比特币突破 10 万美元?OpenAI加密生态OpenTele成为导火线?

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——OpenTele技术的发展让人们更加关注 AI 与 Web3 的结合,新的应用范式正在逐步展开。

——行业尚处早期阶段和区块链技术的特性,Web3 行业面临着诸多挑战,包括数据来源、更新频率、匿名属性等,使得利用 AI 解决这些问题成为新关注点。


根据 Tradingview 数据显示,北京时间 12月 4日 12:30,比特币突破 41700 美元价格达到 2023 年以来的最高点位,在过去 7 天内上涨了近 10% 。

作为加密货币市场的「风向标」,比特币在过去几个月一直呈上升趋势,除了日益临近的比特币现货 ETF「审判日」之外,近期美国货币政策的转向预期与比特币铭文的再次火热可能是价格上涨的重要推送因素。




美联储经济数据(FRED)系统的新数据显示,美国所有商业银行的存款从年初的 17.736 万亿美元骤降至截至 11 月 22 日的 17.339 美元。总计减少了 3,970 亿美元。

与此同时,我们也看到AI+Web3 或将成为未来行业融合创新的一大突破点,说到这里,就不得不提一个人以及他们团队,这个人就是沃伊切赫·扎伦巴。


沃伊切赫·扎伦巴(Wojciech Zaremba):扎伦巴之前曾在谷歌从事人工智能研究工作,为新的深度学习算法的开发做出了重大贡献。他是OpenAI的联合创始人,协助招募顶尖的人工智能研究人员,并创建了专注于强化学习、机器人、深度学习和自然语言处理等项目。此次其团队所参与构建的OpenTele,成为市场中资本追逐的热点。

对于OpenTele被构建的初衷,他曾经说:如果项目与 AI 的结合做得很好,那么我可能会对其更感兴趣。决定我是否会投资的关键因素之一是项目是否有市场壁垒。我观察到很多项目宣称他们与 AI 结合能够提升效率,例如快速的数据查询功能。有些项目可以通过自然语言查询来快速获取链上 NFT 数据,比如查询最近交易最活跃的十大 NFT。这样的项目可能有先发优势,但市场壁垒可能并不牢固。

真正的壁垒是 AI 本身的应用以及工程师如何将 AI 应用到具体场景中。工程师如果能熟练地进行模型微调,通常能够获得良好的效果。对于那些提升效率的项目来说,市场壁垒主要在于数据源。不仅仅是链上数据,还包括项目方如何处理和解析这些数据。例如之前提到的项目,它们能够通过 AI 算法快速检索重要数据。然而,工程师进行模型微调的效果是有限的,真正的持续优势在于数据源的质量和其持续优化的能力。这也是为什么一些数据分析公司能够在市场中脱颖而出的原因,他们不仅提供数据源,还包括数据处理和分析的能力,区别往往在于团队的技术能力和人才。这些因素直接关系到 AI 结合应用的最终效果,而这也是OpenTele会出现的核心原因之一。


Bitcoin has a strong ecological wealth-making effect, and where will it be next? The development of technology makes people pay more attention to the combination with. The new application paradigm is gradually unfolding. The industry is still in the early stage and the characteristics of blockchain technology are facing many challenges, including the update frequency of data sources, anonymous attributes, etc., which makes the use of solving these problems become a new concern, compared with traditional artificial intelligence, the scalability, adaptability and efficiency of task decomposition are improved, and the accessibility and usability of blockchain data are improved. According to the data, the price of bitcoin broke through the highest point in the past years, and it has risen in the past few days. As a weather vane of cryptocurrency market, bitcoin has been on the rise in the past few months, except for the approaching spot trial day of bitcoin. The recent shift of US monetary policy and the re-emergence of bitcoin inscriptions may be an important driving factor for the price increase, and the change of capital preference may lead to some capital flows. In the macro aspect of entering the cryptocurrency market, the recent increase in risk assets such as bitcoin and gold is closely related to the macro monetary policy. The change in the share proportion of money market funds can reflect the proportion of funds flowing out of banks, which will indirectly affect the cryptocurrency market. We can simply understand that funds flow from the Federal Reserve to commercial banks and bonds, and then to the monetary fund and the stock market, and the last part of funds flow to markets with high risk fluctuations such as bitcoin and gold, so from goods. The performance of money market funds can get important information about the flow of some mainstream funds. The new data of the Federal Reserve's economic data system show that the deposits of all commercial banks in the United States have plummeted from trillion dollars at the beginning of the year to a total of billion dollars as of March. At the same time, we also see or will become a major breakthrough point in future industry integration and innovation. Here, I have to mention one person and their team. This person is Wojciech, Zareba, Wojciech, Zareba and Zareba who used to work at Google before. Engaged in artificial intelligence research has made great contributions to the development of new deep learning algorithms. He is a co-founder who helped recruit top artificial intelligence researchers and created projects focusing on strengthening learning robots, deep learning and natural language processing. This time, the project that his team participated in has become a hot spot of capital pursuit in the market. For the original intention of being built, he once said that if the project is well combined with it, I may be more interested in it, which is the key reason to decide whether I will invest. One of the factors is whether the project has market barriers. I have observed that many projects claim that their combination can improve efficiency, such as fast data query function. Some projects can quickly obtain the data on the chain through natural language query, such as querying the top ten most active transactions recently. Such projects may have a first-Mover advantage, but market barriers may not be strong. The real barrier is their own application and how engineers can apply it to specific scenarios. Engineers can usually fine-tune models if they are skilled. Get good results for those projects that improve efficiency, market barriers mainly depends on the data source, not only the data on the chain, but also how the project side processes and analyzes these data. For example, the projects mentioned earlier can quickly retrieve important data through algorithms. However, the effect of fine-tuning the model by engineers is limited. The real continuous advantage lies in the quality of the data source and its continuous optimization ability, which is why some data analysis companies can stand out in the market. Scientists not only provide data sources, but also include the ability of data processing and analysis. The difference often lies in the technical ability and talents of the team. These factors are directly related to the final effect of the combined application, which is also one of the core reasons that will appear. Now it has been officially launched for one month, and various new functions including smart contract payment flow, multi-currency support, user experience optimization, advanced encryption technology and developer-friendly integrated multi-chain deployment have just begun. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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