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9号牌照(资产管理):能以全权委托形式,为客户提供基金管理、证券及期货合约投资管理服务。包括普通9号牌和能做Virtual Assets(虚拟资产)的副牌。













如果在香港从事虚拟资产货币业务,接受了第三方的资金流入,比如设立虚拟货币基金,那么未来在香港注册的公司如果拿到牌照,则必须有第三方的基金行政管理人对这部分第三方流入的资金负责做反洗钱审核。如果没有通过反洗钱审核,则相关资金直接打入账户会被退回,并对其进行suspicious activity reporting(可疑活动报告)。












① 有固定的办公室(相关机构会不定期检查租赁合同)

② 有稳定的收入来源固定的开销

③ 员工内部需要有本地人(即香港人)







① 内地公司有进出口权;

② 内地公司可以申请美金账户;

③ 内地公司能够提供与所接收款项对应的出口票据。



由于对公账户的转账存在上述【特别注意】中的限制,有人就会想:那我可不可以直接由香港公司账户转入内地个人账户呢?这里可以明确的是,香港公司账户的资金是可以转入内地私人账户的,但我们建议不要长期或多次进行这种操作。因为随着目前反避税以及CRS(Common reporting standard,统一报告标准)协议的风潮来袭,香港银行加大了对银行账户的审查力度,就算是已经开户成功并且已经在使用的银行账户,一旦稍有涉及到洗钱或其他违法犯罪行为,银行就会对银行账户做关闭账户处理。



The introduction coincides with the first anniversary of the policy declaration of the Hong Kong Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau on the development of virtual assets in Hong Kong. In the past year, Hong Kong has devoted itself to building a safe and efficient development environment for people to carry out virtual currency-related business in Hong Kong through innovation-oriented policies, comprehensive regulatory structure and sound risk strategies, and has launched a number of pilot projects to promote the application of related technologies. In this paper, lawyer Liu's team will extract from the analysis of relevant policies that they are engaged in under the new policies of Hong Kong. Matters needing attention in virtual currency-related business in order to provide some suggestions to those who are interested in exhibiting in Hong Kong, especially those who are interested in licensed platform-related business in Hong Kong. 1. The difference between accepting compliance supervision under the new policy of Hong Kong and the original private operation. The Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission issued a consultation document on the proposed supervision provisions of the virtual asset trading platform, which is intended to further expand the users of the Hong Kong cryptocurrency trading platform, that is to say, it is friendly to cryptocurrency. Countries and regions with attitudes or without relevant laws and regulations can, in principle, carry out virtual currency-related business in Hong Kong, but at the same time, the consultation document on providing virtual assets-related services on the platform not only puts forward many procedural restrictions, but also puts forward higher regulatory requirements. So what are the differences between accepting compliance supervision under the new policy and the original private operation? Advantages: First, the virtual assets transaction under the new policy is legally recognized by Hong Kong officials. After applying for a virtual asset license plate and being approved, you can also manage other people's assets according to law. Secondly, the sources of funds for related businesses under the official supervision system of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission are more reliable, which can reduce the risk of being involved in criminal crimes by inadvertently receiving stolen money to a certain extent. Thirdly, due to the geographical advantages of Hong Kong and the Mainland and the great opening up, the new Hong Kong policy can absorb more mainland and even the world. First of all, under the new policy, the operating cost will be much higher than that of the original private operation. For example, applying for a virtual asset license plate requires a lot of lawyer's fees, which could have been saved before. Secondly, due to the new policy, there are more subjects applying for a license in Hong Kong and the audit manpower of the CSRC is limited, so it will take longer or even longer to apply for a license in Hong Kong than in countries such as Canada and the United States. In addition, the new policy of Hong Kong also puts forward new requirements for risk control, which not only requires employees to keep a high understanding of the changes in regulatory regulations, but also requires hiring a professional team to update and understand the potential legal and other risk points of the business in time to adapt to the new changes and transitional arrangements of the compliance requirements of the authorities. According to the revised regulations on combating money laundering and terrorist fund-raising passed by the Hong Kong Legislative Council in, trading platforms that have been operating in Hong Kong before, may participate in the transitional arrangements, that is to say, trading is flat. As long as Taiwan submits an application for a license related to virtual assets to the CSRC before, it can be regarded as being licensed to continue to operate its existing business until the CSRC makes a decision on whether to issue or refuse to issue a license. This time, the CSRC has restricted the applicable conditions of the transitional arrangement to a certain extent in the consultation document. Only platforms that operate meaningful and substantial business in Hong Kong before, are eligible to participate in the transitional arrangement and determine whether a platform will carry out meaningful and substantial business in Hong Kong. When doing business, the CSRC will comprehensively consider whether the platform has business qualifications before, whether it has actual office space and whether the personnel structure is reasonable, etc. 2. Necessary conditions for engaging in virtual currency assets trading in Hong Kong 1. In the licensing system of Hong Kong, there are mainly licensed securities trading categories related to virtual currency assets trading. Companies that have obtained this license are allowed to provide customers with trading and brokerage services for stocks, stock options, creditor's rights mutual funds, and can also provide unit trusts. The purchase and sale service number of fund placement and underwriting securities, license plate securities investment consulting service is mainly to issue research reports and analysis opinions on relevant securities and provide customers with opinions and suggestions on investing in securities. The company that obtains this license can provide customers with the electronic trading platform service number of trading order matching operation. License plate asset management can provide customers with fund management securities and futures contract investment management services in a discretionary manner, including ordinary license plates and can do. Sub-license plate of virtual assets Non-securitized virtual assets exchange license is similar in nature to lightweight license plate, and it can also be used for the business of putting tokens on the shelves. At present, it is a relatively new type of license in Hong Kong. The business scenarios that can be applied are different at most. For example, stable currency needs a number license plate, such as dogecoin, and business needs a trust card, while derivative contracts need a number plate and the above-mentioned virtual assets. For different transactions, if you want to provide virtual asset investment management services, no matter what type of virtual assets you manage, you must apply for a number plate, and institutions with ordinary number plates can only manage investment portfolios with less than the proportion of virtual assets. Only after upgrading virtual assets and obtaining the ninth number plate that can be used as virtual assets can you manage the application process of the portfolio with the proportion of virtual assets. You can also choose to directly apply for a license plate that can be used as a virtual asset, but the requirements of the latter are relatively higher. First of all, you need a licensed person in charge who has managed virtual currency assets. Theoretically, you need two licensed persons in charge. However, because virtual currency assets operate every day and hour, in fact, the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission requires at least three licensed persons in charge, which is equivalent to three shifts. The ordinary licensed person in charge in Hong Kong must have at least years of experience in managing virtual currency assets and meet the requirements of a license plate asset manager. The requirement requires more than years of asset management experience, and if it is found that it has engaged in virtual currency assets business in China after, it cannot be regarded as a qualified licensed person-in-charge. It is precisely because of the above requirements that Hong Kong has a high gold content and a large talent gap, which also increases the cost and difficulty of applying for a virtual asset license plate. At present, it usually takes about months for the CSRC to apply for a common license plate from the early registration to the successful license application, and it will take longer if the company has a large number of shareholders or a complicated structure. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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