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作者:jolestar 来源:X @jolestar

Bitcoin 开发者LukeDashjr要禁止铭文(Inscription)的推文引起激烈讨论,他的主要理由是这是个 Bug,会影响 Bitcoin 网络的安全。

Bug 还是 Feature 之争影响深远,如果它是个 Bug,那修复它的版本就是延续了当前版本的正统版本,但如果它是个 Feature,修复它就是要删除这个 Feature,那修复版本就是一个分叉版本,所以值得深入讨论一下。

但一个东西是 Bug 还是 Feature 其实没有客观的标准,关键是这个东西对软件系统有害还是有利。我们从两个角度讨论这个问题:

1.铭文有没有影响 Bitcoin 网络的安全。

2.铭文对 Bitcoin 生态是否带来益处。

铭文真的影响 Bitcoin 网络的安全了吗?

如何度量区块链网络的安全,一直是一个有争议的话题。一个经常被人拿来用的度量的维度是出块节点的数量(miner 或者 validator)。这点上 PoW 系统不占优势,经常被 PoS 推崇者嘲讽。还记得当初 EOS 用的 21 个节点嘲笑 BTC 不够去中心化,不够安全的文章么?

而 Bitcoin 开发者们经常用的一个度量方法是全节点的数量。为了让个人 PC 都能运行全节点,所以要严格限制区块大小,以及 UTXO 集,以降低全节点的成本。但多少个全节点算够呢?铭文在多大程度上会影响 Bitcoin 的全节点数量呢?反倒从当前的统计图上能看出,大约因为铭文的热度,很多人需要和 Bitcoin RPC 交互,增加了 Bitcoin 全节点的数量。



从全节点这个角度衡量,也不能说铭文影响了 Bitcoin 网络的安全。

我们再进一步推演一下,保证 Bitcoin 网络安全的真的是那些全节点吗?在没有激励的情况下,用户为什么要运行一个全节点呢?如果我一个人花钱跑几万个节点,是不是可以让 Bitcoin 网络更安全了?实际上我们需要的不是全节点,而是全节点背后代表的人和组织。

区块链是一个公开账本,关心账本是否正确的人越多,这个账本越安全。而用户为什么关心这个账本?因为这个账本上记载了和他利益相关的东西,无论它是 BTC 也好,还是其他什么东西也好,只要他觉得有价值,他就会关心这个账本。

而用户关心账本的方式也并不是只有自己运行全节点一个途径。用户只要直接和 Bitcoin 网络发生连接,就有这个效果。比如用户安装链上钱包,查看链上交易,带来的安全保证就高于用户把 Bitcoin 托管在交易所或者托管钱包里。

而我们能看到的现象是,这波铭文热明显的带来了用户和 Bitcoin 网络更多的直接连接(浏览器钱包),带来了 DApp 应用生态的雏形(网站上挂铭文通过 psbt 链上交易),有更多用户关心这个账本上记录了什么东西了(区块链浏览器的涌现和访问量)。

所以说,即便是从安全的角度,铭文对 Bitcoin 网络的安全是有提升的。

铭文及其衍生协议对 Bitcoin 生态的技术价值

铭文乍一看没有太多技术含量,只是简单粗暴的往 Bitcoin 网络上写数据,还依赖一个中心化的 Indexer。

但我们可以把它理解成一种把 Bitcoin 当数据可用层(DA)的 Sovereign Rollup,只是在这个模式里,由客户端直接写 DA,可以叫做 DA first 模式,而 Indexer 相当于模块化区块链里的 Bitcoin 执行层,所以也可以认为 Indexer 实际上就是 Bitcoin 的 L2。

这个模式的缺点很明显,没有排序器(Sequencer)批量打包交易,用户体验很差,交易费也很贵,没有欺诈证明,安全性也受质疑。如果有技术团队设计了这样一个方案,肯定没有投资人愿意投资,但市场的魅力就在于,用户把它给玩出来了。前一段时间 BRC20 的余额在不同交易所的数据不一致,用户通过发推来社会共识,最终也实现了一致性,正好说明它是可行的。

但这个模式的优点是它是协议先行,先设计公开的协议和数据格式,链上只保存协议必须的数据,执行和校验在链下。而任何一个团队都可以实现一个 Indexer 接入这个 L2 的执行层网络,整个 DA 的数据是共享的。而 Ethereum 的 L2 方案里,每个 L2 相当于在 L1 的 DA 上圈了一块地,各自抢占空间,数据并没有共享。

打个比方就是,如果 L1 相当于一个老国王,L2 相当于老国王的王子们:

Ethereum 国王:你们在我的地盘上抢空间,抢用户,谁抢到是谁的,Mev 和 Gas 收益归谁。

Bitcoin 国王:地盘是我的,用户都是我的,交易费也是我的,但数据是共享的,看你们谁能开拓新地盘,让用户去你们的新地盘玩耍。

这会完全呈现出不同的竞争态势。因为任何 L1 的空间总是有限的,如果 L2 没能开拓出新的,让用户信任的空间,那实际上并没有实现扩容。

所以说铭文是对 Bitcoin 作为 DA 的价值发现,同时配合 Indexer 的这种玩法展示了一种新的 L2 的构建途径,对 Bitcoin 生态有重大意义,它是个 Feature 不是 Bug。


当然,Bitcoin 开发者们担心的 UTXO 集膨胀的问题也是存在的。但它并不是无解的,因为铭文协议是一种链下共识的协议,只要 Indexer 以及社区达成共识,可以有非常多的解决方案,我这里拍脑袋写几个。

1. 用 Hash 替代铭文的内容。现在铭文包含了各种媒体文件,json 等,体积比较大。但实际上,只要 indexer 层成熟了,完全可以实现只写 Hash 到 L1,原始内容保存在 Indexer 或者用户的钱包里。

2. 设计一套协议,支持铭文在链上和链下之间的迁移。铭文迁移到链下的时候,相当于在 L1销毁,UTXO 也就消费掉了。如果要再次回到链上,用户需要提供 Off-chain 转移的签名聚合,这样 Indexer 之间就可以校验。

还有一种方式是采用类似 Taproot 那样的稀疏默克尔树的校验方式,来实现链上链下的迁移。这个我原来设计过一个 Ethereum NFT 的迁移方案,但可惜 Ethereum 上的 NFT 是通过 Interface 定义的,不是数据对象模式,很难发挥出这种优势,而铭文的这种模式非常适合。感兴趣的朋友也可以看下这个链接 [https://github.com/rooch-network/rollup-nft](https://github.com/rooch-network/rollup-nft)


引用我在《语言是一个去中心化系统 [https://twitter.com/jolestar/status/1528288092746321920](https://twitter.com/jolestar/status/1528288092746321920)》中的一句话: 接受一个系统是去中心化的,那就得接受它会演化出你不喜欢的东西,也得接受它的演化过程中的各种失败的尝试。


我个人除了 5 月份体验了一下 BRC20 的 mint,没有持有任何其他的 Bitcoin 上的新兴协议的资产,只是从技术角度看它的潜力和对 Bitcoin 生态的影响。

这篇文章不是投资建议,如果是长期主义者也不需要 fomo,因为这才刚刚开始。现在这些协议发的资产大都属于 meme 币范畴,meme 币能否从有限次博弈变成一个长期的博弈的系统,主要看几方博弈:

1. 早期获利的参与者 holder 是否愿意持续投资生态,给资产提供应用场景,类似 Bitcoin 早期 holder 们投资各种基础设施。如果都套现离场,那就只是一场 meme 游戏。

2. 基础设施提供者能否提供这样的空间和场景。这一方面取决于 Bitcoin L2 等基础设施提供的能力,另外一方面也受包括 Bitcoin 核心开发者在内的 Bitcoin 社区态度的影响。


The author, the source and the developer want to ban the tweet of the inscription from causing heated discussion. His main reason is that this is a dispute that will affect the security of the network or has far-reaching influence. If it is a repair, the version that fixes it is a continuation of the orthodox version of the current version. However, if it is a repair, it is to delete this, and the repair version is a bifurcated version, so it is worthy of in-depth discussion. But there is no objective standard for whether a thing is or not. The key is whether it is harmful or beneficial to the software system. How to measure the security of blockchain network has always been a controversial topic. The dimension of measurement that is often used by people is the number of blocks, or the system is not dominant at this point. Remember the article that the nodes used at the beginning were not enough to decentralize and were not safe enough? A measurement method that developers often use. It is the number of all nodes. In order to allow individuals to run all nodes, we should strictly limit the block size and set to reduce the cost of all nodes, but how many all nodes are enough? On the contrary, from the current statistical chart, we can see that many people need to interact and increase the number of all nodes because of the popularity of inscriptions. From the perspective of all nodes, we can't say that inscriptions affect the security of the network. Is it really all the nodes that are safe? Why should users run a full node without incentives? If I spend money to run tens of thousands of nodes alone, can I make the network safer? In fact, what we need is not all the nodes, but the people and organizations represented behind the whole nodes. The blockchain is an open account book. The more people care about whether the account book is correct, the safer the account book is. Why do users care about this account book? Because it records things related to his interests, no matter it. Whether it is good or something else, as long as he thinks it is valuable, he will care about the ledger, and the way for users to care about the ledger is not only to run the whole node by themselves, but also to have this effect as long as users directly connect with the network. For example, the security guarantee brought by users installing wallets on the chain is higher than that brought by users hosting them in exchanges or managed wallets, and what we can see is that this wave of inscription fever has obviously brought more direct connections between users and the network. Browser wallet has brought the embryonic form of application ecology. There are more users who care about what is recorded in this ledger through online transactions. Blockchain browsers have emerged and visited. Therefore, even from the perspective of security, inscriptions and their derivative agreements have improved the security of the network. At first glance, inscriptions do not have much technical content, but they simply and rudely write data on the network and rely on a centralization, but we can understand it as a kind of trust. The data availability layer is only written directly by the client in this mode, which can be called the mode and equivalent to the execution layer in the modular blockchain, so it can also be considered that it is actually the disadvantage of this mode. Obviously, there is no sorter to package transactions in batches, and the user experience is very poor, and the transaction fee is also very expensive. If a technical team designs such a scheme, no investors are willing to invest, but the charm of the market lies in the fact that users have played it out some time ago. However, the advantage of this model is that it is a protocol, and an open protocol and data format chain are designed first, and only the data necessary for the protocol is saved under the chain, while any team can realize an access to the implementation layer network. The whole data is shared, and in the scheme, each is equivalent to circling a piece of land on the network to seize space data separately. For example, if it is equivalent to an old king, it is equivalent to the princes of the old king. Kings, you grab space on my site and grab users. Whoever grabs it and who gets the proceeds. The king's site is my users, and my transaction fee is also mine, but the data is shared. See who can open up new sites and let users play in your new sites. This will completely present a different competitive situation, because any space is always limited. If you fail to open up new space for users to trust, then In fact, the expansion has not been realized, so the inscription shows a new way of construction, which is of great significance to the ecology. It is an impossible solution. Of course, the problem of set expansion that developers are worried about also exists, but it is not unsolvable because the inscription agreement is an offline consensus agreement. As long as we reach a consensus with the community, there can be many solutions. I am here to slap my head and write a few words to replace the inscription. It contains various media files and so on, but in fact, as long as the layer is mature, it can be completely written to the original content and stored in the user's wallet. A set of protocols is designed to support the transfer of inscriptions between the chain and the chain. When the inscriptions are transferred to the chain, they are equivalent to being destroyed, and if they want to return to the chain again, the user needs to provide the transferred signature aggregation, so that they can be verified. Another way is to use a sparse Merkel tree verification method like that. The migration from chain to chain, I originally designed a new migration scheme, but unfortunately, it is difficult to give full play to this advantage through the definition of data object mode, and this mode of inscription is very suitable for interested friends. You can also read this link and stop writing more schemes. What I want to say is that technology is an ecosystem, and it needs to grow with the use and feedback of users. Many innovations are not planned and designed by developers in front of computers, but are randomly tried and then with users. Quotes emerging from feedback collision: I said in my speech that language is a decentralized system. If you accept that a system is decentralized, you have to accept that it will evolve something you don't like, and you have to accept all kinds of failed attempts in its evolution. Interest-related statements: I personally don't own any assets of emerging agreements in the world except what I experienced in January. I just look at its potential and ecological impact from a technical point of view. This article is not an investment suggestion. If it is a long-term person, it doesn't need to be because it has just started. Now most of the assets issued by these agreements belong to currency. Can currency be used for a limited 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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