加密世界权力真空:昔日巨头陨落 谁将引领下一个篇章?

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来源:纽约时报 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网



上一轮加密货币价格暴涨之时,业界最具影响力的领导人是SBF和赵长鹏,这两位亿万富翁的网上交锋甚至能直接影响市场走势。但如今,他们都因各自的权力崩塌面临牢狱之灾,FTX 交易所创始人SBF被判欺诈和共谋罪,而币安创始人赵长鹏则承认洗钱指控并同意放弃控制权。


一些高管认为,清除赵长鹏和SBF这样的激进企业家——他们优先追求增长而非合规——是加密货币世界赢得监管机构和公众信任的必要条件。赵长鹏认罪后,美国加密货币交易所 Coinbase 的首席执行官布莱恩·阿姆斯特朗将此案视为行业的一个转折点。



加密货币看似重获生机,但行业内部依然是危机四伏。许多公司仍旧从事着高风险的业务,对其实验性产品缺乏透明度。美国大学金融监管专家 Hilary Allen 表示:“这些东西本身没有任何内在价值,只能寄希望于更多的资金涌入,吸引更多人购买来创造需求。”

加密世界从来不缺重量级人物。比特币作为首个也是最具价值的数字货币,其背后的愿景最初由化名中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的神秘人物提出,他的身份本身就成为一种品牌。随着加密世界的扩张,新的权力和影响中心不断涌现。赵长鹏于 2017 年创立了币安,将其发展成为全球最大、买卖实验性代币的市场。该交易所的规模和影响力将赵长鹏推上了 Twitter(现称 X)的明星地位,他在那里积累了超过 800 万粉丝,对政府诉讼和非法行为指控一概予以否认,将其视为加密货币敌人的“虚假信息”。


最终,赵长鹏和SBF都黯然失势。SBF将于明年 3 月接受判决,面临数十年的监禁。赵长鹏可能会获得较轻的判决,预计检方将要求约 18 个月的监禁。


Circle 公司 CEO Jeremy Allaire 表示:“少了那些角色捣乱,真是太好了。我的重点一直是:如何让加密货币对世界有用?

新一代的领导者已经成为加密行业的领军人物。网络人气爆棚的加密狂热分子 Paolo Ardoino 最近接任 Tether 的 CEO,Tether 是管理着最受欢迎的数字货币之一的公司。在币安,赵长鹏被其关键高管 Richard Teng 取代,后者一直被视为赵长鹏的接班人。

从表面上看,Teng 和赵长鹏是完全相反的。币安创始人对监管机构持敌对态度,而 Teng 则是新加坡央行的老将。

币安的未来仍未明朗。上个月,该公司作为和解协议的一部分,同意向多个政府机构支付 45 亿美元的罚款,并在未来三年接受美国监控人员的嵌入式监督。

“我的总体感觉是,人们都在‘观望’。” 币安发言人没有回应置评请求。

可以说,加密行业洗牌的最大受益者是 Coinbase 的 Armstrong 先生,他本月宣称比特币“可能是延续西方文明的关键”。即使在证券交易委员会因大规模打击该行业而起诉该公司之后,Coinbase 的股价在过去六个月里几乎翻了三倍。

“Coinbase 现在是最后的赢家,”追踪加密行业的 Needham 分析师 John Todaro 表示。“竞争对手越来越少了。”

Coinbase 还将自己定位为加密世界潜在重大事件的受益者——可能获得批准的追踪比特币价格的交易所交易基金 (ETF)。

Allaire 先生说:“我不认为任何人知道监控的具体细节意味着什么。”

总而言之,随着旧势力倒台和新势力崛起,加密行业正处于关键转型期。凭借其合规形象和对未来发展的积极布局,Coinbase 有望成为重组后的最大赢家。然而,行业未来仍面临监管和技术等方面的挑战,谁将最终引领加密货币走向何方,目前仍是未知数。


近几天,比特币价格一路飙升,突破了 43,000 美元,创下去年一系列破产事件引发行业危机以来的最高水平。上涨的主要动力之一是人们对美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 即将批准比特币 ETF 的信心越来越高。这种 ETF 将可以在传统股票交易所交易,有可能为加密行业注入新的资金。

Coinbase 已经同意为全球最大资产管理公司之一贝莱德的比特币 ETF 提供存储服务。贝莱德是包括富达在内的几家大型金融公司之一,这些公司都申请了提供这种投资产品的许可。

华尔街曾经是新兴加密行业的敌人,但在经历了 18 个月充满破产和逮捕事件的艰难时期之后,加密货币的支持者们将 Coinbase 和贝莱德的合作视为潜在的救赎方案。


Source new york Times Translation Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network Bitcoin rebounded strongly, and the cryptocurrency circle ushered in a new chapter. Bitcoin prices soared again. Large financial institutions showed renewed interest in digital currency, and cryptocurrency lovers also rejoiced and celebrated that the long downturn and bankruptcy tide finally passed. However, the sudden recovery of cryptocurrency industry was not smooth sailing, and it can even be said that it was in turmoil. The most influential leaders in the industry were Zhao Changpeng when the price of cryptocurrency soared in the last round. The online confrontation between the two billionaires can even directly affect the market trend, but now they are both facing jail for the collapse of their respective powers. The founder of the exchange was convicted of fraud and conspiracy, while Zhao Changpeng, the founder of Bian, admitted the money laundering charges and agreed to give up control. With the departure of the two giants, cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, Wall Street executives and government regulators flocked to compete for the right to shape the next chapter of the industry. Their competition will determine whether cryptocurrency can be regulated more and more strictly in the United States. Some executives believe that it is necessary for cryptocurrency world to win the trust of regulators and the public to get rid of Zhao Changpeng and such radical entrepreneurs, who give priority to growth rather than compliance. After Zhao Changpeng pleaded guilty, Brian Armstrong, CEO of American cryptocurrency exchange, regarded the case as a turning point in the industry, and now we have the opportunity to open a new chapter. Armstrong wrote on social media last month that the industry should be in the United States to meet the needs of the United States. The new pattern of cryptocurrency after the storm seems to be alive again, but the industry is still in crisis. Many companies are still engaged in high-risk business and lack transparency about their experimental products. Experts in financial supervision of American universities say that these things have no intrinsic value in themselves, and they can only hope that more funds will flood in to attract more people to buy them to create demand. The cryptocurrency world is never short of heavyweights, and Bitcoin is the first one. It is the most valuable digital currency. The vision behind it was originally put forward by a mysterious figure with the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. His identity itself has become a brand. With the expansion of the encryption world, new centers of power and influence have emerged. Zhao Changpeng founded Coin Security in 2000 and developed it into the world's largest market for buying and selling experimental tokens. The scale and influence of the exchange pushed Zhao Changpeng to the current star status. He accumulated more than 10,000 fans there and denied all government lawsuits and illegal acts. Zhao Changpeng's main competitor is that he appears on billboards and magazine covers to create a responsible adult image, hoping to help the young encryption industry cooperate with the regulatory authorities. Finally, Zhao Changpeng and both will be sentenced in the next month and face decades of imprisonment. Zhao Changpeng may get a lighter sentence. It is expected that the prosecution will ask for about months of imprisonment. There is still a power vacuum in the cryptocurrency industry. Who can fill the gap and lead the industry out? The direction of the regulatory storm is still unknown. The result of this power struggle will determine the survival prospect of cryptocurrency in the United States and the future direction of the crypto world. The company said that it is great to be without those roles to make trouble. My focus has always been on how to make cryptocurrency useful to the world. A new generation of leaders has become the leader of the crypto industry, and the crypto fanatics who are bursting with popularity on the Internet have recently taken over the management of one of the most popular companies in digital currency. The replacement of the latter by its key executives has always been regarded as Zhao Changpeng's successor. On the surface, Zhao Changpeng is completely opposite. The founder of Bi 'an is hostile to the regulatory authorities, while the future of Bi 'an, a veteran of Singapore's central bank, is still unclear. Last month, as part of the settlement agreement, the company agreed to pay a fine of US$ 100 million to several government agencies and accept the embedded supervision of American monitors in the next three years. My overall feeling is that people are watching. The spokesman of Bi 'an did not respond to requests for comment. In other words, the biggest beneficiary of the reshuffle of the encryption industry is yes, sir. He declared this month that Bitcoin may be the key to the continuation of western civilization. Even after the Securities and Exchange Commission sued the company for cracking down on the industry on a large scale, its share price has almost tripled in the past six months. Now it is the last winner. Analysts in the encryption industry say that there are fewer and fewer competitors, and they have positioned themselves as the beneficiaries of potential major events in the encryption world, and may be approved to track the exchange transactions of Bitcoin prices. Mr. Fund said, I don't think anyone knows what the specific details of monitoring mean. In short, with the fall of the old forces and the rise of new forces, the encryption industry is in a critical transition period, and it is expected to become the biggest winner after the reorganization with its compliance image and positive layout for future development. However, the industry will still face challenges in supervision and technology in the future, and who will eventually lead the cryptocurrency to the peak is still unknown. Traditional financial giants embrace encryption in recent days. One of the main driving forces for the soaring dollar to break through the highest level since a series of bankruptcies triggered the industry crisis last year is that people are increasingly confident that the US Securities and Exchange Commission will soon approve Bitcoin, which will be traded on traditional stock exchanges and may inject new funds into the encryption industry. BlackRock, one of the world's largest asset management companies, has agreed to provide storage services for Bitcoin, one of several large financial companies including Fidelity. Companies have applied for permission to provide such investment products. Wall Street used to be the enemy of the emerging encryption industry, but after a difficult period full of bankruptcies and arrests last month, the supporters of cryptocurrency regard the cooperation with BlackRock as a potential redemption plan. Ms. Allen, a professor at American University, said that cryptocurrency has not subverted Wall Street, but is merging with it. Obviously, they think they can make money in this field. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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