盘点本周 NFT 玩家们讨论最多的5个项目

币圈资讯 阅读:38 2024-04-22 12:06:40 评论:0



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作者:WaTell 来源:X@0xWatell

我整理了多个 Alpha 社区的关注清单,这里是话题度最高的 5 个有趣项目。 以及一些简短的介绍。


WADESIDE 是由 Web3 聚合平台 CRIPCO、韩国 IP 公司 IPX 和 KB Lee 联合推出的一个创意项目,试图通过 "现实世界的产品" 及 "使用场景" 来 WARP(扭曲) 物理与数字世界,打造全新 IP,与社区共同创造、分享价值;

  • CRIPCO 和 IPX 曾推出过一个 Genesis NFT Collection —— WADE: Friends & Family(@Worldwide_Wade),目前地板价为 1.1 ETH,围绕该项目的核心 IP 所创建的 Instagram 账号目前有 10.5 万粉丝;

  • LINE FRIENDS(@_LINEFRIENDS) 是知名通讯软件「LINE」旗下的一个工作室,专门为 LINE 提供官方贴图服务,后于 2022 年更名为 IPX,在日韩地区拥有超高人气;

  • KB Lee 是出生在韩国的韩裔美国人,学习平面设计的他曾加入 Kanye 的设计团队,先后与 X-Rage、Stussy、UnDpitied 等知名品牌合作,同时也是第一位与 NIKE 合作的韩裔设计师,目前,除了担任权志龙的私人形象顾问外,还担任多个流行潮牌的主理人。

2.Galactic Konquest

泰国艺术家贡坎/Gongkan 毕业于希尔帕克恩大学艺术学院,他曾以 "穿越时空" 的艺术概念而闻名于纽约的新艺术圈,回到曼谷后成为了一名全职艺术家,并成功在北京、巴黎、曼谷、澳门等地举办个人艺术展;

  •  Gongkan 在 Instagram 上拥有 7.7 万粉丝,以及活跃的日常互动,他的最新创作「Freedom」在香港 PHILLIPS 拍卖行以 33 万港币的价格成交;

  •  "Galactic Konquest/银河征服" 延续了 Gongkan 的经典艺术概念 —— 时空穿越,描绘了一个 "因地球气候变暖而不适宜居住,人们开始迁移到其他星球" 的背景故事,Gongkan 希望通过「传送门」连接起 Web2 与 Web3、通过艺术模糊现实与虚拟的界线。


Spellborne 原名 Defimons,作为一款画风复古的 MMORPG 游戏,他们预计将在 2024 年的第 1 季度正式推出,游戏风格类似于经典游戏 ——「宝可梦」系列,用户将化身冒险家,沉浸在 "与各种生物的战斗、宠物捕捉、工艺物品的打造、赏金任务、耕种与捕鱼" 等一系列内容中;

  • 游戏内测期间,月活跃用户达 5,000 人,日活跃用户达 400 人,平均游戏时长 1.3 小时,单月总游戏时长 10,000 小时,成绩斐然;

  • Spellborne 的开发工作室 Mon Studios 专注于为休闲玩家打造复古风格的休闲游戏,他们获得了 150 万美元的融资支持,20 余人的团队汇集了来自「彩虹六号:围攻」、「黑魂3」等知名游戏的开发人员;

他们已经推出了首款 NFT Collection,该项目的地板价在新的游戏预告片发布后暴升,目前约为 0.19 ETH。

4.Crypto Moments

由 5 位杰出艺术家绘制、以 25 个 Crypto 重要时刻为灵感素材,兼具趣味与收藏性的艺术类 NFT Collection;

  • 玩家可以通过燃烧 NFT 来升级自己的收藏,从而获得不同的奖励,最高一级的奖励是「Gold Frame/金色镜框」,他们将成为 Crypto Moments 生态的 VIP 会员;

  • Gold Frame 的持有者将获得 1 of 1 的签名版画、即将推出的 Ordinals Collection 中的新作品,以及一些 IRL 福利。

5.Forgotten Playland

一款可以免费游玩的在线派对游戏,预计将在 2024 年第 1 季度正式推出,玩家可以手动定制自己的个性化毛绒角色,有六种不同特征可供选择,这些角色将在游戏上架前以 NFT 的形式推出;

  • Forgotten Playland 预计将首先上架 2 款小游戏,之后将推出多款规则迥异的小型游戏,以保证玩家拥有丰富愉快的游戏体验;

  • Forgotten Playland 由 Beam(@BuildOnBeam) 提供生态支持,负责开发的游戏工作室 Vermilion Studios 是 Merit Circle DAO 的合资企业,由一位在 EA、Ubisoft 等公司拥有数十年工作经验的行业资深人士领导;

  • 游戏的其他方面,例如经济模型、智能合约、代币及 NFT 细节都将由 Merit Circle DAO(@MeritCircle_IO) 全权负责。


The author has compiled a list of concerns of several communities. Here are the interesting projects with the highest topic and some brief introductions. It is a creative project jointly launched by Korean company, an aggregation platform, trying to distort the physical and digital world through real-world products and usage scenarios, creating a brand-new and shared value with the community, and once launched an account with the current floor price around the core of the project. At present, 10,000 fans are a studio under the well-known communication software. In order to provide the official mapping service, it was renamed as a Korean-American who has a high popularity in Japan and South Korea in. He was born in South Korea and studied graphic design. The design team he once joined has cooperated with other famous brands, and he is also the first Korean designer to cooperate with them. At present, in addition to serving as the personal image consultant of G-Dragon, he is also the manager of several popular fashion brands. The Thai artist Gongkan graduated from the Art College of Hillpark University. He was once famous for his artistic concept of traveling through time and space in new york. After returning to Bangkok, his new art circle became a full-time artist and successfully held solo art exhibitions in Beijing, Paris, Bangkok, Macao and other places. His latest creation was sold at the Hong Kong auction house for HK$ 10,000. The classic art concept of the Galaxy conquest continued through time travel, depicting a background story that people began to move to other planets because of global warming, hoping to connect through portals and blur reality and emptiness through art. Originally named as a game with a retro style, the proposed boundary is expected to be officially launched in the first quarter of 2008. The game style is similar to the classic game Baokemeng series, and users will be immersed in fighting with various creatures, catching pets, creating bounty tasks, farming and fishing, etc. During the internal test of the game, monthly active users are active, daily active users are active, the average game duration is hours, and the total game duration in a single month is hours. The development studio with outstanding achievements focuses on creating for leisure players. Retro-style casual games, they got a financing support of $10,000, and the rest of the team brought together the developers of well-known games such as Rainbow Six Besieging Black Soul. They have launched the first floor price of this project, which soared after the release of the new game trailer. At present, it is about an art player who is drawn by an outstanding artist and inspired by an important moment. He can upgrade his collection through burning to get different rewards. The highest reward is the golden mirror. Box They will become the holders of eco-members, and they will get signature prints, new works and some benefits. An online party game that can be played for free is expected to be officially launched in the first quarter of 2008. Players can manually customize their own personalized plush characters, and there are six different features to choose from. These characters will be launched in the form of before the game is put on the shelves. It is expected that a number of small games with different rules will be launched after the game is put on the shelves to ensure that players have a rich and happy life. The game experience is developed by the game studio that provides ecological support. It is a joint venture, led by an industry veteran with decades of working experience in other companies. Other aspects of the game, such as economic model, smart contract tokens and details, will be fully responsible. That is all. I hope it will help you. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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