Starknet 空投计划解析

币圈资讯 阅读:44 2024-04-22 11:51:13 评论:0



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作者:Haotian,加密观察员 来源:X,@tmel0211

都在盼望 Starknet 发空投能给 Layer2 行业注入一针强心剂,发多少,怎么发?还不明确,不过有一点很肯定,ZK-Rollup 梯队到了不得不发空投“救市”的时候了。

在我看来,这一波空投 catalyst 将会是 ZK-Rollup 的一次自我救赎行动。Why?

1)都说 ZK-Rollup 是 Layer2 Rollup 的方案的终局,在 ZK-Rollup 面前,OP-Rollup 就是过渡方案,迟早要被淘汰。就绝对技术而言,围绕 OP-Rollup 和 ZK-Rollup 孰优孰劣的论战已经持续了太久。

Finality Proof 以每笔交易给确定状态相比 Fraud Proof 存在的 7 天乐观挑战期,从个人 Sovereign 主义的视角来看,Rollup 的未来一定是 ZK-Rollup,毋庸置疑。

据 L2Beat 数据显示,65 个 Rollup 项目中有 26 个 ZK-Rollup 方案,而同比之下,OP-Rollup 只有 21 个。

这些 ZK-Rollup 方案中,Scroll、Taiko 等追求极致 EVM 等效性,旨在提升与以太坊主网的兼容性;zkSync、Starknet 则追求链的综合扩展能力,试图通过提升交易处理速度和吞吐量为主网提升增量用户;Aztec 则专注于通过 ZK 解决交易隐私问题;其余像 dYdX、zkSync Lite 则在交易和 Payment 方向挖掘 ZK 技术的潜能。

整体而言,ZK-Rollup 技术越来越细分,开始过度追求细节以达成更极致的技术叙事:比如严苛的电路效率和完全的 EVM 等效性。追求极致技术并没有错,但别忘了 ZK 本身就属于技术高门槛,过度追求技术会让团队忽略用户体验,忽略 ZK 是要来解决实用问题的初衷。

这不单纯是我的观察,而且切切实实来自市场的真实声音,对 ZK-Rollup 项目方而言,应该平衡技术追求和实际市场需求,以提升 ZK 技术的可落地性和高用户体验为目标,切莫沉浸在 to VC 的技术叙事中自我感动(不点名了)。

2)虽然 Starknet 的空投发放标准还不明确,但其发空投价值导向和目的已尽人皆知了,比如,分发 STRK 给 DApp 开发者以激励他们 build 项目;分发 STRK 给 ECMP 早期社区贡献者(contents、meetups、workshops 等),分发 9 亿 STRK 用于未来用户返利等等。

不难看出,Starknet 的空投发放会在意个体的贡献和价值,此外更看重空投长期的生态激励效果。因此,我判断 STRK 空投规模一定会达到大部分人的“爽点”,这是激发大家持续往 ZK-Rollup 贡献热情的开关,此外,大部分代币会通过 Paymaster 和 Transaction 绑定,在未来的生态贡献中作为 GAS 费补贴同时会线性释放。

看看 Starknet 名不副实的灾难级 TVL 数据以及拉跨的用户交易体验,就一定懂得,为什么需要搞交易返利了?虽然撸毛党们已经早期贡献了大量的 TXS,但还不够,索性明牌做返利,你们接着来刷吧,最好猛烈一点。

毕竟撸毛党的贡献也是实实在在的。这似乎意味着,追溯性的空投或许会弱于未来潜在性的空投,Starknet 的空投激励游戏才开始上演,不可能让你们上来就分食蛋糕后一哄而散。

Tokenomics 是把双刃剑,像 Starknet 这种论团队、背后资本、技术都根正苗红的项目方,轻易不会动用 Tokenomics 这把利器,历史上不乏有发完空投热闹一场后生态就变荒寂的先例,对于 ZK 这种技术门槛高,用户体验差的生态更是挑战。

但面对眼下的惨淡的生态现状,除了 Tokenomics 这最后的底牌,ZK-Rollup 的故事还能怎么续写?

The author, encrypted observers and sources are all looking forward to sending airdrops to inject a shot in the arm into the industry. It is not clear how much will be paid back, but one thing is certain that it is time for the echelon to send airdrops to save the market. In my opinion, this wave of airdrops will be a self-salvation action, and everyone says yes. The end of the plan is that the transition plan will be eliminated sooner or later. In terms of absolute technology, the debate about which is better or worse has been going on for too long. Compared with each transaction, there is an optimistic challenge period. From the perspective of individualism, the future must be beyond doubt. According to the data, there is only one scheme in one project compared with the same period of last year. These schemes aim at improving the compatibility with the main network of Ethereum, while pursuing the comprehensive expansion ability of the chain. They try to improve the incremental users of the main network by improving the transaction processing speed and throughput, while focusing on solving the transaction privacy problem. The rest are like tapping the potential of technology in transactions and directions. As a whole, technology is becoming more and more subdivided and over-catching. Seeking details to achieve more extreme technical narrative, such as strict circuit efficiency and complete equivalence, is not wrong to pursue extreme technology, but don't forget that excessive pursuit of technology will make the team ignore the user experience, which is the original intention of solving practical problems. This is not only my observation, but also the real voice from the market. For the project side, it is necessary to balance the technical pursuit with the actual market demand in order to improve the landing of technology and high user experience. Immersed in the technical narrative, I am moved by myself. Although the standard of airdrop distribution is not clear, the value orientation and purpose of airdrop distribution are well known, such as distributing it to developers to encourage their projects to be distributed to early community contributors, and distributing hundreds of millions for future user rebates. It is not difficult to see that airdrop distribution will care about individual contributions and values, and pay more attention to the long-term ecological incentive effect of airdrop, so I judge that the airdrop scale will definitely reach the cool point of most people, which is to stimulate everyone to continue. In addition, most tokens will be tied to the future ecological contribution as a fee subsidy, and at the same time, they will be released linearly. If you look at the misnamed catastrophic data and the user's trading experience, you will know why you need to make a transaction rebate. Although the Mao Party has contributed a lot in the early days, it is not enough to simply make a rebate in winning numbers. You'd better brush it up. After all, the contribution of the Mao Party is also real, which seems to mean that the retrospective airdrop may be possible. The airdrop incentive game, which is weaker than the potential in the future, has just begun to be staged. It is impossible for you to share the cake and then disperse in a hubbub. It is a double-edged sword. It is said that the project side behind the team will not use this weapon easily. There are many precedents in history that the ecology will become desolate after a lively airdrop. It is even more challenging for this kind of ecology with high technical threshold and poor user experience. But how can we continue to write this story except the last card? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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