Metis研究报告 | layer2的第一个去中心化排序器

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作者:日月小楚,胡子观币社区核心成员 来源:X@riyuexiaochu


1 基本情况

1 在layer2中,排序器的作用是将成百上千的交易整理排序并压缩成一笔,然后交给layer1确认。可以说,是它实现了layer2的高性能和低手续费。但是,如果重要的东西却是中心化的,存在作恶或者单点故障的风险。可以说,layer2排序器的去中心化势在必行。而Metis先行一步,27日Holesky测试网进行去中心化Pos排序器的测试,并将在1月2日开启社区测试。

2 Metis是Optimistic Rollup开发的layer2,于21年主网上线,是最早的上线Rollup的二层网络。并于24年升级为将Optimistic Rollup 架构与零知识证明zk相结合的Hybrid Rollup。

3 Metis 流通市值仅为8300万,FDV为1.8亿美金。机构和团队的额度已经全部解锁。根据链上钱包跟踪,机构筹码早已经出售,可以认为已经无机构。相比之下,op和arb都还有天量的机构和团队筹码的解锁,相当于每月有巨额的增发。代币功能方面,Metis除了像op、arb的治理功能外,还用于网络的Gas费,以及节点质押(每个节点需要至少超过2万),这些都对Metis带来实实在在的需求。




2 项目介绍

Metis 是基于Optimistic Rollup开发的以太坊第 2 层扩展解决方案,旨在解决区块链三难困境:

  1. 去中心化

  2. 安全性

  3. 可扩展性

以太坊的需求大幅增加,导致交易价格飙升,而交易速度则滞后。作为以太坊的Smart L2,Metis既增加了交易速度(迅速确认)又增加了吞吐量(每秒大量更多的交易)。

最重要的是,Metis正在创建既易于获取、经济实惠又可适应的解决方案 — — 这样任何人都可以使用区块链技术来构建、运行和发展任何应用、业务和社区。

Hybrid Rollup


2023 年 3 月 2 日,MetisDAO 宣布正在构建“有史以来第一个混合 Rollup,将Optimistic Rollup 架构与零知识证明zk相结合。
根据ChainCatcher报告,7月13日,MetisDAO 基金会宣布正式发布其孵化的新项目 ZKM,ZKM 将在年底前上线测试网,将现有的 Optimistic Rollup 升级为 Hybrid Rollup,实现及时提款(原来OP的提款期为7天)并确保安全性。

据悉,ZKM 采用 MIPS 指令集,从 CPU 级别实现所有虚拟机(VMs)和应用的零知识证明(ZKP)安全性,并支持多种区块链智能合约引擎。即插即用特性使开发者无需更改代码库即可应用 ZKP,降低采用成本。借助以太坊的去中心化安全基础设施,ZKM 可以验证所有区块链和非区块链交易。该项目的目标是超越 L2,扩展到 L1、云计算和物联网领域,使以太坊成为全球区块链和非区块链世界的结算层。

3 去中心化排序器

对于每个layer2,用户的交易数据都需要传输到主网ETH上。原则上,用户的交易数据是可以直接传到layer1。但是如果这样操作,layer2上的交易将和ETH上交易一样,手续费昂贵并且缓慢。这显然违背了layer2 的初衷。所以解决方案就是排序器,排序器的作用就是layer2上几百几千笔交易压缩成一笔,交给主网打包。这样可以大大降低Layer2上的交易手续费和确认时间。


Layer2的意义在于提高ETH吞吐量,以及降低交易手续费。可以说,正是排序器让layer2实现了这个目标,其重要性不言而喻。现在的实际情况是,layer2的排序器都是中心化,基本上都是由项目方运行,例如 OP 基金会和 Arbitrum 基金会。所以,现在一个令人非常担心的问题就是排序器的高度中心化,先不论他们是不是会作恶,从实际的角度来说,中心化排序器如果出现故障或者受到攻击,很容易对整条layer2造成威胁。

虽然各大layer2在Roadmap中都有对排序器去中心化的规划,但是现实情况是迟迟没有任何结果。可能是优先级没有那么高,也可能是利益相关(每年给项目方带来巨额的gas收入)。所以,每个 L2 扩展解决方案都需要一个去中心化排序器,以提高安全性并降低风险。 而Metis 很快将成为第一个实现这一目标的 L2。

Metis 的去中心化的Pos排序器现在已经在Holesky测试网上运行,具体可以分为三轮,包括在模拟真实节点的行为,增加节点数量,质押测试等等。将在24年1月3日开始,开放了社区的测试,用户可以在Holesky测试网上与新生态系统dApp进行交互,并获得奖励,为期一个月。

每个排序器节点需要质押2万个Metis,当然挖矿奖励也会比较丰厚,总量50%的Metis将用于节点奖励。对于没有足够资金做节点的用户,Metis在近期会推出一个流动质押的Dapp Enki,让这些社区用户参与到节点质押,获得相应的收益。

4 项目现状



在所有的layer2,Metis的手续费是最低的。ETH转账小于0.01刀,相对比arbitrum 需要0.12刀,Optimsim 需要0.08刀,StarkNet更是需要0.24刀。代币交易只需要0.04刀,仅次于Boba网络,而比arbitrum 和 Optimsim 都要小好多倍。

但是在不久的将来,Metis的手续费会变高,差不多于Optimsim相当。因为现在的手续费低是由于Metis 集成了一个去中心化存储MemoLabs。Metis 仅向以太坊主链以 merkletree 格式提交交易承诺,并在 MemoLabs 中提供完整的交易数据,验证者可以在必要时从中下载并提交欺诈证明。但是社区投票已经通过,将DA层改为使用ETH主网,这样一来可以实现Rollup的最高安全标准,二来可以为了去中心化Pos排序器的需要。



Defilama 上面收录了44个协议,一些是多链部署的项目,包括AAVE、Stargate、Synapse、Beefy、Sushiswap等。在不久的将来,随着去中心化Pos排序器的上线,以及生态基金的奖励下,期待会有一波新的应用的发展。


Maia 是 DeFi 的收益增强器。MAIA 通过债券 100% 公平发行,是真正社区拥有的代币。反过来,Maian 生态系统的目标是成为不同 DeFi 原生金融工具的一站式商店,一个成熟的交易中心,目前具有:

  • Maia 去中心化策略库

  • Hermes Omnichain AMM 和 YLM(收益和流动性市场)

  • TALOS 透明自动化流动性全链策略

  • Ulysses Omnichain 流动性协议


Hummus Exchange

Hummus 是Metis 上稳定币交易平台,它是单边自动交易swap。它支持存入单边的稳定币池子。



Netswap是一个Metis 链上去中心化交易所(DEX),使用与Uniswap相同的AMM模型,并拥有治理代币NETT

5 代币经济模型


  • 创始团队7%:锁仓6 个月, 然后每季度锁定 12.5%,持续 8 个季度

  • 基金会 4% TGE 解锁10%,然后每季度锁定 11.25%,持续 8 个季度

  • 顾问 1.5% TGE 解锁5%, 然后每季度锁定 11.875%,持续 8 个季度

  • 天使投资人1% TGE 解锁5%, 然后每季度 11.875%,持续 8 个季度

  • 种子投资者 6% TGE 解锁10%,然后每季度 22.5%,持续 4 个季度

  • Private7% TGE解锁10%,然后每季度 22.5%,持续 4 个季度

  • Community Star3% TGE 10%,然后每月归属 12 个月

  • 战略 1.5% TGE10% ,然后每月归属 12 个月

  • IDO 0.3% TGE100%

  • 空投6%

  • 流动性预留6%

  • 社区发展3%

  • 交易挖矿14.86%

  • 交易挖矿32.84%

1 从时间来看,投资人包括天使投资人、种子轮、私募轮、社区轮、战略轮都已经全部解锁。并且已经解锁很长时间。

2 从时间来,创世团队的份额和顾问在今年11月份也已经全部解锁。

3 在Pos 排序器启动后,50%的Metis将用于节点挖矿。

Metis 代币的实用性。

  1. Gas代币,每笔交易都需要消耗Metis代币作为Gas,就像在以太坊上进行交易一样,需要支付ETH作为Gas费。

  2. Builder挖矿奖励,Metis对生态系统发展有着长期的支持,Metis生态中的所有建设者都会根据他们给网络带来的交易量获得Builder挖矿奖励,交易越多,奖励越高,即 生态与建设者双赢。

  3. 质押,增强网络安全。 随着第一个去中心化排序器池的推出,所有排序器节点都需要质押大量 Metis 代币才有资格被选为排序器节点并处理交易,因此质押数量越多,可能性就越高 这些排序器节点必须处理链上交易。 随着Metis质押,一些新的商业模式也将出现,比如Metis的LST。

  4. Sequencer 挖矿奖励:Sequencer 节点有助于保护网络、进行交易并开采 Metis 代币作为奖励。

  5. 治理:Metis代币可用于投票参与生态系统内的重要决策。

6 链上数据分析1130











持仓地址2推测为投资人和团队的钱包,从时间上来看已经全部解锁,但是钱包地址内依然留有84.5万枚。我们对它的资金流向进行了追溯,发现大部分的Metis已经流向交易所卖出。获得metis最多的是FBG Capital,共获得了16.66万枚,在一年前已经出售完毕。第二名钱包所有人未知,全部存入了metis主网。第三名是 Okx venture,获得了7.5万枚,也在一年前出售完毕。总的来说,因为时间比较久远,早期机构的部分筹码已经已经卖出。团队创始人的Metis依然留在该地址内,并没有移动。




The author's first decentralized sorter, which comes from the core members of Sun Moon, Xiao Chu and Hu Zi's coin-watching community, has taken the most important step. The basic situation is that the sorter's function is to sort and compress hundreds of transactions into one sum, and then give it to confirmation, which can be said that it has achieved high performance and low commission. However, if the important things are centralized, there is the risk of doing evil or single point failure, which can be said that the decentralization of the sorter is imperative, and the test network will be decentralized one step ahead. The test of sequencer will be started on, the community test was developed in, and the main online line was the earliest online second-tier network in, and it was upgraded to combine architecture with zero-knowledge proof in, and the circulation market value was only trillion dollars. According to the wallet tracking on the chain, the institutional chips have already been sold, so it can be considered that there is no institution. In contrast, the unlocking of institutional and team chips is equivalent to a huge amount of additional tokens every month, except for governance. In addition to its functions, it is also used for network fees and the pledge of each node needs at least 10,000 yuan, which all bring real demand. The project introduction of official website Twitter Time Year Month Day is based on the development of the first-floor expansion solution of Ethereum, which aims to solve the dilemma of blockchain, decentralization, security and scalability. The demand of Ethereum has greatly increased, resulting in soaring transaction prices and lagging transaction speed. As an Ethereum, it has not only increased the transaction speed, but also increased the throughput by a large number of transactions per second. Yi's most important thing is to create a solution that is easy to obtain, affordable and adaptable, so that anyone can use blockchain technology to build, run and develop any application business and community. It was announced on April that it was building the first hybrid in history, combining architecture with zero-knowledge proof. According to the report, the Foundation announced that it would officially release its hatched new project and launch the test network before the end of the year to upgrade the existing one to realize timely withdrawal. It is reported that the original withdrawal period is days and ensure safety. Using instruction set to realize zero-knowledge proof security of all virtual machines and applications from different levels, and supporting various blockchain intelligent contract engines, the plug-and-play features enable developers to apply without changing the code base and reduce the adoption cost. With the decentralized security infrastructure of Ethereum, all blockchain and non-blockchain transactions can be verified. The goal of this project is to go beyond the fields of cloud computing and Internet of Things and make Ethereum a decentralized sorter pair of settlement layers in the global blockchain and non-blockchain world. For each user's transaction data, it needs to be transmitted to the main network. In principle, the user's transaction data can be transmitted directly. However, if the transaction on this operation is as expensive and slow as the transaction on the Internet, this obviously goes against the original intention. Therefore, the solution is that the sorter's function is to compress hundreds of transactions into one package for the main network, which can greatly reduce the transaction fee and confirmation time on the Internet. The significance lies in improving throughput and reducing transaction fee. In other words, it is the sorter that has achieved this goal, and its importance is self-evident. The actual situation now is that the sorters are centralized and basically run by the project parties, such as foundations and foundations. Therefore, a very worrying problem now is the high centralization of the sorters, regardless of whether they will do evil or not. From a practical point of view, if the centralized sorter fails or is attacked, it will easily pose a threat to the whole system, although there are rules for decentralizing the sorters in all major universities. However, the reality is that there is no result, which may be that the priority is not so high or that the interests are related, which brings huge income to the project party every year. Therefore, each expansion solution needs a decentralized sorter to improve security and reduce risks, and will soon become the first decentralized sorter to achieve this goal. Now it has been running on the test network, which can be divided into three rounds, including simulating the behavior of real nodes, increasing the number of nodes, and so on. On, the test users of the community started to open up, and they can interact with the new ecosystem on the test network and get rewards for one month. Of course, each sorter node needs to pledge 10,000 yuan, and the total amount of mining rewards will be relatively rich. For users who don't have enough funds to be nodes, a mobile pledge will be launched in the near future, so that these community users can participate in the node pledge and get corresponding benefits. According to the data, the current status of the project is US dollars, and this year, The highest amount is US$ 100 million, and all the handling fees are the lowest. The transfer is smaller than the knife, which is more important than the knife. The token transaction only needs the knife and is many times smaller than the sum, but in the near future, the handling fee will be much higher, which is almost equal because the current handling fee is low because of the integration of a decentralized storage, which only submits the transaction commitment to the main chain of Ethereum in format and provides complete transaction data in it. Verifiers can download and submit fraud from it when necessary. It is proved that community voting has been the highest security standard that can be achieved by changing the layer to the main network. Secondly, in order to meet the needs of decentralized sorters, the project ecology contains an agreement, some of which are multi-chain deployment projects, including waiting in the near future, with the online decentralized sorters and the reward of ecological funds, it is expected that there will be a wave of new application development, which is the income enhancer, and the fair issuance of bonds is the token owned by the real community, which in turn is the purpose of the ecosystem. The standard is to become a one-stop shop for different original financial instruments, and a mature trading center currently has a decentralized strategy library and a transparent and automated liquidity full-chain strategy liquidity agreement, which is a trading platform for upper stable currencies, and it supports unilateral automatic trading. It supports depositing into a unilateral stable currency pool, and it is a centralized trading chain, which uses the same model and has the total amount of management tokens. The founding team locks positions for months and then locks them every quarter. The foundation will be unlocked for three quarters, then locked for three quarters, then unlocked by consultants, then unlocked by angel investors for three quarters, then unlocked by seed investors for three quarters, then unlocked by three quarters, then owned by a month strategy every quarter, and then owned by a month strategy every month. In terms of time, investors including angel investors, seed wheel, private equity wheel and community strategy wheel have all been unlocked and have been unlocked for a long time. The share of the team and consultants have also been created from time this month. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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