从Luke Dashjr方案解析到对区块链本质的思考

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作者:Faust & 雾月,极客web3


·Luke Dashjr更多想解决BRC-20和Ordinals给比特币主网带来“垃圾数据”的问题,是想减轻比特币身上的包袱,保证其简洁性和去中心化,并非对BRC-20本身的绝对否定;


·如果“美元替代品”“Code is Law”之类的乌托邦口号可以在时间推移中被不断证伪,那么比特币和区块链的存在意义又是什么?它真正能解决的问题到底是什么?

近期,比特币社区元老Luke Dashjr针对BRC-20的激进言论引发了无数人的讨论。Luke认为,BRC-20和铭文协议绕过了比特币区块对数据大小的限制,强行往区块内塞进了大量”垃圾数据",这种做法会给节点造成不必要的负担,因为这会增加节点在网速带宽和存储能力上的开销,如果这种情况长期延续下去,会不断降低比特币网络的去中心化程度,最终瓦解这个“最去中心化的blockchain生态”那赖以维系的优良传统。

其实Luke的担心并不是空穴来风。在今年2月1日,比特币网络内出现了其“有史以来最大的区块”,大小为3.96MB,只因为这个区块内包含了一个名为Taproot Wizards 的NFT。这种现象在当时便被Luke Dashjr 等人认定,会使得比特币的区块大小居高不下,进而提高全节点的硬件设备要求,而去中心化的重要一环恰恰在于降低用户的节点运行成本。如果未来的比特币变得像Solana和Sui一样,人们只能把节点运行在第三方机房里,这未尝不是比特币社区乃至整个Web3的悲哀。







单从技术的角度去看,Ordinals协议是⼀个为聪(SATS,⽐特币最⼩单位)编号的系统,或者说是以比特币UTXO作为存储媒介的衍生协议。 Ordinals为每个聪赋予⼀个序号,再附加上额外的数据(⽂本、图⽚、代码等),使每个聪都变成独一无二的NFT,这个过程称之为“铭刻”。

BRC-20 在Ordinals的基础上,⼜推出了类似ERC-20同质化代币的发⾏⽅法。但BTC脚本并不图灵完备,⽆法实现以太坊那样复杂的智能合约系统。以最简单的transfer功能为例,基于Ordinals协议的衍生资产需要在脚本中写⼊如下内容: 





  1. 有统⼀共识的状态运算层。不同钱包、浏览器等解析出的数据并不一定相同,此前曾多次发生用户资产在不同钱包上有不同显示结果的现象。

    The author's Fog Moon Geek Protocol is a system with the unit number of Congte Coin or a derivative protocol with Bitcoin as the data storage medium. The essence of the protocol is to dye coins. The problem of solving and bringing junk data to Bitcoin's main network is to reduce the burden on Bitcoin, ensure its simplicity and decentralization, and it is not an absolute negation of itself. As long as there is a mine pool willing to package and trade data, it can survive in Bitcoin network, but it will obviously worsen the trading situation. The delay will be longer, but it also shows the potential and opportunities of Bitcoin. If utopian slogans such as dollar substitutes can be falsified over time, what is the significance of Bitcoin and blockchain? What is the real problem it can solve? Recently, the radical remarks made by Bitcoin community elders have caused countless people to discuss that the agreement and inscription have bypassed the limitation of Bitcoin block on data size and forced a lot of junk data into the block. This practice will give a festival. Point causes unnecessary burden, because it will increase the cost of nodes in network speed, bandwidth and storage capacity. If this situation continues for a long time, it will continue to reduce the degree of decentralization of Bitcoin network and eventually disintegrate this most decentralized ecology. In fact, the worry is not groundless. On March this year, the largest block size appeared in Bitcoin network, just because this block contained a phenomenon called, which was recognized by others at that time. It is bound to make the block size of Bitcoin remain high, thus improving the hardware equipment requirements of all nodes. The important part of decentralization is to reduce the node operating cost of users. If Bitcoin becomes like Harmony in the future, people can only run nodes in third-party computer rooms, which is not only the sorrow of Bitcoin community and the whole, but also the increase of node bandwidth storage overhead and weakening decentralization. At the same time, large blocks themselves will also affect security, because the larger the blocks, the more they spread in the network. The slower the speed, the worse the data consistency of nodes, and the higher the solitary block rate and the bifurcated account book rate. This point has been emphasized by the team many times before, and the Ethereum Foundation has been evaluating the impact of the larger block size on security after going online. This kind of thing will inevitably lead to the overall abandonment and the negative impact on the underlying security and decentralization of Bitcoin networks. It is also a new risk to put derivative assets in Bitcoin. This essence is to directly pass on the security problems that derivative assets need to solve. If the total value of these derivatives exceeds the asset computing value needed to ensure the security of Bitcoin network, there may be a top-heavy problem, and this risk point has become more and more explicit in Ethereum. Previously, celebrities in the technical circle also expressed their concern about this issue in interviews, but it is interesting that although they expressed a negative attitude towards and various inscriptions in some speeches and said that if the new version of node client code is released and widely adopted, It may disappear by then, but when others pointed out that Bitcoin can be used as a new destination to avoid the burden on Bitcoin's main network, they affirmed this view and did not absolutely deny the ideology. Later, I even bluntly said that it is not necessary to eradicate all inscriptions to bring benefits to Bitcoin's network. In the final analysis, the dissatisfaction seems to lie in the risks brought to Bitcoin's main network by the data expansion caused by various derivatives, rather than killing these derivatives themselves. More importantly, I want to kill this. The expulsion of uninvited guests to facilities outside Bitcoin's main network has brought opportunities to Bitcoin itself, but the radical approach itself has also caused many people's disputes. His behavior not only involves the dispute over Bitcoin's ecological discourse power, but also reflects the difference in the nature of product design philosophy. Many years ago, he disagreed with others on similar matters, which indirectly led to the former's determination to make a chain by himself. In the following, we will analyze the agreement and the solution technically and represent it. Satoshi Nakamoto theorists and speculators represented by players briefly expound their respective problems. If it is not as grand and beautiful as some people say, then what is its value? Simply analyze the principle of the agreement. From a technical point of view, the agreement is a system that numbers Congte coins the most, or a derivative agreement with bitcoin as the storage medium, which gives each Congte a serial number and attaches additional data. This process is called engraving. On the basis of this, a similar method of issuing homogeneous tokens is introduced, but the script is not Turing's complete method to realize an intelligent contract system as complicated as Ethereum. Taking the simplest function as an example, the derivative assets based on the protocol need to write the following contents in the script. It can be seen that this is a pure interactive special currency network, and the transaction contents of the special currency network itself do not enter into any operation, and the messages such as successful transfer seen by the status settlement account are the final results obtained by the nodes that agree with the agreement themselves after parsing and calculating the original script on the chain, such as If you only have one, you can send this transaction by writing one in number, but the relevant nodes and browsers will not interpret it as an effective transfer. Therefore, in essence, you only regard the special currency network as permanent data, and only the metadata operation statement is engraved on the unchangeable disk chain, but all the operations and state settlement are located in the server of the data index station under the chain. This kind of thinking is almost the same as the ecological project. On the whole, there are the following problems without consensus. The data analyzed by different wallet browsers and other state operation layers are not necessarily the same. It has happened many times before that user assets have different display results on different wallets. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

  2. 依赖中⼼化的Indexer基础设施。以区块链的标准来看,这种应⽤对安全性是没有严格要求且不可靠的。

  3. 使⽤场景狭窄。在以太坊中⼀系列复杂的DeFi活动都不可能基于简单的Ordinals协议完成,甚⾄⽬前的Ordinals交易只能通过挂单来完成,⽽⾮采用流⾏的AMM。所以,Ordinals这类产物似乎在以太坊上实现会更好。

4. ⽹络污染。Ordinals对聪的操作形式,如数千名⽤户在短时间内只操作$0.1的价值却⽀付$10的转账费⽤,在BTC原教旨主义者眼中⾮常类似粉尘攻击,在这些⽤户或开发者眼中,BTC主要是⽤于储值和转账,⽽Ordinals活动严重⼲扰了正常的⽹络运转。



面对BRC-20和Ordinals问题,Luke并没有直接修改共识层,⽽是通过修改Spam Filter(policy)模块,使节点在收到P2P广播消息时,直接拒收Ordinals交易。在policy中,有多个isStandard()系列函数来检查交易的各个⽅⾯是否符合标准,如果不符合,则节点收到的这笔交易很快就会被抛弃。

换句话说,Ordinals最终可以上链,但大多数节点不会把这样的数据放进交易池里,这会延长Ordinals数据传递给 愿意将其打包上链的矿池的延时。但如果有矿池广播了一个包含BRC-20交易的区块,节点们还是会认可。


Luke已经在Bitcoin Knots客户端中提交了policy的修改,在Bitcoin Core客户端中,他也想将相同的提交加⼊进去。而在policy.cpp中,他新增了⼀个名为g_script_size_policy_limit的参数,该参数在多个位置对脚本⼤⼩进⾏了限制。


其中,g_script_size_policy_limit默认值为1650 Bytes,会限制许多Ordinals中使⽤的脚本,下图为⼀个NFT相关脚本的⼤⼩:

但由于该参数仅仅是⽤于Spam Filter模块,⽽⾮共识模块,所以节点可以⾃⾏修改该参数的⼤⼩,来接收更⼤脚本的交易。这些交易虽然不符合Core开发者的预期,但仍然可以被⽐特币的共识协议所接受,也就是说,只要有一个矿池愿意打包Ordinals相关的交易数据,Ordinals就依然可以在比特币网络存活,只是相关用户的UX会比现在更差(响应延时会变得比现在长)。



Luke Dashjr行为背后隐藏的区块链信仰危机

那么该如何评价Luke Dashjr的这种行为?这一切真的只是“大区块与小区块”之争那么简单吗?诚然,如果单从技术和产品的角度看待这一切,似乎Luke只是在捍卫比特币社区长期以来的极简哲学与去中心化理念,这种与以太坊截然不同的保守主义思路,一直都是“区块链世界里不可或缺”的一环。

也有人认为,比特币本身就是一个巨大的社区治理实验田,Luke Dashjr只是代表了其中的一派势力,而比特币不是属于一个人的,是矿工、交易所、开发者、用户之间多方博弈下形成的混合产物,无论Luke怎么针对BRC-20,那些眼花缭乱的铭文都会在比特币生态内找到合适的归宿。


如果从意识形态的角度去考察最近的“Luke Dashjr”事件,不难将其抽象为“技术派”和“交易派”之间的冲突,此前Blast与Polygon zkEVM之间的唇枪舌剑,已经将两大派系间的矛盾显露无疑,而Luke Dashjr则进一步激化了两者之间的分歧,使人们对比特币乃至于区块链的”所有权“本身产生思考:究竟谁可以代表比特币生态?是那些打着中本聪后继者旗号的OG贡献者们,还是那些整天对炒币交易乐此不疲的投机客们?




虽然有无数人曾就区块链可以带来的宏大愿景做出过激情澎湃的描绘,曾不止一次推崇所谓的“中本聪精神”与“Trustless最大主义”,但为什么中本聪和Gavin Wood等人所幻想的“美元替代品”与”下一代互联网“还没有到来,先到来的却是一系列“上不了大雅之堂”的东西?这是否是拜“去中心化网络”本身极差的UX与使用门槛所致?

对于一个对用户不友好、几乎永远无法在用户体验上与Web2抗衡的东西,又能给人们带来哪些Web2所没有的场景?如果它很难取得Web2所不具备的产品优势,所谓的“去信任化”Slogan又真的能够被大多数人所接受吗?单纯空谈那些遥不可及的“不需要人治的Trustless” “mass adoption”,却不想善待位居主流用户画像中的羊毛党,这种态度本身是否是一种孔乙己式的虚伪自私?

或许技术至上主义者的确有资格嘲笑BRC-20玩家们唯利是图,可以认为区块链并不该沦为”链上赌场“,但我们更应该认真思考区块链的意义所在。如果它并不像中本聪所说的那般宏大可敬,它所鼓吹的许多乌托邦式的思想在时间的推移中被不断证伪,那么所谓的“code is law”以及”Mass Adoption“乃至”Web3.0“背后,又是否隐藏着一场堪比尼采式“上帝之死”的重大信仰危机?如果所谓的“中本聪主义”只是一种类似于Marx主义的空中楼阁,那么我们是否该反思Web3真正能够解决的问题究竟是什么?




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