「铭文热」带来压力测试 比特币之外的公链们接得住这泼天富贵么?

币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 11:40:22 评论:0



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随着铭文热从比特币不断扩散到其他链上,最近几周以太坊、Solana、EOS、TON 甚至于 IOST、Conflux 等一系列公链都涌现出了一大堆对应的「铭文项目」,链上活动激增,从某种程度上也算是经历了一场极限压力测试。

那在这场极限压力测试之中,之前常以 TPS、高性能等自居的公链们的实际表现如何?



铭文类似于 NFT,允许用户将各种数据记录到区块链上,但整体上由于比特币的交易费用是按数据规模支付的,所以铭文用户往往倾向于设定相对较低的交易费用。



按加密 KOL bitrabbit.btc 统计,比特币过去 14 年积累了 8700 万 UTXO,但在 4 月 24 日 BRC20 开始交易后,7 个月左右就飙升到 1.4 亿,且新增的 5000 多万 UTXO 里,有 4000 万是 100-1000 聪的极小额交易。

上图可见,自从 2023 年 2 月被推出以来,铭文一直是比特币区块空间的主要消耗者,且在 2 月份比特币内存池就开始处于满载状态,一直持续至今。

这也导致比特币网络一直无法清理其内存池,截至发文时也处于有数据记录以来 BTC 历史上的高位。

按照目前比特币网络的实际情况,尤其是比特币网络为防粉尘攻击,限制单个 UTXO 中的比特币交易不可少于 546 聪,意味着数千万铭文交易中的绝大部分待处理小额交易,其实就等同于 DDoS 攻击的垃圾交易,可能一辈子都无法被打包上链广播。

「这些小额 UTXO 大部分永远都不会被花费,而是永远躺在比特币节点里,未来几十数百年时间,给 BTC 网络造成几十上百亿美元硬件和电力资源浪费」。

这也是比特币客户端 Bitcoin Core 开发者 Luke Dashjr 公开对 ORDI、铭文和 BRC20 进行尖锐抨击的主要原因——「铭文正利用 Bitcoin Core 漏洞向区块链发送垃圾信息」。

不过对于区块生成者来说,铭文热潮无疑带来了一个丰收的季节。OKLink 统计数据显示,11 月之前,比特币区块生成者的区块奖励结构中,手续费收入是在 2%-5% 的区间徘徊。

而从 11 月铭文热席卷归来后,手续费收入占区块生成者总收入的占比就开始不断抬高,一路上涨至 10% 以上,个别日期甚至来到 20% 以上,截至发文时更是在 12 月 14 日创下近期新高,达到 25.84%,显著增加了区块生成者的收入。

此外 Dune 数据显示,Ordinals 铭文为区块生成者产生的总交易费用已经达到 3615 枚 BTC(约 1.5 亿美元)。


所以 Ordinals 的出现可谓也是适逢其时,至少可编程性赋予的新生态可能,可以探索着在未来区块奖励持续降低后,找寻一条可替代的新的区块生成者激励方式。



其中除了 BCH 等 PoW 链之外,其它智能合约公链也纷纷入场,涌现出了一大批铭文仿盘玩法项目,同时也经历了一波见真章的时刻。

  • 以太坊:Gas 费走出底部区间

以太坊在此轮因 ETHS 等铭文大热导致的交易费用暴增之前,链上交易成本从年中以来是一直逐步走低,一直到 10 月 14 日附近创下 1.4 美元的 2023 年最低水平,Gas 也来到 10 以下区间。

但从 10 月下旬开始,随着比特币铭文造富效应溢出,ETHS 开始迎来新一波热潮,Gas 也开始触底回暖,一路上涨至如今的 30-50 区间,但尚处于正常可接受区间。

使得非金融和任意数据可以被写入以太坊区块链,只要文件大小不超过 96 千字节,用户可以刻录任何类型的文件。据其创建者称,虽然目前它只允许图片——但将来会有所改变。

其实 ETHS 的刻录利用了所谓的以太坊「调用数据(Calldata)」,比使用合约存储更便宜且更去中心化,甚至出现了 L2 新叙事的可能——ETHS 与其他 L2 方案(如 ZK、ARB)相比的话,无需网络切换就能达到比 L2 还便宜的 Gas。

  • EOS:严重拥堵,转账及铸币间歇性暂停服务

12 月 9 日,EOS 网络引入受 Ordinals 启发的铭文 eoss 铸币活动,导致 EOS EVM 链上活动激增,交易笔数突增至超过 1700 万笔,已超过该链过往历史累积交易笔数总和。

由于链上活动激增,一度导致 EOS 链上的交易处理速度严重卡顿,EOS 网络的交易处理出现了长时间的延迟,百万笔交易等待处理。

  • TON:「最快区块链」手忙脚乱

之前计划以「最快区块链」申请吉尼斯世界纪录,自称每秒交易量可超过 100 万的 TON 区块链也铭文热潮中也遭遇了滑铁卢。

在 TON 网络引入受比特币 Ordinals-inspired 启发的协议 Tonado 并导致活动激增后,该网络的交易处理出现了长时间的延迟。

根据区块链状态监控机器人 dTON 监测数据显示,12 月 7 日 TON 链上一度有超过 250 万笔交易等待处理,而 TON 区块链的交易处理速度降至每秒不足 1 笔。

该情况的出现也使得 TON 加密货币钱包 Wallet 和 Tonkeeper 被迫暂停了服务。

  • NEAR:丝滑,但身法独特

NEAR 的打铭文体验虽然被反馈十分丝滑,但其铭文市场的交易实现方式则有些独特:

将铭文通过官方工具封装成 NEAR 公链上的 NRC-20 代币,然后再去 Ref 等 NEAR 链上的 DEX 进行交易,属实有点不走寻常路。

  • IOST:科学家的盛宴

此外,昨晚 IOST 的打铭文过程中,「公平发射」饱受诟病,几乎成为科学家们的包场,普通用户鲜有成功参与的机会。推特用户 @chems_zz 反映跑了十几个 IOST 私有节点,都表现拉跨。






With the inscription craze spreading from bitcoin to other chains, in recent weeks, a lot of corresponding inscription projects have sprung up in Ethereum and even a series of public chains. The surge in activities on the chain has, to some extent, been an extreme stress test. In this extreme stress test, how did the public chains, which used to pretend to be high-performance, actually perform? The feast of the producers of the blocked bitcoin block. First of all, let's look at the most intuitive changes of the bitcoin network at the center of the inscription frenzy. That is, the inscription of the surge in network congestion fees is similar to allowing users to record all kinds of data on the blockchain, but as a whole, because bitcoin transaction fees are paid according to the data scale, inscription users tend to set relatively low transaction fees, which means that they are willing to wait longer for confirmation, which will easily lead to the replacement of inscription transactions by more urgent bitcoin transfers. In this context, these massive inscription transactions that are willing to queue up are crowded. Exploded the bitcoin memory pool to store all the valid transactions that have not been formally added to the network. According to encryption statistics, bitcoin accumulated 10,000 yuan in the past year, but it soared to 100 million in the next month or so after the transaction started on January, and the newly added Wan Li has a lot of extremely small transactions. It can be seen from the above figure that the inscription has been the main consumer of bitcoin block space since it was launched in June, and the bitcoin memory pool has been in a full state since January, which has also caused the bitcoin network to be unable to clean it up. As of the time of publication, the memory pool is also at a high level in the history since the data was recorded. According to the actual situation of the current bitcoin network, especially the bitcoin network, it is essential to restrict the bitcoin transactions in a single unit to prevent dust attacks. Yu Cong means that most of the tens of millions of inscription transactions to be processed are actually equivalent to the attacked junk transactions, which may never be packaged and broadcast in the whole life. Most of these small transactions will never be spent but will never lie in the bitcoin node. Over the past decades and hundreds of years, it has wasted tens of billions of dollars in hardware and power resources on the network, which is also the main reason why bitcoin client developers have publicly criticized the inscription and sent spam to the blockchain by taking advantage of loopholes. However, for the blockchain generator, the inscription craze has undoubtedly brought a bumper harvest. Seasonal statistics show that the fee income of the bitcoin blockchain generator hovered in the interval months ago and returned from the monthly inscription fever. The proportion of renewal income in the total income of the block generator began to rise continuously, rising all the way to the above individual dates or even to the above date. As of the time of publication, it reached a recent high on January, which significantly increased the income of the block generator. In addition, the data shows that the total transaction cost generated by the inscription for the block generator has reached about US$ 100 million. No matter where the inscription goes in the future, to some extent, its appearance is closely related to the explosion and the block generation group, accompanied by the half-cycle of Bitcoin. The attenuation and superposition of block rewards the continuous expansion of the whole bitcoin network scale and the ecological incentives needed to maintain the safe operation of the bitcoin network are objectively increasing, so it is also timely to appear. At least the new ecology endowed by programmability may be able to explore a new alternative way of block generator incentives after the block rewards continue to decrease in the future. How do the Ethereum killer and the new public chain behave in bitcoin inscription ecology? After the fire broke out, although there were jokes in the market that the inscription on the public chain of smart contracts such as Ethereum was automatically downgraded, the inscription craze began to spread rapidly from Bitcoin Ethereum to other public chains, among which a large number of inscription imitation games emerged in other public chains, and at the same time, it also experienced a wave of time when the fees of Ethereum walked out of the bottom section. Before the transaction costs of Ethereum surged in this round, the transaction costs on the chain increased sharply from. Since then, it has been gradually declining until the lowest annual level of the US dollar reached the following range near March. However, since the end of the month, a new wave of upsurge has begun to usher with the spillover of the rich-making effect of Bitcoin inscriptions, and it has also begun to bottom out and rise to the present range, but it is still in the normal acceptable range, so that non-financial and arbitrary data can be written into the Ethereum blockchain. As long as the file size does not exceed kilobytes, users can burn any type of files. According to its founder, although it is only allowed at present. The pictures will change in the future. In fact, the burning uses the so-called Ethereum to call data, which is cheaper and more decentralized than using contract storage, and even has the possibility of a new narrative. Compared with other schemes, it can be achieved without network switching. The serious congestion transfer and the intermittent suspension of coin-making service are introduced on the network on March, and the inspired inscription coin-making activities have led to a sharp increase in the number of transactions on the chain, which has exceeded the cumulative number of transactions in the past history of the chain. Due to the chain, The surge in online activities once led to a serious transaction processing speed on the chain, and there was a long delay in the transaction processing of Caton network. Millions of transactions were waiting to be processed. The fastest blockchain was in a hurry. Before that, it planned to apply for Guinness World Records with the fastest blockchain. The blockchain claiming that the transaction volume per second could exceed 10,000 also suffered from Waterloo. After the introduction of bitcoin-inspired protocols into the network and the surge in activities, the transaction processing of the network was delayed for a long time. According to the blockchain status monitoring, The robot monitoring data shows that there were more than 10,000 transactions waiting to be processed on the month-day chain, but the transaction processing speed of the blockchain dropped to less than one per second. This situation also made the encrypted currency wallet and the unique inscription experience that was forced to suspend the service smooth, although the feedback was very smooth, but the transaction realization method of the inscription market was somewhat unique. It was a bit unusual for scientists to package the inscription into tokens on the public chain through official tools and then wait for the transactions on the chain to be true. In addition, fair launch was criticized in the process of inscription last night, which almost became a guarantee for scientists. Ordinary users rarely had the opportunity to participate successfully. Twitter users reported that more than a dozen private nodes ran across the summary. Generally speaking, no matter how bright the data usually publicized in this inscription test, these high-performance public chains, which mainly focus on high-speed and low-cost, suffered from waterloo or poor performance in succession under the inscription wave, showing the real level under extreme stress test. In contrast, Bitcoin and Ethereum have been running well despite the soaring transaction costs of the main network congestion. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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