HashKey Capital:2023年泰国区块链生态报告

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原文来源:HashKey Capital


1.1 加密货币数据分析平台访问人数火爆

2023 年 CoinMarketCap 网站的平均月访问量为 64.8 万人次,占全国总人口的 0.94% ,泰国的人均访问量比美国高出 0.21% 。

1.2 泰国加密资产交易量可观

根据 CoinGecko 上泰国领先的数字资产交易所,如 Bitkub、Bitazza(经纪商)和 Satang 的交易量数据显示,从 2023 年 1 月到 10 月,总交易量达到 116, 436, 471, 138.81 美元,约合 4100 亿泰铢。2023 年,Bitkub 占据了最大的市场份额,占当年总交易量的 77.04% ;Bitazza 和 Satang 的市场份额分别为 21.60% 和 1.36% 。其中 Satang 在 2023 年被 Kasikornbank(简称 KBANK)收购,后更名为 Orbix。

HashKey Capital:2023年泰国区块链生态报告

来源:cryptomind, CoinGecko

1.3 泰国用户对数字资产交易的兴趣攀升

在 Chainalysis 的 Crypto Adoption Index 榜单上, 泰国位于第十位,Chainalysis 的评价标准考量了用户在中心化交易所,P2P trading, 以及 DeFi 协议的活动等。

  • 交易所:泰国数字资产交易所现有超过 294 万个用户账户,占全国总人口的 4.27% ,超过股票市场 550 万账户的一半,说明泰国加密行业正在迅速成长。

  • 币安:从 2023 年 1 月到 11 月,泰国用户每月平均访问 Binance 116, 877 次,访问量在 2023 年 1 月达到最高峰 303, 057 次。

  • Metamask: 从 2020 年 9 月到 2023 年 8 月,Metamask 钱包在泰国被下载超过 797, 931 次,下载次数最多的月份是 2021 年 11 月,达到了 88, 539 次,很大可能是受到 GameFi 和元宇宙流行的影响。

  • Dex: 在 2021 年的牛市期间,泰国用户平均每月访问像 PancakeSwap 这类 DEX 的次数 为 35, 000 次,熊市到来后访问量有所下降。

  • Opensea: 2022 年的 NFT 热潮中,Opensea 在泰国平均每月访问量为 48, 000 次, 7 月份访问量达到高峰 65, 000 次,熊市到来后流量有所下降。


泰国金融行业受高度监管,在数字资产领域监管框架也比较清晰,泰国证券交易委员会(SEC)采取追随策略,效仿美国、日本、香港、新加坡等地,主要法案是Emergency Decree on Digital Asset Businesses, B.E. 2561 。泰国的金融行业机构,比如银行、资管的投资行为和从业行为,均要向 SEC 报备。


  • 受监管资产:coins、tokens

  • ICO:包括 ICO 发行人和 ICO 门户两种业务。

  • 运营数字资产业务:包括交易所、经纪人、经销商、基金及顾问业务。


  • Digital Asset Exchange

  • Digital Asset Broker

  • Digital Asset Dealer

  • Digital Asset Fund Manager

  • Digital Asset Advisory Service

  • Digital Asset Custodial Wallet Provider

  • ICO Portal

Crypto 暂时被列为商品,收取 7% 的交易税,各界正在努力推动将 crypto 列为股票一类的投资品。


泰国的数字资产活动多集中在交易,broker/dealer 以及 tokenisation, 并且以核心玩家主导。传统大型企业近年不少在进军数字货币市场,比如泰国两大银行 Siam Commercial Bank(简称 SCB)以及上文提到的 KBANK,泰国领先能源企业 GULF,PTG Energy 等等。

HashKey Capital:2023年泰国区块链生态报告


HashKey Capital:2023年泰国区块链生态报告

HashKey Capital:2023年泰国区块链生态报告


  • 交易所:除了上文提到过的流量较大的交易所 bitkub, orbix 等,泰国清洁能源电力公司 Gulf 与 Binance 共同开设合资企业 Gulf Binance Co., Ltd,目前已拿到牌照,允许其创建加密资产平台, 目前暂未开始运营。Innovest X 是由 SCB 推出的投资 app,允许投资者投资泰国股票、外国股票、债券、数字资产以及基金。

  • ICO 门户:泰国两大银行 SCB 和 KBANK 都已经参与到 ICO 门户业务中来,SCB 旗下 ICO 门户为 TokenX,,KBANK 旗下 ICO 门户为 Kubix。此外 XSpring 也参与了 ICO,提供了 Sirihub Token 的销售渠道,一种用于投资 Sansiri 房地产项目的投资代币。Sansiri 是泰国最大的房地产开发商之一,泰国候任总理 Srettha Thavisin 曾任其首席执行官。

  • Broker/Dealer:泰国数字资产经纪人和经销商业务属于受监管活动,拥有牌照的经纪商包括上文提到过的 Bitazza, SCB 推出的 InnovestX。此外 XSpring 也于 2022 年推出了完全集成的加密货币交易平台,拥有经纪人和经销商业务。PTG Energy 和 Unit 共同成立了 Maxbit,并已获得 SEC 颁发的 Broker 牌照,截至目前尚未开始业务运营。

  • 咨询:Cryptomind 旗下的 Cryptomind Advisory 是泰国首个拥有数字资产咨询服务牌照的公司,其产品包括 Cryptomind Research,业务范围涉及深度研究文章、行业报告、周报、Cointalk 以及有关加密货币的新闻。同时,Cryptomind 也是 HashKey Capital 在泰国本地具有代表性被投企业之一。

  • VC:SCB 1 0x是 SCB 旗下的风险投资公司, KX 是 KBank 旗下的子公司 KBTG 推出的风险投资公司。

  • Web3:泰国本土 Web 3 项目主要集中在 gamefi/metaverse 板块, 主要项目包括游戏公会 GuildFi 等, GuildFi 的投资者包括 Coinbase Venture、Animoca Brands、Pantera 等,是东南亚最具影响力的游戏公会之一。同时,一些 NFT 项目也在社区比较受欢迎:包括 3 Landers 和 LonelyPop 等。

The original source is an overview of Thailand's blockchain and encryption ecology. The number of visitors to the cryptocurrency data analysis platform is hot. The average monthly visit of the website is 10,000, which accounts for the total population of the country. The per capita visit of Thailand is higher than that of the United States. The transaction volume of Thailand's encrypted assets is considerable. According to the transaction volume data of leading digital asset exchanges such as brokers and companies in Thailand, the total transaction volume reached US$ 100 million from January to October, accounting for the largest market share in that year, and the market share of the total transaction volume was respectively. In order to share with the source of Thailand blockchain ecological report, which was abbreviated as acquisition in, Thailand's users' interest in digital asset trading climbed on the list. The evaluation standard of Thailand's tenth place considered the users' centralized exchanges and agreed activities. The digital asset exchange in Thailand currently has more than 10,000 user accounts, accounting for more than half of the total population in the country, indicating that the encryption industry in Thailand is growing rapidly. From January to October, the average monthly visit of Thai users was made. The number of visits reached its peak in October, and the wallet was downloaded more than once in Thailand from October to October. The month with the highest number of downloads was October, which was probably influenced by the popularity of Heyuan Universe. During the bull market in, the average number of visits by users in Thailand was the number of visits dropped after the arrival of the bear market in, and the average monthly visits in Thailand reached the peak in the following month. After the arrival of the bear market, the traffic dropped by 27 licenses. It is clear that Thailand's financial industry is highly regulated, and the regulatory framework in the field of digital assets is also relatively clear. Thailand's Securities and Exchange Commission adopts a follow-up strategy to emulate the United States, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. The main bill is that the investment behavior and business behavior of financial industry institutions in Thailand, such as banks, should be reported to the filing regulations. The regulated assets and activities include issuers and portals. Digital assets include exchanges, brokers, dealers' funds and consulting businesses. The seven licenses are temporarily listed as transaction tax for commodities. All walks of life are trying to promote the investment products listed as stocks. Third, Thailand's encryption is ecologically active. The head geese effect is remarkable. Thailand's digital assets activities are mostly concentrated on transactions and traditional large enterprises are dominated by core players. In recent years, many companies have entered the digital currency market, such as the abbreviation of Thailand's two major banks and the above-mentioned leading energy companies in Thailand. In addition to the above-mentioned exchanges with large traffic, Thailand Clean Energy and Power Company and joint ventures have obtained licenses to allow them to create encrypted assets platforms, which have not yet started to operate. The launched investment allows investors to invest in Thai stocks, foreign stocks, bonds, digital assets and fund portals. Two major banks in Thailand and their portals have already participated in the portal business, and their portals have also participated in the sales channels provided for them. An investment token for investing in real estate projects is one of the largest real estate developers in Thailand. The Prime Minister-designate of Thailand used to be its CEO. The business of digital asset brokers and dealers in Thailand belongs to regulated activities, including the licensed brokers mentioned above. In addition, a fully integrated cryptocurrency trading platform was launched in 2006, with the business of brokers and dealers and a license that has been jointly established and issued. Up to now, the business operation consulting of Thailand has not started. The first company with a digital asset consulting service license, its products include in-depth research articles, industry reports, weekly reports and news about cryptocurrency. At the same time, it is also a representative local invested enterprise in Thailand. One of its venture capital companies is a venture capital company launched by its subsidiaries. The local projects in Thailand are mainly concentrated in the sector, including investors such as game guilds, etc. It is one of the most influential game guilds in Southeast Asia, and some projects are also popular in the community, including and so on. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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