
币圈资讯 阅读:43 2024-04-22 12:03:20 评论:0



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文章作者:Brian Cubellis 文章编译:Block unicorn



经济学家Zoltan Pozsar(曾任瑞士信贷的成员)在2022年初写了一份具有预见性的报告,提出了新的世界货币秩序的开始(布雷顿森林体系III的诞生),并从“内部货币”向以商品为支撑的“外部货币”的转变。另一个观察这一新兴趋势的角度是对受政治化资产的日益厌恶,转而青睐完全非政治化的资产。在一个看似越来越令人怀疑当局和机构动机与政策的世界中,这些机构直接或间接影响资产估值,对于中立的、非国家的资产的支持案例变得更为强烈。

Block unicorn注释:内部货币,指的是由央行或政府背书支撑的货币;外部货币,指的是由实物、或类似黄金的大宗商品而支撑的货币。























The price of bitcoin has exceeded the highest level of US$ 10,000 since January, while gold is setting a new record. There are many reasonable explanations for the simultaneous occurrence. The market lacks confidence in the Fed's ability to control inflation. The continuous devaluation of the currency, the increasing interest payments on national debt, the unsustainable trajectory, the increasing deficit and the fragility of the banking system, which was once regarded as windless. The risky assets now have both substantial price risk and counterparty risk, and so on. The fact is that the recent performance of Bitcoin and gold is the comprehensive result of these factors, all of which share the same potential factors. People are revealing that the counterparty risk is being more strictly evaluated. Generally speaking, individuals, institutions, companies, countries and people at all levels are aware of storing economic energy in assets that cannot be depreciated, frozen and seized or occupied by forces beyond their control. Bitcoin and gold economists, once members of Credit Suisse, wrote a prophetic report at the beginning of the year, proposing the beginning of a new world monetary order, the birth of the Bretton Woods system and the transformation from internal currency to external currency supported by commodities. Another angle to observe this new trend is that they are increasingly disgusted with politicized assets and turn to favor completely depoliticized assets. In a seemingly increasingly doubtful situation, the motives of the authorities and institutions are. In the world of policy, these institutions directly or indirectly affect asset valuation, and the case of supporting neutral non-state assets becomes more intense. Internal currency refers to the currency supported by the endorsement of the central bank or the government, and external currency refers to the currency supported by physical objects or commodities similar to gold. Bitcoin has no political nature, and a basic component of its value proposition comes from its inherent neutrality. Bitcoin has many attributes that make it a unique asset, but the most important one is it. First, its non-political bitcoin has no central issuer and is not controlled by any unified authority. It is similar to the Internet, which operates as a decentralized network and is not controlled by any single entity. Bitcoin has a similar foundation. As an open source software distributed on tens of thousands of computers around the world, its inherent resilience is a function of its infrastructure. The procedural nature of Bitcoin ensures that its monetary policy is not determined by error-prone human beings or changing geopolitical emotions. On the contrary, it is rooted. The consensus on decentralized networks is very important, which means that any major changes to the Bitcoin protocol, including its monetary policy, need to be agreed among the huge and diverse network participants, which enhances the resilience and stability of the system. In addition, the monetary parameters of Bitcoin are not only established rules, but also hard-coded into the agreement, and its distribution plan is programmed to be publicly known and transparent. The total amount of Bitcoin will always be only 10,000, and the number of new bitcoins created and obtained by miners will be halved every four years. This event is called halving. This transparent and predictable scarcity is in sharp contrast with the traditional legal tender, which can print money without restriction according to the mood of the central bank and the government. It is well known that the central planner dilutes its currency by overprinting money. Bitcoin provides an obvious alternative. The essence of an innocent stored-value asset politics managed by a predictable and unchangeable monetary policy is now commonly said that social differences and oppositions have reached the highest level in history. In the past few years, a lasting narrative is that politics has been embedded in all aspects of life. As a population, we have never been so divided on various topics and issues. On the one hand, from a historical point of view, this is obviously wrong. It is obvious that there are several examples of extreme ideological differences in this country and the world that far exceed the modern era. However, it is worth discussing why we feel an unprecedented level of polarization today, although we may not have reached social points from an absolute point of view. The pinnacle of crack, but the key difference inherent in modern times is a high understanding of our differences and potential political motives. The emergence of the Internet, the popularity of social media and the extensive digitization of information have enabled mankind to enter an unprecedented sensory overload field. The increasingly closely connected global pattern has made us sensitive to different views and opened the so-called curtain for individuals, revealing the politicized nature of almost all social structures, such as government entities, companies and academics. Institutions have always been politicized, but now we have a clearer understanding of various incentive factors and are more capable of questioning or refuting the mainstream narrative advocated by these institutions. Ultimately, politics is the way that human beings try to organize and manage themselves. When a topic is discussed or the organization becomes politicized, it shows that specific ideology and subordination have penetrated into previously neutral or non-political topics. From this perspective, politicization can be regarded as the main urging of opposition and disagreement. Specific views of chemical agents will appear and naturally show misaligned incentives in the form of opposing forces. Although politicization is a natural reality of human interaction and coordination, it is important to understand that people with power or influence in a certain social structure may be motivated to use or deprive their opponents or the rights and interests of the whole society. In addition, it is worth considering whether some aspects of society should be regarded as apolitical or neutral. Those who are in power are usually organic, whether in government, business or academia. Will manipulate the system to seek their own interests, which can be manifested in less obvious ways, such as shaping the public impression through media channels or in more obvious forms, such as implementing policies that are disproportionately beneficial to specific groups. When political beliefs penetrate into areas that are usually regarded as just or non-political, the possibility of such exploitation often rises. Money may be the most important example in areas where political injection may have a far-reaching impact. For thousands of years, human beings have United in a non-political situation. The monetary form around gold is dominated by its economic essence as a currency and is not influenced by political plans. However, since the creation and spread of unsecured legal tender, monetary policy is no longer free from politicization. The ability to manipulate interest rates, restrict the free market through supervision or devalue the currency at will is usually influenced by political motives rather than purely economic considerations. The increasing inequality erodes the trust of financial institutions and widespread economic instability is mainly due to the fact that our monetary system is used as a tool for political gains rather than the economic well-being of the whole society. These factors not only affect one. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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