关于比特币铭文 你需要知道的 10 个小知识

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作者:0xTodd,ResearchNothing 来源:X @0x_Todd

有 10 个小知识与各位分享:

1.如果 Bitcoin Knots 客户端,如 Luke 所说,升级后拒绝包含 $Ordi 铭文的交易,那么铭文还能用么?

答:如果轮到 Bitcoin Knots 客户端出块,那么铭文交易将无法使用(无法上链)。

2.那么 Bitcoin Knots 客户端出块的概率大么?

答:目前比较小。目前(2023 年 12 月)Bitcoin Core 客户端 17,000+ 个,Knots 客户端只有 100 不到(不过比较高的时候可以到 500)。


答:对于 PoW 区块链来说,有个软件需要承担「存储账本、挖矿和钱包」三个功能,这个软件就是「客户端」。

因为区块链是开放(permissionless)的,理论上任何人都可以开发客户端,只要按照满足这条链的共识就行。所以可以有各种各样的客户端,例如 Bitcoin Core 和 Knots。

4.如果 Bitcoin Core 真的跟进了,决定禁止铭文交易,那么铭文是否彻底无法交易?

答:非也。因为 Bitcoin Core 客户端还要细分,里面很多人在用老版本。

至今 17,000+Bitcoin Core 客户端的使用者里,用 24-25 版本的有 9000 个,用 21-23 版本有 5000 个。所以,即便在 27 版里加了禁止滥用区块空间的规则,但是老版本还能正常用。

所以只要耐心等待,等到轮到老版本 Core 出块,这个铭文还可以继续使用。即,比如现在 10 分钟可以上链,未来需要 30 分钟。


5.如果 Ordi 决定分叉 Bitcoin 链,会成功么?

答:技术上,分叉很简单,把 Bitcoin Core 代码复制,甚至不怎么需要改(因为老版本支持),即可使用。

共识上,分叉很困难。什么是共识?你想让矿工、交易所、Holders,甚至 SEC,都同意「包含小饼的大饼才是真大饼」,这个几乎不可能。

6.我一定要分叉,那么分叉的 Bitcoin 有意义么?


Bitcoin 引以为傲的,是强大算力保证的安全性。如果有一条新链,它不如比特币安全,可以发行各种数字文物...等下,那为什么不用 EVM 链呢?

7.Ordi 和 BRC-20 真的是利用漏洞(exploit)在使用 Bitcoin 区块链么?


毕竟主观上来说,Ordi 没有「利用漏洞」这么过分,这个词一般用来形容黑客。但是客观上,确实也造成了比特币区块空间的浪费。


答:「铭刻」就是选择某一聪 BTC,即 0.00000001BTC,对其进行「染色」。然后利用 Taproot(这是 Bitcoin 的新技术之一),以文字脚本的形式对这 1 聪比特币进行备注。

比如备注:协议是 Ord,格式是 UTF-8,内容是「hello world」。


微信红包本来是转账的。结果现在我每次给你转 1 分钱,我们两个人非要通过红包上的备注来聊天。


正常 Bitcoin 是不支持做出 NFT 的,但是通过这种「转账 + 备注」的形式就变相实现了它。

同时,又通过了 Taproot 这个技术,绕开了备注原本的上限,使它从几个字节,达到了最多 512 字节。

8.5 插一句:备注和智能合约是不同的,你应该知道。




这也是以太系 NFT 和 BRC 铭文的区别之一。


倘若我用备注给你转账,比如说 Todd 的这个铭文现在归属于 Alex 了,我只是写在备注里了。

现在有了这个协议 Ordi,裁决认为这个备注是有效的,视为我给你转账成功。

9.铭文不是 NFT 吧?


NFT 很多数据存链下了,而铭文全部存在 BTC 链上。

当然,双刃剑,这个恰恰也是 BTC 头疼的点。

好处是,矿工收入变高了,这样 * 也许 *N 次减半后,是矿工的重要收入。

坏处是,把 Bitcoin 账本搞大了(毕竟以绕开限制的方式,额外多塞了很多内容上来),这样不利于全节点的存储。


9.5 账本体积多少真的很重要么?

ETH 账本体积一直是很大的,近几年意识到了这个问题,一直在讨论如何砍掉一些历史状态甚至历史账本。

而 Bitcoin 因为采用小区块,这方面一直做得比较好,账本体积还不算太大,所以全节点也很多,非常去中心化。



Taproot 是 Bitcoin Core 的新技术,本意也是让 Bitcoin 能够实现一些基础的脚本功能。

Ordi 可以利用 Taproot 绕开了最大备注的限制。但是把太多东西塞进以一个绕开的方式塞入比特币,总归不是太好的注意,毕竟从几个字节一下拓展到几百个字节,差了上百倍。

但是倘若稍作限制,把握一个尺度,不造成「公地悲剧」。我相信,Bitcoin 核心社区,也不会过于厌恶这样的数字文物小玩意,这可能是更好的选择。

There is a little knowledge from the author's source to share with you. If the client refuses the transaction containing the inscription after the upgrade, what can the inscription still be used? If it is the client's turn to block, the inscription transaction will not be used and the client will not be able to chain it. What is the software for the blockchain that needs to undertake the three functions of storing account books, mining and wallet? One is the client, because the blockchain is open. Theoretically, anyone can develop the client as long as it meets the consensus of this chain, so there can be various clients, for example, and if it is really followed up that it is forbidden to trade inscriptions, then whether the inscriptions can't be traded completely or not is also because the clients have to be subdivided. Many people are using the old version, and there is a used version among the users of the client, so even if the rules prohibiting the abuse of blockchain space are added to the version, The old version can still be used normally, so as long as you wait patiently until it is the turn of the old version to get out of the block, the inscription can still be used, that is, for example, it can be wound up in minutes now, and it will take minutes in the future. Of course, miners tend to upgrade to the latest version. If everyone upgrades slowly, the usability of the inscription will become very poor. If it is decided that the forking chain will succeed, it is technically very simple to copy the code and even does not need to be changed. It is difficult to use consensus because of the support of the old version. What is consensus? The Miners' Exchange even agrees that a pie containing cookies is a real pie. It's almost impossible. I must fork so much. Does it make sense? Yes, but it's limited. I'm proud of the security guaranteed by strong computing power. If there is a new chain, it's not as secure as Bitcoin, and it can issue all kinds of digital cultural relics. Wait, then why not use the chain and really use the loophole to use the blockchain? Yes, but the word exploitation of loophole is a bit too much. I think it's at best to bypass the restriction. After all, subjectively speaking. The word "not taking advantage of loopholes" is generally used to describe hackers, but objectively it does cause a waste of bitcoin block space. Really? What is the engraving process? How to get around it? The inscription is to choose a smart one, that is, to dye it, and then use this new technology to make comments on this smart bitcoin in the form of a text script. For example, the remarks protocol is the format and the content. If you insist on metaphor, it is about the result of transfer. Now I will transfer it to you every time. The two of us have to chat through the notes on the red envelope. It is hard to say that it is a loophole, but it is probably an abuse of normal, which is not supported. However, it is realized in disguise through this form of transfer notes. At the same time, it bypasses the original upper limit of notes and makes it reach the maximum from a few bytes. It is different to insert a note and a smart contract. You should know that a smart contract is to sign a contract and a note is a note, and the two effects are not the same. This is also an Ethernet system and an inscription. One of the differences is that if I transfer money to you with a smart contract, it is the kind that the real transfer can't be denied. If I transfer money to you with a note, for example, this inscription belongs to me now. I just wrote it in the note. Now with this agreement, the ruling thinks that this note is effective and it is regarded as the inscription that I transferred money to you successfully. Really, there is no difference between the two. Many data are stored under the chain, but the inscription is all in the chain. Of course, this is also a headache. The advantage is that the income of miners has increased. Perhaps it is the miners' important income after halving the number of times. The disadvantage is that the account book is enlarged. After all, a lot of extra contents are stuffed in the way of bypassing the restrictions, which is not conducive to the storage account book of all nodes. The larger the size of the account book, the less the number of nodes. The blockchain is more like the alliance chain. How much account book volume is really important? In recent years, I have been aware of this problem and have been discussing how to cut down some historical status or even historical account books. Because of the use of community blocks, the account book volume has been better. It's not too big, so there are a lot of decentralized inscriptions on the whole node. Maybe it's a good idea to actively limit the transaction volume, and then cut off some new technologies on the current basis. The original intention is to enable some basic scripting functions to be used to bypass the maximum remarks, but it's not a good idea to stuff too many things into Bitcoin in a bypassing way. After all, it's a hundred times worse from a few bytes to hundreds of bytes, but if we make a slight restriction and grasp a scale without causing a tragedy of the commons, I believe that the core community will not be too disgusted with such digital artifacts. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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