
币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 12:08:47 评论:0



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作者:Edward McGee;编译:比推BitpushNews Mary Liu

Grayscale,我们认为美国监管机构批准现货比特币 ETF 是“何时”的问题,而不是“是否”的问题。

我们仍然专注于将 GBTC 作为现货比特币 ETF 在 NYSE Arca 上市。 虽然时间表本质上是不确定的,但展望未来,我们与 Grayscale 首席法务官 Craig Salm 和首席财务官 Edward McGee 进行了座谈,回答投资者和其他市场参与者关于 GBTC 等产品在证券交易所上市的流程和影响的一些常见问题,包括 GBTC 在 NYSE Arca 上架的流程,以及 GBTC 作为 ETF 交易对投资者意味着什么。

问:首先,能给我们概述一下 ETF 的一般运作方式吗?

答:ETF 是一种投资产品,其股票在国家证券交易所(例如 NYSE Arca、纳斯达克或 CBOE)进行交易。 ETF 能够同时进行股份增持和赎回,旨在让 ETF 的股份按照其标的资产或持有的价值(通常称为资产净值或NAV)进行交易

被称为授权参与者 (AP) 的市场参与者(主要是经纪交易商,例如持有某些注册资质的银行或交易公司),当其股票交易价格高于 ETF 资产净值时,被激励创建 ETF 股票,或者当其股票交易价格低于 ETF 资产净值时,被激励赎回 ETF 股票。

AP 通常是唯一可以与 ETF 进行此类交易的市场参与者。 这些创建和赎回交易使 AP 有机会通过这种套利机制赚取利润,这是确保 ETF 跟踪其基础资产价值的激励措施。 密切跟踪其资产净值的 ETF 还可以激励非 AP 的经纪商和投资者在公开市场上买卖股票,而无需创建或赎回股票。 ETF 份额的流动性越高,或者自由获取和交易量越高,对创设和赎回交易的依赖就越少。

问:GBTC 如今如何运作?

答:GBTC 是一家投资信托公司,拥有目前流通的比特币总量的 3% 以上。 截至 2023 年 11 月 29 日,每股 GBTC 由 0.0008968 BTC支持。 GBTC 除了比特币之外不拥有任何东西,GBTC 也不使用杠杆或使用比特币期货合约等衍生品,底层的比特币代币保存在安全的离线存储中。 Grayscale 负责监督 GBTC 的日常管理,包括管理托管关系、与监管机构的沟通、税务报告、财务报表以及公开交易投资工具的其他要求。

GBTC 股票历来是通过私募流程发行的,根据 1933 年《证券法》,该流程无需注册,因此此类股票最初仅向合格投资者开放,并须遵守第 144 条规定的持有期,GBTC 股票也不可赎回。 为了提供流动性,GBTC 于 2015 年中期在 OTCQX 市场获得公开报价。 从那时起,任何能够进入公开市场的投资者都可以买卖可自由交易的 GBTC 股票,从而使他们能够在投资账户中增加对比特币的投资。

然而,由于第 144 条规,新创建的股票必须经过持有期,如果 GBTC 股票在 OTCQX 上的交易价格高于 GBTC 的资产净值,AP 就无法创建更多股票以立即将其添加到市场并根据 GBTC 的资产净值重新调整价格 。 相反,由于 GBTC 也不提供赎回计划,如果 GBTC 股票的交易价格低于 GBTC 的资产净值,AP 无法赎回股票以将其从市场上移除并根据 GBTC 的资产净值重新调整价格。 因此,GBTC 无法依赖前面描述的 ETF 固有的套利机制。 GBTC 股票可以而且已经以相对资产净值的溢价和折价进行交易。


重要的是,在 ETF 模式中,GBTC 的股票预计将更紧密地跟踪比特币的价格,这意味着 GBTC 股价的任何溢价或折价预计都会消失。 截至 2023 年 11 月 29 日,GBTC 的资产管理规模为234亿美元,其交易折扣为8.09%,即 18.9亿美元。 这意味着,假设当前折扣消失,GBTC 在 NYSE Arca 上市并成为 ETF 后,将通过套利机制为投资者释放约 18.9亿美元的价值。

问: 如果 SEC 给予适当的监管批准以允许现货比特币 ETF 进入美国市场,GBTC 会发生什么?

答:GBTC 股票的创建将根据 1933 年证券法通过 S-3 表格上的注册声明在 SEC 注册。 GBTC 股票的赎回预计将根据 SEC 之前针对具有类似特征的产品授予的 M 条例豁免进行。 这将为 GBTC 提供同时创建和赎回的必要批准,以便在 GBTC 股价与 GBTC 资产净值之间存在任何溢价或折扣时提供套利机会,从而使 GBTC 能够更密切地跟踪其基础资产比特币的价值。 一旦 SEC 批准 NYSE Arca 的 19b-4 规则申请,GBTC 也将从 OTCQX 升级到 NYSE Arca。

GBTC 早已做好了作为 ETF 运作的准备。 在获得适当的监管批准后,Grayscale 将立即与我们的合作伙伴合作,将 GBTC 上架至 NYSE Arca。

问:如果 SEC 批准现货比特币 ETF,并允许 GBTC 在 NYSE Arca 上市,GBTC 投资者必须做什么?

答:GBTC 投资者不必采取任何行动。 当投资者在 NYSE Arca 上市后查看其持有的 GBTC 股票时,他们只会看到这些股票在 NYSE Arca 上市,而不是在 OTCQX 报价。 GBTC 将保留相同的股票代码 (GBTC) 和相同的 CUSIP,投资者将继续能够以公开市场价格买卖 GBTC 股票。

问:当 GBTC 升级到 NYSE Arca 时,我应该了解哪些税务影响?

答:不会。GBTC 在 NYSE Arca 的上市不会构成应税事件。

问:GBTC 何时获准登陆 NYSE Arca 是否有时间表?

答:不幸的是,没有。 尽管 DC 巡回法院在 2023 年 8 月针对 SEC 的诉讼中做出了有利于 Grayscale 的裁决,从而撤销了 SEC 拒绝 NYSE 将 GBTC 上架至 NYSE Arca 的 19b-4 申请的决定。 这是前所未有的情况,时间表本质上是不确定的。 Grayscale 团队致力于与 SEC 进行建设性合作,将 GBTC 提升至 NYSE Arca,并将在获得更多信息时继续及时分享更新。

The author's compilation is based on the fact that we think it is a question of when the US regulatory authorities approve the spot bitcoin, not whether it is. We are still focused on listing it as a spot bitcoin. Although the timetable is essentially uncertain, looking forward to the future, we have a discussion with chief law officer and the chief financial officer to answer some common questions of investors and other market participants about the process and influence of listing such products on the stock exchange, including the process of putting them on the shelves and the intention of investors as a transaction. Can you first give us an overview of the general operation mode? A: It is an investment product, and its shares can be increased and redeemed at the same time on a national stock exchange such as Nasdaq. The shares aimed at letting them be called net asset value or traded according to their underlying assets or holding value are usually called authorized participants. Market participants are mainly brokerage dealers, such as banks or trading companies with certain registered qualifications, when the trading price of their shares is higher than the net asset value. When the value is below the net asset value, it is usually the only market participant who can engage in such transactions. These creation and redemption transactions give opportunities to make profits through this arbitrage mechanism, which is an incentive to ensure that the value of its underlying assets is tracked closely, and it can also encourage non-brokers and investors to buy and sell stocks in the open market without creating or redeeming stock shares. The higher the volume of acquisition and transaction, the less dependence on the creation and redemption transactions. How does it work now? A: An investment trust company owns more than the total amount of bitcoin currently in circulation. As of March, each share is supported by bitcoin tokens that don't own anything except bitcoin and don't use leverage or use derivatives such as bitcoin futures contracts. They are kept in a secure offline storage. The daily management of supervision includes management of custody relationship and communication with regulatory agencies, tax reports and financial statements. As well as other requirements for publicly traded investment instruments, shares have always been issued through the private placement process. According to the Securities Law of, this process does not need to be registered. Therefore, such shares are initially open only to qualified investors and must comply with the holding period stipulated in Article, and the shares are also non-redeemable. In order to provide liquidity, public quotations were obtained in the market in the middle of the year. From then on, any investor who can enter the open market can buy and sell freely traded shares, so that they can increase their investment in Bitcoin in their investment accounts. However, since Article stipulates that newly-created stocks must go through the holding period, if the trading price of stocks is higher than the net asset value, more stocks cannot be created to immediately add them to the market and readjust their prices according to the net asset value. On the contrary, because there is no redemption plan, if the trading price of stocks is lower than the net asset value, they cannot be redeemed to remove them from the market and readjust their prices according to the net asset value, so they cannot rely on the inherent arbitrage mechanism described above. The innovation of the product structure is that it has an arbitrage mechanism, which can constantly add or redeem shares to solve the premium and discount. What is important is that the stocks in the model are expected to track the price of Bitcoin more closely, which means that any premium or discount of the stock price is expected to disappear. As of June, the asset management scale is US$ 100 million, and its trading discount is US$ 100 million, which means that if the current discount disappears and becomes available, it will pass. Arbitrage mechanism releases about $100 million in value for investors. Q: What will happen if proper regulatory approval is given to allow spot bitcoin to enter the US market? A: The creation of shares will be based on the registration statement on the form in accordance with the Securities Law of, and the redemption of registered shares is expected to be exempted according to the regulations previously granted for products with similar characteristics. This will provide the necessary approval for simultaneous creation and redemption so as to provide arbitrage opportunities when there is any premium or discount between the share price and the net asset value. So that the value of its basic asset, bitcoin, can be tracked more closely. Once approved, the rule application will be upgraded to be ready for operation. After obtaining the appropriate regulatory approval, it will be put on the shelves to ask what investors must do if they approve the spot bitcoin and allow it to be listed. Investors don't have to take any action. When investors look at their stocks after listing, they will only see that they are listed, not that the quotation will be guaranteed. Leaving the same stock code and the same investors will continue to be able to buy and sell stocks at the open market price. When upgrading, what tax impacts should I know? When listing will not constitute taxable events? When will it be allowed to land? Is there a timetable? Unfortunately, there is no timetable, although the Circuit Court made a favorable ruling in the lawsuit against in June, thus revoking the decision to reject the application for listing on the shelves. This is an unprecedented situation. The timetable is essentially uncertain. The team is committed to constructive cooperation, which will be upgraded to and will continue to share updates in time when more information is obtained. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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