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作者:Neilson 编译:KaiKai & GINK,AW Research








——布鲁诺·贝特尔海姆,1987 年 3 月《大西洋》杂志


「作为前缀,auto- 不仅表示『自我』,作为个体和独立,还通过理性和权力的方式描述了来自内部的指令、决策和动机。」


Fortnite 和 Roblox 是两个游戏堆栈,它们正在自动化其玩家(通过让玩家在游戏中创建游戏)。从某种程度上说,这是好事,因为游戏一直是将其玩家变成自动机的工具。但是哪种自动化?脑海中浮现出消极的定义,一幅将玩家描绘成单调的工厂工人的画面,他们在自己的世界中无休止地工作,持续地接受滴注。不幸的是,我们承认这在某种程度上是事实。然而,积极的定义将玩家视为出让一些自主权并将其交换到规则中的人,一种有趣的自动化。而且,与其感觉受到规则的限制,玩家们可以自由地行动,实现以前无法实现的自治权。












自动化和自治性使我们能够讨论玩游戏的体验,或者更确切地说,感觉到自己是被玩的那个人。生活中的某些日子,我们是 NPC,而在其他日子,我们是主人公。在游戏世界中,数十亿的玩家聚集在庞大的虚拟几何形状中。在虚拟和空间上令人印象深刻,同时还有一个不断发展的叙事和内容的广阔时间维度。游戏在我们的日历上留下了印记,事情变得令人困惑。在玩游戏的数百万年后,人群异口同声地问:「我在这里花了这么多时间,我难道没有任何控制权吗?」玩家在进入时交换了他们的自主性,但现在他们想要回来,他们是在要求离开游戏吗?不,他们想要一个新的游戏。





回到 Fortnite 和 Roblox。玩家正在成为设计师,创建游戏的新规则,自动化新玩家,创造新的自主权——这是正反馈的过程。这种玩家 - 设计师的永动机是否存在?是的,有了大规模的现场运营团队不断向世界注入新奇。但是,设计师如何让自己在自治世界中变得不再重要?有些游戏中,玩家在游戏内仍然可以玩设计的角色,像《过山车大亨》和 Fortnite 有点像这样。那没关系。然而,当玩家完全能够改变游戏的规则时,他们不再在游戏中。那也没关系。要真正将玩家变成设计师,就要彻底颠覆游戏。


视频游戏是自治世界的出发点,而不是目的地。想象一下,一个成功的新媒体,它成功了视频游戏。它可能具有哪些特点?一种用于创建规则和叙述的协议。不同的叙事和世界创造工具,交换有序情节以获得水平的维基。使用自然语言进行角色和环境创建。一种设备或硬件,就像 GPU 一样,但用于加速不同于图形的某种接口。嵌入到媒体本身的作者种子,最大化分享和扩展,或者是秘密。与参与者的自主性和自动化产生积极互动的体验。不断在 NPC 状态和玩家状态之间委托的媒体。一种媒体,它包括了我们如何玩弄世界以及世界如何玩弄我们的方式。

Neilson 是一位设计师,目前正在 engine_study 开发一款新游戏。

感谢 Nicole 和 Vera 对这篇文章的帮助。这篇文章起源于自主世界社区内的许多讨论,特别要感谢 ARB、GVN、Lermchair、0xHank 和 Small Brain Games 的支持。

The author compiles that you need to be a world maximist, to automate the development of your autonomy and create an emergency, you need to laugh at those people who have a perspective that I almost understand, and you need to build a big bonfire. Every player is a hot coal on the altar of autonomy, and the crystal sword stabs at the victim, and then stops. The trembling dagger is suspended at a distance from the surface, and then the picture turns black. You wake up and lie in bed. You have been working for a game for 20 years, and the conference will be there tomorrow. There are no stone temples, daggers or altars for victims' autonomy in a dream. Autonomy and automation in a dream. Playing games means voluntarily overcoming all kinds of unnecessary obstacles. Bernard Soutz grasshopper plays life and utopia, but children realize early that playing is an opportunity for pure enjoyment, and the game may involve considerable pressure. Bruno Bettelheim's Atlantic magazine then used it as a prefix to express not only self as an individual and independence, but also through rationality and power. The autonomous era of Stephanie Sherman and the two game stacks are described. They are automating their players by letting them create games in the game. To some extent, this is a good thing, because the game has always been a tool to turn their players into automata, but what kind of automation comes to mind? A negative definition depicts the players as monotonous factory workers. They work endlessly in their own world and continue to receive drip. Unfortunately, we bear it. It is true to some extent, but the positive definition regards players as people who transfer some autonomy and exchange it into the rules. It is an interesting automation, and instead of feeling restricted by the rules, players can act freely to realize the autonomy that could not be achieved before. There is a fruitful tension between autonomy leading to the autonomous world and automation. There is no good or bad, and neither side is more popular than the other. Players are always entrusted to exchange push. Discovering and rediscovering their autonomy is carried out in automation. Considering that marketing a game may induce potential players to promise that they will do whatever they want in the game world and their choices will have consequences, the paradox is that they can only act freely within the scope designed by designers. This is of course not the tyrant's behavior of the game, but the beauty of the game. Therefore, agreeing to the rules of the game is to agree to become an interesting automaton. In other words, players who agree to be guided into their own new experience and their own new experience of autonomy accept the contradiction that they are free to do anything in the game, but only if they follow the rules of the game. High-level players may be said to be machine-like, but the best players are unique. They may have their own special actions or styles to discover their new elements of autonomy through automation. The game is a mechanism of self-discovery through self-mastery. Autonomy Autonomy is an inseparable part of self, but it is also an internal rule that is created and followed by self. Automation is the productivity that happens when internal rules are postponed to external rules. Your game will be released within an hour. You are waiting for players. For twenty years, you have been developing a technology that allows your players to do many things, but they can't do some things. Soon, through automation, they will be able to explore themselves. If the crystal dagger pierces your chest, you will be relieved. Part II. If the ideological theorists of the society really exist, we can imagine that they are wearing childish teenagers' hats and happily logging into their animal friends' association account and then going to the board meeting in Federico Campania. It is beneficial to redefine video games as a benign exchange between automation and autonomy for the following reasons. First, the cultural experience brought by video games has gone beyond the scope of voluntarily overcoming various unnecessary obstacles, so we need a broader one. There is a general definition of video games, but the next routine operation is to try to raise video games to the status of real life, but this is always unsatisfactory, mainly because we don't know what is real and what is life. In order to show this view from the opposite direction, it can be said that market politics, love and freedom are games. In fact, it is through the language of games that people come to this idea. We began to look at the world from the perspective of games, which is also what we can't call. The reason why real life has collapsed into a game is a medium about how to look at life. I refuse to regard football as the concept of war. War is war. We don't need substitutes because we already have something real. The autonomy and automation of Donatello terminal area lead to the autonomous world, which enables us to discuss the experience of playing games or, more precisely, feel that we are the person who is being played. On some days in life, we are the protagonist, while on other days, we are the protagonist. In the game world, billions of players gather in a huge virtual geometry, which is impressive in virtual and space. At the same time, there is a vast time dimension of developing narrative and content. The game has left a mark on our calendar, and things have become confusing. After millions of years of playing the game, the crowd asked me in unison, I have spent so much time here. Don't I have any control? Players exchanged their autonomy when they entered, but now they want it back. They want it. Do you want to leave the game? No, they want a new game, the autonomous world. The new game is the concept that this article responds to. This is an innovative media project in which the conditions of existence and extension can be coded. In essence, this is a computing project aimed at redirecting automated players into their world. This is by asking designers to accept a world that does not require permission and can be combined, so that players can put down their handles and become designers to cut off snakeheads in order to grow ten heads in their positions. A roller coaster tycoon game is to automate himself as an amusement park planner. Then an independent roller coaster tycoon is to simulate the automation of amusement park planners, push the flywheel to the autonomous world. Autonomy and automation civilization are improved by expanding the number of operations we can perform without considering. Alfred North whitehead is back to being a designer and creating new rules of the game. Automating new players and creating new autonomy is a positive feedback process. Does this kind of player designer's perpetual motion machine exist? Yes, there is a large-scale on-site operation team that constantly injects novelty into the world, but designers. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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