
币圈资讯 阅读:38 2024-04-22 12:16:49 评论:0



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回顾上一轮牛市,自DeFi Summer开始涌现了太多热点项目了。在经历了2021年5月19日的暴跌之后,市场又很快恢复元气,再次冲上高点。直到美联储加息,叠加币圈各大机构暴雷,流动性逐渐流失,市场转入深熊。上一轮牛市的两次高峰可以以519作为分界线,在第一次高峰狂欢落幕之前,Doge是当时最亮眼的项目。许多研究者会把MEME币爆发看作是牛市即将结束的信号,因为此时市场充满躁动不安的投资者,FOMO情绪日常高涨,理性的价值投资判断几乎不复存在,市场泡沫在无限放大。

“Doge to the moon”是Doge社区最广为流传的口号,在519前夕,Doge的市值真的“登上了月球”,此时给Doge价格抬轿助威的大牌是马斯克。马斯克创办了SpaceX,这是一家民营航天制造商和太空运输公司。Doge冲向月球的口号和马斯克、SpaceX在冥冥中产生了极强的关联性,以至于在上一轮牛市中,马斯克的推特言论很大程度上能影响Doge的价格。有趣的是,在市场进入熊市后,SpaceX进行火箭发射试验时,其成功与否,都会影响Doge的价格上下波动。


最近随着美联储停止加息,叠加BTC ETF的一些利好消息,市场爬出了深熊低谷,并基于BTC公链开启了一轮MEME爆发。与研究者经验结论不同的是,这轮加密世界回暖是以MEME起飞为开头。在这一轮爆发中,风头最劲的是Brc-20的MEME,其实Brc-20早在几个月前在UniSat的推动下已经爆火过一次,但又迅速降温,接着市场陷入叙事平淡周期。在该阶段也有一些有趣的铭文协议,比如以太坊上的Ethscriptions,但其并不足以引起整个市场的轰动和FOMO。接着随着前文提到的加息预期不在、BTC ETF消息面以及UniSat的Brc-20 swap功能上线等等综合助力,Brc-20的MEME币ORDI首先领涨,接着整个BTC生态各种铭文协议辈出,如Atomicals协议、Runes协议、Pipe协议等等。热度又迅速烧到以太坊,以太坊烧完,又去了EVM兼容链,比如polygon、Fantom。同时非EVM兼容链如Solana,借着之前币价强势攀升的热度,它的铭文MEME也引起了市场FOMO。


但是说了这么多,作为上一轮牛市的MEME之王,Doge生态最近一阶段在做什么?可以知道,Doge是分叉BTC代码产生的,在技术方面可以说几乎大差不差,所以Doge是很容易移植BTC的一些铭文协议。但似乎,分叉Brc-20标准的Drc-20并没有引起市场的巨大反响,当前的热度远远不如Polygon链的Prc-20。截至笔者写该文时,以Dune搜索相关的dashboard来看,已经有多个监测Prc-20协议的头牌token pols,但搜索Drc-20,却没有相关的dashboard。




当然,除了在铭文领域,Doge生态虽然发力一般,但其他方面的整活,Doge社区还是可圈可点。比如,Doge似乎真的要上月球了。在11月16日,狗狗币官方X上确认,一家机器人公司Astrobotic策划,会将实体Doge放在DHL Moonbox中,由ULA的Vulcan Centaur火箭送向月球,如果这一任务最终成功,“Doge to the moon”将成为现实。



The author talks about what ecology has been doing recently from the moon landing plan. Looking back on the last bull market, too many hot projects have emerged since the beginning. After the plunge on, the market quickly recovered and rushed to the high point again until the Federal Reserve raised interest rates and superimposed the liquidity of major institutions in the currency circle. The market gradually lost and the market turned into a deep bear. The two peaks of the last bull market can be used as a dividing line. Before the end of the first peak carnival, it was the most eye-catching project at that time. Many researchers will regard the currency outbreak as a bull market. The signal of the end is because at this time, the market is full of restless investor sentiment, and the rational value investment judgment is almost gone. The market bubble is infinitely magnified, which is the most widely circulated slogan in the community. The market value on the eve really landed on the moon. At this time, the big name that cheered the price sedan chair was Musk, who founded this is a private space manufacturer and space transportation company. The slogan of Musk rushing to the moon has a strong correlation with Mas in the last round of bull market. The price that Dick's Twitter remarks can affect to a great extent is interesting. When the market enters a bear market and carries out a rocket launch test, whether it succeeds or not will affect the price fluctuation. Aside from Musk's shouting list, how is the ecological development in dogecoin? Recently, with the Fed stopping raising interest rates, the market climbed out of the deep bear trough and started an outbreak based on the public chain. Different from the empirical conclusions of researchers, this round of encrypted world recovery started with take-off, and the limelight was strongest in this round of outbreak. Yes, in fact, as early as a few months ago, under the impetus of the company, it exploded once, but it quickly cooled down, and then the market fell into a narrative cycle. At this stage, there were also some interesting inscription agreements, such as those on the Ethereum, but they were not enough to cause a sensation in the whole market. Then, with the expected interest rate increase mentioned above and the online functions, the coins with comprehensive assistance first led the rise, and then various inscription agreements emerged in large numbers throughout the ecology, such as agreements and agreements, and the heat quickly burned to the Ethereum. After burning, I went to the compatible chain, for example, at the same time, the incompatible chain, for example, because of the heat of the strong rise of the previous currency price, its inscription also caused the market to ignore Musk's call about the ecological development in dogecoin, but after talking so much about what the king of the last bull market was doing in the latest stage, we can know that it was generated by bifurcated code, which can be said to be almost the same in terms of technology, so it is some inscription agreements that are easy to transplant, but it seems that the bifurcated standard has not caused great repercussions in the market. Far less than the chain. As far as the search is concerned, there are already many monitoring protocols, but the search is not related. What about the ecological development of dogecoin? What about the ecological development of dogecoin? Generally speaking, there is almost no interesting narrative in the chain of inscriptions. The model-based inscription innovation mainly focuses on the chain, and the inscription narrative is only bifurcated on this basis and combined with the natural identity for rough publicity. I saw a well-read propaganda article pushing the advantages of its main discussion, but the whole article was almost ambiguous. I only briefly talked about the advantages of the agreement, but I didn't say anything about how to embody it. I said nothing about the development prospects of the agreement, and I could realize decentralized financial activities such as lending, liquidity and mining, but there was no related infrastructure at all, which further reflected that it was unnecessary to talk about technology and narrative based on the chain, because of its foundation. There is no real innovation and natural hard technology, which will make the soft text look nondescript. Of course, except in the field of inscriptions, the whole living community in other aspects is still remarkable. For example, it seems that it is really going to the moon. On April, dogecoin officially confirmed that a robot company planned to send a rocket with an entity in China to the moon. If this task is finally successful, it will become a reality. At the end of the post, it emphasized that the community will invest in 2008. With the help of this, this is a community consensus that is more suitable, that is, more interesting, rather than a higher technical consensus. I believe that after the completion of this task, this will mark an important milestone, and its leading position will be even more unshakable, which will make more people pay attention to or join the community. After all, it is extremely enthusiastic about the whole work in the world. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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