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作者:Alana Levin,coindesk 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网









  • 粉丝 A:每周在 Spotify 上听该艺术家的音乐五个小时,喜欢他们的每一张 Instagram 照片,订阅他们的时事通讯,收集黑胶唱片专辑,购买他们的商品,并参加他们的每一场音乐会。就在城里——但艺术家永远不会知道这都是同一个粉丝。 

  • 粉丝 B:每周在 Spotify 上听该艺术家的音乐 10 个小时,但不做任何其他事情。

哪个粉丝更像是超级粉丝?根据音乐家可以看到的数据,他们可能会不知不觉地更看重第二个粉丝——毕竟,粉丝 B 听他们音乐的次数是粉丝 A 的 2 倍。不相信这是一个真正的痛点吗?假设这位音乐家是泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift),粉丝 A 和粉丝 B 都非常希望被列入白名单,以便尽早获得她下一次巡演的门票销售权。仅根据 Spotify 数据,粉丝 B 可能会获得优先权。对于粉丝 A 来说这是一个痛苦的结果,对于泰勒来说则是一个未优化的结果。


  • 通过Mirror订阅时事通讯,并提供该订阅的链上来源

  • 在 Lens 上点赞/收集社交媒体帖子(或者有一天 Farcaster?)

  • 购买链上有数字孪生的商品或黑胶唱片

  • 在Sound.xyz上收集一张唱片

  • 每张票本身都可以是 NFT

  • 在音乐会现场扫描二维码即可生成 NFT 出席证明





这是创造引人注目的产品的阶跃功能改进。对个人历史的引用可以在用户和应用程序之间产生引人注目的情感联系。但在 web2 中,时间作为一个维度已经被限制在现有的应用程序中:数据是孤立的,因此应用程序只能引用其应用程序中存在的行为。 

这些情感纽带是强大的保留杠杆。举个例子:尽管我已经很多年没有发送过真正的 Snapchat,但我仍然使用 Snapchat,因为我喜欢“5 年前的今天”类型的提醒以及它们唤起的怀旧感觉。应用程序存在的时间越长,将时间嵌入到产品中的能力就越强。 

问题是新的应用程序无法利用这样的时间要素。迄今为止,创建“5 年前的今天”类型通知的唯一方法是应用程序已存在至少 5 年。对于新应用程序来说,这并不是一个有利的环境,这可能是我们在过去 5 年多的时间里没有看到许多新的消费者应用程序腾飞的原因之一。 

Web3 改变了这种动态。通过鼓励链上活动,它实现了信息获取的民主化。 

利用全球背景信息的能力扩大了建筑商在特定时间点重新组合和重新构想消费者体验的设计空间。我最喜欢的例子之一是一款完全围绕重现“2015 年氛围”构建的应用程序,其界面和内容提要根据个人在 2015 年消费的歌曲、写作和媒体类型量身定制。这就像在 Spotify 上查看怀旧播放列表,然后通过丰富与您那个时期相关的其他媒体的界面,使体验更加身临其境 10 倍。而且由于这些数据不是由极其昂贵的 API 控制的,因此应用程序开发人员可以以相对较低的开销来构建它。换句话说,这个想法不需要具有风险规模才能提供令人愉快的体验。


短期内,一些突破性的 web3 应用程序很可能看起来与 web2 没有什么区别——加密元素只是隐藏在幕后——而真正的“顿悟”时刻将在几年后出现。一个想法只需要修改 3% 就能创造出全新的东西。将选择的元素放在链上可能是 3%:它为利用该数据可以构建的其他内容创造了选择性。 






因此,如果您正在构建一个利用加密元素的应用程序,并且有人问“为什么它必须是 web3?” 将此作品发送给他们。因为问题不应该是区块链是否必要,而是它们是否有帮助。这就像问是否需要一辆车才能从一个地方到达另一个 20 分钟路程的地方:没有必要,但只要技术安全且足够便宜,它可能是更好的选择。区块链也是如此:只要基础设施不断完善,“利用区块链有帮助吗?”的答案就在于此。将会越来越肯定。

Sometimes people seem to have an aversion to embedding encryption elements into other more traditional consumer applications. After all, since millions of people have bought movie tickets in the existing way, why should movie tickets exist on the chain? Or according to this logic, this is a short-term thinking. The real unlocking lies in the long-term ability established by the data aggregated on the chain, and the traditional appearance application with the choice of data or resources on the chain. I assume that these information networks, or metamaps, will expand the design space to attract and stimulate consumers. As a metamap, blockchain is a direct way for users to interact with applications through wallets, which are located on the data layer of the chain. I always think that they are roughly similar to cars. One destination is transported to another destination, where each destination is an application, so the wallet also provides identifiers for the interaction between different blockchain-based applications. As a result, the blockchain itself becomes an information network. By providing a unified identifier for unique user activities across applications, developers can begin to build and utilize a more comprehensive view of user behavior. These metagraphs are very useful for subdividing customer behavior, identifying super users and promoting more meaningful connections. Using an example may help to put the value of these metagraphs in context, and consider the relationship between musicians and their two fans. Fans listen to the artist's music for five hours every week in the classroom, like each of their photos, subscribe to their newsletters, collect vinyl albums, buy their goods and attend each of their concerts. But the artist will never know that it is the same fan. Fans listen to the artist's music for five hours every week in the classroom but do nothing. What other things are more like super fans? According to the data that musicians can see, they may unconsciously value the second fan more. After all, fans listen to their music twice as often as fans. Do you believe this is a real pain point? Suppose the musician is a Taylor Swift fan and both fans really want to be whitelisted in order to get the ticket sales right for her next tour as soon as possible. Based on the data alone, fans may get priority. This is a pain for fans. For Taylor, the result is an unoptimized result. Blockchain has changed this dynamic. Putting information and activities on the chain can expand the scope for application creators and consumers to think about behavior patterns. Many components in the musician's example can easily involve minimally invasive elements on the chain. Collect social media posts by subscribing to the newsletter and providing the online source of the subscription, or one day buy digital twins or vinyl records on the chain to collect a record on the website. Each ticket itself. All of them can scan the QR code at the concert site to generate attendance certificates. Taken alone, these do not seem to be substantial improvements in consumer applications. However, the aggregation metagraph is a new social mapping, which is meaningful. Some people may think it is meaningless to build a new road connecting two towns, but building a new highway system, each new road may not bring significant incremental impact, but the system will create new connections and you have established some powerful ones. East-West Extended Metagraph Time as a new element, if cross-application activities are one form of Metagraph Extended Context, then user behavior is another form as time goes by. Every operation in the chain has a time stamp, which means that third-party developers can relate what happened at a specific date and time, regardless of whether these operations occurred in their specific applications. This is a step-by-step function to create compelling products, and the reference to personal history can be improved in users and applications. For example, although I haven't sent a real one for many years, I still use it because I like the reminders of today years ago and the nostalgic feeling they evoke. The longer an application exists, the more time it embeds in it. The more powerful the product is, the problem is that new applications can't take advantage of this time factor. So far, the only way to create today's type notification years ago is that the application has existed for at least years, which is not a favorable environment for new applications. This may be one of the reasons why we haven't seen many new consumer applications take off in the past year or so, which has changed this dynamic. By encouraging online activities, it has realized the democratization of information acquisition and used global background letters. The ability of information expands the design space for builders to recombine and re-imagine the consumer experience at a specific time. One of my favorite examples is an application that is completely built around recreating the atmosphere of the year. Its interface and content summary are tailored according to the song writing and media types consumed by individuals in the year. It is like viewing nostalgic playlists on the Internet and then making the experience more immersive by enriching the interfaces of other media related to your period, and because these data are not made by extremely. Expensive and controlled, so application developers can build it at a relatively low cost. In other words, this idea does not need to have a risk scale to provide a pleasant experience. Why is this important? In the short term, some breakthrough applications are likely to look no different. The encryption element is just hidden behind the scenes, and the real epiphany moment will appear in a few years. An idea can be created by simply modifying it. Putting the selected elements on the chain may be it. Other content that can be built by using this data creates a selective challenge. It is seldom obvious what these products or functions are, at least in the short term. Therefore, some people may ignore the benefits of promoting this open access. I think this is a mistake. Open access to data promotes experiments, which in turn creates a developer market for developers to build with the widest range of ideas. In addition, the most interesting meta-graph may depend on identifying patterns of many applications and time periods. My guess is that at some point, the richness and breadth of data in the chain will reach an inflection point, so although some should. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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