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作者: syora,翻译:MetaCat



PixeLAW 旨在打破这种模式,着眼于减少除智能合约开发之外的时间。这代表着明显的范式转移

我们在 PixeLAW 上花30分钟构建了一个新的全链游戏



1. 设置环境 

2. 后端开发 

3. 前端开发 

4. 前后端集成

5. 部署


SkyStrife 团队讲述的真相

此外,有游戏开发经验的人往往在区块链开发方面的经验有限,反之亦然:精通区块链开发的人,通常在游戏开发方面的经验较少。此外,还需要精通后端或前端开发的人员。在制作一款游戏时,每个部分的专家都是必要的。这是全链游戏稀缺的原因之一。尽管处于重视可组合性的领域, 但构建这些游戏的高门槛已成为一个大问题。

基于 PixeLAW 构建

PixeLAW 旨在打破这种模式,从根本上改变 FOCG 开发的现有方法。如果想在 PixeLAW 上创建 FOCG,流程如下: 

1. 环境设置(1 分钟) 

2. 智能合约开发 

3. 部署(1 分钟) 

更多详细信息,请参阅 PixeLAW Book(https://pixelaw.github.io/book/index.html),值得一提的是,环境设置和部署大约可以在一分钟内搞定。重点几乎完全集中在后端合约的创建上

这代表了明显的范式转变。事实上,在封闭测试的一周内,开发并发布了三款新游戏。其中一位甚至获得了 Starknet 的一等奖,这是很了不起的。 

为什么这是可以实现的?秘密在于 PixeLAW 的架构。

PixeLAW 的架构

PixeLAW 是一个基于像素的自主游乐场。乍一看它似乎只是一个完整的链上像素艺术游戏,但其本质是一个围绕重写像素信息的系统构建的世界。目前,除了上线的绘画游戏、剪刀石头布、 贪吃蛇游戏外,还有寻宝游戏、扫雷游戏、circle-punishment 游戏可供玩耍。

该架构分为核心层(Core Layer)和应用层(Application Layer),各司其职。这种划分使开发者能够完全专注于他们的应用程序。核心代码库和其他代码库在 GitHub 上分开,无需等待 pull request 被批准即可进行开发

PixeLAW 架构概览


核心层(https://github.com/pixelaw/core)包括 pixels 的基本组成部分和基本系统。如果要重写 pixels 信息,就在核心层调用 system 并修改 components。目前,前端也属于这一层。

update_pixel system writes core components


应用层是使用 app_template(https://github.com/pixelaw/app_template) 创建的。它几乎完全由合约组成。智能合约用于调用核心层的系统, 重写 pixels 信息。由于调用核心层 system 的规范,开发者可以只专注于后端开发,而不必担心复杂 bug 解决、前端开发或其他方面。

The paint app calls core systems



文本目前作为 Unicode 数据来表示象形图,而象形图则用于表示 pixels 的状态。

虽然目前是这样,但实际的数据类型是 uint32 和feel252,当前前端将它们解释为颜色和象形图. 但对于那些想要快速构建的人来说,现在可以更轻松地使用表情符号来表示游戏中的pixels 状态。




关键的一点是,不需要等到一切准备就绪才开始开发全链游戏。 你现在就可以开始利用你目前掌握的技能在 PixeLAW 上进行构建。

因此,PixeLAW 是一个全链上的世界,这也意味着它是一个巨大的开源世界。其威力之大,毋庸置疑。

那么,让我们开始在 PixeLAW 上进行构建吧。

Even for the most talented team, it usually takes at least one month to build a full-chain game before the public beta of the game. It is challenging to develop the game itself. The complexity of developing the game on the blockchain is further increased in order to break this model and focus on reducing the time except for the development of smart contracts. This represents an obvious paradigm shift. We spent minutes on building a new full-chain game and the difficulty of building a full-chain game. After a lot of pain, the following are typical steps to set up the environment, back-end development, front-end development and front-end integrated deployment. Although a lot of attention is paid to the game logic in developing new games, the reality is that front-end development usually occupies the main part of the process, and the truth told by the team. In addition, people with game development experience often have limited experience in blockchain development, and vice versa. People who are proficient in blockchain development usually have less experience in game development, and they also need to be proficient in back-end or front-end development. This is one of the reasons why full-chain games are scarce. Although it is in the field of composability, the high threshold for building these games has become a big problem. Based on building the existing methods aimed at breaking this model and fundamentally changing the development, if you want to create a process on the Internet, set the following environment, develop and deploy smart contracts for minutes. For more details, please refer to it. It is worth mentioning that the environment setting and deployment can be done in about one minute. The focus is almost entirely on the creation of the back-end contract, which represents an obvious paradigm shift. In fact, three new games were developed and released within a week of closed testing, and one of them even won the first prize. This is remarkable. Why is this possible? The secret lies in the fact that the architecture of the architecture is an autonomous playground based on pixels. At first glance, it seems to be just a complete on-line pixel art game, but its essence is a world goal built around the system of rewriting pixel information. In addition to online painting games, scissors, rocks, paper, snake games, there are also treasure hunting games and mine-sweeping games to play. The architecture is divided into core layer and application layer, and this division enables developers to fully concentrate on their application. The core code base and other code bases can be separated without waiting for approval to develop the architecture. The basic components and basic systems included in the core layer are called and modified at the core layer if information is to be rewritten. This layer of application layer is created by using, and it is almost entirely composed of contracts. Intelligent contracts are used to call the system of the core layer to rewrite information. Because of calling the specifications of the core layer, developers can only focus on back-end development without worrying about complicated solutions to front-end development or other aspects. The important components of the interaction between front-end and smart contracts are color information and text. At present, pictograms are used as data to represent pictograms, while pictograms are used to represent the state. Although this is the case at present, it is real. The international data type is the same as the current front end, which interprets them as colors and pictograms, but for those who want to build quickly, it is easier to use emoticons to represent the state prospect in the game. Although I mentioned that I only pay attention to the back-end development, the essence is actually that the front-end development is separated, that is to say, it is also possible to only focus on the front-end development. Specifically, you can use the existing contract to create a rich stone, scissors, cloth and front-end with a single block as the center. The key point is that you don't have to wait. When everything is ready, you can start to develop full-chain games. You can start to build on the Internet by using your current skills, so it is a full-chain world, which means that it is a huge open source world, and its power is beyond doubt. So let's start building on the Internet. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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