OpenAI 现任和前任员工透露:集体辞职只是“虚张声势”

币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 11:52:57 评论:0



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原文来源:Business Insider

作者:Kali Hays, Ashley Stewart,Darius Rafieyan

还记得吗?上个月 Altman 在被董事局踢出局后,OpenAI 员工们集体签署公开信,威胁董事会要全体辞职,跟随 Altman 和总裁 Greg Brockman 接受微软抛出的“橄榄枝”,加入“老大们”在微软内部新成立的部门。



微软内部人士也表示,从 OpenAI 聘请所有人在其内部看来也是不得已而为之。至少对其中一些 OpenAI 员工来说,他们是不会招进来的。

OpenAI 的一名现任员工也承认,尽管几乎所有员工都报名追随 Altman 离开公司,但“没有人愿意去微软”。这位员工还称微软是所有大型科技公司中“最大、最慢”的公司 -- 这与员工们对自己所在的初创公司 OpenAI 的看法恰恰相反。


该员工承认,由于对加入微软不感兴趣,许多 OpenAI 员工在签署公开信时实则是“迫于压力”。据悉,这封信本身是由一群老员工起草的,他们拥有最大的影响力和资金,拥有多年的行业地位和积累的股权,以及更高的薪酬。该员工解释说,他们在周日深夜开始给其他员工打电话,敦促他们签名。


这位要求匿名的员工继续说道,虽然 OpenAI 的员工会继续执行集体行动,威胁董事会并加入微软,但他们很可能会在第一时间离开,转投 Anthropic、Hugging Face 和 Cohere 等其他人工智能初创公司。


另一名 OpenAI 前员工对此也表示赞同,他说,在这家位于旧金山的初创公司工作的人“看不起他们认为的传统公司”,“认为自己才是彻底改变世界的创新者”。

的确,OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 和 DALL-E 等产品掀起了当前科技界和投资界的人工智能热潮。OpenAI 也曾宣称自己的目标是通用人工智能(AGI),并将其定义为“在最具经济价值的工作中胜过人类”的技术。这是一个远超微软的崇高目标,OpenAI 的一些员工认为,作为企业软件巨头的微软不可能继续完成这一使命。

“尽管我们与微软存在合作关系,但在内部,我们挺讨厌他们的人才观的,”OpenAI 的现任员工吐槽。“在他们的管理制度下工作会让人很不爽。”


除了两家公司之间的文化冲突之外,对 OpenAI 的员工来说,不愿加入微软还有一个重要因素:钱。如果 OpenAI 突然倒闭,大批员工出走,那么他们眼前的一大笔财富就会化为乌有。

“老实说,Sam Altman 并不是最好的 CEO,但数百万美元和股权都会岌岌可危(一旦 OpenAI 分崩离析)。”现任 OpenAI 员工表示。

据悉,OpenAI 的底薪通常为 30 万美元起,四年内员工还可获得价值 200 万美元的股权,有些员工的薪酬甚至更高。

虽然微软同意以相同的薪酬水平聘用 OpenAI 的所有员工,但那只是当时的口头协议。

另一位 OpenAI 员工也是公开嘲笑微软会向离职员工支付因追随 Altman 而失去的股权的想法。


据这位前 OpenAI 员工估计,在数百名签署了离职信的员工中,“名单上大概有 70% 的人会问,‘嘿,我们能让这次要约收购顺利进行吗?’”

幸运的是,这次“虚张声势”取得了成功,Altman 重回 OpenAI,要约收购也按计划进行。据 CNBC 报道,OpenAI 的估值超过了 800 亿美元,要约收购甚至延长到了 1 月 5 日,给了员工们更多的时间成为百万富翁。


一边是不愿到来的 OpenAI 员工,一边还有来自微软员工的抱怨。一些微软员工对公司承诺为数百名 OpenAI 员工提供同等薪酬感到愤怒。毕竟,微软今年已裁员超过 1 万人,冻结了工资,并削减了奖金和股票奖励。

一位微软员工抱怨道:“有多少忠诚的员工留在了微软,他们每天工作 12 个小时以上,整年都生活在被裁员的恐惧中?”“现在好了,还来了个 OpenAI。”

Do you still remember that last month, after being kicked out by the board of directors, the employees collectively signed an open letter threatening that the board of directors would all resign and follow the olive branch thrown by Microsoft to join the newly established departments of the bosses in Microsoft? However, the real situation may not be the case. Several current and former employees revealed that it was actually a bluff. Most employees were not interested in working for Microsoft, and Microsoft insiders also said that it was a last resort to hire everyone. For this reason, at least for some of the employees, they won't be recruited. An employee admitted that although almost all employees signed up to leave the company, no one wanted to go to Microsoft. The employee also said that Microsoft is the largest and slowest company among all large technology companies, which is exactly the opposite of the employees' views on their own start-up companies. The employee admitted that many employees were actually under pressure when signing the open letter because they were not interested in joining Microsoft. It is learned that the letter itself was the pressure. Drafted by a group of old employees, they have the greatest influence and funds, many years of industry status, accumulated equity and higher salary. The employee explained that they started calling other employees late on Sunday night to urge them to sign. We chose to leave the big factory and want to develop rapidly and build an exciting career. The employee complained that the bureaucracy of a big company like Microsoft was really crashing. The employee who asked not to be named continued to say that although some employees would continue to carry out collective action threats. The board of directors joined Microsoft, but they are likely to leave at the first time and wait for other artificial intelligence startups to look down on traditional manufacturers. Another former employee also agreed with this. He said that people working in this startup in San Francisco look down on the traditional companies they think they are the innovators who have completely changed the world. Indeed, products such as Harmony have set off an artificial intelligence craze in the current scientific and investment circles, and once declared that their goal is universal artificial intelligence and defined it as. It is a lofty goal far beyond Microsoft to surpass human technology in the most economically valuable work. Some employees think that Microsoft, as an enterprise software giant, can't continue to complete this mission. Although we have a cooperative relationship with Microsoft, internally, we hate their talent view. It will make people feel uncomfortable for the current employees to complain about working under their management system. Another big concern is that besides the cultural conflict between the two companies, there is another weight for the employees who are unwilling to join Microsoft. If money suddenly closes down and a large number of employees leave, a large amount of wealth in front of them will be wiped out. Frankly speaking, it is not the best, but millions of dollars and equity will be in jeopardy. Once it falls apart, the current employees say that the basic salary is usually $10,000, and employees can get equity worth $10,000 within four years. Some employees' salaries are even higher. Although Microsoft agreed to hire all employees at the same salary level, it was only a verbal agreement at that time, and another employee was also open. Laugh at the idea that Microsoft will pay the resigned employees the shares they lost because of their follow-up. In addition, the tender offer that was originally planned to let employees sell their existing acquired shares to external investors will also be cancelled. The employee said that all these shares will be worthless. According to the former employee's estimation, some people on the list of hundreds of employees who signed the resignation letter will ask, Hey, can we make this tender offer go smoothly? Fortunately, this bluff has been successful and the tender offer has returned as planned. The reported valuation exceeded US$ 100 million, and the tender offer was even extended to March, giving employees more time to become millionaires. On the one hand, Microsoft employees were angry with those who didn't want to come, and on the other hand, there were complaints from Microsoft employees. After all, Microsoft has laid off more than 10,000 employees this year, frozen their salaries and cut bonuses and stock awards. A Microsoft employee complained that how many loyal employees stayed in Microsoft, and they worked for more than an hour every day and lived in fear of being laid off all year round. Now it's better to have another one. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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