从《黑暗森林》到《Sky Strife》:寻找全链游戏的圣杯

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 12:03:29 评论:0



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以太坊生态虽然孕育出了“自主世界”(Autonomous Worlds)这种在思想性上登峰造极的叙事,但在实操层面,“全链游戏”(Fully On-chain Gaming)领域却一直没有出现真正杀手级应用或范式。本文旨在探讨区块链带来的原生可能性,以及由此可能孕育出的全链游戏经典范式,让我们一起寻找全链游戏的“圣杯”!



  • 基于区块链“不可变性”构建的“数字物理法则”

  • 基于零知识证明(ZKP)实现的非完全信息博弈(战争迷雾)




自主世界的本质是自生长、自组织、自运转,其核心特质与物理世界相同,因此自主世界得以正常运转的前提是:“亘古不变”的“数字物理法则”的建立。这也是 Ludens 在《Autonomous Worlds (Part 1)》中强调的“Blockchains are a type of substrate for Worlds”的原因,目前来看在数字空间中能够建立“亘古不变”的“数字物理法则”的介质只有区块链

Autonomous Worlds 官网:https://aw.network/







在以太坊 Layer 2 的技术路线中,ZK Rollup 是区块链与“零知识证明”在基础设施层的良好集成,为上层应用的发展奠定了基础。




  • 基于 MUD 引擎和 OP Rollup 扩容方案的一系列探索,以 Sky Strife、OpCraft、Word3、Network States 为代表

  • 基于 Dojo 引擎和 ZK Rollup 扩容方案的一系列探索,以 Loot Survivor、Roll Your Own、Shoshin 为代表

 《Loot Survivor》官网:https://realms.world/games/loot-survivor




一方面,并非产品/技术优质,就一定会赢得用户/市场,比如休闲游戏,虽在产品/技术上较 MMO 等大型多人在线游戏的实现简单很多,但因其符合人性,故而也拥有不小的用户群体。但当我们在全链游戏/区块链游戏的语境下考虑这种可能性时,很快就会发现,Web3 钱包、出入金体验会劝退大部分用户。

另一方面,从加密原生(Crypto Native)的角度讲,一定要去追求极致的创新才有可能将区块链的边界最大程度地向前推进,进而透过创新制造的增量,以降维打击的方式赢得用户。正所谓:打败马车的,从来都不是更好的马车。


Although the ecology of Ethereum written in front gave birth to the narrative of the autonomous world, there has never been a real killer application or paradigm in the field of full-chain games at the practical level. This paper aims to explore the original possibility brought by blockchain and the classic paradigm of full-chain games that may be bred from it. Let's look for the holy grail of full-chain games. The dark forest, the originator of full-chain games, is the perfect fusion of the following two innovations. Based on the invariance of blockchain, it is built. The laws of digital physics based on zero knowledge prove the incomplete information game, the fog of war and the laws of digital physics. The premise of the normal operation of the physical world is the existence of the laws of gravity, the law of conservation of energy, archimedes principle and other timeless physical laws. People can and can only build everything on the premise of following these laws, or in other words, these laws are not changed by people's will. The so-called nature of the independent world is self-growth. The core characteristics of self-operation of organizations are the same as those of the physical world, so the premise for the normal operation of the autonomous world is the establishment of eternal digital physical laws, which is also the reason emphasized in the paper. At present, the only medium that can establish eternal digital physical laws in the digital space is blockchain official website. In a sense, we are the gods of the autonomous world, and we make physical laws for it to create people. At the same time, we may also be artifacts of the physical world. If the physical world is a first-order meta-universe, If so, we are building a second-order meta-universe through the independent world. In this second-order meta-universe, it is possible to build a third-order meta-universe. Is it quite similar to the artistic conception expressed by the Buddhist saying that the three thousand worlds or the matrix? In summary, blockchain is the only way to realize the laws of digital physics and an important starting point for us to explore the ideal type of full-chain games. Full-chain games must provide something that traditional games do not have before they can truly win users' incomplete information. Complete information games are very common in both the physical world and traditional games, such as real-time strategy games such as business negotiation, sealed auction, poker, mahjong and StarCraft. In the physical world, we rely on artificial rules to realize incomplete information games. In the traditional games, centralized rules are generally used to realize incomplete information games. Image sources in the blockchain field are generally based on elliptic curve cryptography algorithm to realize zero knowledge proof, so as to realize a more perfect incomplete information game mechanism, such as the dark forest. The perfection here mainly refers to the immaculate degree and cost performance of the scheme to achieve this goal. The large-scale adoption in the technical route of Ethereum is the good integration of blockchain and zero-knowledge proof in the infrastructure layer, which lays the foundation for the development of upper-level applications. In the dark forest game, the laws of digital physics and asymmetric information games have been perfectly integrated for the first time, but in the subsequent evolution of the whole chain game, we have not seen the further development of the two. From the perspective of the principle of one principle, the further integration and sublimation of the two is likely to be the road leading to the holy grail of full-chain games. The current ecological pattern of full-chain games can be simply divided into the following two camps according to the full-chain game engine. A series of explorations based on the engine and the expansion plan represent a series of explorations based on the engine and the expansion plan, which represents the full-chain games in official website, either in the stage of exploring the correct use posture of the full-chain game engine or in the exploration. What traditional game modes are suitable for transplanting to the stage of full-chain games? However, from the author's sense of body, these two kinds of exploration results are far from amazing. In addition, the author has recently obtained some micro-senses through the development of full-chain games. See here for details. The general feeling is that the full-chain game engine has original innovation, but the self-innovation of full-chain games is temporarily insufficient for the future. The author thinks that the further integration and sublimation of digital physics laws and incomplete information games may be more worth exploring in the field of full-chain games. This view also comes from another dimension. On the one hand, if the product technology is not high-quality, it will definitely win the user market. For example, casual games are much simpler than other large-scale multiplayer online games in terms of product technology, but they are in line with human nature, so they also have a large user group. However, when we consider this possibility in the context of full-chain games and blockchain games, we will soon find that the wallet deposit and withdrawal experience will dissuade most users. On the other hand, we must tell them from the perspective of encryption. It is only by pursuing the ultimate innovation that it is possible to push forward the boundary of blockchain to the maximum extent, and then win users by reducing the dimension through the increment of innovation and manufacturing. The so-called wagon that beats the wagon is never a better one. In addition, we will find that no matter in the past, present and future, there will always be some products that look less innovative and less intuitive, but may be very popular because they conform to human nature or cater to specific emotions. This does not mean that innovation is not important, but just another involution caused by lack of innovation. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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