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“银行布局元宇宙还存在以下挑战,元宇宙相关技术,如VR/AR、区块链、AI等,目前仍在发展阶段,尚未达到大规模商业应用的标准。在元宇宙中处理敏感金融数据需要高度的安全保障措施,否则可能会引发风险。” 余丰慧进一步指出,如何在遵守现有法规的前提下开展元宇宙金融业务是一大挑战,特别是涉及反洗钱、用户权益保护等问题。虽然年轻一代对新技术较为接纳,但广大用户是否愿意接受元宇宙作为金融交互的主要方式尚待观察。开发和运营元宇宙项目需要大量投入,银行需要评估这些投入能否带来足够的回报等。

Source: The wave of beijing business today Metauniverse has brought infinite possibilities to the financial industry. On March, beijing business today reporter noticed that compared with the fields of collection, digital identity and so on, banks have gradually begun to explore the integration of Metauniverse technology into personal pension accounts, opening popular wealth management products and other financial services, bringing users a temperature experience. Many banks have applied for patents on Metauniverse in order to find a breakthrough in the financial field. Metauniverse is an important carrier for banks to explore the source of business growth. There are opportunities as well as challenges. In the opinion of analysts, the application scene of the Metauniverse in the financial field is not clear and extensive enough. It is necessary to further explore and develop innovative scenes suitable for financial business, and expand the scope of embedded financial services. At present, technological innovation in the Metauniverse field has been in full swing. As the frontier of technological innovation, the layout of the banking industry at the Metauniverse level is also in the forefront. Recently, beijing business today reporter noticed that many banks have updated the new direction of the Metauniverse marketing layout. In just a few days, Nanjing Bank. Shanghai Branch has updated several marketing welfare themes, all of which are Meta Universe. In the poster, Nanjing Bank Meta Universe Digital Space Hello World ushered in a brand-new upgrade. Through Hello World, users can not only experience technology to generate exclusive paintings to complete tasks, earn diamonds and enjoy the benefits of winning gifts and killing cultural and creative products, but also open personal pension accounts online. beijing business today reporter found that users need to log in to Hello World Digital Space first and enter the future business hall and click to open personal pension. After the account is opened, the page jumps to the account opening interface. After opening an account, you need to fill in your name and ID number, and complete the personal pension account according to face recognition and authentication. At the same time, it also supports users to open an electronic account of Nanjing Bank. Bank of Shanghai also chooses to link the wealth business to the meta-universe space to optimize financial service capabilities. Recently, the bank released the unbounded intelligent and temperature meta-universe bank digital space, and the Bank of Shanghai launched the wealth pavilion, the automobile pavilion and the live broadcast pavilion in the first phase. Fortune Pavilion presents the hottest wealth management products from a brand-new perspective. Users can not only feel the full-process accompanying service experience, but also explore the real rights and interests exchanged in the real world. In the era of digital economy, consumers' demands for scenes are deepening. Earlier, the bank layout meta-universe was mostly displayed in the form of digital collections, and Guo Tao, a senior artificial intelligence expert embedded in the retail operation of the bank with small-scale actions, said in an interview with beijing business today that from the perspective of scene application, the bank will meta-universe. It's a positive change that the application of WebGIS has shifted from collection to wealth management business, which means that the banking industry has begun to pay attention to and make use of the potential of Metauniverse to provide more personalized, convenient and innovative financial services. By setting up a virtual financial office in Metauniverse and providing a full-process companion service experience, banks can better meet customers' needs and help them achieve their financial goals. Although the application of Metauniverse in the financial industry is still in the initial stage, whether it is technical conditions or transportation. The rules and application scenarios are not mature, but many banks are still optimistic about this development prospect and increase their layout. Recently, Bank of China released a latest patent abstract information related to metauniverse patents, which shows that the application involves a virtual resource management method, a computer device, a storage medium and a computer program product, and relates to the technical field of metauniverse. The method includes obtaining a user-triggered transfer request, determining the user information of the user according to the transfer request, and transferring the target network according to the user information. Generate the user's first virtual object in the virtual network, and transfer the virtual resources in the transfer request according to the first virtual object and the virtual network. Construct the virtual network and the user's virtual identity through digital twinning technology to complete the management process of virtual resources in the virtual space, shorten the management cycle and improve the management efficiency. China Bank has applied for a number of patents related to the meta-universe. beijing business today reporter searched in official website, China National Intellectual Property Administration and found, for example, a patent named a meta-universe banking service. Methods, devices and storage media The application date is this month. The application discloses a service method, devices and storage media of Meta Universe Bank, which are applied in the field of artificial intelligence or finance to obtain the location of users in Meta Universe Bank and the stay time of users at that location. Except for China Bank, banks such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Suning Bank have applied for patents related to Meta Universe, mainly involving the operation and maintenance methods of data centers, payment methods based on Meta Universe, etc. In economist new finance. Yu Fenghui, an expert, seems that the financial scene field that the bank meta-universe can exert in the future may include the following aspects: building a fully functional virtual banking environment, providing complete online financial services such as deposit and loan payment, etc. Through the meta-universe, displaying and selling various financial products, improving the marketing effect and customers' willingness to buy, using the meta-universe to carry out personalized customer services, including consulting and training activities, and providing safe custody and transaction services for digital assets such as cryptocurrency holders. For the banking industry, the seamless connection of payment, investment and other businesses will cover financial scenarios such as virtual asset management, virtual loans and credit evaluation, virtual payment and settlement, virtual investment consulting and investor education in the future under the mode of bank meta-universe. Guo Tao predicted that, for example, in virtual asset management, banks can provide virtual experience of asset allocation and portfolio management through the meta-universe platform to help customers better manage and increase their assets, and other mature application scenarios are limited, and financial services are becoming increasingly limited. Homogenized metauniverse provides a new way for banks to explore diversified financial services, but the construction of metauniverse is still in its infancy, full of unknowns and challenges. Some people in the industry believe that from the actual effect, most banks' exploration of metauniverse is still in the aspect of providing immersive experience, virtual and real integration and interaction, and the idea of empowering metauniverse in comprehensive scenario finance is still unclear. Guo Tao also holds the same view. He stressed that the layout of metauniverse in banks still faces some challenges. On the one hand, the technical conditions are not clear. At present, the mature metauniverse technology is still in the early stage, which needs to be further improved and developed to support more complex and efficient financial transactions and services. On the other hand, the operating rules of metauniverse are unclear, and the operating rules and supervision system of metauniverse have not been fully established, which brings certain uncertainties and risks to the banking industry. In addition, the mature application scenarios are limited, and the application scenarios of metauniverse in the financial field are not clear and extensive enough. It is necessary to further explore and develop innovative scenarios suitable for financial business. There are still the following challenges in the layout of metauniverse, and related technologies such as blockchain are still in the development stage. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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