “创新、经济扩张和更广泛的产权” 的良性循环。

对非洲对了解程度似乎并不影响他们提出自己的观点,整个对话流逐渐显现出各人的思维过程的逻辑和思辨性。 若非时间有限,他们似乎能永无终止地追问探讨下去。而我沮丧地发现,自己没有思辨的过程。就像 Gimmy 和骨猫所感受到的那样,在面临对话式、辩论式交流时,常发现自己哑口无言。


当话题转移到 “有用的产品及其成功经验” 时,大家讨论起了一个我意料之外的公司:binance。

来自非洲、越南、拉美地区的参会者看到了 binance 做得好的地方,认为这家公司在区域洞察方面下了大功夫,在各个地区务实地提供了大家真正需要的产品,而不是宣传许多用户并不在意的抽象概念,由此,在平台和用户之间创造了一种双赢的局面 —— 平台获得交易佣金,用户获得金融自由。

People don't care about self-custodial, they don't give you a shxx

People care about how to transfer money across borders easily.

来自阿根廷的参会者认为,binance 在阿根廷销售了一种希望 / 梦想,比如,binance 有一则广告,上面写着 “白天作为幼儿园老师挣工资,晚上作为 crypto trader 赚交易的钱,赚 7*24h”,它贩卖了一种美好的期望,即在自己本职岗位上的普通人也有成为 trader 并赚钱的可能性。


来自非洲的参会者认为,binance 围绕本地需求,即财产所有权和金融自由,做了很多教育和普及的工作。比如在尼日利亚,让本地人了解在经济受挫的后疫情时代中获得资金自由的实用方法。 在 telegram 社区里常有 Mod 说: Your money won’t disappear.


当其他人讨论起 binance 的时候,我又一次感受到了身份的 bias。中东、南非、西非、拉美的人都好好研究过 binance 的成功之处,而华语世界对这台全行业最大的印钞机(在 CZ 辞去 CEO 之前)却几乎没有研究报道,这是非常奇怪的事情。 背后的一个原因可能是 "母语歧视":我们把 binance 当做了一个国产交易所,把华裔面孔的 cz 或多或少当成一个同类,因此以 “平视” 的心态看待他。我们往往倾向于研究那些仰视的对象,忽视被平视和俯视的对象,所以 binance 成了我们所忽略的房间里的大象。


在商品社会中,人会在意别人的评价,行事力求符合社会规范,每个人都或多或少受到某种程度的规训。规训就像一块石头,压在树苗上,当这块石头被搬开,小树就能长出自己的形状,这就是自我发现的过程。当社区足够包容多元时,你感到自己不再是个怪胎,感到安全,因此敢做平日里想做却不敢行动的事,甚至还有一堆人加入你陪你疯。你感觉被看见,身份被确认。实验性社区的作用就是把这块规训之石搬开,让人的天性自由生长,鼓励每个人用自己的技能和热情实现更大的利益。 隔了一段时间回看八月在山海坞的经历,这才意识到这个 “搬开石头” 的过程。

ZuConnect让我有机会更多地和他人开启 “启发性的讨论”,从Gary和Chance那里学到了通过写作来思考,这些实践都帮助人理清思路,把模糊的想法和感受变成调理清晰的文字。

Pop-up city并非首创;开放性和社区质量如何取舍?

躲进山林里避世,展开 2 周的封闭讨论,这并非新鲜事,成立于 1872 年的波西米亚俱乐部早有实践。

波西米亚俱乐部(Bohemian Club)在旧金山,每年 7 月中旬在加利福尼亚州蒙特里欧的波西米亚森林(Bohemian Grove)野营地举办两周的夏令营,同时举行共济会礼仪的神秘祭祀活动,协商重大经济政治问题。俱乐部严禁成员对外谈论讨论议题及活动,这个俱乐部曾被美国前总统赫伯特・胡佛称为 “地球上最伟大的男士派对”,它成立于 1872 年。

在 ZuConnect 治理会议上,参与者的准入筛选原则是核心话题,这也颇具争议。事实上,要是真开启了筛选精英的头,社区性质就无限接近于波西米亚俱乐部了。然而高素质的社区一定是高审查的,筛选过程是熵减的,而 “无许可” 意味着熵增,走向相反方向。开放性和社区质量将如何取舍?或许我们无法在一个社区里同时追求这 2 个相悖的目标,但可以有许多分布在光谱不同位置的 pop-up city,各自奔赴光谱的两端。

I heard that the prelude to the change of thinking mode was a two-week continuation activity before the conference. This portrait of the participants can be summarized as a community of people with diverse nationalities and industries. When such a group of people gather in Istanbul, a beautiful and complicated city, magical chemical reactions will take place. The participants and site selection themselves are excellent raw materials, and there is no need to carve them too much. Here are some participants' perspectives to understand the world from multiple perspectives. From the perspective of payment finance, I interviewed two friends from different countries and regions, Argentina, Bolivia, Ghana, Vietnam, Turkey, Serbia and Switzerland, and tried to write a geography. Two of them were the most impressive. They both started businesses in Argentina and Ghana, and then they all transformed into education and training. The developers' community under cable and online Spanish courses were obviously very well trained in thinking or higher education. When I asked about the local economic and financial system. From the geographical and political background, their narration is simple, and foreign exchange and finance present phenomena, problems and solutions, and a set of logical and meticulous explanations. When I saw the local commonly used payment tools they displayed, I was shocked several times, for example, which really refreshed my imagination of the world. No matter how limited the resources are, no matter how backward the infrastructure is, they all have their own very talented solutions to problems, and I can't help but feel that people's strong viability is aroused by difficulties. Wise people will eventually find a way out. Site, floor, comprehensive building, bookstore and restaurant share the gap between East and West education modes. Static closed input and dynamic Plato's dialogue inspiration. The earliest cultural shock came from the experience of hiking in the forest with two people from different countries and industries. These people have research interests, like philosophy and archaeology, and do privacy projects. The dialogue information between them is very dense and the exchange is frequent, which inspires each other and never ends. Talking about biochemical technology, copying people, politics, Bob Dylan, archaeology, views on data privacy, and how human society works from different perspectives, joining the dialogue has been moving forward, and the spirit of chatting has become more exciting. The personal mobile phones of the whole car have no data traffic, which has no impact on their lives. They can hardly pay attention to their mobile phones all day. On the way, I repeatedly resisted the impulse to take out my mobile phones and use them to fill the spiritual gap. Another thought shock is a global discussion on how to build the products needed by Ethiopia, Argentina and Turkey. The background of the participants can almost form a United Nations, the Middle East, South Africa, West Africa, Latin America, Turkey and Eastern Europe, and the United Kingdom. I am the only East Asian present. The biggest impact on me is that the participants can clearly express their views without a complete context. Several parties naturally entered the state of debate, and I found myself in my head. I can only express my views when I have prepared my draft. I can't talk with people in real time at the same time. This has nothing to do with language and lack of thinking training. For example, when talking about the development of Africa, a friend from Ghana mentioned and recognized the model of China's rise, which immediately caused widespread questioning. Some people mentioned the view of an economist born in Turkey that inclusive institutions are needed to create innovative economic expansion and wider scope in order to prosper citizens. The virtuous circle of property rights does not seem to affect their understanding of Africa. The whole dialogue flow gradually shows the logic and speculative nature of each person's thinking process. If time is limited, they seem to be able to keep asking and discussing endlessly, but I am depressed to find that I have no speculative process, just like I feel with a bone cat. In the face of dialogue and debate communication, I often find myself speechless and find my blind spot through the diverse perspectives of others. When we discussed the product and its successful experience, we talked about a company that I didn't expect. Participants from Africa, Vietnam and Latin America saw what they had done well, and thought that the company had made great efforts in regional insight, and provided products that people really needed in various regions in a pragmatic way instead of propagating abstract concepts that many users didn't care about, thus creating a win-win situation between the platform and users. Participants from Argentina thought that the platform got trading commissions and users got financial freedom. In Argentina, I sold a dream of hope. For example, there was an advertisement that said that I earned a salary as a kindergarten teacher during the day and earned money as a transaction at night. It sold a good expectation that ordinary people in their own posts also had the possibility to become and make money. Participants from Africa thought that a lot of education and popularization work had been done around local needs, that is, property ownership and financial freedom. For example, in Nigeria, local people were made aware of the freedom of funds in the post-epidemic era of economic frustration. It is often said in the community that when others discuss it, I once again feel the success that people in the Middle East, South Africa, West Africa and Latin America have studied well, but the Chinese-speaking world has hardly reported on this largest printing machine in the whole industry before resigning. This is a very strange thing. One of the reasons behind it may be that our mother tongue discriminates against us. We regard Chinese faces as a domestic exchange more or less as the same kind, so we look at him with a straight-forward attitude. We tend to study those who look up and ignore the objects that are looked down and looked down, so it has become the elephant in the room that we ignore. We inspire ourselves to discover why it is possible that in a commodity society, people will care about other people's evaluations and try to conform to social norms. Everyone is disciplined to some extent, just like a stone pressed against a sapling. When the stone is removed, the sapling will grow its own shape. This is the process of self-discovery. When the community is tolerant and diverse enough, you feel that you are no longer. A freak feels safe, so he dares to do what he wants to do on weekdays, but he dare not act. Even a bunch of people join you and accompany you crazy. You feel that you are seen and your identity is confirmed. The role of the experimental community is to remove this discipline stone, let people grow freely, and encourage everyone to realize greater interests with their skills and enthusiasm. It took a while to look back at the experience in Shanhaiwu in August, and then I realized that this process of removing the stone gave me more opportunities to open enlightening discussions with others, and I learned from it by writing. These practices all helped people clear their minds and put vague ideas and ideas. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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