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在最近的一条推文中,CaseyRodarmor 揭露了他对比特币平台上可互换代币协议的提案:符文序数协议。这一提案引发了人们对 BTC 生态可互换代币广阔兴趣和讨论。

尽管在某些领域存在争议,这种类型的代币已经在区块链领域有一定地位。它们的坚持是不可否认的,其发展反映了比特币社区对 BTC 创新的广泛接受。

在这篇文章中,我们将深入探讨 Runes 协议,探讨其基本原理、需求的紧迫性、与当前协议的比较分析等等。在探索这一新协议的过程中,我们将揭示其在不断发展的比特币生态系统背景下的潜在挑战。













Omni Layer:这个协议都引入了一些操作所需的原生代币。虽然创新,但它们也带来了额外的复杂性,并减少了采用范围。

Taproot Assets:这一协议虽然先进,但在很大程度上依赖于链下数据,在实施和用户体验方面可能遇到的障碍。

在这个阵容中,最新的竞争者 Runes 承诺简单高效。通过采用基于 UTXO 的系统,并利用输出脚本中的’R’标记,对用户更加友好,且更符合 BTC 原有结构。然而,与任何新提案一样,其实际应该尚待测试。


在已有协议的背景下,每个协议都有其一系列挑战,Runes 应运而生——在复杂的景观中独具简洁之光。由 Ordinals 协议背后的创新者 Casey Rodamor 构想,Runes 旨在解决许多先前协议(尤其是 BRC-20)的低效问题。

起源:这一切源自一篇粗糙的博客文章勾勒出的概念,Rodamor 在提出 Runes 后七小时内便已上线,也证明了加密社区的灵活性。


核心的简单性:与一些协议的多层次性质不同,Runes 设计优雅简单。通过在交易中使用 OP_RETURN,它促使将代币分配给特定的 UTXO,具有输出索引、代币数量和代币 ID。这种简化的机制不仅易于理解,而且在操作中效率高。



符文的核心愿望是修复 BRC-20 的缺陷。尽管 BRC-20 被广泛采用,但由于其依赖铭文而导致的低效问题让其颇受影响。这导致了执行基本操作时冗长的多步交易。相比之下,Runes 试图简化这个过程,简化代币操作并提高链上效率。


然而,尽管 Runes 看起来很有前途,但它也强调了加密领域中一个反复出现的主题:迅速采纳想法而没有经过彻底审查或长期设计考虑。Runes 的快速接受呼应了曾经围绕 BRC-20 周围的同样狂热,导致了它目前面临的挑战。

在加密创新的宏伟画卷中,Runes 以其简洁高效的承诺脱颖而出。但与所有新进入者一样,从概念到广泛采用的过程将是考验其本质的真正试金石。

BRC-20 的困境

乍一看,BRC-20 可能看起来是比特币生态系统的一项有前途的补充。然而,仔细审查后,它显露出一个对于可互换代币复杂且经常低效的机制。

复杂性:BRC-20 的主要挑战源于其与铭文的内在关联。这种结合并非出于工程的角度,而是出于一种被趋势驱动的心态。铭文虽然是「炙手可热」的新事物,但并不是代币协议的最佳选择。

操作效率低下:BRC-20 协议的一个重大缺陷是其操作的多步性质。无论是发行代币还是转移代币,BRC-20 都要求进行多次交易。这直接是使用铭文将代币数据编码到链上的结果,这需要在实际的铭文数据记录之前进行「分阶段交易」。

效率比较:将其与 OmniLayer 和新提出的符文等协议进行对比。所有这些协议都可以在单一交易中执行代币发行和转移操作,而 BRC-20 则滞后,需要两次交易。这种低效不仅仅是技术上的疏忽;它更是一种更多受到炒作而非健全设计驱动的标志。

更大的图景:围绕 BRC-20 的困扰不仅仅是孤立的技术故障,而且标志着协议设计和采用中更深层次的问题。

BRC-20 的采用和其所获得的受欢迎程度,是由于其公平的启动方法以及早期采用者们热情地花费资金并在社交媒体上推广它。这种有机的增长和社区驱动的支持推动了 BRC-20 走到了它当前的地位,展示了在加密领域基层运动的力量。


从 BRC-20 的复杂性到 Runes 的光明前景,这段旅程为区块链和比特币不断演进提供了宝贵的证明。每一个转折,每一个挑战和解决方案,都描绘出一个在创新中茁壮成长,但又在其快速节奏中苦苦挣扎的生态系统。

随着 Runes 协议步入聚光灯下,它背负着过去的教训和对简化未来的希望。它对简单和高效的承诺引人入胜,然而责任在社区,需要用热情和谨慎共同拥抱。

In a recent tweet, he revealed his proposal for the interchangeable token agreement on the bitcoin platform, the symbol ordinal agreement. This proposal has aroused people's broad interest and discussion on the eco-interchangeable token. Although there are disputes in some fields, this type of token has already had a certain position in the blockchain field, and its persistence is undeniable. Its development reflects the wide acceptance of innovation by the bitcoin community. In this article, we will discuss the urgency and necessity of the agreement and its basic principle requirements. Comparison and analysis of previous protocols, etc. In the process of exploring this new protocol, we will reveal its potential challenges under the background of the evolving bitcoin ecosystem. Why do we need new protocols? Redundancy is very common in the evolving blockchain and cryptocurrency fields. It seems that many protocols are emerging every day. People may think, do we really need so many protocols? The answer includes both opportunities and necessity, because there are many potential benefits in building a powerful interchangeable token protocol specifically for Bitcoin. A good protocol design can open an important transaction fee income switch. With the increase of adoption rate, the economic incentives of miners and the whole network will also increase the interest of developers. By providing a simplified and efficient system, such a protocol can attract the attention of developers and expand the user base. The new protocol can attract a wider user base, which is not just about quantity but diversity. Different users bring different use cases, expand the diversity and resilience of the ecosystem and solve the current defects. Although the existing protocol is groundbreaking, it shows all kinds of inefficiencies and limitations. A new protocol can learn from past experience and pursue more optimized design. Stagnation in the technical field is equivalent to retrogression. It is also valuable to re-conceive and re-invent on the existing basis, especially when the goal is to solve the existing defects and have untapped potential. Compared with the current protocol, the interchangeable token protocol for Bitcoin is not new. There have been several proposals and implemented protocols with their own characteristics. There are unique advantages and disadvantages. Let's analyze some famous protocols, which are famous for their association with inscriptions. Their design is more driven by popular technology than efficient engineering. As a result, it is an extremely inefficient protocol. It requires multiple transactions to perform basic operations from issuing tokens to transferring tokens. This protocol is more complicated, and it relies heavily on offline data. Its development has been jumping tickets and its application scope is limited. Although it is innovative, this protocol has introduced some native tokens needed for operations. However, they also bring additional complexity and reduce the scope of application. Although this protocol is advanced, it depends to a great extent on the obstacles that may be encountered in the implementation and user experience of offline data. In this lineup, the latest competitors promise to be simple and efficient, and to be more user-friendly and more in line with the original structure by adopting the system based on and using the tags in the output script. However, like any new proposal, its reality should be tested. In the context of existing protocols, every protocol has a fresh wind. A series of challenges emerged at the historic moment in the complex landscape. The unique concise light was conceived by the innovator behind the protocol to solve many previous protocols, especially the inefficient problems. It all originated from the concept outlined in a rough blog post, which was launched within seven hours after it was put forward. It also proved that the simplicity of the core of the flexible mechanism of the encryption community is different from the multi-level nature of some protocols, and the design is elegant and simple. By using it in transactions, tokens are allocated to specific ones with output indexes. The number of tokens and the simplified mechanism of tokens are not only easy to understand, but also efficient to issue and circulate in operation. The protocol clearly defines the flow and distribution of tokens, and reserves a special message for the initial issuance of tokens, which ensures the clarity and transparency of token operation. The core desire of the rune is to fix the defects, although it is widely used, but it is greatly affected by the inefficiency caused by its dependence on inscriptions, which leads to a lengthy multi-step transaction phase when performing basic operations. In contrast, it tries to simplify this process, simplify token operation and improve chain efficiency, and participate cautiously. However, although it looks promising, it also emphasizes a recurring theme in the field of encryption. The rapid adoption of ideas without thorough review or long-term design considerations echoes the same fanaticism that once surrounded it, leading to the challenges it is facing at present. It stands out in the grand picture of encryption innovation with its concise and efficient commitment, but it is as broad as all new entrants. The process of adoption will be the real touchstone to test its essence. At first glance, it may seem to be a promising supplement to the bitcoin ecosystem. However, after careful examination, it reveals a complex and often inefficient mechanism for interchangeable tokens. The main challenge stems from its internal connection with the inscription. This combination is not from an engineering point of view, but from a trend-driven mentality. Although the inscription is a hot new thing, it is not the best choice for the token agreement. A major defect of the low-rate protocol is the multi-step nature of its operation, which requires multiple transactions whether issuing or transferring tokens. This is directly the result of encoding token data into the chain with inscriptions. This requires a phased transaction efficiency comparison before the actual inscription data is recorded, and it is compared with the newly proposed protocols such as runes. All these protocols can issue and transfer tokens in a single transaction, but they need two transactions later. This inefficiency is not only Technical negligence is a sign that it is more driven by hype than by sound design. The bigger picture is not only an isolated technical failure, but also a sign that the adoption of deeper problems in protocol design and adoption and its popularity are due to its fair start-up method, early adopters' enthusiasm for spending money and promoting it on social media. This organic growth and community-driven support have pushed it to its current position. The power of grass-roots movement in the secret field is summarized. The journey from the complexity to the bright future provides valuable proof for the continuous evolution of blockchain and bitcoin. Every turning point, every challenge and solution depicts an ecosystem that thrives in innovation but struggles in its fast pace. With the agreement, it has entered the spotlight, bearing the lessons of the past and the hope of simplifying the future. Its commitment to simplicity and efficiency is fascinating, but the responsibility in the community needs to be embraced with enthusiasm and caution. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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