从 Pixels 深入了解菲律宾Web3游戏狂潮

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作者:Leah Callon-Butler 来源:unchainedcrypto 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

Web3 游戏领域即将再次像 Axie Infinity 一样迎来爆炸式增长,而菲律宾将成为观察这一趋势的关键窗口。


Pixels,一个运行在 Ronin 区块链上的农场养成游戏,最近成为继 Axie Infinity 之后首个突破 10 万日活跃用户 (DAU) 的 Web3 游戏。用户数在一周内从 4,000 暴涨至 111,000,令不少怀疑者质疑数据真实性,指责其中有不少机器人玩家。甚至 Pixels 的 CEO 也承认,真实玩家可能只占 DAU 的 40%。

然而,在菲律宾马尼拉举办的 YGG Web3 游戏峰会上,Sky Mavis(Ronin 和 Axie Infinity 的母公司)联合创始人 Jeffrey “Jihoz” Zirlin 展示了 Google Analytics 数据,表明超过 82,000 访问者,占 Pixels 网站流量的 25% 以上,来自菲律宾。他大胆声称,这些玩家不是机器人,而是真正的菲律宾人。

作者披露: Leah Callon-Butler 是位于东南亚的咨询公司 Emfarsis 的董事,该公司曾为包括 Yield Guild Games、Animoca Brands、Laguna Games (Crypto Unicorns)、AMGI Studios (My Pet Hooligan)、Blockchain Game Alliance 等在内的 Web3 游戏领域客户提供服务。作为 Web3 游戏领域的投资者,作者长期持有各种游戏代币,包括本文提到的由相关公司发行的 YGG 和 AXS。

对于任何带有经济激励的游戏,机器人玩家总会出现,DAU 也是一个很容易被操纵的衡量标准,因为区分机器人和真人非常困难。然而,我有理由相信,Pixels 的玩家基础可能确实更多是血肉之躯,而非芯片和算法。因为在上一次周期开始的时候,也就是 2020 年年中,大多数人还没将 “NFT” 这个词纳入日常词汇之前,我了解到蓬勃发展的 Web3 游戏现象也是通过另一个 “菲律宾人,不是机器人” 的案例。

掀起全球 Web3 游戏浪潮的菲律宾玩家:从 Axie Infinity 到 MFW

我在菲律宾农村生活时,曾听人说邻近省份一家人因为玩一个鲜为人知的区块链游戏 Axie Infinity 被封号。游戏开发商 Sky Mavis 发现他们用同一个 IP 地址同时运作 20 个账号,毫不犹豫将他们踢出局。

为了重新激活账号,这家人拍了一段视频,展示全家人围坐在地板上,一起在 PvP 竞技场奋战,证明他们是真人而非机器人。就这样,我们见证了世界上第一个跨世代 DeFi 用户家庭。

尽管当时 Axie Infinity 的热度并不高(2020 年 7 月,日活跃用户还不到 500),我被通过玩区块链游戏赚取收入的概念深深吸引,于是决定写一篇关于它的专栏文章。当时的我做梦也没想到,这篇文章会引爆怎样的风潮。

消息传开后,成千上万的菲律宾玩家蜂拥加入这个可以玩游戏赚钱的平台。2021 年 7 月,Axie Infinity 的日活跃用户已接近 300 万,其中至少 40% 来自菲律宾。按照我们的计算,当月他们通过游戏内收入赚取了大约 20 亿披索(约 4000 万美元),相当于当时所有海外菲律宾劳工汇回的总额。

因此,菲律宾玩家开始自称 “MFW”(元宇宙菲律宾工人)。Axie Infinity 的实用型代币 SLP 成了跨境汇款工具,它被列入所有主要本地交易所,甚至被牙医和饺子店等商家接受。菲律宾各地涌现出数百个 Web3 游戏公会,其中第一个是 Yield Guild Games (YGG),它筹集了超过 2100 万美元的风险投资,并成为第一个由菲律宾人领导并获得 a16z 加密基金支持的初创公司。到 2021 年 11 月,MetaMask 的 2100 万用户中,17% 来自菲律宾。

这场狂热引发了媒体热潮,并波及其他新兴经济体,如印尼、印度、委内瑞拉、巴西和尼日利亚。很快,各国都呈现出类似的趋势,我见证过的菲律宾游戏狂热,在其他国家也出现了,只是晚了大约三个月。我意识到,菲律宾所发生的一切,预示着 Web3 游戏将在全球范围内被广泛接受。

菲律宾为 Web3 游戏做的准备

菲律宾在 Web3 游戏领域的热度并不令人意外。根据 CoinGecko 的数据,菲律宾连续三年位居全球 Web3 游戏兴趣榜首,这要归功于其年轻、精通数字技术、主要未被纳入银行业的庞大人口,以及根深蒂固的汇款文化。

2015 年左右,区块链的主要应用场景之一就是加密资产支持的汇款,它降低了海外菲律宾劳工 (OFW) 将资金汇回国内的时间和成本。因此,当 Axie Infinity 突破重围时,即使身处菲律宾最偏远角落的玩家也几乎不需要引导,因为他们已经熟悉并使用加密货币。

然而,早期 Axie 玩家的复杂操作水平甚至让菲律宾最热情的区块链倡导者感到惊讶。玩家们可以在 Coins.ph 或 PDAX 等持牌交易所将比索兑换为 ETH,然后将 ETH 转移到 MetaMask 上,在开放市场购买 NFT 资产,将它们送入 PvP 竞技场争夺 SLP 代币,再通过 Uniswap 等 DEX 将其换回 ETH,最后回到最初的平台进行操作。

这些投入的玩家对 Axie 的虚拟经济进行了严峻的考验,在最初的版本中,它失败了。2021 年 5 月,SLP 曾飙升至 0.36 美元,但到 2022 年 1 月已跌至 0.01 美元。此后,数百万玩家不仅退出了 Axie,还因整个市场低迷而退出了 Web3 游戏。接着,朝鲜黑客针对 Sky Mavis 发动了一场价值 6.2 亿美元的攻击。该公司最终补偿了所有受害者,但媒体舆论一片混乱,曾经忠诚的支持者纷纷转向其他平台。

Axie 回归菲律宾

尽管 2022 年 Axie 中断金融奖励机制,菲律宾仍有一小批忠诚玩家坚持玩耍,纯粹为了游戏本身的乐趣。因此,Jihoz 选择马尼拉作为宣布 Axie Classic 奖励回归的消息发布地绝非偶然,因为菲律宾玩家是 Web3 游戏的 “风向标”。虽然 Axie Classic 是 Axie 原始版本,因其缺乏趣味性而遭到全球其他地区诟病,却始终深受菲律宾玩家喜爱。

它的回归让一些菲律宾朋友们激动不已,甚至唤起了怀旧情绪。因为 Axie 改变了他们的生活,打开了他们对未来游戏可能性的想象,是这一切的起点。


基于之前的经验,我认为这是一个关键时刻,Web3 游戏领域即将再次迎来爆炸式增长。周期的早期阶段将由 Web3 本土创新所驱动,就像我们在 ERC-6551 身上看到的。然后,一旦某个新游戏或模式获得关注,就会出现无数模仿者——例如,我已经看到了一些针对 Friend.Tech 的 GameFi 版本提案。

这就像上一轮周期一样,当时出现了“Axie for this”和“Axie for that”的现象,与之前的“X for X”趋势非常相似。随着市场接近沸点,所有跳槽到 AI 领域的 Web3 顾问将带着全新的宣传手册回归游戏领域。这次,一些项目将获得资金支持,并经历巨大但不可持续的增长。当它们不可避免地下跌时,优秀的项目会回落,但不会归零。

无论什么上涨的东西最终都会下跌,但它将在下跌之后比最初上升到一个更高的位置——拥有更多的社区成员,更高的 DAU,以及对 Web3 世界的机遇和危险有更好的理解。对于经验丰富的加密货币老手来说,这是一条熟悉的道路,但对于当前周期中的 Web3 爱好者来说,可能还是第一次经历。

当我回想起上一轮牛市的开始,我想到的是一个菲律宾家庭在客厅地板上玩 Axie 的场景。现在,当我们站在下一轮周期的边缘时,顶级 Web3 游戏 Pixels 已经突破了 10 万 DAU,关于机器人玩家的争论也正在激烈进行。这次,数字和可能性都变得更大,但所有信号都相同,这一切都起源于菲律宾。


The game field of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network is about to usher in explosive growth again, and the Philippines will become a key window to observe this trend. A farm-developed game running on a blockchain has recently become the first game user to break through 10,000-day active users, and the number of game users has skyrocketed within a week, making many skeptics question the authenticity of the data, accusing many robot players of even admitting that real players may only occupy it, but it was held in Manila, Philippines. At the game summit, the co-founder of the parent company showed data that more than visitors accounted for more than the website traffic from the Philippines. He boldly claimed that these players were not robots but real Filipinos. The author disclosed that he was a director of a consulting company located in Southeast Asia, which once provided services to customers in the game field, including others. As an investor in the game field, the author has long held various game tokens, including those issued by related companies mentioned in this article and those with economic incentives. It is also an easily manipulated measure that robot players will always appear, because it is very difficult to distinguish robots from real people. However, I have reason to believe that the player base may indeed be more flesh and blood than chips and algorithms, because at the beginning of the last cycle, that is, before most people put this word into their daily vocabulary in the middle of the year, I learned that the booming game phenomenon also set off a global game wave through another case in which Filipinos are not robots. When I was living in rural Philippines, I heard that a family in a neighboring province was banned for playing a little-known blockchain game. The game developer found that they used the same address to run an account at the same time and did not hesitate to kick them out. In order to reactivate the account, the family took a video to show that the whole family was sitting on the floor and fighting together in the arena to prove that they were real people rather than robots. In this way, we witnessed the world's first intergenerational user family, although at that time. I was deeply attracted by the concept of earning money by playing blockchain games, so I decided to write a column about it. At that time, I never dreamed what kind of trend this article would set off. After the news spread, thousands of Filipino players flocked to join this platform where they can play games to make money. The number of daily active users was close to 10,000, at least from the Philippines. According to our calculations, they earned about 100 million pesos through in-game income that month. About US$ 10,000 was equivalent to the total amount remitted by all overseas Filipino workers at that time, so Filipino players began to claim that the practical tokens of Filipino workers in Meta-Universe became cross-border remittance tools. It was included in all major local exchanges and even accepted by dentists and jiaozi shops. Hundreds of game associations emerged all over the Philippines, the first of which was that it raised more than US$ 10,000 in venture capital and became the first startup company led by Filipinos and supported by encryption funds. This craze from the Philippines triggered a media craze and spread to other emerging economies such as Indonesia, India, Venezuela, Brazil and Nigeria. Soon, all countries showed similar trends. The game craze in the Philippines that I witnessed also appeared in other countries, but it was about three months late. I realized that what happened in the Philippines indicated that the game would be widely accepted around the world. The popularity of the Philippines in the game field was not surprising, according to the data of Philippine law. Bin ranked first in the global game interest for three years in a row, thanks to his youth, digital skills, huge population that was not included in the banking industry and deep-rooted remittance culture. One of the main application scenarios of the blockchain around 2000 is the remittance backed by encrypted assets, which reduces the time and cost for overseas Filipino workers to repatriate funds to China, so even players in the most remote corners of the Philippines hardly need guidance when they break through the encirclement, because they are already familiar with and use encrypted currency. The complex operation level of early players even surprised the most enthusiastic blockchain advocates in the Philippines. Players can exchange pesos at or wait for licensed exchanges, then transfer them to the open market to buy assets, send them to the arena to compete for tokens, and then return to the original platform to operate. These players who have invested in it have put a severe test on the virtual economy. In the original version, it failed, soaring to US dollars in June, but it has fallen to US dollars since. Millions of players not only quit, but also quit the game because of the whole market downturn. Then North Korean hackers launched an attack worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The company finally compensated all the victims, but the media and public opinion were in chaos. Once loyal supporters turned to other platforms to return to the Philippines. Although the financial reward mechanism was interrupted in 2006, a small number of loyal players in the Philippines still insisted on playing purely for the fun of the game itself. Therefore, it was no accident that Manila was chosen as the news release place to announce the return of rewards. Because Filipino players are the weather vane of the game, although the original version has been criticized by other parts of the world for its lack of fun, it has always been deeply loved by Filipino players. Its return has excited some Filipino friends and even aroused nostalgia, because it has changed their lives and opened up their imagination of the possibility of future games. This is the starting point of all this. Based on previous experience, I think this is a critical moment, and the game field is about to usher in an explosive growth cycle again. The initial stage will be driven by local innovation, as we have seen in us, and then once a new game or model gets attention, there will be countless imitators. For example, I have seen some proposals for the version, just like the last cycle. The phenomenon of harmony at that time is very similar to the previous trend. As the market approaches the boiling point, all consultants who have switched to the field will return to the game field with brand-new brochures. This time, some projects will receive financial support and experience huge but unsustainable. Growth When they inevitably fall, excellent projects will fall back, but they will not return to zero. Whatever rises will eventually fall, but it will rise to a higher position after the fall, with more community members and a better understanding of the opportunities and dangers of the world. This is a familiar road for experienced cryptocurrency veterans, but it may be the first experience for fans in the current cycle. When I think back to the beginning of the last bull market, I think of a scene of a Filipino family playing on the living room floor. Now when we stand on the next one. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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