一文了解 XION 的协议级抽象:全面简化主流受众眼中的加密世界

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注:原文来源于 XION Blog,由 XION World 整理翻译。


通用抽象是一种独特且包罗万象的基础设施解决方案,旨在消除所有 Web3 用户固有的加密复杂性。这项创新的关键在于 XION 直接在协议级别实现,包括无缝地抽象账户、签名、Gas、互操作性、定价、设备、支付等。换句话说,XION 通过将公链全面抽象,将 Web3 的去中心化和所有权的承诺带给全球主流受众。

XION 的协议级抽象

XION 的创新在于协议级别的抽象,这极大地简化了整个技术堆栈,并具有许多好处。与当前其他公链相比,XION 不仅是一个卓越的解决方案,而且还为适应未来 dApp 创新的灵活性奠定了基础。

在下文中,我们概述了其他公链生态系统中发现的问题,尤其是 EVM 链中的问题,以及 XION 是如何设计来解决这些问题的。

首先,XION 解决了其他 EVM 链中发现的多个碎片化问题。 


首先是堆栈碎片——如上图所示,EVM 链技术堆栈包含许多不同的层。对于 dApp 来说,EVM 链需要 4 个以上的层才能提供与 XION 在基础级别提供的相同功能。

第二个是标准碎片化——这是一个非常“古老”的技术困境。SevenX Ventures 在一篇文章中深入介绍了一个完美的例子,即安全方法与钻石方法(ERC-2535 钻石代理)。此外,在整个技术堆栈中,多家公司在各个层面上展开竞争。这迫使开发人员和用户必须为每个功能选择使用哪个平台。通过协议级标准化,XION 消除了任何的不兼容性。

第三是用户碎片化——由于现有的外部拥有账户(EOA)无法无缝地升级到智能合约账户(SCA),现有 Web3 生态系统面临碎片化问题。同样,XION 的协议级解决方案已经消除了这种情况。

密码学的未来保障:XION 的协议级解决方案与签名曲线无关,使其能够无缝满足许多现有的密码学曲线——以太坊的 Secp256K1、Solana 的 Ed25519、全球标准的 Secp256R1、JWT 的 RS256 等。这显然在互操作性、市场覆盖范围和长期适应性方面比现有的公链解决方案拥有巨大的优势。

此外,XION 的基础设施在易于升级性、成本和安全性方面都具有明显的优势。

可升级性:XION 的协议级解决方案提供的易于升级性为 XION 增强了开发和升级速度。升级其他公链中现有基础设施(尤其是共识层)的最大障碍之一是它会对现有 dApp 产生影响。XION 的实现缓解了这一问题,此外,它还允许当前不使用通用抽象的现有协议将其无缝集成到其堆栈以及任何未来的升级中。

成本:在 EVM 链上部署和交易的成本相当大,通常会阻碍许多潜在采用者。XION 的创新技术堆栈和低费用结构完全消除了这一成本障碍,使其成为开发人员和用户更易于使用且更具成本效益的解决方案。此外,其低廉的费用使开发人员和用户能够执行更多的计算密集型操作。

安全性:XION 的解决方案不会引入备用内存池(与 ERC-4337 不同)。这减轻了其他公链通常面临的与中心化、MEV 捕获、碎片化和审查制度相关的许多风险。将模块化和易于升级性相结合时,XION 提供了上述的开发速度增强,从长远来看,它具有极高的安全性和弹性。

XION 的通用抽象:全面的解决方案

除了上面提到的协议级抽象的好处之外,XION 的通用抽象也是加密行业中唯一全面、包罗万象的解决方案。 

为了有效地解决采用问题,抽象用户进入加密领域后的各个方面势在必行。添加用户使用电子邮件登录的功能可能会简化用户入门流程的一个步骤,但如果用户随后还是需要执行 15 个额外步骤来了解和管理 Gas 费用、获取代币、掌握这些代币的内在价值等,那么入门时的简单性就变得毫无意义了。尽管加密行业为解决采用痛点做出了一些有趣的尝试,但 XION 的协议级抽象,从长远来看更具可持续性、灵活性和可行性。

接下来我们通过七个不同的方面来继续介绍 XION 通用抽象的稳健性,每个方面都解决了特定的行业痛点。

账户抽象:XION 开创了协议级别的模块化账户抽象。

传统钱包导致用户入门率下降 95% 以上。下载插件、忍受复杂的设置、令人困惑的弹出窗口、理解和安全存储种子短语以及应对令人不快的用户体验是非技术用户的主要障碍。解决这个问题的方法是账户抽象和智能合约账户(SCA)。它们不仅允许用户使用熟悉的登录方法(例如电子邮件),而且还解锁其他安全增强功能,例如账户恢复、账户权限等等。除此以外,XION 抽象账户的其余部分仍然不可见。这种设计微妙而有影响力,确保开发人员可以专注于创造价值,而无需对这些账户进行任何特殊考虑。

签名抽象:通过签名抽象,XION 是第一个支持跨所有加密曲线签名的公链。

这一技术突破意味着 XION 可以使用 Apple 的 FaceID、密码、JWT、EVM 曲线、Solana 曲线等来签署交易。此外,当使用 JWT、FaceID、NFC、ZK 等非钱包身份验证器时,不需要可信代理或预言机,因为通信直接针对链进行。这不仅提高了安全性,而且完美契合 Web3 的“去信任”精神。

支付抽象:XION 允许用户直接使用信用卡和借记卡进行链上交易,消除了其他链中常见的交易复杂性。

在传统公链中,使用法定货币在链上购买商品是一项艰巨的任务,通常涉及 15 个以上的步骤,有时需要一周以上的时间才能完成。用户在购买之前必须忍受注册中心化交易所、执行 KYC、等待资金转账、创建钱包、资金跨链、兑换到正确的代币等等的考验。与此相反,XION 允许用户使用银行卡在不到 60 秒的时间内完成从开始到结束的链上交易体验,提供令用户真正熟悉的 Web2 体验。

Gas 抽象:XION 从最终用户的角度完全消除了 Gas 费用的概念。

Gas 费一直是 Web3 新用户面临的最大障碍之一。除了向新用户引入陌生的术语之外,获取必要的 Gas 代币的过程也是用户进入大多数公链生态系统的主要障碍。事实证明,这不仅对最终用户而且对应用程序构建者来说都是一个重大障碍,因为他们背负着 Gas 管理和购买的负担。XION 通过利用其协议级抽象和无 Gas 完全消除了用户进入生态系统的障碍。

互操作性抽象:XION 真正可与所有生态系统互操作,使用户能够一键进行跨链并使用任何代币在 XION 上进行质押。

尤其是在一个充斥着不同公链和代币的行业中,让所有用户都能访问 XION 至关重要。通过其互操作性抽象,XION 使来自任何公链的用户和任何代币持有者都能够在 XION 上进行交易/质押,从而统一所有公链生态系统的流动性。

设备抽象:XION 完全抽象了浏览器钱包或应用程序的概念,使用户能够以多种方式访问其 XION 账户——不论是通过电子邮件、FaceID、密码还是其他方法——为用户提供跨各种设备的强大支持和高效操作。

轻松支持所有设备(尤其是移动设备)的能力真正打开了 Web3 大规模采用的大门。如今,所有数字交互的很大一部分都发生在手机上。然而,当前的手机加密钱包存在安全风险,在不同设备之间不能很好地转换,要求用户不安全地使用助记词切换设备,并且当前应用程序内浏览器的 UI/UX 性能非常低下。XION 的基础设施可确保用户使用任何设备轻松访问账户。此外,它还允许用户将登录与资产分离,为用户与新 dApp 交互创建一个安全的途径,而不会让他们的资产面临风险。本质上,它允许用户随时随地、安全地访问 XION 生态系统。

定价抽象:XION 是第一个在整个生态系统中使用熟悉的法币定价的公链。

鉴于 USDC 是加密原生的,用户不必担心需要规避风险。此外,以法定货币计价的资产消除了价格波动,使许多以前不可能实现的用例成为可能。最后,它使 XION 上的所有资产都能以日常用户熟悉的货币计价。

结语:为 Web3 创造可扩展的未来

通过在其核心引入模块化通用抽象层,XION 率先针对用户采用的关键问题提供了全面的解决方案。在协议层面解决加密技术固有的复杂性时,XION 既简化了技术堆栈,又战略性地将自己定位为未来创新的基础层。其强大的基础设施旨在与所有当前公链进行无缝互操作,并长期适应未来的发展。

XION 的通用抽象为未来面向消费者的应用程序创新铺平了道路。它致力于抽象账户、签名、支付、Gas、互操作性、设备和定价等多方面的方法,让所有用户都能访问 Web3。通过将这些复杂术语封装在统一的协议级抽象层下,XION 显著推动加密行业更接近主流采用。

Note: The original text comes from sorting out and translating what is general abstraction. General abstraction is a unique and all-inclusive infrastructure solution, which aims to eliminate the inherent encryption complexity of all users. The key to this innovation lies in the direct realization at the protocol level, including the seamless abstraction of account signatures, interoperability, pricing, equipment payment, etc. In other words, the decentralization and ownership commitment brought to the global mainstream audience through the comprehensive abstraction of public chains. The innovation of protocol-level abstraction lies in the abstraction at the protocol level. It greatly simplifies the whole technology stack and has many benefits. Compared with other public chains at present, it is not only an excellent solution, but also lays a foundation for adapting to the flexibility of future innovation. In the following, we outline the problems found in other public chain ecosystems, especially in the chain, and how to design and solve these problems. First, we solve many fragmentation problems found in other chains. First, the chain technology stack contains many different layers, as shown in the above figure. It is said that the chain needs more than 10 layers to provide the same functions as those provided at the basic level. The second is standard fragmentation, which is a very old technical dilemma. In an article, a perfect example is introduced in depth, that is, security method and diamond method. In addition, many companies compete at all levels in the whole technology stack, which forces developers and users to choose which platform to use for each function and eliminate any incompatibility through protocol-level standardization. The third is to use. Household fragmentation Because the existing externally owned accounts cannot be seamlessly upgraded to smart contract accounts, the existing ecosystem is facing fragmentation. The same protocol-level solution has eliminated this situation. The protocol-level solution for the future protection of cryptography has nothing to do with the signature curve, so that it can seamlessly meet the global standards of many existing cryptography curves, etc. Obviously, it has a huge interoperability market coverage and long-term adaptability than the existing public chain solution. Advantages In addition, the infrastructure has obvious advantages in terms of easy upgrade, cost and security. The easy upgrade provided by the scalable protocol-level solution enhances the development and upgrade speed. One of the biggest obstacles to upgrading the existing infrastructure in other public chains, especially the consensus layer, is that it will have an impact on the existing implementation and alleviate this problem. In addition, it also allows it to be seamlessly integrated into its stack without using the common abstract existing protocol at present and the cost in any future upgrade. The cost of deployment and transaction on the chain is quite high, which usually hinders the innovative technology stack and low-cost structure of many potential adopters, completely eliminating this cost obstacle and making it a more easy-to-use and cost-effective solution for developers and users. In addition, its low cost enables developers and users to perform more computation-intensive operations. The security solution will not introduce a spare memory pool, which will alleviate the fragmentation and audit of centralized capture that other public chains usually face. Many risks related to the search system provide the above-mentioned development speed enhancement when modularity and easy upgrade are combined. In the long run, it has high security and flexibility. The general abstraction is the only comprehensive solution in the encryption industry besides the benefits of the above-mentioned protocol-level abstraction. In order to effectively solve the adoption problem, it is imperative to abstract all aspects of users after they enter the encryption field. Function may simplify a step of the user's entry process, but if the user still needs to perform an extra step to understand and manage the cost, acquire tokens and master the intrinsic value of these tokens, then the simplicity of entry becomes meaningless. Although the encryption industry has made some interesting attempts to solve the pain point, the protocol-level abstraction is more sustainable, flexible and feasible in the long run. Next, we will continue to introduce the robustness of general abstraction through seven different aspects. Every aspect of sex solves the pain point of a specific industry. Account abstraction creates a modular account abstraction at the protocol level. Traditional wallets lead to a decline in the entry rate of users. The above download plug-ins endure complicated settings, confusing pop-ups to understand and safely store seed phrases, and the main obstacles to deal with unpleasant user experiences. The solutions to this problem are account abstraction and smart contract accounts. They not only allow users to use familiar login methods such as e-mail, but also It also unlocks other security enhancement functions, such as account recovery, account authority, etc. Besides, the rest of the abstract account is still invisible. This design is subtle and influential, ensuring that developers can concentrate on creating value without any special consideration for these accounts. Signature abstraction is the first public chain that supports signing across all encryption curves. This technological breakthrough means that password curves can be used to sign transactions. In addition, when using non-wallet authenticators, etc. There is no need for a trusted agent or a prophetic machine, because the communication is directly directed at the chain, which not only improves the security, but also perfectly fits the spirit of trust payment abstraction, allowing users to directly use credit cards and debit cards to conduct transactions on the chain, eliminating the common transaction complexity in other chains. It is an arduous task to use legal tender in the traditional public chain to buy goods on the chain, which usually involves more than three steps, and sometimes takes more than one week to complete. Users must endure the registration center before purchasing. On the contrary, it allows users to use bank cards to complete the online transaction experience from beginning to end in less than seconds, providing an experience abstraction that users are really familiar with, completely eliminating the concept of fees from the end user's point of view. Fees have always been one of the biggest obstacles faced by new users. In addition to introducing unfamiliar terms to new users, the process of obtaining necessary tokens is also for users to enter the majority. The main obstacle of public chain ecosystem has proved to be a major obstacle not only for end users but also for application builders, because they bear the burden of management and purchase. By using its protocol-level abstraction and incompleteness, the obstacle for users to enter the ecosystem is eliminated. Interoperability abstraction can truly interoperate with all ecosystems, enabling users to cross the chain with one click and pledge any token on the internet, especially in an industry full of different public chains and tokens. It is very important for all users to access it, so that users from any public chain and any token can hold it through its interoperability abstraction. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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