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曾听一位阿根廷朋友聊起他用Crypto支付自己的诊所费用,为Spotify续费,在超市购物,这是我无法想象的场景,为了从更多视角理解世界,此次我在 ZuConnect 期间采访了来自7个国家和地区的居民,试图从支付金融的角度探索Crypto的作用空间,探索crypto的采用如何影响本地生活。

图:2023年crypto的采用率,尼日利亚、越南、土耳其、阿根廷分别居第2,第3,第12和第15 来源:chainalysis

1. 土耳其 - 52%的土耳其成年人投资于 Crypto,金融自由,监管宽松



crypto投资门槛低:土耳其本地持牌交易所(binance tr & coin tr) 可直接出入金到银行账户,甚至线下门店出入现金(美元/里拉/欧元),闹市就有很多法币买卖crypto的门店,实时价格如弹幕一般闪烁。这些出入金门店皆为合法经营,需向政府纳税。但crypto支付违法,毕竟商家每年报税,所得税是核心财政收入。

外汇自由流动:个人则没有换汇限制,Corporates have the upper limit at 800,000 USD,遍地都是换汇门店,且无需KYC,因此土耳其人很容易持有美元和欧元来储蓄。

图:USDT/TL 的交易量,远超过其他 Emerging Market 的货币。

2021年里拉兑美元汇率崩盘,USDT/TL甚至一度超过了 USDT/USD 的交易量。

图: 2021年11月里拉对美元的汇率崩盘,每日 crypto 交易量接近每日土耳其外汇交易量的一半

跨境汇款: 本地paypal自2016年因无法满足当地监管起不可用,一般用wise或者west union。

卡作为主流支付手段:土耳其借记卡、信用卡的使用十分普及。根据土耳其银行间银行卡中心(BKM)数据,2021年土耳其信用卡和银行借记卡数量总额2.91亿张,其中1.5亿张借记卡,8380万张信用卡。2021年土耳其在银行卡总数方面居于欧洲领先位置。2021年使用信用卡和银行借记卡支付的交易总额达到1. 71万亿里拉。




案例: 银行系统之外的支付产品——papara

图:Papara 存在于银行系统外,Papara Card提供银行卡体验

图:papara产品功能 收发货币,付账单,支付订阅费用一应俱全 来源:https://www.papara.com/en


图:土耳其公开政务平台 来源:https://www.turkiye.gov.tr/

出入金通道顺畅:持牌交易所binance TR和coinTR可直接出金到各银行账户,手续费仅3TL。


截止2022.10,大约有 8M人积极投资加密货币。如果算上直系亲属,则人数约为 14M



  • 土耳其持牌交易所,支持银行卡出入金

    • binance TR

    • coinTR

  • 土耳其本地常用交易所:当地交易所Paribu 和 Btctürk 都有超过6M以上的当地注册用户

    • https://www.btcturk.com/

    • https://www.paribu.com/https://ventures.paribu.com/

    • https://www.bilira.co/


值得一提的是交易所中的国企——CoinTR。CoinTR 已与土耳其两家国家银行 Zirrat Bank 和 Vakif Bank 合作开通了法币出入金通道。它更像是一家由监管部门、传统银行机构和国际技术团队联合成立的公司,从成立伊始就尝试解决土耳其所面临的汇率和美元储备问题。

2.阿根廷 - 25%的阿根廷成年人频繁交易Crypto,并将其作为日常支付货币


拉丁美洲人民需要解决通货膨胀、汇款、价值保护和储蓄等问题,他们享受到Crypto的福利,也成为了crypto最热情的支持者。在阿根廷已经成为主流,大约 500 万人(总人口 4580 万)使用它。


通货膨胀:2023 年 10 月份阿根廷的通货膨胀率飙升至 121%,而这样的通货膨胀已经持续了多年。


对美元的渴望和外汇管制滋生了黑市,2023年,阿根廷对美元的渴望推动黑市汇率飙升了近600倍。买不到美元的时候,人们会寻求替代方案,即crypto。这样的金融环境,催生了阿根廷人对投资、抗通胀、金融自由的需求——阿根廷大约有 25% 的成年人持有crypto。

Crypto采用率:根据 Americas Market Intelligence 数据,阿根廷的加密货币采用率在以较快的速度增长,2021 年底只有 12% 的阿根廷智能手机用户购买了加密货币,而到了 2022 年 4 月这个数字已经增长到了 51%,此外更有高达 27% 的阿根廷消费者声称正在定期购买加密货币。


  • Binance

  • Bybit

  • eToro

  • OKX

  • Gate.io

图:binance 广告 —— 阿根廷商人通过币安 P2P 为拉丁美洲的金融自由做出贡献


阿根廷大约有50% gig economy,有大量跨境收款的需求。阿根廷和北美同时区,教育水平在拉美名列前茅,阿根廷人有充分的时空条件向北美公司输出研发类劳务。



  • 日常生活:25%的阿根廷人频繁使用crypto日常消费,储值。普通的家庭主妇都可以熟练使用加密货币进行日常购物,向诊所付费等。

  • AMI的数据显示,阿根廷是加密借记卡和信用卡的重要市场。例如,万事达卡和币安加密交易所决定在全国范围内共同推出预付费加密借记卡。万事达卡的统计数据中至少51%的拉丁美洲人使用加密货币进行购物。而且在2021年至2022年期间,拉丁美洲的总加密货币流入量超过5620亿美元,比2020年增长40%。

图:在过去的一年半时间内,诸如 Lemon、Buenbit 和 Belo 等几家当地交易所发行的借记卡数量飞速增长

  • 储值投资 : 根据AMI的调查数据,超过50%的阿根廷人购买加密资产作为类似于黄金等资产的“通胀对冲”。

  • 汇款 : 世界银行的数据显示,阿根廷每年收到约6.5亿美元的汇款。Chainalysis发现,越来越多的拉丁美洲移民使用比特币汇款向本国的家人。现在阿根廷可以在Strike等应用上访问比特币闪电网络,更多的阿根廷移民开始享受加密货币跨境交易的好处。

案例:Crypto支付应用 belo——为阿根廷居民提供储值、实现金融自由的工具。

belo是阿根廷本地支付app,结合了web2 + web3的优势,整合了银行系统, 金融科技, Crypto支付。收款端能实现无审核的跨境收款,能够快速、安全地转移资金。付款端能实现付款人直接花Crypto,收款人收法币的体验,等同于借记卡。但开通belo账户需要阿根廷身份证/护照。

图:belo——为阿根廷居民提供储值、实现金融自由的工具 来源:belo.app


  1. 卡支付:付款人直接花u,收款人收法币的体验。c端用户可以花任何crypto(btc eth usdt),然后以debit card的形式支付法币(阿根廷比索),获得和mastercard一样的体验,且每次消费向c端返现2%。

  2. 日常消费支付功能众多且非常本地化,例如电话充值、公用事业支付、金融保险支付、基本服务支付、购物服务、餐饮服务、电信服务(支持4个电信运营商)等等。还可创建无限多张虚拟卡,类似wise,每张虚拟卡可设置每日消费上限,用于支付各种订阅服务。


1.转入 Payoneer 余额

将 Payoneer(拉美在线支付公司)中的余额转移到 belo,无延迟。资金在存入时会按当前汇率自动转换为 USDC,以便进行存储、兑换成其他加密货币或与Belo Mastercard一起使用。存入资金需收取4% 的佣金,最低金额为 5 美元,每天最多可提款 5 次,金额为 5,000 美元。


belo 支持SEPA 转账接收欧元付款。将来还可通过 SWIFT 和 ACH 转账接收美元付款。

来自国外的收款收取1.5% 的佣金,并需要 1 至 4 个工作日才能到账。余额会按当前汇率自动转换为 USDC ,还可以将其兑换成其他Crypto,使用阿根廷发行的 DNI 创建账户,则可以将其与Belo Mastercard一起使用。


图:belo 支持 SEPA 转账接收欧元付款,转入 Payoneer 余额和直接充币 来源:help.belo.app


  1. 对用户日常需求的洞察深,且非常精细化。就像PG所说,看起来平滑之处,放大一万倍也还有缝隙,这些缝隙就是产品优化之处,例如,将比索余额自动换成稳定币,可选转化周期(每天、每周、每月)。

  2. 打通web2 + web3账户体系:用u向本地银行、金融科技(Payoneer), crypto 等七八种账户体系转账,且实现法币和Crypto之间的无缝连接, 需要非常强的本地关系和资源整合

3.非洲 - 地域差距大,市场割裂,Crypto监管模糊,有限基建总有解




mobile money是撒哈拉以南地区普惠金融的重要推动者。通过移动支付、储蓄和借贷推动账户普及率。

mobile money账户普及率。 mobile money账户所有者也不仅仅像这些产品最初设计的那样,使用他们的账户进行P2P支付。2021 年,撒哈拉以南非洲地区约四分之三的移动账户所有者使用其mobile money账户进行或接收至少一笔非个人对个人的付款。 

mobile money账户也已成为撒哈拉以南非洲地区的一种重要储蓄方式,该地区15% 的成年人(以及 39% 的mobile money账户持有者)使用mobile money账户进行储蓄,这一比例与使用银行或其他机构的正式账户相同。

mobile money作为金融机构的基础设施。撒哈拉以南非洲地区 7% 的成年人也使用mobile money账户借款。

图:世界银行 2021 年全球金融指数发现,撒哈拉以南非洲地区 55% 的成年人拥有账户,其中 33% 的成年人拥有mobile money账户

来源:The Global Findex Database 2021

mobile money技术实现:USSD

USSD对基础设施的要求极低,mobile money在非洲成为一种非常强大的支付方式。USSD技术: 用户能够使用自己的电话号码创建移动钱包,以电子方式存储资金,并直接在手机上进行资金转账、账单支付、话费充值和向商家付款。在全球范围内均可访问和使用,无需互联网连接,能够满足所有类型的消费者的需求。

图:USSD技术: 用户能够使用自己的电话号码创建移动钱包,以电子方式存储资金,



图:USSD 用户流程


尼日利亚 - 25% 的尼日利亚人持有Crypto,无门槛金融服务的另一种解法



来源:The Global Findex Database 2021

图:尼日利亚的加密货币采用率同比增长 9%。


监管仍严格,绝大多数地区禁止使用crypto支付,binance c2c 是最常用的出入金通道。

4.越南 - 拥有16M Crypto持有者, 经济增长动力充足, 人口结构年轻


越南的crypto使用和监管情况和中国很像,绝大多数人持有crypto是投机目的,多用中心化交易所炒币,KOL带单常见。此外,越南 crypto adoption非常高,这增加了越南市场对全球项目的吸引力。


通货膨胀:越南盾(VND)4-7%的通胀率基本能被银行存款 6-7%的利息对冲掉




从人口结构来看,越南是世界上最年轻的国家之一,30%的人口年龄在25岁以下。越南的年轻人(10-24岁)占总人口的21%,即2040万人。这一人口窗口预计将持续到 2039 年。



越南拥有超过 1660 万crypto持有者,使其成为拥有最多crypto投资者的第二个东南亚国家。这些投资者中约 31% 持有比特币,约占越南总人口的 17%。持有crypto的动机多为投机,因此有非常多本地crypto trader KOL。

越南有大约 200 个活跃的区块链项目,主要是 DeFi、NFT、基础设施和 GameFi板块。著名的项目有 Axie Infinity、Kyber Network、Coin98。



  • MoMo (digital wallet) 数字钱包 MoMo,越南最受欢迎的电子钱包,拥有 2,000 万用户,在移动钱包领域处于领先地位,其次是Mocan 和 Zalo Pay。

  • 在越南,信用卡仍然是主要的在线支付方式,占据 31% 的市场份额。

5.瑞士 - 楚格,作为Crypto Valley 的实验地

瑞士有crypto valley之称,主要是历史沿革,以太坊基金会在瑞士注册。楚格也是crypto支付的试点城市。然而楚格这样的低税富裕地区并不需要crypto作为金融基础设施的补充,设置crypto支付特区更多的是实验性质。


总结:Crypto的两极 发达地区的炒作对象 vs Emerging地区的金融盗火者



  • 土耳其银行系统发达、金融自由程度较高,且有crypto支付禁令悬在头顶,并不适合发展crypto支付;越南有良好的crypto生态,但持有crypto投机目的偏多;

  • 非洲缺乏金融基础设施,开银行账户难,货币弱势,对稳定的币种和跨境汇款有很强的需求,但正是基础设施的匮乏和监管令许多crypto wallet项目折戟;

  • 瑞士楚格这样的低税富裕地区并不需要crypto作为金融基础设施的补充,设置crypto支付特区更多的是实验性质。

此外,Crypto 以及 papara, mobile money之类的金融科技产品 可帮助用户无门槛获得金融账户。

据世界银行2021年的数据,14 亿无银行账户的成年人认为,缺钱、距离最近的金融机构较远以及证件不足是他们没有账户的主要原因。这可以通过一些技术方案和金融监管政策解决,参考在非洲普及的mobile money的技术经验;也可以通过直接使用无许可的Crypto账户,以增加人群的账户普及率。

图:2021年 各国无银行账户人口比例

来源:The Global Findex Database 2021


“Living in China, the US, Japan, and Korea, you don’t really need Crypto. They hold crypto to speculate.

People in Africa and Argentina need Crypto to live.”

“People don't care about self-custodial, they don't give you a shxx

People care about how to transfer money across borders easily.”


The author presents two faces in different regions. It is the object of speculation in developed regions and the financial thief in the region. When a country's economy is facing collapse, Bitcoin stable currency will take the opportunity to popularize Ukraine, Turkey and Argentina. Turkey lira Argentine peso and Nantes, South Africa, may be the three weak currencies in the world in the past year. In areas where the French currency is weak, there are foreign exchange controls, and the mainstream currencies such as the US dollar and the euro are not liquid, there is soil to provide stored value for local residents to realize financial self-reliance. I once heard an Argentine friend talk about his shopping in the supermarket by paying for his own clinic fees. This is a scene I can't imagine. In order to understand the world from more perspectives, I interviewed residents from 20 countries and regions during this period, trying to explore the role of space exploration from the perspective of payment finance. How does the adoption of local life picture affect the adoption rate of Nigeria, Vietnam, Turkey and Argentina? Turkish adults from Turkey ranked first and first respectively invested in financial freedom supervision. Overview of loose management Inflation is as high as no foreign exchange control, lira is free to buy and sell dollars and euros, and the banking system is highly developed, and it is easy to open an account. This is Turkey's financial conditions and regulatory conditions, and the investment threshold is low. Local licensed exchanges in Turkey can directly deposit and withdraw money into bank accounts and even offline stores, and there are many shops that buy and sell dollars and lira euros in downtown areas. The real-time price flashes like a barrage. These shops that deposit and withdraw gold are all legal operations, but the payment is illegal. After all, every year, businesses. Tax returns and income tax are the core fiscal revenue, and foreign exchange flows freely. Individuals have no restrictions on foreign exchange. There are exchange shops everywhere, so it is easy for Turks to hold US dollars and euros to save. The transaction volume far exceeds that of other currencies, and the exchange rate of lira against the US dollar has collapsed or even exceeded for a time. The daily transaction volume of lira against the US dollar is close to half of the daily Turkish foreign exchange transaction volume. Local cross-border remittances cannot be used for general use or cards since. As the mainstream means of payment, Turkish debit cards are widely used. According to the data of the Turkish Interbank Bank Card Center, the total number of Turkish credit cards and bank debit cards is billion, of which 100 million credit cards are in the leading position in Europe. The total amount of transactions paid by credit cards and bank debit cards reaches trillion lira in 2000. The banking industry in Turkey is far more developed than that of many commercial banks in Europe, and most of them can realize Alipay-level experience payments. Financial technology supervision is loose. Even with a developed banking system, the proportion of people without bank accounts in Turkey is still as high as a payment product outside the banking system. Users only need Turkey's local mobile phone number and no ID card transfer fee and cooperative issuance of physical cards. In addition to a certain degree of financial freedom unique to decentralized wallets under the supervision of the Turkish central bank and the convenience of card payment, the payment product map outside the banking system provides the function of bank card experience map products. Sending and receiving money, paying bills and paying subscription fees are all available. Population information, household registration and digital government affairs are extremely high. Residents can do all government affairs at home, pay fines, file tax returns and apply for passports. Students are reading the proof map. The source of Turkey's open government affairs platform is smooth, and the licensed exchange can directly withdraw money to various bank accounts. Only the adoption rate is closed. Some people actively invest in cryptocurrency. If immediate family members are included, the number of people is about the source of Turkey's exchange. Turkey's licensed exchange supports bank cards. The local commonly used exchanges in Turkey, the local exchanges and the local registered users all have more than one figure. The source of trademarks can be seen everywhere at Istanbul Airport. It is worth mentioning that the state-owned enterprises in the exchanges have cooperated with two national banks and banks in Turkey to open a channel for the entry and exit of French currency. It is more like a company jointly established by the regulatory authorities, traditional banking institutions and international technical teams, trying to solve the exchange rate and dollar reserve problems faced by Turkey from the very beginning. Day trading, an adult, used it as a daily payment currency. The Latin American people need to solve the problems of inflation, remittance value protection and savings, and the benefits they enjoy have also become the most enthusiastic supporters. About 10,000 people have become the mainstream in Argentina, and the total population has used it. When the Argentine peso is facing inflation, the transaction volume soars. The source of inflation is that the inflation rate in Argentina has soared to, and such inflation has been going on for many years. The foreign exchange control of the Argentine central bank is short. Lack of foreign exchange control to prevent capital from fleeing Argentina's central bank stipulates that exporters must remit the profits from overseas sales to domestic institutions and banks within days before they can buy dollars in the foreign exchange market. Argentine citizens' monthly purchase quota of dollars should not exceed 10,000 dollars. The desire for dollars and foreign exchange control breed a black market. In 2000, Argentina's desire for dollars pushed the black market exchange rate to nearly triple. When people can't buy dollars, they will seek alternatives, that is, this financial environment has given birth to Argentine investment. According to the data, the adoption rate of cryptocurrency in Argentina is increasing at a relatively fast rate. At the end of the year, only Argentine smartphone users bought cryptocurrency, and by June, this number has increased to as high as in addition, Argentine consumers claim to be buying cryptocurrency regularly. Argentine local exchanges advertise that Argentine businessmen contribute to financial freedom in Latin America through currency security, economic structure and geography. Factors Argentina has a large demand for cross-border collection. The education level of Argentina and North America is among the highest in Latin America at the same time. Argentines have sufficient time and space conditions to export R&D services to North American companies and enter the daily life of Argentines. According to statistics, Argentines hold data such as investment, anti-inflation and financial freedom. Argentines frequently use the stored value of daily consumption. Ordinary housewives can skillfully use encrypted currency for daily shopping and pay for clinics. It shows that Argentina is an important market for encrypted debit cards and credit cards. For example, MasterCard and Coin Security Encryption Exchange decided to jointly launch prepaid encrypted debit cards nationwide. According to the statistics of MasterCard, at least Latin Americans used encrypted currency for shopping, and the total inflow of encrypted currency in Latin America exceeded US$ 100 million in the period from to. The annual growth chart shows that the number of debit cards issued by several local exchanges, such as Hehe, has increased rapidly in the past year and a half. According to the survey data, more Argentines bought encrypted assets as inflation hedging remittances similar to assets such as gold. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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