DogeCoin:Crypto 历史上最独特的一面旗帜

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作者:密客资本 来源:medium




1.1 SpaceX的“Doge-1”计划获得FCC许可

来自PANews12月1日消息:空间技术公司Geometric Energy Corporation的首席执行官Samuel Reid在X平台上证实,SpaceX的“Doge-1”月球任务已获得美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)的许可。此前11月29日消息,SpaceX“Doge-1”卫星已经获得美国国家电信和信息管理局 (NTIA) 的批准,正在争取美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)的最终批准。

1.2 “DOGE-1”计划由Dogecoin资助

SpaceX 创始人埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 于 2021 年宣布DOGE-1 卫星发射项目。作为 Intuitive Machines 和美国太空计划 NASA 之间的合作,“DOGE-1”由Dogecoin(狗狗币)资助空间技术公司 Geometric Energy Corporation 开发, 用 SpaceX Falcon 9 火箭发射。DOGE-1 卫星上的微型屏幕将显示广告、图像和徽标,随后将向地球广播,DOGE-1 是第一个完全以Dogecoin(狗狗币)支付的卫星发射项目。



2.1 源自恶搞的首个Meme代币




2.2 几乎背离主流的代币规则设计







2.3 超出预期的市值与行情涨幅

来自于Coinmarketcap的最新数据:Dogecoin(狗狗币)市值排名第九,约 130 亿美元左右,24H 交易量11 亿美元,流通量 1421.2亿。

据币安 11 月报告,Dogecoin月涨幅达到 15.72%,仅次于 SOL、LINK 和 ADA,尤其是SpaceX的“Doge-1”月球任务已获得美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)的许可后,又带来新一轮单日近20%的涨幅。

2.4 埃隆·马斯克带来的聚拢效应

Dogecoin(狗狗币)的估值和成长路径受到埃隆·马斯克的强烈影响,并因此聚拢起更多的屯币用户和交易所长期持有。尤其是将Dogecoin与 SpaceX以及特斯拉的联动,比如曾经认为“Dogecoin 可以作为火星的货币”,以及制造“Dogecoin 可以购买 Cybertruck”的 FOMO 语句,让非Crypto行业的投资者,对其有了很强感知和投资情绪。

也是基于埃隆·马斯克,Dogecoin 在社交媒体上受到高度关注,并且积极情绪远高于消极情绪,以 TG 为例:成员在 1万名左右,近一月以来,中立情绪基本占比 60% 以上,消极情绪在 10% 至 30% 区间内波动。据 CMC&Coincarp 数据,Dogecoin(狗狗币)持仓地址在 5.7M 左右,其中 4.9M 地址头寸在 1000 美元以下,大部分由巨鲸和交易所持有,第一名持仓量占据 23.16%,前 10 名持仓量占 45%,前 100 名持仓量占 66%。

2.5 投资Dogecoin的参考因素(建议)


时间框架 — Meme文化的不确定性,容易产生短期的剧烈波动;

风险承受 — 相对无规律的、短期剧烈波动对风险承受能力有更高的要求;

兴趣偏好 — 享受互联网文化和Meme文化并愿意参与其中,这对投资更有利;

目标收益 — Meme类型币种可能带来指数级炒作回报,属于高风险高收益类型;

3、Dogecoin 带来的思考

3.1 情绪价值的力量超乎人们的想象







3.2 共识一直是Crypto市场的价值发生器


在行业人士的主流观点中,“共识”是区块链技术的形象化和缩影,以技术构建共识,以技术成就共识,似乎已经成为一个颠扑不破的真理,但是Dogecoin(狗狗币)的成长路线向我们展示了另一种共识 — “人群共识”。我们知道,货币属于一般等价物,传统货币的价值来自于“信用价值”,而“信用价值”则来自于“人群共识”,即对政府信用的共识。

勒庞在《乌合之众》中讲到:“当一个人融入群体后,他的所有个性都会被这个群体所淹没,他的思想立刻就会被群体的思想所取代。” 很显然“人群共识”就是群体思想的凝聚点,它可以驱动人们产生信仰,可以为人们塑造共同的价值观和愿景,这些都促使着价值的发生和增长。从古至今,“共识”一直都是价值发生器,也必然会一直是Crypto市场的价值发生器。

3.3 品牌效应的影响力可以脱离应用场景




4 、总结


Dogecoin(狗狗币)社区充满了热情和创造力,他们通过各种方式推广和宣传 Dogecoin(狗狗币),增加其曝光度。这种社区力量与埃隆·马斯克带来的聚拢效应,确保了Dogecoin(狗狗币)在市场中的持久影响力。将会不断促进着狗狗币在市场和行业中的稳定和发展,引领更多的人了解Dogecoin(狗狗币)并加入其社群。


It has been years since the birth of the author's hacker capital source distance, and it has evolved from its branches. Since its birth, its entertainment and social attributes have made it attract the attention of the majority of social media users. Although its value and application scope are relatively limited, as a part of the digital economy, it fully demonstrates the innovation and diversity of virtual currency and its influence in social media. Although it is unknown whether it will develop into a more popular and stable electronic currency in the future, dogecoin has none. Doubt is a characteristic existence in the field of virtual currency, and it has become the most unique banner in history, allowing more people to know that the plan has been approved. The moon mission confirmed by the CEO of Message Space Technology Co., Ltd. on the platform has been approved by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States. The previous month, the message satellite has been approved by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the United States, and the final approval of the Federal Communications Commission is being sought. The plan was announced by the funding founder Elon Musk in. As a cooperation with the US space program, the satellite launch project was developed by dogecoin-funded Space Technology Company. The micro-screen on the satellite will display advertising images and logos, and then it will be broadcast to the earth. It is the first satellite launch project paid entirely by dogecoin. The bifurcation evolution originated from dogecoin has the advantages of fast transaction convenience and no real-name authentication. It was founded and issued by programmer Billy Marcus in June to be used for all rewards and tips. The positioning is entertainment and social services. Digital currency, an attribute of communication, has attracted wide attention from social media users since its release. The name and logo pattern of dogecoin, the first token originated from spoofing, are all derived from a Shiba Inu culture. In the field, dogecoin also represents a friendly, interesting and lovely image, which has attracted the attention and participation of many people who like dogs. However, it is undeniable that the creation of dogecoin is more due to the serious spoof and entertainment of benchmarking, and it is a kind of deliberate opposite. In it, it can be said that dogecoin is the product of pure Internet culture, spreading itself with viral jokes and culture, forming a unique culture. dogecoin is the ancestor of money and has always been the benchmark and leader of money. It is also an Internet culture that has enabled dogecoin to gather a high-participation user group to spread its concept and adoption. Even when founder Billy Marcus founded it, he certainly didn't expect that dogecoin would rise at the beginning of its release and lead the trend and even the market value. More than 100 million dollars has become a banner of the industry, which almost deviates from the mainstream token rule design. In many aspects, dogecoin deviates from the mainstream idea. For example, the original intention is to laugh at and spoof the cottage currency, not because of some solution. The icon is a dog, which is completely opposite to the seriousness of the currency. The circulation is infinite, unlike the mainstream currency, which has set restrictions from the beginning. The initial application scenario is that the creator rewards are similar to praise, and the emotional value and nature have hardly been witnessed over time. dogecoin It seems that it has been proved to people that besides the mainstream design and rules, there is another way to provide unlimited enjoyment space for the diversity. The market value and market increase beyond expectations come from the latest data. dogecoin's market value ranks around 900 million US dollars, the transaction volume is about 100 million US dollars, and the monthly increase is second only to and especially after the moon mission has been approved by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States, it has brought a new round of one-day near-term increase. The gathering effect brought by Elon Musk in dogecoin. The valuation and growth path of the company are strongly influenced by Elon Musk, which has gathered more users and exchanges to hold it for a long time. In particular, the linkage with Tesla, for example, once thought that it can be used as the currency of Mars, and the making of statements that can be bought, has made non-industry investors have a strong perception and investment sentiment. It is also based on Elon Musk's high attention on social media and his positive mood is much higher than that of negative emotions. For example, there are about 10,000 members in the past month. According to the data, dogecoin's position address is left and right, in which the address position is below the US dollar, and most of them are held by giant whales and exchanges. The top position accounts for the top position, which accounts for the reference factor of investment. It is suggested that although dogecoin already has a high market value, its attributes determine that it will inevitably have more uncertainties. Some investors like to use the viral speculation cycle to obtain short-term benefits, but its risks are still high. The framework of factors for reference is as follows: the uncertainty of time frame culture is prone to short-term violent fluctuations, and the risk is relatively irregular. Short-term violent fluctuations have higher requirements for risk tolerance. Interest and preference enjoy Internet culture and culture and are willing to participate in it, which is more beneficial to investment. The target income type currency may bring exponential speculation returns, belonging to high-risk and high-yield types, and the power of thinking emotional value is beyond people's imagination. So far, dogecoin has a huge and highly active society. District has always been an important part of its long-term value. Since the initial spoof entertainment, dogecoin, as an alternative token, has been constantly helping people to create and spread emotional value, including Elon Musk's approved marketing, and so on. It is also constantly strengthening people's emotional value to dogecoin. Obviously, emotional value has expanded its influence boundary through dogecoin and provided sustained value for dogecoin. Emotional value has imperceptibly shaped people's value consensus to dogecoin. Holders and community scale have been condensed for a long time because of emotional value. More and more people understand and join in because of dogecoin's emotional value. Emotional value has been spontaneously creating application scenarios and solutions to build a positive cycle consensus for themselves. It has always been the value generator of the market. If emotional value has made dogecoin walk out of a unique path of money, then in this process, dogecoin proved to us that consensus has always been the mainstream view of the market value generator in the industry. Consensus is the visualization and epitome of blockchain technology. It seems that it has become an irrefutable truth to build consensus with technology and achieve consensus with technology. However, dogecoin's growth route shows us another kind of consensus, crowd consensus. We know that money belongs to universal equivalent's traditional currency, and the value of credit comes from crowd consensus, that is, the consensus of government credit. Le Pen said in the mob that when a person integrates into the group, all his personality will be overwhelmed by the group, and his thoughts will be replaced by the group's thoughts immediately. Obviously, crowd consensus is the condensation point of group thoughts 2. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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