从Marinade Finance到Jito:一览Solana链上的LSD项目

币圈资讯 阅读:43 2024-04-22 11:53:42 评论:0



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比特币价格的回暖带动了Solana代币的强劲反弹,短短两个月内价格涨幅超过200%。Grayscale Solana Trust的溢价高达800%,显示出市场对Solana长期前景的乐观预期。

在Solana网络上,目前有295.7M SOL被质押,但其流动性质押衍生品的应用还较为有限。FTX事件期间,Solana的流动质押TVL从峰值12.8M SOL跌至5M SOL的低点,但之后恢复至约12M+ SOL。最近上线的Jito质押服务自推出以来,已累积超过44.86M美元(2.3M SOL)的TVL。









Solana生态中的流动性质押项目各有其特色,包括不同的质押策略和费用结构。这些项目如Jito, Marinade, BlazeStake, marginfi和Jpool不仅为用户提供了多样的选择,也展现了Solana生态的创新精神和发展潜力。接下来,我们将深入探讨这些项目的具体细节,包括它们的策略、优势以及面临的挑战。


Marinade Finance:允许用户将质押资产随时转化为流动资产

Marinade Finance在Solana生态中以其最高的总锁定价值(TVL)脱颖而出,专注于提供便捷的Solana质押解决方案。这个平台的核心服务是“流动性质押”,它允许用户将质押资产随时转化为流动资产,无需经历漫长的解锁过程。

为了追赶市场上新兴协议的发展,Marinade在9月中旬推出了一项奖励计划。虽然Marinade在SOL的TVL在季度内稍有下降,但自9月20日以来有所反弹。此外,7月底推出的Marinade Native作为其流动质押服务的补充,这是一个将质押分配给超过100个优秀验证者的自动化平台,其优势在于无需支付绩效费用且减少了智能合约风险。

Marinade最近还推出了Marinade Native程序,这一程序使用户能够轻松地委托其质押权,同时保持对资金的提取权。Marinade还启动了从2023年10月1日至2024年1月1日的Marinade Earn奖励计划,参与者将获得额外的MNDE奖励,同时设有推荐系统以激励用户推荐新用户加入。




Marinade Finance目前在Solana流动质押市场中保持主导地位,拥有超过5.47M SOL的质押量。其项目TVL高达6.13亿美元,月度增长率达到了78%,这不仅展示了其在Solana生态中的强大影响力,也预示了其未来的发展潜力。

Jito:在Solana MEV(最大可提取价值)领域展开较早布局

2022年11月,在FTX暴雷的前夕,Jito Labs正式宣布推出其Jito质押服务,标志着其在流动性质押(LSD)协议领域的积极进展。用户将SOL委托给验证节点后,便可获得JitoSOL作为流动性凭证,其价值随着节点验证奖励的累积而增长。Jito Labs在Solana MEV(最大可提取价值)领域的先期布局使得Jito能够将MEV收益分配给质押者,从而提升整体质押收益。





此外,Lido DAO决定于2022年10月不再支持新的SOL质押,其运营商从11月开始逐步退出SOL质押市场。Lido的退出使得近6M的stSOL需要寻找新的质押场所。Jito凭借其质押和MEV奖励的双重优势,以及积分激励计划,成功吸引了大量stSOL,使其TVL大幅增长,迅速成为Solana上排名前二的LSD协议。







至2023年11月30日,BlazeStake的SOL锁仓价值实现了惊人的增长,同比增长率达到1,234%,总锁仓量达到678,560 SOL,约合4000万美元。这一成就显著反映了BlazeStake在Solana生态中的快速增长和市场的积极响应。





这一策略取得了显著成效,其总锁定价值(TVL)年增长率高达743%,使MarginFi在Solana DeFi TVL排行榜上升至第六位。这一成绩不仅体现了MarginFi在市场中的强劲增长,也反映了其在Solana DeFi生态中的重要地位。



在资金方面,MarginFi于2022年2月23日完成了300万美元的种子轮融资,这为其未来的发展提供了坚实的资金基础。考虑到MarginFi在Solana DeFi市场中的创新策略和显著增长,我们可以期待它在未来继续发挥重要作用,推动Solana生态的发展。





JPool的成功在Solana DeFi生态中显现出流动性质押模型的潜力,特别是在优化和自动化质押策略方面。JPool的模式为Solana生态中寻求简化和高效质押解决方案的用户提供了一个有吸引力的选择。



随着Solana生态的不断成熟和扩展,其质押生态也呈现出多样化和创新的趋势。从Jito的强劲表现、Marinade Finance的稳健增长,到MarginFi的创新策略以及JPool的智能化质押模式,每个项目都以其独特方式贡献于整个生态的繁荣。这些项目不仅反映了Solana生态的动态性和多元性,也展示了去中心化金融领域不断探索和创新的精神。


After going through bankruptcy, it faced a great challenge. The price of tokens once fell to the dollar, and fell more than the dollar. Nevertheless, the ecology and its huge community showed remarkable resilience. During this period, the number of users exceeded one million, and the number of developers exceeded 100. During this period, new projects and projects emerged in the ecology. The recovery of bitcoin prices led to a strong rebound of tokens. In just two months, the price increase exceeded the premium, which showed that the market was optimistic about the long-term prospects. At present, there are pledged derivatives on the Internet, but their liquidity is pledged. The application of mobile pledge is still relatively limited. During the incident, the mobile pledge fell from the peak to the low point, but then recovered to about the latest online pledge service. Since its launch, the total market value has accumulated more than US dollars. These data show that the pledge provides considerable potential in the comparison of risk and return. The mobile pledge only accounts for a small part of its total pledge, showing a huge growth space, which is particularly prominent in this wave of ecological recovery. In the past few days, its growth has nearly become a bright spot in the pledge ecology. In the future, we will further explore and pledge other important projects in the ecology, and the innovation of liquidity pledge mechanism will attract the attention of the industry. The data performance of related projects is eye-catching. The introduction of liquidity pledge tokens in the ecology marks the in-depth excavation of the field. These tokens, as derivatives of primary assets, provide a unique pledge strategy, through which users can obtain pledge rewards without sacrificing the liquidity of assets, realizing the dual advantages of still enjoying pledge income when participating in applications. In the blockchain ecology, users often need to choose between pledged income and other potential high-return opportunities. However, the liquid pledged tokens have changed this situation. Through this mechanism, users can enjoy both without choosing between pledged income and participating in the market. This strategy not only provides users with greater flexibility, but also contributes to network security and decentralization. Because of the existence of liquid pledged tokens, users' assets are no longer concentrated in a single verifier, which reduces funds. The risk of loss has improved the degree of decentralization of the network. Liquidity pledge projects in the ecology have their own characteristics, including different pledge strategies and cost structures. These projects, such as and, not only provide users with diverse choices, but also show the innovative spirit and development potential of the ecology. Next, we will discuss the specific details of these projects in depth, including their strategic advantages and challenges. The project models, mechanisms and future space in the chain are different, which is worthy of careful study. Property can be transformed into liquid assets at any time, which stands out in the ecology with its highest total lock-in value, and focuses on providing convenient pledge solutions. The core service of this platform is liquid pledge, which allows users to convert pledged assets into liquid assets at any time without going through a long unlocking process. In order to catch up with the development of emerging agreements in the market, an incentive plan was launched in the middle of the month, although it declined slightly in the quarter, it has rebounded since June. In addition, it was launched at the end of the month as its mobile pledge service. This is an automated platform that distributes pledges to more than 100 excellent verifiers. Its advantages are that it does not need to pay performance fees and reduces the risk of smart contracts. Recently, a program has been launched, which enables users to easily entrust their pledge rights while maintaining the right to withdraw funds. An award scheme from year to month has also been launched, and participants will receive additional awards. At the same time, a recommendation system has been set up to encourage users to recommend new users to join the data performance since it was launched in. At the peak of the market, the mature agreement exceeded US$ 100 million. Although it has declined compared with the peak, it still ranks first in the ecology. Its tokens have strong liquidity in the market and have been listed on other exchanges. At present, it has maintained a dominant position in the mobile pledge market, with more than US$ 100 million in pledge. The monthly growth rate of its projects has reached, which not only shows its strong influence in the ecology, but also indicates its future development potential. It was laid out earlier in the field of maximum extractable value. On the eve of thunderstorm, the official announcement of its pledge service marks its positive progress in the field of liquidity pledge agreement. After users entrust it to the verification node, they can get it as a liquidity voucher, and its value increases with the accumulation of node verification rewards. The advance layout in the field of maximum extractable value enables the income to be distributed to the pledgee, thus improving the overall pledge income. However, the launch coincides with the collapse, which is closely related to the loss of a large number of liquidity. Due to the lack of market, the initial total lock-in value is also suffered. Confidence and liquidity demand have not increased significantly, and with the gradual recovery of ecology in the second half of 2008, it has also started to grow steadily, especially in January, when an integral incentive activity was launched to encourage users to participate in pledge holding activities and to recommend new users to reward their contributions to the community in the form of integral. This strategy has significantly improved the growth price chart, and in addition, it was decided not to support new pledges in February, and its operators gradually withdrew from the pledge market, which made it necessary to find new pledge places in the near future. Its dual advantages of pledge and reward, as well as the integral incentive plan, have successfully attracted a large number of liquidity pledge agreements, which have made it grow rapidly and become the top two agreements in the world. The user's trust is entrusted to the supporting verifier nodes, and the income is distributed to the pledger as additional income. At the end of the month, the recommendation plan was launched, and the integral system was launched in the middle of the month. It was announced on March that the gap between airdrops and airdrops in the decentralization degree of ecological combination and the singleness of pledge mode is gradually narrowing, in the value capture and distribution. With the prosperity of the network, its core competitiveness will continue to expand, so we have extremely optimistic expectations for its future development. It is expected to become the largest agreement project in the ecology. At present, the monthly growth rate is as high as US$ 100 million. This data fully shows the strong momentum in the liquidity pledge market. With the further development, we expect it to play a more important role in the ecology, and strive to promote the decentralization of nodes as a new liquidity pledge agreement in. Decentralization on the platform, the pledgee has two choices: one is to join the standard entrustment pool, and the other is to choose any verifier to pledge. Either way, the pledgee can get the proof of its liquidity pledge income. Since last year, it has been hinting that it will airdrop the holder. The point system and its own tokens were introduced in the year, and the airdrop was based on the user's points. This strategy not only encouraged the user to participate and hold, but also increased the attraction and visibility of the project. By the year, the lock value achieved an amazing growth, and the total lock volume reached about 10,000 US dollars, which 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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