一文读懂Manta New Paradigm:比Blast收益更多的真L2

币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 11:41:05 评论:0



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作者:Manta Network;翻译:比特币买卖交易网xiaozou

我们很高兴地宣布,Manta New Paradigm现在正式上线!你现在可以存入ETH和USDC,组队,邀请好友,参与该生态收藏Lucky Boxes(幸运盒)赚取收益。

以前,收益型代币和基础设施一直都运行在各自独立的创新赛道上。Manta Pacific是第一个为收益型代币引入可组合性的L2,为储存ETH和稳定币的用户创造最高的效率和回报率。已有超3000万美元的TVL锁定在其实时网络上,部署项目达100多个,Manta Pacific现在推出New Paradigm,以前所未有的方式解锁ETH和稳定币的原生收益。

1New Paradigm:采用Blast模式但超越Blast



New Paradigm就好比是有人把火箭绑在了Blast上。我们会让你更快到达目的地,并且还会提供给你更多的机会。原生收益型ETH和稳定币不再被锁定在多重签名背后,而是开始在已部署在Manta Pacific上的150多个项目中使用。还不够劲?那就来看一下所有的新功能和好处:

· New Paradigm自诞生第一天起就为Manta生态提供流动性代币,让你可以与部署在网络上的150多个项目进行交互,而不只是锁定代币,等待三个月过去。

· Manta Pacific有200多个生态项目和合作伙伴,每周都有新的价值项目加入。

· Blast提供两重收益来源,已经很酷了。但你知道更酷的是什么吗?五重收益来源!

第一重收益:Blast和New Paradigm均可提供ETH和稳定币4-5%的固定收益率;

第二重收益:Blast和New Paradigm均可提供Box Pieces/NFT奖励,将用于最终的代币空投;

第三重收益:New Paradigm提供通过与各种DeFi、GameFi、SocialFi和其他已部署在Manta Pacific上的dApp的DeFi可组合性获得额外收益;

第四重收益:New Paradigm为New Paradigm参与者的流动性供应提供来自Manta Pacific生态项目的额外奖励;

第五重收益:New Paradigm通过提供stETH再质押额外收益(受Eigenlayer再质押上限限制)。



· New Paradigm让你可以立即获得Manta Pacific上的流动性。虽然在最初的New Paradigm活动后的69天内无法取款,但你可以立即开始在Manta Pacific上使用这些代币。

· 促进激励的强大合作伙伴:利用LayerZero进行代币桥接的StakeStone通过质押提供ETH奖励。Mountain Protocol是一个完全受监管的RWA(现实世界资产)协议,通过投资美国国库券提供稳定币收益。







如今,L2不提供任何收益。在L1上质押ETH大约会产生4%的APY年利率,而将流动性ETH桥接到L2上则没有任何收益。同样,将稳定币存储在L1或L2也没有任何收益。Manta New Paradigm正在改变这一点,让ETH和USDC都可以在Manta Pacific L2上产生原生收益。

Manta Network正在与StateStone和Mountain Protocol合作,他们是Manta Pacific L2的第一批原生收益合作伙伴。通过StakeStone,用户可以在Manta Pacific上存入ETH获取STONE(STONE Ether),这是一种收益型代币,通过在L1上质押原生ETH赚取收益。Mountain Protocol是一个完全受监管的RWA实体,用户可以在Manta Pacific上存入USDC获取wUSDM,这是一种通过投资美国国库券赚取收益的稳定币。用户在Manta Pacific上获得的STONE和wUSDM可以立即流动,并可用于在DeFi产品和Manta Pacific生态内的100多个其他项目中赚取更多的收益和奖励。此外,Manta New Paradigm上线还提供了额外的代币奖励。



基于LayerZero,STONE是一种non-rebase OFT(非弹性供应全链可替代代币),支持资产和价格跨多个区块链的无缝转移。Manta上的开发人员可以毫不费力地集成STONE,不会涉及到额外的复杂性,使其成为最容易被大规模采用的LST。

在存入ETH后,用户将立即在Manta Pacific上获得STONE。该STONE在Manta Pacific上可立即流动,可以像任何其他ERC20代币一样与L2上的各种合约、去中心化应用和钱包进行交互。在New Paradigm活动期间,用户能够使用他们的STONE,但不能将其桥接到其他网络。一旦活动结束,就可以向Manta Pacific之外桥接STONE了。

2Mountain Protocol:收益型稳定币(wUSDM

Mountain Protocol是第一个机构级收益型稳定币,安全性和合规性是其量大支柱。将稳定币存入Manta Points活动会触发wUSDM(包装USDM)自动兑换,这是一种包装ERC20弹性供应代币,就像Lido的wstETH,该代币将被锁定至活动结束。USDM每天都会调整供应量,无论USDM在哪持仓,都会产生新的奖励代币,推动wUSDM代币的价值增长。

在存入USDC后,用户可立即在Manta Pacific上收到wUSDM。而这些收到的wUSDM可以在Manta Pacific上立即流动,可以像任何其他ERC20代币一样与L2上的各种合约、去中心化应用程序和钱包进行交互。在New Paradigm活动期间,用户能够使用他们的wUSDM,但不能将其桥接到其他网络。一旦活动结束,就可以从Manta Pacific向外桥接wUSDM了。

3New ParadigmManta NFT奖励



通过New Paradigm,你可以通过Lucky Box赚取Manta奖励。要获得一个Lucky Box,你需要25个Box Pieces。获得Box Pieces的方法有如下三种:

· 桥接代币

· 邀请好友

· 与好友一起完成团队目标

1)获得Box PiecesLucky Box

· 活跃的Manta用户:积极参与Manta网络和其他L2网络的用户被认为是价值用户。信誉越高的用户有更大机会获得更多的初始奖励!

· 要检查资格,你可以连接你的钱包。一旦在活动页面上确认为符合条件的用户,你就可以存入0.25 ETH或等效的USDC来解锁初始Box Pieces奖励。

· 如果你之前用的钱包不是Manta Pacific的活跃用户,你可以选择切换到活跃的钱包地址或桥接ETH或USDC以解锁后续奖励。

· 桥接:桥接ETH或USDC后,你将收到box pieces。你收到的pieces数量是由你存入的资产总价值决定的。例如,桥接1 ETH(或等值的USDC)将每7天赚取25 pieces。

· 推荐奖励:当好友通过你的邀请加入时,他们和你都会获得pieces。

一旦你集齐了25个box pieces,就可以组合成一个box了。Box将在7天后自动合成。实现团队目标还可以解锁额外奖励。

2Lucky Box效用:

· 推荐奖励:当好友通过你的邀请加入时,他们和你都会获得pieces。

· NFT生成:开启一个box会奖励你一定数量的NFT。

· NFT收集:集全6个NFT你就可以兑换“the First Modular L2”(第一模块L2) NFT了。

· 奖励和空投:收集NFT允许参与者兑换Manta奖励并解锁额外特权。

· 在NFT市场上交易:NFT可以在NFT市场上交易。





用户桥接并存入ETH或USDC以赚取收益和Manta Box Pieces。存款期限截止到2024年1月。


你可以在24小时内接收STONE和wUSDM在Manta Pacific L2上耕作(farm)。在2024年1月存款截止之前,你可以使用NFT申领MANTA代币奖励。



We are pleased to announce that the Bitcoin trading network is now officially launched. You can now deposit and team up to invite friends to participate in the ecological collection lucky box to earn income. Before that, the profitable tokens and infrastructure have been running on their own independent innovation tracks. It is the first to introduce composability for profitable tokens and create the highest efficiency and return rate for users who store and stabilize coins. It has been locked in for more than 10,000 US dollars, and several projects have been deployed on its real-time network. Some ways to unlock and stabilize the original income of the currency adopt the mode, but surpassing it is like someone tying a rocket to the internet. We will let you reach your destination faster and provide you with more opportunities. The original income and stable currency are no longer locked behind multiple signatures, but are used in many projects already deployed on the internet. It is not enough. Let's take a look at all the new functions and benefits, and provide liquidity tokens for the ecology from the first day of its birth, so that you can cooperate with many projects deployed on the internet. It's already cool to interact with each other instead of just locking the tokens. After three months, there are many ecological projects and partners, and new value projects are added every week. But do you know what's even cooler? The five-fold income source, the first income and the fixed rate of return that can be provided and stabilized, the second income and the reward that can be provided will be used for the final token airdrop. The third income will be provided to gain additional income through the combination with various and other deployed currencies. The fourth income. Earnings provide additional rewards for participants' liquidity supply from ecological projects. The fifth income is limited by the upper limit of re-pledge, so that you can obtain liquidity immediately. Although you can't withdraw money within days after the initial activity, you can immediately start using these tokens to promote incentives. Powerful partners who use token bridge to provide rewards through pledge are a completely regulated real-world asset agreement, which provides stability through investing in US Treasury bills. Where does the revenue from fixing the currency come from? The token you deposit is the seed that will automatically accumulate and grow. Now, it does not provide any revenue, but the annual interest rate that will be generated will be pledged on the internet, and there will be no revenue when the liquidity is bridged. Similarly, the stable currency will be stored or there will be no revenue, which is changing, so that both peace and harmony can generate primary revenue on the internet. They are the first batch of primary revenue partners who can obtain it through the user's deposit on the internet. This is a revenue token through the internet. Pledged primary earning income is a completely regulated entity that users can obtain by depositing in the Internet. This is a stable currency that users can earn income by investing in US Treasury bills, and it can flow immediately and can be used to earn more income and rewards in many other projects in products and ecology. In addition, the online line also provides additional token rewards. The supported income type is a full-chain liquidity pledge token agreement, which aims to bring primary pledge income and flow in a decentralized way. With its highly scalable architecture, Sex not only supports the leading pledge pool, but also is compatible with the upcoming pledge. Users can easily obtain the automatically optimized pledge income in Ethereum or online. At the same time, it has established a multi-chain liquidity market based on its native nature to provide users with more use cases and income opportunities. Based on an inelastic supply, the whole chain can replace tokens to support the seamless transfer of assets and prices across multiple blockchains. Developers can integrate effortlessly without involving additional complexity. It has become the most easily adopted on a large scale. After deposit, users will immediately get the money on the Internet, which can flow immediately and interact with various contract decentralization applications and wallets on the Internet like any other token. During the activity, users can use their money, but they can't bridge it to other networks. Once the activity is over, they can bridge it to the outside. Revenue-oriented stable currency is the first institutional-level revenue-oriented stable currency. Its security and compliance are large. The pillar will trigger packaging when it is deposited in the activity. Automatic exchange is a kind of packaging, which provides flexible tokens, just like the token will be locked until the end of the activity, and the supply will be adjusted every day. No matter where the position is held, new reward tokens will be generated to promote the value growth of tokens. After deposit, users can receive them immediately on the Internet, and these received tokens can flow immediately on the Internet, and they can interact with various contract decentralization applications and wallets on the Internet like any other tokens. During the activity, users can use theirs but cannot bridge them to other networks. Once the activity is over, you can bridge the reward from the outside. You can earn the reward. You need a way to get it. There are the following three kinds of bridging tokens to invite friends to complete the team goal with friends. Users who are active and actively participate in the network and other networks are considered to be valuable users. Users with higher reputation have a greater chance to get more initial rewards. You can check your qualifications. Once you are confirmed as qualified users on the activity page, you can connect to your wallet. You can deposit or equivalent to unlock the initial reward. If the wallet you used before is not an active user, you can choose to switch to the active wallet address or bridge or unlock the follow-up reward. After bridging or bridging, you will receive the amount you receive, which is determined by the total value of the assets you deposit. For example, bridging or equivalent will earn recommended rewards every day. When friends join through your invitation, they and you will get it. Once you collect all of them, you can combine them into a realization group, which will be automatically synthesized in the next day. Team goals can also unlock additional rewards. When friends join through your invitation, they and you will be generated. Open a collection that will reward you with a certain amount, and you can redeem the first module. Rewards and airdrop collection allow participants to redeem rewards and unlock additional privileges. Trading in the market can be done in the trading schedule stage, users can bridge and deposit or earn income and deposit period. By the end of the month, you can receive and farm within hours. Before the month deposit deadline, you can use the claim token reward stage. After the token reward is distributed in the day, you can withdraw and. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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