与美司法部和解后 币安的未来及其他问题

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作者:Nikhilesh De,coindesk 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

CZ 和币安是否侥幸逃脱了惩罚?当然,币安确实支付了数十亿美元,并允许美国政府不受限制地查阅其账本,而其创始人兼前首席执行官赵长鹏则可能面临在联邦监狱服刑一年半的可能。但币安交易所仍在运营,而联邦检察官在法庭文件中承认 CZ 仍然拥有大部分资金。



上周二,在长假周末之前,美国司法部、金融犯罪执法网络、外国资产控制办公室和商品期货交易委员会宣布,他们将与币安及其创始人 CZ 达成和解。






一份法庭文件称: “VIP 用户是币安商业模式的重要组成部分,其中很大一部分是美国用户。” “VIP 用户,包括美国境内和境外的用户,在币安的收入和Binance.com交易量中所占的比例非常大。”


文件称:“在相关期间,被告知道美国法律禁止美国人与受美国政府制裁的国家、团体、实体或个人进行某些金融交易。” “被告还知道,它不会阻止受美国制裁的用户与美国用户之间的交易,并且其匹配引擎必然会导致此类交易。”

检察官估计,美国用户在超过 100 万笔交易中交易额接近 9 亿美元。

所有这些都表明,币安将支付大量资金,并任命一些监督员在未来几年内监督其平台。我的同事丹尼尔·库恩(Daniel Kuhn)分析了币安的财务状况(无论如何,我们对币安的了解),并得出结论,从纯粹的美元水平来看,该交易所看起来可以承受 43 亿美元的罚款,特别是考虑到它有几年的时间来还清。


与金融犯罪执法网络 (FinCEN) 的另一项协议称,币安还将任命一名监察员,与财政部监管机构合作。该监察员应在下个月左右任命。虽然同意令描述了如何任命监察员,但拟议的姓名似乎不会公开。


虽然币安不应因支付所欠罚款而遭受太大损失,但其客户对增加的 AML/KYC 流程有何反应,以及币安将应美国政府的要求将其所有账簿提供给美国政府审查这一事实,更多的是一个问题。开放式问题。快速回答可能比较困难。据CoinGecko称,和解协议宣布后,该交易所金库流出了近 10 亿美元,但其 24 小时交易量似乎基本完好无损。

CZ目前也处于一种不确定的状态,至少暂时如此。联邦检察官希望他在美国待到被判刑为止。他的律师表示,他应该能够回到阿拉伯联合酋长国(United Arab Emirates),在那里他与妻子和孩子们生活在一起(并且他是那里的公民)。




Did Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network and Bi 'an get away with it? Of course, Bi 'an did pay billions of dollars and allowed the U.S. government to access its books without restriction, while its founder and former CEO Zhao Changpeng may face the possibility of serving a year and a half in a federal prison, but the Bi 'an Exchange is still operating, and the federal prosecutor admitted in court documents that the more crimes committed, the more fines will be imposed. The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Crime Enforcement Network and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced that they would reach a settlement with Coin Security and its founder. Why is this important? This was the news last week. It seems that there are still some problems to be explored, mainly focusing on the future of Coin Security and encryption ecosystem. A detailed analysis of the US Department of Justice alleged that it blatantly violated US laws and allowed American users on the platform to use it, although it publicly stated that it would not do so, ignoring the anti-money laundering requirements of your customers and doing its best to cover up its position. We already know these allegations about the participation of American customers, but if you are spending a long weekend or something similar, it is important that the information file of the US Department of Justice is not the consent of the indictment, the consent of the statement of facts, and the confession materials may be enough now. A court document says that users are an important part of the business model of Currency Security, and a large part of them are American users, including users inside and outside the United States, in the revenue and transaction volume of Currency Security. The case is very large. Later, the document added that Bi 'an facilitated billions of dollars in transactions for customers without knowing your customers' anti-money laundering protection measures, so it transferred funds to people in sanctioned jurisdictions. The document said that during the relevant period, the defendant knew that American laws prohibited Americans from conducting certain financial transactions with national organizations, entities or individuals sanctioned by the US government, and the defendant also knew that it would not prevent transactions between users sanctioned by the United States and users in the United States, and that the transactions matched the quotations. The engine will inevitably lead to such transactions. Prosecutors estimate that the transaction volume of American users is close to $ billion in more than 10,000 transactions. All these indicate that Bian will pay a lot of money and appoint some supervisors to supervise its platform in the next few years. My colleague Daniel Kuhn analyzed the financial situation of Bian. Anyway, we know about Bian and come to the conclusion that from the pure dollar level, the exchange seems to be able to bear a fine of $ billion, especially considering that it has several years to pay off the supervision. The inspector is also an interesting detail. Qian An agreed to appoint an independent inspector in the settlement with the Ministry of Justice. The inspector will evaluate and supervise the company's compliance with its plea clause, including supervising its various compliance plans. The inspector will evaluate the compliance policy of Qian An and report to the company's leadership, the corporate law enforcement and bank integrity department of the Ministry of Justice and the US Attorney's Office in the Western District of Washington. Another agreement with the financial crime enforcement network is called Qian An. An inspector will also be appointed to cooperate with the regulatory agency of the Ministry of Finance. The inspector should be appointed around next month. Although the consent order describes how to appoint the inspector, the proposed name does not seem to be made public. The press release of the Ministry of Finance is called to ensure that illegal activities are solved. The Ministry of Finance will retain access to the account books, records and systems of Coin Security for five years through the inspector. Although Coin Security should not suffer too much from paying the fines owed, how will its customers react to the increased process and Coin Security will respond to the US government. The fact that the government asked to provide all its account books to the US government for review is more of a question. It may be difficult to answer open-ended questions quickly. It is said that after the announcement of the settlement agreement, nearly 100 million dollars have flowed out of the vault of the exchange, but its hourly trading volume seems to be basically intact, and it is also in an uncertain state at present, at least temporarily. The federal prosecutor hopes that he will stay in the United States until he is sentenced. His lawyer said that he should be able to return to the United Arab Emirates where he and his wife and children are. The argument that children live together and he is a citizen there basically boils down to the issue of trust. The prosecutor doesn't seem to believe that if he is allowed to leave the United States, he will really come back. At present, he will temporarily stay in the United States until the judge in charge of the case makes a final decision. However, in the course of this back-and-forth confrontation, the United States has made an obvious but still convincing admission that they think that the fine paid is relatively small compared with the crimes they accuse him of. The government believes that most of the wealth is overseas. It is believed that Zhao Changpeng has hundreds of millions of dollars of disposable cryptocurrency, and Zhao Changpeng can live on these wealth indefinitely in the United 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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