什么是Flash Trade(闪电交易)?

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作者:Kinetex Network;编译:Luccy,BlockBeats

编者按:基于 Zk 证明的完全去中心化协议 Kinetex Network 推出了新一代的 dApp Flash Trade(闪电交易),它结合了跨链解析、Zk 技术和清算系统等技术,可以让用户直接与专业解析器(做市商)进行加密资产交换,简化了整个交换流程。

本文源自 Kinetex Network 官方博客,将归纳整理至 Flash Trade 相关文章编译合集中,BlockBeats 将持续更新该合集,以下为原文编译:

Flash Trade(闪电交易)是 Kinetex dApp 的一种创新模式。让我们借这个机会来更多地讨论该模式的优势以及 Kinetex 团队为实现这些优势而采用的技术。

通过 Flash Trade,用户可以直接与专业解析器(做市商)交换加密资产,这种方法极大地简化了交换过程。用户只需选择他们想要交换的代币并输入所需的金额,解析器就可以从那里管理交易。当用户同意汇率时,他们签署订单,允许解析器访问他们的资产。解析器在执行订单前,必须提供超过订单金额的抵押品,以确保在订单未能按时执行时用户的资产安全。

Flash Trade 是 Kinetex 团队在充分考虑当今区块链行业面临的关键挑战后创建的。虽然流动性聚合模式对于以便捷的方式跨链转移资产很有用,但它不允许即时交易。通过利用原生流动性,Flash Trade 可保证快速执行时间、固定利率、增强的安全性等。

让我们更仔细地了解 Flash Trade 最显著的优势。


速度是 Flash Trade 最突出的优势之一。此模式的工作原理是为解析器设置执行其所选订单的时间限制,通常不超过两分钟。在此时间内,解析器应完成订单,否则,订单将被清算。在清算期间,订单可以由解析器的抵押品填充,也可以由清算人填写,清算人将收到解析器的抵押品作为奖励(更多关于清算系统的信息见下文)。因此,用户每次都能很快收到订单。此外,解析器之间的竞争也大大加快了这一过程。当他们相互竞争时,他们就会有动力加快工作速度,从而减少完成订单所需的时间。


MEV 保护

下一个优势由几个要素组成:免受 MEV 攻击、无需桥梁和第三方验证器以及清算系统。首先,MEV 是加密货币行业中越来越多讨论的众所周知的现象。它代表最大可提取价值,指验证者在操纵他们验证的交易并战略性地进行自己的交易时可以获得的利润。

虽然它有助于吸引更多验证者通过为他们提供更多利润机会来帮助维持区块链运营,但它也可能导致用户体验下降,因为他们每次都可能遭到严重利用。为了保护用户免受 MEV 攻击,Kinetex 团队决定停止使用验证器和内存池,转而采用直接的点对点模型。通过使用零知识技术,即 Zk 证明,这成为可能。此外,第三方验证器经常遭到黑客攻击或受到损害,即使没有 MEV,也会带来严重的安全风险。因此,在没有它们的情况下运行系统是一个很大的好处。

没有新的 Wrapped Tokens

其次,Kinetex 允许 P2P 订单的决定有一个显着的优势:它使 Kinetex 无需创建新的 Wrapped Tokens。这很重要,因为新的 Wrapped Tokens 可能会导致一些问题,例如黑客攻击以及流动性冻结和碎片化。不幸的是,加密社区仍然时不时地遭遇桥接黑客攻击,这凸显了该行业尚未解决的主要安全问题。此外,在创建新代币并在不同网络上生成资产的同时将资产锁定在智能合约中可能会加剧流动性问题,尤其是对于鲜为人知的加密资产。因此,通过选择不创建新的 Wrapped Tokens,Flash Trade 可以防止与通过桥接的跨链传输相关的安全风险,并有助于提高不同链之间的流动性。


第三,完全去中心化的、基于 Zk 的清算系统是 Flash Trade 最后一个至关重要的部分,有助于增强其安全性。Kinetex 开发团队将该系统设计为开放和公开的,这意味着任何人都可以成为其中的一部分并支持 Kinetex 系统的完整性。清算人会检查订单并找到过期的订单,而解析器由于某种原因无法按时填写这些订单。找到这样的订单后,清算人可以填写该订单,生成完成证明,并索取解析器为此订单分配的抵押品。

在清算人抵押品的推动下,清算人之间存在高度竞争,试图尽快采取行动。因此,Kinetex 能够确保所有用户快速且有保障地执行交易。


Flash Trade 的另一个优势无疑是费率。为了成功地与其他人竞争,解析器需要分析用户请求并为他们感兴趣的用户提供有竞争力的价格。然后,用户可以查看不同的提案并选择他们最喜欢的提案。因此,所有解析器都积极提供尽可能最优惠的费率,以保持需求。


gas 优化

Flash Trade 模式的最后一个实质性优势是 gas 优化和无 gas 流程。得益于 Kinetex 使用的创新零知识技术,交易可以批量处理在一起。因此,Flash Trade 模式减少了需要处理的单个交易的数量,从而降低了执行每笔交易的总体成本,消除了不必要的 gas 支付,并节省了时间。

此外,用户在使用 Flash Trade 时无需自行支付 gas 费,因为解析器会处理完成订单的所有操作,包括 gas 支付。这种方法创建了无 gas 流动,使用户无需在钱包中存储多个原生代币。

The author compiles the editor's notes. The complete decentralization protocol based on proof has introduced a new generation of lightning trading, which combines cross-chain analysis technology and clearing system technology, allowing users to exchange encrypted assets directly with professional resolver market makers, simplifying the whole exchange process. This article comes from the official blog and will be summarized into a collection of related articles, which will be continuously updated. The following is the original compilation. Lightning trading is an innovative model. Let us take this opportunity to discuss the advantages of this model more. The potential and the technology adopted by the team to realize these advantages greatly simplify the exchange process by allowing users to exchange encrypted assets directly with professional market makers. Users only need to select the tokens they want to exchange and input the required amount of the analyzer to manage the transaction from there. When users agree to the exchange rate, they sign an order and allow the analyzer to access their assets. Before executing the order, the analyzer must provide collateral exceeding the order amount to ensure that the order cannot be executed on time. The asset security of the bank users was created by the team after fully considering the key challenges faced by the blockchain industry today. Although the liquidity aggregation model is very useful for transferring assets across the chain in a convenient way, it does not allow instant transactions. By using the native liquidity, we can ensure the fast execution time, fixed interest rate and enhanced security, etc., so that we can understand the most obvious advantages more carefully. Speed is one of the most prominent advantages. The working principle of this model is to set the time for the parser to execute its selected orders. The time limit is usually not more than two minutes, during which time the resolver should complete the order, otherwise the order will be liquidated. During the liquidation period, the order can be filled by the resolver's collateral or filled by the liquidator. The liquidator will receive the resolver's collateral as a reward. See below for more information about the clearing system, so users can receive the order quickly every time. In addition, the competition between resolvers has greatly accelerated this process. When they compete with each other, they will have the incentive to speed up their work and thus reduce the completion. The next advantage consists of several elements: no need for bridges, third-party verifiers and clearing systems. First of all, it is a well-known phenomenon discussed more and more in cryptocurrency industry. It represents the maximum extractable value and refers to the profits that verifiers can make when manipulating the transactions they verify and strategically conducting their own transactions. Although it helps to attract more verifiers and help maintain blockchain operation by providing them with more profit opportunities, it It may also lead to a decline in user experience, because they may be seriously used every time. In order to protect users from attacks, the team decided to stop using verifiers and memory pools and adopt a direct peer-to-peer model, which proved to be possible by using zero-knowledge technology. In addition, third-party verifiers are often attacked by hackers or damaged, even if they are not, it will bring serious security risks. Therefore, it is a great benefit to run the system without them. There is no new second order. There must be a significant advantage, which makes it unnecessary to create new ones, which is very important, because new ones may lead to some problems, such as hacking attacks and liquidity freezing and fragmentation. Unfortunately, the encryption community still encounters bridge hacking attacks from time to time, which highlights the major security problems that have not been solved in this industry. In addition, creating new tokens and generating assets on different networks while locking assets in smart contracts may aggravate the liquidity problem, especially for little-known encrypted assets. By choosing not to create a new one, it can prevent the security risks related to the cross-chain transmission through the bridge and help improve the liquidity of the clearing system between different chains. The third completely decentralized clearing system is the last crucial part, which helps to enhance its security. The development team designed the system to be open and public, which means that anyone can be a part of it and support the integrity of the system. The liquidator will check the order and find the expired order, and the resolver will For some reason, it is impossible to fill in these orders on time. After finding such an order, the liquidator can fill in the order, generate a certificate of completion and ask for the collateral allocated by the parser for this order. Under the impetus of the liquidator's collateral, there is a high degree of competition among the liquidators, trying to take action as soon as possible, so it can ensure that all users can quickly and securely implement the preferential price and no slippage. Another advantage is undoubtedly the rate. In order to successfully compete with others, the parser needs to analyze the user's requests and provide them. Interested users provide competitive prices, and then users can view different proposals and choose their favorite proposal, so all parsers actively provide the most favorable rate possible to maintain demand. In addition, because users directly exchange with parsers after selecting the best conditions, there is no price slip point, and users can get what they want accurately without being deprived. The last substantive advantage of the optimization model is that optimization and no process benefit from the innovative zero-knowledge technology used. Transactions can be processed together in batches, so the model reduces the number of individual transactions that need to be processed, thus reducing the overall cost of executing each transaction, eliminating unnecessary payments and saving time. In addition, users do not need to pay their own fees when using, because the parser will handle all the operations of completing the order, including payment. This method creates no flow, so that users do not need to store multiple original tokens in their wallets. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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