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作者:Daniel Kuhn,coindesk 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

今年,BlackRock 通过 CEO Fink 关于比特币作为国际货币的重要性的强势发言,重新点燃了人们对比特币 ETF 的兴趣。

ETF 结构可能推动比特币价格上涨

全球最大资产管理公司 BlackRock 的 CEO Larry Fink 虽然是比特币的“晚到粉丝”,却已成为其最具影响力的传道者之一。今年,BlackRock 申请推出比特币交易所交易基金 (ETF) 的举动震惊世界,引发了人们对这种一度被认为“死路一条”的加密货币交易工具的重新关注。即便 BlackRock 的 iShares 比特币信托 (iShares Bitcoin Trust) 获批,也只是该公司管理的数百个 ETF 中的一个,但其出人意料的举动仍然对市场产生了重大影响。

多年以来,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 一直犹豫是否批准直接持有比特币的 ETF,部分原因是担心市场成熟度不足和操纵风险。(美国市场存在追踪比特币期货的 ETF,但直接持有比特币的 ETF 将为投资者提供更直接的比特币敞口。) 作为华尔街的领军机构,BlackRock 的单纯兴趣展示就提升了这一产品的合法性,并表明市场可能存在对这类产品的需求。此后,Fidelity、Franklin Templeton 和 VanEck 等传统金融机构以及 Bitwise 和 Hashdex 等加密原生公司也纷纷提交了各自的比特币 ETF 上市申请。

ETF 结构可能推动比特币价格上涨

比特币 ETF 的重要性在于,它将为更广泛的机构提供接触比特币的途径。例如,通过持有 BlackRock 的 iShares 或 WisdomTree 的 BTCW 股票,而不是直接持有比特币本身。这意味着散户和机构投资者可以通过 401(k) 计划或指数基金投资比特币。此外,如果消费者感兴趣,现货比特币 ETF 的结构可能会增加对比特币的买盘压力,并可能导致价格上涨。

Fink 在 10 月接受 Fox Business 采访时表示,BlackRock 的客户对加密货币表现出越来越高的兴趣,BlackRock 的产品将“民主化”这一资产类别的获取。他还将最近的市场势头描述为一种“货币避险”,并表示在接下来的几个月里,加密货币将“超越”全球货币。

更重要的是,Fink 表示,比特币作为一种开放、可验证且无国界的货币,可能成为越来越重要的金融工具。值得注意的是,Fink 曾被归为“杰米·戴蒙阵营”——摩根大通 CEO 是著名的加密货币怀疑者——并曾表示世界不需要“一种新的国际货币”。他的一些观点仍然一致;Fink 也表示比特币可能会削弱美元作为储备货币的地位,但现在他看到了这种提议的价值。

Fink 的转变值得注意,因为它发生在许多传统金融机构重新审视区块链的时候,尤其是用于像股票和债券这样的“现实世界资产”的“代币化”。相比之下,他更感兴趣的是加密货币本身。2022 年 8 月,BlackRock 宣布了在其 Aladdin 投资平台上进行加密货币交易的计划。BlackRock 还申请了以太坊以太 (ETH) 为基础的 ETF 的上市。

虽然 BlackRock 进入比特币市场的动机可以理解,但背后的具体运作机制仍是未知。BlackRock 的申请引人注目,因为它可能找到了解决美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 市场监管要求的办法,这是许多其他申请者都模仿的。一些猜测认为,Fink 和 SEC 主席 Gary Gensler 就 ETF 上市进行过私下沟通,Fink 基于合理的预期,即 ETF 可能会很快获得批准。

无论 BlackRock 的 iShares 比特币 ETF 是否首发上市,Fink 对比特币的价值显然深信不疑。

This year, Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network rekindled people's interest in Bitcoin through a strong speech on the importance of Bitcoin as an international currency, which may push up the price of Bitcoin. Although the world's largest asset management company is a late fan of Bitcoin, it has become one of its most influential preachers. This year's application for launching a Bitcoin exchange trading fund shocked the world and triggered people's cryptocurrency trading that was once considered a dead end. Re-focus on tools Even if the Bitcoin trust is approved, it is only one of hundreds managed by the company, but its unexpected actions still have a significant impact on the market. For many years, the US Securities and Exchange Commission has been hesitant to approve the direct holding of Bitcoin, partly because of concerns about the lack of market maturity and manipulation risks. There are people who track Bitcoin futures in the US market, but those who directly hold Bitcoin will provide investors with more direct exposure to Bitcoin as the leading institution on Wall Street. The mere display of interest has enhanced the legitimacy of this product and indicated that there may be a demand for this kind of products in the market. Since then, traditional financial institutions such as Hehe and crypto-native companies have also submitted their own application structures for listing Bitcoin, which may push up the price of Bitcoin. The importance of Bitcoin is that it will provide a wider range of institutions with access to Bitcoin, for example, by holding or shares instead of directly holding Bitcoin itself, which means that retail investors and institutional investors can access it. In addition, if consumers are interested in investing in bitcoin, the structure of spot bitcoin may increase the buying pressure on bitcoin and may lead to price increase. In an interview in May, he said that the products that customers show increasing interest in cryptocurrency will democratize the acquisition of this asset class. He also described the recent market momentum as a currency hedge and said that cryptocurrency will surpass the global currency in the next few months. More importantly, he said that bitcoin will be used as. An open, verifiable and borderless currency may become an increasingly important financial tool. It is worth noting that JPMorgan Chase, who was once classified as Jamie Dimon's camp, is a famous cryptocurrency skeptic and once said that the world does not need a new international currency. Some of his views are still consistent, and he also said that Bitcoin may weaken the status of the US dollar as a reserve currency, but now he sees that this proposed value change is worth noting because it happened when many traditional financial institutions re-examined the blockchain. Sometimes, especially for the token of real-world assets such as stocks and bonds, he is more interested in cryptocurrency itself. In June, he announced the plan to trade cryptocurrency on his investment platform, and also applied for the listing based on Ethereum. Although the motivation for entering the bitcoin market is understandable, the specific operation mechanism behind it is still unknown. The application is remarkable because it may find a solution to the market supervision requirements of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, which is many. Other applicants have imitated some speculations that they have had private communication with the chairman about the listing, which is based on reasonable expectation that it may be approved soon, regardless of whether Bitcoin is listed first or not, it is obviously convinced of the value of Bitcoin. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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