
币圈资讯 阅读:47 2024-04-22 11:45:07 评论:0



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除了Gensis,DCG还是加密货币新闻网站CoinDesk,加密货币交易所Luno,加密资产管理公司Grayscale Investments以及加密采矿服务提供商Foundry Digital的母公司。或许是因为旗下子公司太多,形成了尾大不掉之势,DCG陷入了财务危机。

早在FTX事件发生之前,加密对冲基金三箭资本(3AC)的内爆就已经让Genesis元气大伤。根据2022年7月公布的三箭资本清算文件,Genesis的经纪子公司Genesis Global Trading向3AC提供了23.6亿美元贷款。Genesis向3AC提出了12亿美元的索赔,随后这个窟窿被DCG补上。


值得一提的是,开年发生的这场风波到年底有了最新进展。Genesis在2023年11月28日向纽约破产法院提交的文件中表示,DCG 同意在明年4月之前支付未偿还的 3.245 亿美元贷款,并且Genesis可以追缴任何未付金额。








2月,NFT市场迎来了一波喜人的涨势。究其原因,是因为Blur 代币的上线。







其中,加密友好银行Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank和Signature Bank相继倒闭。令人唏嘘的是,Silicon Valley Bank和Signature Bank的倒闭被视为美国历史上第2大和第3大的银行崩溃事件。

连锁反应很快就来。3月11日,稳定币服务商Circle 承认有部分资金存在硅谷银行中,引发市场恐慌,USDC脱钩,数字货币价格暴跌。有趣的是,这一次银行危机让币圈人重新想起了中本聪发明比特币的初衷。


多项利好政策出台,香港展现出了发展Web 3.0的决心


4月,全球区块链大会在香港召开,与此同时,香港颁布了多项利好政策。这些举动不仅体现出了香港对于拥抱Web 3.0的决心,更让全世界范围内的币圈人士感受到了香港对于加密货币的友好态度。随后,有更多的企业开始在香港申请正规的持牌经营。















6 月 5 日,SEC向Binance,Binance US,CEO赵长鹏提起诉讼,称其涉嫌违反联邦证券法,非法向美国投资者提供和出售证券。

6月6日,就在起诉币安和赵长鹏之后的第2天,SEC向 Coinbase提起诉讼,声称Coinbase在从未注册为经纪人,国家证券交易所或清算机构的情况下提供多项被视为证券的数字货币交易。




6月12日,以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin在最新的博客文章中指出,以太坊要想长期可持续发展, Layer 2的扩展是重要的技术转变之一。如果以太坊是一个王国,那么Layer2就是这王国下的城邦,城邦的发展关系到王国的兴衰。

以Layer 2下面的Arbitrum为例。Arbitrum作为Layer 2生态里面目前锁仓量最大的项目,占据了整个Layer 2锁仓量的50 %以上。随着Layerv2的不断成熟,我们有理由相信,Layer 2的锁仓量将会越来越大。


The author Xiaoyan World Chain Investment Research has come to an end in a blink of an eye. In a few days, we will put an end to this year completely. For the whole cryptocurrency industry, this year is particularly special. Everyone will have a contradictory feeling that it is slow because the annual market has not reached the expected position in their hearts. For everyone in the currency circle, such a day is really difficult. It is fast because the hot spots of the year are coming one after another. You have not digested this news yet, and the next news is already there. Today, we will make a year-end summary to see what major events have happened in the currency circle in the past month. In January, the price of bitcoin opened in the first year, and in-depth investigation was carried out on the parent company. The year-end inventory of the encryption market was reviewed. In the first half of the year, there were media reports that the federal prosecutor of new york and the US Securities and Exchange Commission were investigating the internal transfer of digital currency Group in its lending subsidiary. The insider's statement has received the request of the prosecutor of new york Eastern District for providing documents and interviews, and some insiders who do not want to be named have revealed that they are also investigating the cryptocurrency news website, cryptocurrency exchange, cryptocurrency asset management company and the parent company of crypto mining service provider, perhaps because there are too many subsidiaries, they have fallen into a financial crisis, and the implosion of crypto hedge fund Sanjian Capital has already weakened their vitality. The brokerage subsidiary of Sanjian Capital Clearing Document released in May filed a claim of $ billion for providing a loan of $ billion, and then this hole was filled in. Looking back at the memorable events in the first half of the year, it is worth mentioning that the storm that happened at the beginning of the year made the latest progress by the end of the year. In the document submitted to the bankruptcy court in new york in May, it was agreed to pay the outstanding loan of $ billion before next month, and any unpaid amount could be recovered, and it was required to pay $ million. Looking back on the year-end inventory of the fine encryption market, the memorable events in the first half of the year were also in June. The New York State Department of Financial Services said that it would pay a fine of $ million for violating new york's financial services and banking laws and invest $ million for compliance operation. According to the statement, there are many compliance defects related to anti-money laundering requirements and there are also problems in the process of user login and monitoring transactions. Perhaps it is because of the thunder that American regulators pay more and more attention to the encryption field in February. The year-end inventory of the currency price token injected great liquidity into the market. Looking back on those memorable events in the first half of the year, the market ushered in a gratifying rise. The reason is that the most special thing about the token's launch lies in its bidding and mining mechanism, so its appearance made a wave of airdrops for users and injected great liquidity into the market. The climax of this market has had a far-reaching impact on the development of the subsequent track, because it caused a dense order situation and gave it to the giant whale. Opportunities to exit the market in time. These large institutions often hold a large number of blue chips at a very low cost. After that, with their exit, the popularity of publicity has also declined. In March, bitcoin prices, banks' violent thunder went bankrupt one after another, and the year-end inventory of the encrypted market was reviewed. Those memorable events in the first half of the year were destined to be an eventful autumn for the American banking industry, because the American banking industry suffered a serious run crisis, and its stock price plummeted and even there was a terrible scene of banks closing down one after another. Cipher-friendly banks and their successive bankruptcies are sadly regarded as the biggest and biggest bank collapse in American history, and the chain reaction will soon come. On April, stable currency service providers admitted that some funds were in Silicon Valley banks, causing market panic and decoupling. digital currency's price plummeted. Interestingly, this banking crisis reminded people in the currency circle of Satoshi Nakamoto's original intention of inventing bitcoin. In April, a number of favorable policies on bitcoin prices were introduced, and Hong Kong showed its determination to develop the encryption market at the end of the year. Looking back at those memorable events in the first half of the year, the Global Blockchain Conference was held in Hong Kong. At the same time, Hong Kong promulgated a number of favorable policies. These actions not only reflected Hong Kong's determination to embrace, but also made people in the currency circles around the world feel Hong Kong's friendly attitude towards cryptocurrency. Later, more enterprises began to apply for formal licensed operation in Hong Kong to welcome Shanghai to upgrade the encryption market. The year-end inventory review of those memorable events in the first half of the year was held on March. After Taifang merged and upgraded for months, Ethereum upgraded and upgraded in Shanghai at the same time. The so-called upgrade means that the pledgee who did not provide the withdrawal voucher at the time of initial deposit has the ability to provide the voucher, thus realizing the withdrawal. It brings the pledge withdrawal function to the executive layer, enabling the pledgee to withdraw the 10,000 pieces they have locked since 2000 from the beacon chain to the executive layer, realizing the optional full withdrawal or pledge income withdrawal, and releasing the liquidity of pledged tokens. Although the Shanghai upgrade cannot reduce the fees, it has been implemented and reduced. More importantly, this is the last important step in the transformation of Ethereum from workload certification to equity certification. After the implementation of the upgrade in Shanghai, although some early pledgers made withdrawals, overall, the net inflow of pledge is still greater than the net outflow. The amount of pledge and the number of verifiers showed an accelerated upward trend. In May, bitcoin prices and local dogs became popular. The year-end inventory of the encryption market reviewed those memorable events in the first half of the year from the end of last month. At the beginning, the whole cryptocurrency market turned into a show with local dog coins, and the full-line callback reached its climax in the first half of the month. Among them, the most eye-catching performance was the coin project, which released its first tweet on March, and the advantages of tokens were very obvious. First, there was no pre-sale of tokens, and everyone could participate in the project on an equal footing. Secondly, there was no burning tax on tokens, which meant that no tokens would be destroyed during the transaction. In addition, the contract authority was abandoned, which made the issuance and transaction of tokens more moderate. The market value of Heartwarming successfully went online on June, and then gradually fell back. In June, the price of Bitcoin sued Zhao Changpeng and Bi 'an for the year-end inventory of the encrypted market. In the first half of the year, those memorable events brought a lawsuit against Zhao Changpeng, claiming that he was suspected of violating the federal securities law and illegally providing and selling securities to American investors. On June, he filed a lawsuit against Bi 'an and Zhao Changpeng, claiming to provide a number of digital currency transactions regarded as securities without being registered as brokers, national stock exchanges or clearing institutions. We are in front of these two lawsuits. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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