LD Capital:港股何时启动反弹?

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作者:Lisa,LD Capital




LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?




LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?






LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?



LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

出于长债拍卖结果不理想和四季度美国财政赤字可能阶段性改善等原因,美国财政部在四季度再融资会议中放缓了美债发行节奏。财政部基于美国国债借贷咨询委员会(TBAC,Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee )建议的四季度净发债规模为7760亿美元,较8月再融资会议中的预计规模下降760亿美元,剔除美联储的1710亿美元净赎回额后,四季度实际净发行预计降至6050亿美元。11月1日消息公布后,市场反应积极,10年期美债收益率下行明显。但11月国债拍卖实际情况依然体现出需求不足,财政压力仍未完全缓解。长债拍卖投标覆盖率(Bid-to-cover ratio)同步下行,3年、10年、20年和30年期美债拍卖最高利率(high yield)均高过当天市场利率(when-issued yield)。

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?



LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?



LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?



LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


(1)11月17日,中国人民银行、金融监管总局、中国证监会联合召开金融机构座谈会,提出1、“三个不低于”,即各银行房地产贷款增速不低于银行平均增速,对非国有房企对公贷款增速不低于本行房地产增速,对非国有房企个人按揭增速不低于本行按揭增速。2、监管机构正在起草一份或含50家国有和民营房企的白名单,在列企业将获得包括信货、债权和股权融资等多方面支持,名单较年初范围有所扩大;3、拟修改开发贷、经营性物业贷、个人住房贷款办法等。(2)11月22日深圳官宣二套住房个人住房贷款最低首付款比例由原来的普通住房 70%、非普通住房80%统一调整为40%,并放宽普通住宅标准。(3)人民银行11月27日发布的2023年第三季度中国货币政策执行报告指出,完善房地产金融宏观审慎管理,一视同仁满足不同所有制房地产企业合理融资需求,对正常经营的房地产企业不惜贷、抽贷、断贷。


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?




LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?

LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?


LD Capital宏观时评:港股何时启动反弹?



Against the background that the Federal Reserve stopped raising interest rates, and the major regional funds in the world have all reduced their allocation to Chinese stocks, and the domestic stimulus policies have been introduced, the Hang Seng Index still shows no signs of foreign capital return. Judging from the historical situation, fundamental factors are still the key to the direction of leading funds. Looking back on the trend of Hong Kong stocks in the past decade, the Hang Seng Index experienced two major rising markets from September to June and from September to June. When did Hong Kong stocks start to rebound? The first rising market was at the time of the Federal Reserve. However, the Hong Kong stock market has not been restricted by the external liquidity contraction. The reason for the continuous rise is that the supply-side reform and shed reform promoted by the central government in 2000 promoted the opening of the domestic investment and real estate cycle, driving the strong growth of the domestic economy. From this wave of market, we can see that the core factor that dominates the performance of the Hong Kong stock market is internal growth rather than external environment. When did Hong Kong stocks start to rebound? In the context of the global COVID-19 epidemic, the central government issued a trillion yuan of resistance. At the same time, the epidemic caused relatively little disturbance to the domestic supply chain, and the external demand and export increased, and the economy achieved rapid recovery. The stock market performed strongly in recent years. The Hang Seng Index rebounded first and then fell, benefiting from the economic recovery expectation after the China epidemic was released and the marginal loosening of the Federal Reserve market bottomed out since June. The Hang Seng Index continued to rise from the point on June to the highest point on June, and then the market rebounded due to factors such as domestic growth being less than expected and US inflation still being sticky. Momentum Hong Kong stocks have been underperforming at the bottom of global performance this year. The major indexes in the world, including stocks and rising stocks, are particularly weak compared with the Nasdaq and Nikkei. The main reason lies in the withdrawal of foreign capital and concerns about the repair of domestic growth. Macroscopically, when will Hong Kong stocks start to rebound? The P/E ratio of Hong Kong stocks has shrunk to times below the long-term average multiple standard deviation. Macroscopically, when will Hong Kong stocks start to rebound? Second, the external environment is more vulnerable because of the open financial market. The influence of the external environment, the Fed's monetary policy affects the Hong Kong stock market through liquidity and valuation, especially the growth sector represented by the Internet, technology, biomedicine and other industries. In addition, the Fed suspended interest rate hikes again in January, and the weak performance of monthly economic data and the slow pace of fiscal bond issuance triggered widespread optimism in the market. It is expected that the interest rate of US bonds will fall rapidly from the high level in the middle of the month, and it will continue to fall as low as expected to the whole and core around the month. The main reason for the year-on-year decline in the United States is the price of energy and used cars. Decline with the concern about the impact of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the crude oil market, ease the decline of crude oil prices. Macro-commentary on when Hong Kong stocks started to rebound. Macro-commentary on when Hong Kong stocks started to rebound. The unemployment rate rose slightly. The US Department of Labor announced the increase of non-agricultural employment of 10,000 people in the United States in October, which was only half of the previous value. The unemployment rate rose slightly to 10,000 people in non-agricultural employment in the United States. Macro-commentary on Hong Kong stocks? When did Hong Kong stocks rebound? When did Hong Kong stocks rebound? Both manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries in the United States fell back, respectively. The manufacturing industry fell back to the contraction zone, and the service industry rose slightly. When did Hong Kong stocks rebound? When did Hong Kong stocks rebound? Due to the unsatisfactory results of long-term debt auction and the possible gradual improvement of the US fiscal deficit in the fourth quarter, the US Treasury slowed down the pace of US debt issuance in the fourth quarter refinancing meeting. The Ministry of Finance borrowed based on US Treasury bonds. The scale of net bond issuance recommended by the Advisory Committee in the fourth quarter is $ billion, which is $ billion lower than the expected scale in the monthly refinancing meeting. After excluding the net redemption amount of $ billion from the Federal Reserve, the actual net issuance in the fourth quarter is expected to drop to $ billion. After the announcement of the news on January, the market responded positively, and the yield of one-year US treasury bonds declined obviously. However, the actual situation of the monthly treasury bond auction still shows insufficient demand, and the financial pressure has not been completely alleviated. The bidding coverage rate of the long-term bond auction has declined simultaneously. The highest interest rates of the annual and annual US treasury bond auctions are higher than Macro-time comment on market interest rate when Hong Kong stocks start to rebound Macro-time comment on when Hong Kong stocks start to rebound Source: Bloomberg Information The slowdown of inflation and the partial easing of concerns about fiscal expansion make the market think that there is a high probability of stopping raising interest rates in a month. The current interest rate futures imply that the probability of not raising interest rates in a month is to look forward. The downward trend of US bond interest rates is the trend of the times or in a step-by-step decline. Macro-time comment on when Hong Kong stocks start to rebound. Flat shows that the overall momentum of domestic inflation rebound is weak. On April, the National Bureau of Statistics released the annual and monthly price data. The national consumer price dropped year-on-year and month-on-month. The decline was mainly affected by the decline in food prices, mainly pork and post-holiday consumer demand. The decline in livestock meat prices was about percentage points, of which the decline in pork prices was about percentage points, the decline in egg prices was about percentage points, and the decline in fresh vegetable prices was about percentage points. When did Hong Kong stocks start to rebound? The ex-factory prices of industrial producers nationwide fell year-on-year in January, which was flat compared with the previous month. The decline in the prices of production materials affected the overall level of ex-factory prices of industrial producers by about percentage points, including the decline in the prices of mining industries, raw materials, processing industries and means of subsistence, which affected the overall level of ex-factory prices of industrial producers by about percentage points, including the decline in the prices of food, clothing and general daily necessities. Rising prices of durable consumer goods decreased. Compared with the previous month, the rising prices of means of production affected the total ex-factory price of industrial producers by about percentage points, among which the rising prices of mining industry, raw materials, processing industry and means of subsistence affected the total ex-factory price of industrial producers by about percentage points. Among them, the falling prices of food, clothing and general commodities were flat, while the falling prices of durable consumer goods were flat. At the end of the year, the stock of social financing scale was trillion yuan, which increased year-on-year. Among them, the financing demand of residents and enterprises was weak, and the growth of social financing mainly came from the financing of government departments, and the trillion yuan of new financing of government bonds accounted for trillion yuan of the total amount of new social financing. Most of the other sub-items fell back, and the growth rate of RMB loan balance was the same as that at the end of last month, which was 1 percentage point lower than that at the same period of last year. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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