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最新内容我一般会第一时间在我个人的社交媒体账号上更新,如果你不想错过实时分享,可以移架关注微博账号【DeFi何太极】或者 推特 @allindefi。



本周BRC20铭文代币达到了一个新的里程碑,ORDI在 30 天内上涨 600% 后,成为第一个市值超过10 亿美元的BRC-20 代币。但是铭文也正在成为比特币上一个越来越有争议的问题。由于铭文交易量巨大,网络目前高度拥堵。

本周,Bitcoin Core 开发者 @LukeDashjr 扬言要禁止铭文的推文引起激烈讨论,他的主要理由是这是个 Bug,会影响比特币网络的安全。此观点直接导致了铭文地震,铭文代币齐刷刷从高点暴跌。很多人担心铭文会不会真的被禁止而归零。这种FUD的产生真的是对比特币原理的误解,开发者的个人观点和他能采取的行动是两码事,比特币的基础是大家的强共识,任何个人都不能单方面改变比特币什么。目前我仍然坚持长持ORDI和SATS,作为对铭文代币的最大押注。







本周,融资 6750 万美元的Namada空投公布,Namada(原 Anoma)是一个使用 zk 证明技术的隐私L1 ,而ATOM, OSMO的质押者就有空投资格。包括不久前的模块化公链Celestia的代币空投,也给了ATOM, OSMO的质押者空投资格。所以,参与Cosmos生态质押一些ATOM, OSMO,就是金铲子。(从过往的门槛设置来看,建议单账号至少质押100U以上的资产。)

对于潜在空投的策略,我个人会更关注以太坊二层机会,重点撸公链级别的或者融资额特别巨大的项目。Solana生态目前重点在头部几个未发币项目:比如借贷协议 marginfi.com;合约协议 drift.trade。





1、比特币铭文生态。牛市起始于比特币上涨,这导致围绕基于比特币构建或以任何方式与其直接相关的项目出现了一种新的强有力的叙事。只要 BTC 的主导地位继续增加,并且在我们获得现货 BTC ETF 之前,我预计基于比特币构建的项目仍将成为关注的焦点。之后,注意力才会转移。在追逐铭文热点的时候,要注意什么时候叙事可能会减弱,及时退出叙事。会买不是能力,会卖的才是高手。

2、Crypto AI。AI作为世界性的宏大叙事,是全世界资本持续追逐的焦点,围绕人工智能的炒作也将是史诗级的,加密人工智能可能会成为牛市中表现最好的叙事之一。而且会不断出现黑马标的,因为格局未定,现在的龙头未必是明年的龙头。尤其马斯克也入局了AI,话题人物和话题事件结合,隔三差五冒出来整个大活,都可能导致AI概念币暴涨暴跌。波动性才是当前加密市场最大的卖点和投机者的真实需求。

3、Solana和OPOS叙事。作为ETH的竞争对手,Solana的优势在于性能好、手续费低,加上坚实的社区支持,生态系统也在蓬勃发展。随着各种空投机会,Solana很可能成为本轮牛市的头号大赢家。另外,大家要特别关注Solana社区的一个新价值主张,声称很多应用程序将 “只能在 Solana 上实现”(即Only Possible On Solana,简写OPOS)。这也被称为 “OPOS叙事”。去中心化的物理基础设施网络(DePIN)和小额支付就是这样的例子。布局DePIN潜力币是我接下来的重点关切。








当然我并不是断言Solana会超越以太坊,未来很难预测。在现有的alt L1中,Solana确实是最能打,最有希望赶超以太坊的,因为它在架构上有明显的差异。作为投资者,我们秉持中庸态度,去押注新的可能性,Web3创新绝对不会止于以太坊。更何况,链上数据不会说谎,当Solana各项链上指标开始暴涨的时候,说明赚钱的机会来了。


Author He Taiji Investment Research finally broke through the resistance of the US dollar this week and went straight to the US dollar in a few days. The market dominance rate has also reached a new high in the year, surpassing the current level. The market value of Bitcoin has surpassed Tesla to become the largest asset in the world. I believe it will reach the top one day. I have been saying in the weekly newspaper that the bull market is coming, and this time it is really coming. There is no doubt that the daily line, like the previous cycle law, usually starts with the sharp rise of Bitcoin, which is capital. The expectation and rumors of the spot flowing into the encryption market in the first stage have prompted every speculator to try to enter the encryption market and push up the price and dominant position. We are now at this stage. After the skyrocketing, everyone will begin to feel that there is not much return potential. The profit-makers also want to move some of their positions to projects with higher returns, and then the funds will flow into them to make them show a parabolic trend. This is the third stage. Finally, the funds will flow. Entering small and medium-sized tokens and other junk coins is the fourth stage. When the market is overheated, some people will start to withdraw from cryptocurrency prices and enter the downward spiral. This is a simplified model to understand the flow of cryptocurrency funds. It is not strict. Just have a spectrum in your heart. There may be overlap or temporary reversal in each stage. The key is to stay ahead of the overall direction of capital flow. Someone on Twitter has compiled a clear picture of this model for reference. Is this week's dominant narrative or the bitcoin inscription and airdrop season continuing? Soaring up to become the first token with a market value of over 100 million US dollars, the ecological pledge agreement airdropped 10,000 tokens to pledge users. According to the current US dollar, a qualified user with a total value of over 100 million US dollars can get at least 10 tokens. At the time of writing this article, the huge wealth effect made the whole market admire and began to flock to reward users. This is so rude and inhuman. In the last weekly report, I said that the epic airdrop season is coming, which is definitely not an exaggeration. This week, several Big Mac projects are also involved. We all decided not to install it, and began to reveal the later part of the airdrop plan. We will continue to develop the latest content. I usually update it on my personal social media account as soon as possible. If you don't want to miss the real-time sharing, you can move to pay attention to Weibo account He Taiji or Twitter this week's highlights. This week's inscription of tokens has reached a new milestone. After rising in the day, it has become the first token with a market value of more than 100 million US dollars, but the inscription is also becoming an increasingly controversial issue on Bitcoin. The network with huge transaction volume is highly congested at present. This week, the developer threatened to ban the tweet of the inscription, which caused heated discussion. His main reason was that it would affect the security of the bitcoin network. This view directly led to the inscription earthquake, and the inscription tokens plummeted from the high point. Many people worried that the inscription would really be banned and returned to zero. This kind of production is really a misunderstanding of the principle of bitcoin. The developer's personal opinion and the actions he can take are two different things. Bitcoin is based on everyone's strong consensus. I can't change bitcoin unilaterally. At present, I still insist on long-term holding and taking it as the biggest bet on the inscription token, because there is no restriction on the number of participants and the amount of funds on the bitcoin network. Recently, the performance has been weaker than the market value, which is more than double, but I think the two will compete for the leading position for a long time and have better story and practicality in the long run. This week, the inscription trading platform issued a document on the platform saying that the indexer will be opened for use as a service fee in next year. The dual narrative configuration of bitcoin's unit intelligence and practical tokens used as platform fees will not disappoint you at all. Many people leave messages saying that the big bookmaker behind it doesn't know. Anyway, I have held it from the moment it was born and will continue to hold it. In the new airdrop era, when the ecological high-profile airdrop was in full swing, the star project parties who ignored us before finally couldn't sit still and announced their plans to airdrop. The most interesting thing is that the public chain plans to airdrop 100 million tokens to reward early users. Heavy hair is a cross-chain leader, and it is also confirmed that the token is exhausted during the bear market. The party will soon be resurrected with blood, and more spare funds and energy can be invested to create a bull market. It is clearly stated that the last round of airdrops was almost the exclusive game of the Ethereum, but some projects wanted to play, but the hair was not big enough to cause a sensational profit-making effect, and there was no positive flywheel. This round of airdrops on the second floor of Ethereum, ecological airdrops, are attacking these three ecosystems strongly. There will always be unexpected surprises when making a little layout. For example, this week's airdrop announcement of financing of 10,000 US dollars was originally a private announcement of using proof technology, and the pledger was entitled to airdrop, including the token airdrop of modular public chain not long ago, which was also given to the pledger. Therefore, some of them participated in ecological pledge. From the past threshold setting, it is suggested that a single account should at least pledge more assets. Personally, I will pay more attention to the strategy of potential airdrop. At present, the project ecology at the chain level or with a particularly huge financing amount focuses on the first few uncollected projects, such as loan agreements and contracts. The energy of the negotiators is limited, and the ecology is becoming more and more complicated. To do subtraction, we can't pursue everything. The most important thing is to set a correct attitude and explore new things for the purpose of learning. Airdrop is a by-product thing. Most people don't have the professional quality of getting rich by airdrop, because it also requires a lot of capital investment, and many people actually do it. It's better to retreat from the net and do what you can. The most popular encrypted narrative at present seems that many projects are skyrocketing. Can you buy them with your eyes closed? But why did they suddenly stop rising as soon as you bought them? You began to wonder when the coins I bought began to skyrocket. It's always easy to come to the conclusion that it's easy to buy them with your eyes closed, but any coin will not keep rising, it will fluctuate sideways and even violently wash dishes, and human nature will be anxious and afraid of keeping it. Most people can't stand silence. I will keep chasing the express train, and I will lose money in the bull market. The most important skill for investment is narrative trading, because narratives guide the flow of funds to determine when the price will rise, but it is challenging to grasp encrypted narratives because they often change rapidly. At present, there are four major narratives that are worthy of attention, which will siphon the most attention from the market. Bitcoin inscriptions, the ecological bull market, started with the rise of Bitcoin, which leads to a new powerful narrative around projects built on Bitcoin or directly related to it in any way, as long as the dominant position continues to increase and I predict before we get the spot. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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