11月 NFT 动态:交易量增长 Blur 地位加强

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11 月份,随着比特币和以太坊价格的提升,加密货币市场活动频繁,市场呈现进一步复苏的迹象。NFT 领域中,Blur 的交易量飙升,进一步巩固地位;Blast 的亮相,改写了 Layer 2 格局。与此同时,币安 CEO 宣布辞职,标志着一个拥抱合规并勇往直前的成熟市场的到来。

本报告的数据来源于 Footprint Analytics 的 NFT  研究页面。该页面提供了一个易于使用的仪表板,包含了最关键的统计数据和指标,以了解 NFT 行业的最新动态,并实时更新。您可以点击这里找到有关交易、项目、融资等的最新信息。



  • 比特币价格持续上涨,月初开盘价为 34,629 美元,并以 9.3% 的增幅收官,收盘价达到了 37,848 美元。

  • 币安和解案被普遍看好,因为它降低了加密行业的系统性风险,增强了投资者信心。

NFT 市场概览

  • 加密货币市场在 11 月的复苏也扩展到了 NFT 市场。 NFT 交易量激增 50.7%,达到 6.44亿美元。

  • 交易量的增长更多是由于用于定价 NFT 的代币价格增长,而不是实际交易活动的大幅回升。

  • NFT 蓝筹指数在 11 月 增长了12.8%。

公链与 NFT 交易市场

  • 以太坊在 NFT 市场继续占据主导地位,交易量达到 6.3 亿美元,占总交易量的 98.5%,较 10 月份增长了 50.4%。

  • Blur 保持着领先,以 66.3% 的市场份额占据主导地位,交易量达到了 4.3 亿美元。

  • OpenSea 在 11 月份交易量下降至 1.5 亿美元。这比 10 月份的数据下降了16.8%,其市场份额也从 41.4% 缩水至 23.1%。

NFT 投融资情况   

  • NFT 投融资市场在 11 月份活跃度增加,共完成了两轮融资,总额为 1,150 万美元。

  • 专注于比特币的 Ordinals 项目 Taproot Wizards 近日宣布完成 750 万美元融资,Standard Crypto 领投。


  • Yuga Labs 将与 Magic Eden 合作在年底推出新的 Magic Eden ETH 市场。

  • OpenSea 宣布裁员 50%。

  • Square Enix Announces Launch Date for Symbiogenesis, its First NFT Game.

  • 日本游戏巨头 Square Enix 宣布其首款NFT 游戏 Symbiogenesis 的发行日期。

  • 迪士尼与 Dapper Labs 合作推出 NFT 应用。


11 月份,比特币价格持续上涨,月初开盘价为 34,629 美元,并以 9.3% 的增幅收官,收盘价达到了 37,848 美元。同期,以太坊开盘价为 1,812 美元,并稳步增长 11.9 %,月末收盘价为 2,028 美元。


数据来源:BTC Price & ETH Price

金融市场对多项潜在风险的反应相对温和。市场对现货比特币 ETF 批准的期待助长了牛市情绪,而中东冲突的积极进展缓解了对更广泛地区不稳定性的担忧。同样,美国消费者价格指数(CPI)保持下降趋势,增加了市场对美联储可能降息和美国经济可能实现“软着陆”的乐观预期。

作为与美国机构之间 40 亿美元和解方案的一部分,赵长鹏(CZ)在 11 月 21 日辞去了币安 CEO 的职务。此次和解结束了司法部等美国多家监管机构对币安涉嫌反洗钱法等法规的广泛调查。币安和解消息一经发布,比特币价格一度跌至 35,800 美元,但到次日早晨回稳至 36,000 美元中段。市场普遍对这一和解持积极态度,认为它降低了加密行业的系统性风险,增强了投资者信心。

NFT 市场概览 

加密货币市场在 11 月的复苏也扩展到了 NFT 市场。 NFT 交易量激增 50.7%,达到 6.44 亿美元。交易数量保持在 1,070,324 笔的数量级不变,但同期独特用户(钱包)数量下降了 12.9%,总计 244,928 个。


数据来源:NFT Market Overview

11 月,NFT 市场的市值从月初的 46.8 亿美元上升 7.9%,至月末时达到了 50.5 亿美元。


数据来源:NFT Market Cap & Volume

11 月,NFT 市场的买家/卖家的比例为 100.6%,较 10月下降了 35.5%。11 月有 146,877 名买家及 145,956 名卖家。与上个月相比,买家数量下降了 21.7%,而卖家数量上升了 5.9%。

11 月 NFT 市场的交易量增加了 50.7%,但买家数量减少了 21.7%,这表明交易量的增加不一定意味着市场的全面复苏。这种交易量的增长更多是由于用于定价 NFT 的代币价格增长,而不是实际交易活动的大幅回升。


数据来源:Daily Buyers & Sellers

NFT 蓝筹指数在 11 月 增长了12.8%。


数据来源:BlueChip Index

根据 Footprint Analytics 的数据,CryptoPunks 的地板价在 11 月上涨了 18.4%,从 46.8 ETH上升到 55.5 ETH,在 11 月 14 日达到 70 ETH 的峰值。CryptoPunks 以 13 亿美元的市值和 19.2% 的市场份额领先 NFT 市场。Bored Ape Yacht Club 维持 30 ETH 的地板价,市值为 6.7 亿美元,市场份额为 10.3%。


数据来源:Market Cap Distribution in November 

从另一个角度来看 NFT 市场,根据 Google Trends 的数据,以 2022 年 1 月的最高兴趣点作为基准,将其设定为 100;到11月底,“NFT”(蓝色曲线)和 “Non-fungible token”(红色曲线)的公众兴趣水平仅为 5。这表明,尽管市场已经在恢复,交易量和市值有所增长,但普通大众对 NFT 的兴趣仍然显著低于高峰时期的水平。


数据来源:Google Trends

公链与 NFT 交易市场

11 月,以太坊在 NFT 市场继续占据主导地位,交易量达到 6.3 亿美元,占总交易量的 98.5%,较 10 月份增长了 50.4%。


数据来源:Monthly Volume by Chain

11 月,以太坊的用户数量(钱包数量)增长了 7.6%,达到了 14.0 万。相比之下,BNB 链的用户数量对比 10 月份下降了 4%,为 1.7 万,与 7 月份的 6.3 万相比下降了的 73.5%。与此同时,Polygon 的用户数量大幅下降了 35.3%,总计为 9.2 万。


数据来源:Monthly Uniques User by Chain

在 NFT 交易市场方面,Blur 保持着领先,以 66.3% 的市场份额占据主导地位,交易量达到了 4.3 亿美元。这一交易量较 10 月份飙升了 112.3%,推动 Blur 达到了历史最高市场份额。

在上线币安实现兑换功能及推出其 Layer 2 网络 Blast 之后,Blur 的原生代币 $BLUR 价格上涨。11 月 21 日 $BLUR 价格为 0.30 美元,11 月 25 日达到 0.68 美元的峰值,在月底回落至 0.50 美元。

Blast 是由 Blur 的创始人之一 Tieshun Roquerre 开发的。它在从 Paradigm 和 Standard Crypto 筹集了 2,000万 美元后,于 11 月 21 日开始向邀请用户开放内测版本,开始其早期访问阶段。Blast 被定位为首个带有原生收益模型的以太坊 Layer 2 解决方案,在月底之前迅速积累了超过 6 亿美元的 TVL 。尽管在社交媒体上引起了热议,Blast 因其多签合约、提现限制以及内推规则设置受到了质疑。



与此同时,OpenSea 在 11 月份交易量下降至 1.5 亿美元。这比 10 月份的数据下降了16.8%,其市场份额也从 41.4% 缩水至 23.1%。

在 11 月初,OpenSea 宣布大幅裁减其员工,减员近 50%。此举与 OpenSea 的战略转型相符,因为它正准备推出全新版本的交易市场 OpenSea 2.0,致力于拥抱更精简、更扁平的组织结构,以增强在快速变化的 NFT 领域中的灵活性和竞争力。此次裁员是继 2022 年 7 月 OpenSea 减少 20% 员工之后的第二次裁员。此次裁员被视作 OpenSea 在 NFT 交易量上落后于 Blur 的一种反应,凸显了 OpenSea 为适应变化并保持市场关键参与者地位所作的努力。

X2Y2 的市场地位也出现了下滑,其市场份额在 11 月份下降到 5.4%。这是该平台自 2022 年 5 月以来的最低水平。


数据来源:Monthly Volume by Marketplace - Distribution

11 月,NFT 市场在用户指标方面的表现各不相同。OpenSea 在吸引用户(钱包)方面保持领先地位,其平台用户数达到了 20.4 万。然而,这个数字对比 10 月份减少了 16.9%。相比之下,Blur 的用户增长显著,有 4.4 万用户,比上个月增加了 50.3%。


数据来源:Monthly Unique Users by Marketplace

NFT 投融资情况   

NFT 投融资市场在 11 月份活跃度增加,共完成了两轮融资,总额为 1,150 万美元。

Authentick 从 Menyala 获得了 400 万美元的种子轮融资。Menyala 是由淡马锡(Temasek) 创立的一家风险投资平台。Authentick 旨在帮助用户在没有 Web3 钱包或进入交易所的情况下购买数字收藏品。他们正在使 NFT 能够在像 Lazada 这样的传统电子商务网站上销售,以帮助品牌触及更广泛的受众。

专注于比特币的 Ordinals 项目 Taproot Wizards 近日宣布完成 750 万美元融资,Standard Crypto 领投。该项目限量发行 2,121个 巫师 NFT,这一数字象征着比特币总供应量的 2,100万。目前,少于1% 的 Taproot Wizards Ordinals 已被铸造。


来源:Taproot Wizards - Wizard #0001

近期以比特币相关 Ordinals 项目非常火热。Taproot Wizards 的联合创始人 Udi Wertheimer 表示,他们对发布计划保密,以维持长期兴趣。

他表示:“我们希望找到那些有使命感的人,而不是那些只关注 JPEG 图片的人。” 



链: Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Cronos, Optimism

交易市场: OpenSea, LooksRare, Blur, X2Y2, Cryptopunks, Rarible, SuperRare, Foundation, Decentraland, Aavegotchi, Element, Era7, the Sandbox, Minted 


本文由 Footprint Analytics 社区贡献。

With the increase in the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum, the cryptocurrency market is active frequently, and the market shows signs of further recovery. The appearance of the transaction volume in the field has further consolidated its position, rewriting the pattern. At the same time, the announcement of the resignation of Bi 'an marks the arrival of a mature market that embraces compliance and goes forward bravely. The data of this report comes from the research page, which provides an easy-to-use dashboard with the most critical statistics and indicators to understand the latest trends of the industry. Real-time update: You can click here to find the latest information about the financing of trading projects. Overview of the cryptocurrency market Overview of the cryptocurrency market Bitcoin prices continued to rise. At the beginning of the month, the opening price was US dollars, and the closing price reached US dollars. The security settlement was generally optimistic because it reduced the systemic risk of the cryptocurrency industry and enhanced investor confidence. The market overview of the cryptocurrency market also expanded to the market. The increase in trading volume reached US$ 100 million, which was more due to the use of pricing. The price of tokens increased rather than the actual trading activity rebounded sharply. The blue chip index increased in the month, and the public chain and the trading market Ethereum continued to dominate the market. The trading volume reached $ billion, accounting for an increase compared with the total trading volume in the month. The trading volume reached $ billion, and the trading volume decreased to $ billion in the month, which was lower than the data in the month. Its market share also shrank to the investment and financing situation, and the activity of the investment and financing market increased in the month. A project focusing on bitcoin with a total round of financing of $10,000 recently announced the completion of financing of $10,000. The key trends this month will be to launch a new market with cooperation. The Japanese game giant announced the release date of its first game. Disney and cooperation launched an overview of the application encryption market. Bitcoin prices continued to rise in the month, and the opening price at the beginning of the month reached $,and the closing price at the end of the month reached $,and the opening price at Ethereum increased steadily. The financial market's response to a number of potential risks is relatively mild, and the market's expectation of spot bitcoin approval has fueled bull market sentiment, while the positive progress of the Middle East conflict has eased concerns about instability in the wider region. Similarly, the US consumer price index has maintained a downward trend, which has increased the market's optimistic expectation that the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates and the US economy may achieve a soft landing. As part of the $100 million settlement plan with American institutions, Zhao Changpeng resigned from the position of Currency Security on January, and this settlement ended. The Ministry of Justice and other American regulatory agencies have conducted extensive investigations into the suspected anti-money laundering laws and regulations of Coin Security. Once the news of the settlement was released, the price of Bitcoin once fell to US dollars, but it stabilized to the middle of the US dollar the next morning. The market generally took a positive attitude towards this settlement, saying that it reduced the systemic risk of the encryption industry and enhanced investor confidence. The recovery of the cryptocurrency market in January also expanded to a surge in the market transaction volume, reaching the order of 100 million US dollars, but the transaction volume remained unchanged in the same period. The number of special users' wallets has dropped by a total of months. The market value of the market has risen from $ billion at the beginning of the month to $ billion at the end of the month. The proportion of buyers and sellers in the market has dropped compared with last month. Compared with last month, the number of buyers has decreased, while the number of sellers has increased. However, the decrease in the number of buyers does not necessarily mean the overall recovery of the market. This increase in trading volume is more due to pricing. The price of tokens increased rather than the actual trading activity rebounded sharply. The data source blue chip index increased in January, and the floor price according to the data source rose from rising to the peak value reached on January, with a market value of hundreds of millions of dollars and a market share ahead of the market. The market share is hundreds of millions of dollars. From another perspective, the data based on the market is set as the public interest of the blue curve and the red curve at the end of the month. The level is only, which shows that although the market has resumed trading volume and market value has increased, the interest of the general public is still significantly lower than the peak period. The data source public chain and the trading market Yuetaifang continue to dominate the market, and the trading volume has reached billion dollars, accounting for an increase in the total trading volume compared with that in the month. The number of users in the data source Yuetaifang has increased to 10,000, while the number of users in the chain has decreased to 10,000 compared with that in the month. At that time, the number of users dropped sharply, totaling 10,000. The data sources kept leading in the trading market, and the market share dominated, with the transaction volume reaching billion dollars. This transaction volume soared compared with last month, which pushed the market share to the highest in history. After the online currency security realized the exchange function and launched its network, the price of native tokens rose, and the monthly price reached the peak of US dollars. It was developed by one of the founders at the end of the month, and after raising million dollars. On March, the beta version was opened to invited users, and its early access stage was positioned as the first Ethereum solution with a native revenue model. Before the end of the month, it quickly accumulated more than US$ 100 million, although it caused a heated discussion on social media because of its restrictions on multi-contract withdrawal and the setting of extrapolation rules. At the same time, the transaction volume dropped to US$ 100 million in the month, which was lower than the data in the month, and its market share also shrank from the beginning of the month to announce a sharp reduction in its staff attrition. In line with the strategic transformation of the company, because it is preparing to launch a brand-new version of the trading market, it is committed to embracing a leaner and flatter organizational structure to enhance its flexibility and competitiveness in a rapidly changing field. This layoff is the second layoff after the reduction of employees in January. This layoff is regarded as a reaction that lags behind in trading volume, highlighting the efforts made to adapt to changes and maintain its position as a key player in the market, and its market position has also declined. The lowest level of data source of the platform since June, the monthly market has different performances in terms of user indicators, and it has maintained a leading position in attracting users' wallets. However, the number of platform users has reached 10,000 compared with the month, and the number of users has increased significantly. The investment and financing market has increased the activity in the month, and two rounds of financing with a total amount of 10,000 US dollars have been completed. The seed round financing was founded by Temasek to help users buy digital collections without wallets or entering the exchange. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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