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Ike T.——创始人,CEO

14年从业经验,2009年加入腾讯,任职AAD(Associate Art Director),从事MMOG开发;2013年创立IDFAME NETWORK,为《原力守护者》(Force of Guardians)设计核心产品概念,并协调游戏从开发到上线的所有流程;2019年进入MOONTON GAMES担任游戏总监一职,领导团队开发面向东南亚市场的休闲类游戏;2021年Ike T.正式创立Fusion Interactive,将团队在游戏开发和区块链领域的知识,打造了3A科幻游戏宇宙:Fusionist。其游戏开发技能受到了Insomniac Games(漫威蜘蛛侠系列、瑞奇与叮当系列)的合作伙伴经理Brian Moore认可。

Daniel Fang——市场总监

上海大学毕业,14年从业经验,2009年加入腾讯,先后担任ADP(Associate Development Producer)、发行制作人、运营经理,三个职位,负责游戏的开发与宣发;2014年加入IDFAME NETWORK,任职联合创始人、运营官以及通讯官,负责为《原力守护者》吸引投资以及海外运营等事务;2022年加入Fusion Interactive,任职市场总监,管理与协调Fusionist的发展。

Charles D.——技术总监

11年从业经验,全栈工程师、MOONTON GAME首席工程师。

在2023年6月1日,Binance Labs公布了Fusionist的融资信息:

Fusionist团队在今年早些时候发行的两个NFT系列:Bi·Mech以及Alpha Prestige,一经推出便一抢而空。Bi·Mech申购金额超215万BUSD,4600人进行申购,超出申购指标12倍;Alpha Prestige发行后7日内涨幅达85%,时至今日地板价也水涨船高,来到了6.77$ETH。

近日,随着Fusionist Beta测试的开展,以及OKX Jumpstart的信息公布,市场情绪被再次点燃。

OKX Jumpstart挖矿将于2023年12月13日14:00开始,$BTC和$OKB持有者都可以通过质押来获得$ACE代币奖励,规则如下:

需要注意的是,本次OKX Jumpstart仅限东亚国家参与,不包括中国大陆、香港、澳门、蒙古、朝鲜和日本。



Game 1:殖民(建造模拟类)

Game 2:征服(回合制战棋类)

Game 3:联合(SLG类)


Fusionist整体已经经过了一年左右的开发,社区在今年8月份更新的路线图如下,目前已进行到Game 2 Beta测试阶段:

Beta II测试于11月22日启动,开放内容为Game 2的回合制机甲PVP对战,测试时间截止至12月13日。以下内容均来自测试版本游戏,不代表正式版游戏最终效果。


  • 蓝图(BLUEPRINT)——新机甲获取

  • 机库(HANGAR)——机甲检视、装备更换

  • 修复(REPAIR)——暂未开启

  • 战斗模式(BATTLE)——PVP、PVE战斗

  • 电竞模式(ESPORTS)——暂未开启

  • 任务模式(MISSION)——暂未开启


  • 蓝图:



通过游玩游戏,可以获得矩阵(Matirx)点数,获胜方有100点,战败方有70点,目前绿色品质的高强度钛合金(High-strength Titanium Alloy)矩阵需要200点数可以进行一次蓝图扫描,扫描出来的蓝图会显示在左侧的蓝图展示柜中。扫描出的不同稀有度的蓝图概率如上所示。


  • 机库






  • 战斗模式

PVP模式在每天的5:00 am - 7:00 am & 11:00 am - 1:00 pm(UTC)开放,剩余时间是PVE训练模式。












用户可以在拍卖行中购买机甲所需的核心、稳定器以及机甲本身,其本质是一个NFT Marketplace,支持一键扫地板。


NFT方面,Endurance总共发行了五种NFT,分别为:Alpha Prestige、BOAT、Quartan Primes以及Bi·Mech NFT。

Alpha Prestige是Endurance的珍贵NFT,限量500个,目前地板价为6.77$ETH。


  • 首发限定机甲Quartan Primes—Stars of Dawn的白名单以及免费Mint

  • Beta测试以及后续空投的资格

  • 游戏中的特殊福利

  • Fusionist Discord私人频道访问权限

  • 每天免费获得ACE

  • Fusionist活动白名单和折扣


Quartan Primes是稀有机甲NFT,可以在未来正式版游戏中使用,目前地板价为0.98$ETH。

Pioneer是Fusionist Beta测试的参与证明,目前地板价为2.05$ETH。


除此之外,网页游戏《远征》(Expedition)也包含在了Endurance之上,玩家可以通过派遣机甲进行不同难度的远征来获得相应的Nova Points,Nova Points是拍卖行的指定货币。

总的来看,Fusionist团队在游戏领域从业经验丰富,将Web2中的游戏开发经验带到了Web3上,打造了一款集建造模拟、回合制战棋,以及SLG为一身的太空科幻背景的游戏。Fusionist游戏内容的打磨基本成熟,现进入了Beta II测试。此外,团队推出了Endurance链,负责搭载Fusionist的运行和其他泛社交类功能,并发行了多款NFT,项目整体的呈现较为立体。目前临近代币发行时间点,后续可关注游戏的运营策略和bug风险,以及是否有代币激励等方案来进一步提高游戏的玩家数和活跃度。

With its complete world outlook and excellent sci-fi mecha style, it has been highly concerned by the community since its publication. Its account has reached 10,000 followers and its members have exceeded 10,000. It can be described as a very popular team. The core members of Tencent and other well-known game companies have been working for the following people for years, joined Tencent for years, engaged in development, created for the Force Guardian, designed the core product concept and coordinated all the processes of the game from development to online, and entered the position of game director to lead the team development. Officially founded the Leisure Game Year in Southeast Asia, the team's knowledge in the field of game development and blockchain has built a sci-fi game universe, and its game development skills have been recognized by the partner manager of Marvel Comics Spider-Man series Ricky and Dingdang series. The marketing director graduated from Shanghai University and joined Tencent in the year of working experience. He has served as the distribution producer, operation manager, three positions in charge of game development and publicity, and joined as the co-founder operation officer and communication officer to attract the guardian of the Force. Investment and overseas operation, etc., joined as marketing director, management and coordination of development technology director, years of working experience, full-stack engineer, and the chief engineer announced two series of financing information teams released earlier this year, and once launched, the subscription amount exceeded 10,000 people, which exceeded the subscription index. After the release, the increase in the day has reached to this day, and the floor price has also risen. Recently, with the development of testing and the announcement of information, the market sentiment has been clicked again. Mining by burning will start on, and the holders can get tokens by pledge. The rules are as follows. It should be noted that this time only East Asian countries can participate, excluding Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Mongolia, North Korea and Japan. The token for mining this time is the governance of the main network. The distribution of the total number of tokens is as follows. Back to the game itself, it is a game universe built by an engine with a variety of collectible games, which is mainly composed of games, colonial construction, simulation, conquest, turn-based warfare and chess. It is scheduled that the over-exploitation of human beings will lead to the deterioration of the earth's environment, and the space travel technology will no longer be able to live, and the war for resources will break out. As a result, players will play the role of the commander of the mecha unit to run their own planet, build industrial production lines, collect rare resources, upgrade technology, scan blueprints, build the mecha, and finally establish an interstellar fleet to conquer the whole galaxy through a timely manner. It has been about a year since the development community was updated in this month. The road map is as follows. Go to the test stage, the test will be started on the month, and the open content is the turn-based mecha battle test time. The following contents are all from the test version. The game does not represent the final effect of the official version. The main interface of the game shows us the future of sci-fi fighting. The main menu on the left side of the fan armor lists the blueprints respectively. The new machine armor gets the hangar, and the mecha inspection equipment is replaced and repaired. The combat mode has not been opened yet. The combat e-sports mode has not been opened yet. The following will focus on the menu. The blueprint of the content that has been opened in the list, the blueprint of the hangar battle mode, and the blueprint for scanning are the main ways to get new mecha in the game. The mecha in the game are divided into four different levels: elite epic legend and mystery. Four levels correspond to four rarities. The higher the rarity of the mysterious epic elite, the stronger the strength of the mecha. By playing the game, you can get the matrix points. The winner is a little defeated. The high-strength titanium alloy matrix with green quality needs points and can be scanned once. The blueprint will display the blueprint probability of different rarities scanned in the blueprint display cabinet on the left. Click on the blueprint as shown above to display the detailed attributes and skill information of the mecha, and then click on the casting mecha in the lower right corner to store the new mecha in the hangar. In the hangar, players can view and adjust their own mechs and equipment with different mechs. The core attributes and occupations are different. Players can move the mouse to the weapons to view the skill details of different weapons. General skills can be divided. For the three types of attack and defense players, they can gain advantages by reasonably releasing skills in the battle. The core needs levels to unlock different cores, which can bring different promotion attributes to the mecha. There are different attributes that determine the basic numerical occupation of the mecha. At present, there are five occupations in the mecha. At present, the author has experienced the first four kinds of mechs, namely, protecting the heavy mechs, fighting near fighters, long-range mecha sniper and tank mecha, and heavy firepower players can use the mecha's occupation. Characteristics affect the trend of the situation in the battle. The battle mode mode is the training mode in the remaining time of every day. The battle mode is that each side of the battle goes on stage. In different maps, the mecha will be turned to fight to destroy all the enemy's mechs, so that victory can be won. The author has played the game experience in two maps, namely, snow and desert. Before starting to match the opponent, the player needs to adjust the mecha's playing order, which will affect the starting position of the mecha and will have a certain impact on the game situation. For example, you can put the agile long-range mecha in the first place and occupy a favorable position at the beginning to strike the enemy from a long distance. When you successfully match your opponent into the game, you can know the mecha and occupation of the opponent through the loading interface, so that the player can know the situation of the opponent's mecha in advance to deal with it. After entering the game, both sides are born at the two ends of the map. The bar on the left side of the screen indicates the number of rounds and the action order of both sides' mechs. Blue is our mechs, and red is the local mechs. In turn, the lower left corner and the lower right corner show the current state of the mecha. The gray bar is the armor value, the green bar is the blood volume, and the blue bar is the energy. The armor value will preferentially absorb the damage. When the armor is exhausted, the attack will directly affect the blood bar. The armor value can recover the energy needed for the attack through some specific skills. Different skills consume more or less energy. The more powerful the skills are, there are three operations in the player's turn. Move in place and stand by to release skills. Each machine. A has only two action points in each turn, and moving and releasing skills will consume action points. Waiting in place will directly end this mecha's action round, and it will consume different points according to the moving distance. If moving at close range is displayed as a white place, there is still a little action point left to attack the armor's skills, which are divided into directional skills and non-directional skills. Directed skills are a single point of damage, and non-directional skills are a range of damage. Finally, each metropolis player will formulate different strategies by deploying different mecha equipment, playing sequences and using different skills according to different battlefield situations. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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