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随着BTC的水涨船高,BTC的生态也愈发的繁荣起来。之前veDAO的文章对BTC生态市场的Defi项目进行了盘点分享《BTC生态蓬勃迸发 盘点Defi新机遇| veDAO研究院》。本篇,我们继续关注BTC生态,这次让我们聚焦于Ordinals的各功能市场。


随着社区广泛追捧的 BRC-20 资产不断涌现,短期内满足 Oridnals 生态交易者需求的基础设施和工具却出现断层。上个月在TurtSat上IDO的NxHub因此诞生。

NxHub是一个基于Ordinals的聚合市场,通过捕获 UniSat、OKX、MagicEden 和 OrdinalsWallet 等平台的上币订单数据并以聚合方式展示,用户可以选择多平台上架订单,根据用户的选择向相应的市场发送请求,简化下单流程。从而实现多平台价格更新、取消等内容。NxHub 的目标是整合更多的 Oridnals 资产信息,交易者再也不需要在平台间反复比较价格。通过访问 NxHub,交易者将快速获取当前市场最热门的资产信息,在交易前访问这些资产的价格波动、交易量变化和供应等数据以辅助自己的投资决策。

在提供 NFT 交易的基础上,NxHub 还将提供批量上架与批量扫货交易(Floor-sweeping,一次性购买多件最低价的NFT)高级功能,交易者可以根据自己的选择在对应的市场发送下单、取消订单等请求。通过为交易者提供更便捷的批量操作,NxHub 将整个下单流程进行简化,方便操作。另外,NxHub 将允许交易者将多个BRC-20代币添加到购物车,平台将根据交易者的偏好和购买需求进行智能处理,通过技术在同一个区块中打包多个 UTXOs,具体实现流程图如下:

随着近期BRC-20资产如雨后春笋般疯狂涌现,包括eths、bnbs、pols、sols等公链铭文等相继被发现,一些最早上线的铭文代币价格也不断高涨。这样的热潮下,一个 Oridnals 交易聚合平台显得尤为必要。毫无疑问,NxHub 的出现给BTC生态带来进一步的繁荣,凭借其先发优势,有望成为BTC铭文交易者的首要选择。


NFT可以说是促使以太坊生态繁荣的功臣之一,因此Ordinals在今年的火热,有一部分在于其对BTC生态的意义重大。同NFT一样,Ordinals的借贷也是BTC生态中的重要一环。毕竟NFT借贷释放了流动性,从而开启了生态的繁荣。Liquidium 正是 BTC 生态中的首个 Ordinals 借贷协议。

Liquidium 是一种专门在BTC链上运行的点对点借贷协议。这种创新的解决方案允许用户使用原生Ordinals作为抵押品借出和借入原生BTC,从而消除了对中介机构或托管人的需求。通过部分签名的比特币交易(PSBT)和离散日志合约(DLC)安全地进行交易。用户无需将他们的铭文映射到另一条链上,即可使用借来的BTC购买更多的Ordinals铭文或任何其他BTC生态资产,而无需更换钱包、区块链或平台。目前,Liquidium 仅与 Xverse 钱包兼容。

Liquidium 的机制透明且简单:首先借款人通过设置所需的贷款条款,并锁定其Ordinals铭文作为抵押品来申请贷款。随后贷方审查贷款请求,并向符合贷款标准的借款人提供BTC,从而启动贷款。之后如果借款人没有按时偿还贷款,则贷款违约,Ordinals铭文将转移给贷款人。为了维护公平性和安全性,Liquidium 将利用预言机通过检查链上活动来验证贷款结果,从而使该协议确保最小的信任问题和交易的透明度。

Liquidium 与 Blend

提起 NFT 借贷,不得不提的是今年5月份Blur推出的名为Blend的借贷协议,Blend 和 Liquidium 的最大区别是 Liquidium 主要是提供了Ordinals的借贷。出自之外还有一些细微的差别。

Blend 拥有点对点借贷和点对池借贷两种模式,Liquidium 目前只有点对点借贷的模式。

Blend主要面向的是3种人群:1. NFT收藏家,其目的是在不出售NFT的前提下,获得ETH流动性;2. 抄底的交易员,希望通过极低的成本购买蓝筹NFT;3. 领空投的玩家,除了上架、竞价,出借NFT也能获空投。对 Liquidium 来说,Ordinals持有者对标上述的NFT收藏家,目前 Liquidium 还没有购买和聚合Ordinals的功能,上文提到的 NxHub 可以实现这个功能;目前 Liquidium 还未放出空投相关的消息。

借助 Liquidium,Ordinals所有者可以在不出让资产所有权的情况下获得流动性。这是 NFT 借贷的重要一步,专门满足Ordinals所有者的需求。通过提供使用 Ordinals 作为BTC主网抵押品的 P2P 借贷平台,Liquidium 也是实现了 BTC DeFi、丰富了BTC生态。这一协议或将重构借贷格局,并在 Ordinals 世界中开辟新的机遇。


Chamcha 是一个基于 Ordinals 资产流动性协议的平台,专注于提供一个安全、便捷的环境,用于购买、出售、赚取和托管 NFT 资产。它结合了区块链技术和智能合约,将传统金融场景与循环和流媒体 NFT 资产的潜力相结合。

Chamcha 还采用了 BRC-20 跨链协议,并推出了 CHAX(Chamcha 代币)来支持新的跨链桥。这个新桥梁旨在缓解因 MEXC 和链上价差较大导致的用户提币请求过多而引起的老跨链桥堵塞问题。目前,已有超过 2000 万枚 CHAX 代币跨链至以太坊网络。CHAX 代币总供应量2,100,000,000,当前市值$15.7M。CHAX 在管理平台、激励流动性提供、提供质押奖励以及在 Chamcha 生态系统中的各种活动和交易中发挥着关键作用。





最近 BTC 生态发展的势头强劲,龙头ORDI的价格不断攀升、各种铭文层出不穷,甚至带动各个公链的铭文变得瞩目。在这种情况下,BTC生态包括借贷、聚合等需求也变得迫切起来。一种基于Ordinals理论的扩展协议——BRC-100也成为社区关注的热点,BRC-100专为在比特币Layer 1上实现各种去中心化应用而设计。如果BRC-100得到大规模应用,BTC生态又将进入新一轮的井喷期,届时BTC生态各功能市场也会变得更加繁荣。

BTC是目前市值最大的加密货币,Ordinals 的出现开启了BTC网络和区块链技术发展的新篇章。Ordinals 协议给BTC引入了以前从未实现过的新功能,随着BTC底层技术的不断发展,我们可以期待新的功能可以使铭文更加高效、安全和通用。

With the rising tide, the ecology has become more and more prosperous. The previous article took stock of the projects in the ecological market and shared the ecological prosperity. generate took stock of the new opportunities research institute. This article continues to pay attention to the ecology. With the emergence of assets widely sought after by the community, the infrastructure and tools that meet the needs of eco-traders in the short term have broken down. Last month, it was born that an aggregated market was based on capturing and waiting for the platform's order data. It also shows that users can choose multi-platform shelf orders and send requests to the corresponding markets according to users' choices, so as to simplify the ordering process, so as to realize multi-platform price update and cancellation. The goal is to integrate more asset information, and traders no longer need to compare prices repeatedly between platforms. By visiting traders, they will quickly obtain the most popular asset information in the current market, and access the data of price fluctuations, trading volume changes and supply of these assets before trading to assist their investment decisions. On the basis of providing transactions, it will also provide high-level functions of batch shelving and batch sweeping transactions to buy multiple pieces of the lowest price at one time. Traders can send orders to cancel orders and other requests in the corresponding market according to their own choices, and simplify the whole order placing process by providing more convenient batch operation for traders. In addition, traders will be allowed to add multiple tokens to the shopping cart platform, which will be intelligently processed according to traders' preferences and purchase needs in the same block through technology. The flow chart of packaging multiple specific implementations is as follows. With the recent rapid emergence of assets, including the inscriptions on the public chain, some of the earliest online inscriptions have been discovered one after another, and the price of tokens has also been rising. Under this upsurge, it is particularly necessary for a trading aggregation platform to undoubtedly appear and bring further prosperity to the ecology. With its first-Mover advantage, it is expected to become the first choice for inscription traders, and it can be said that it is one of the heroes to promote the ecological prosperity of Ethereum. Therefore, part of this year's enthusiasm lies in. It is of great significance to the ecology, and the same lending is also an important part of the ecology. After all, lending has released liquidity, thus opening up the prosperity of the ecology. It is the first lending agreement in the ecology, which is a peer-to-peer lending agreement specially running on the chain. This innovative solution allows users to use the native as collateral to lend and borrow the native, thus eliminating the need for intermediaries or custodians. Users do not need to conduct transactions safely through partially signed bitcoin transactions and discrete log contracts. By mapping their inscriptions on another chain, you can use the borrowed ones to buy more inscriptions or any other ecological assets without changing wallets. At present, the blockchain or platform is only compatible with wallets. The mechanism is transparent and simple. First, the borrower applies for a loan by setting the required loan terms and locking its inscription as collateral, and then the lender examines the loan request and provides it to borrowers who meet the loan standards. After the loan is started, if the borrower fails to repay the loan on time, the loan default inscription will be In order to maintain fairness and security, the Oracle will be used to verify the loan results by checking the activities in the chain, so that the agreement can ensure the minimum trust problem and the transparency of the transaction. What has to be mentioned is that the biggest difference between the loan agreement and the loan agreement launched in this month is that there are some subtle differences between the loans provided and the point-to-point lending and the point-to-pool lending. At present, only the point-to-point lending model is mainly for people. The purpose of group collectors is to obtain liquidity without selling. The bargain-hunting traders hope to buy blue-chip airspace investment players at a very low cost, and they can also get airdrops in addition to bidding on the shelves. For the holders, the above collectors have not been able to purchase and aggregate at present. The above-mentioned function can be realized, and the news about airdrops has not been released yet. With the help of the owners, they can obtain liquidity without transferring the ownership of assets, which is an important step for lending. The demand of some people has also enriched the ecology by providing a lending platform that is used as collateral for the main network. This agreement will reconstruct the lending pattern and open up new opportunities in the world. It is a platform based on asset liquidity agreement, which focuses on providing a safe and convenient environment for buying, selling, earning and hosting assets. It combines blockchain technology and smart contracts, combines traditional financial scenarios with the potential of circulating and streaming media assets, and adopts cross-chain agreements and introduces tokens to support it. The new cross-chain bridge, a new bridge, aims to alleviate the congestion of the old cross-chain bridge caused by the large price difference between the chain and the chain. At present, more than 10,000 tokens have crossed the chain to the Ethereum network. The total supply of tokens at present has played a key role in the management platform to stimulate liquidity, provide pledge rewards and play a key role in various activities and transactions in the ecosystem. It is a project launch platform based on, which is similar to ecology. It supports open source development by establishing basic donation agreements. Participants and communities participate in ecological construction to gain benefits, and are committed to creating a positive community-led ecology and cooperating with some influential organizations to jointly promote the development of the agreement and bitcoin ecosystem. Users in bilateral markets have been supported and can conduct transactions. Since its launch, the platform has launched a total of projects, including asset agreement, cross-chain bridge aggregation platform and lending platform. These projects are early builders of infrastructure, and the growth rate is good after the launch. Conclusion The recent trend of ecological development. The price of the powerful faucet keeps rising, and all kinds of inscriptions emerge one after another, which even make the inscriptions of various public chains become eye-catching. In this case, the needs of ecology, including loan aggregation, have become urgent, and an extension protocol based on theory has also become the focus of community attention, which is designed for realizing various decentralized applications on Bitcoin. If it is applied on a large scale, the ecology will enter a new round of blowout period, and then the functional market of ecology will become more prosperous. It is the cryptocurrency with the largest market value at present. With the development of the underlying technology, we can expect the new functions to make the inscription more efficient, safe and universal. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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