
币圈资讯 阅读:44 2024-04-22 11:38:14 评论:0



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作者:Meow, R89 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网



除了那些广为人知的热门Meme之外,它们还是一种简单的沟通工具。整个对话都充满各种各样的贴纸和 GIF 图片。Meme本身就是一种语言,是互联网不可或缺的一部分。它们通常是我们找到共同点的场所,人们围绕着分享它们、享受它们并承认它们重要的文化意义而形成社区。





围绕一个Meme币建立社区,可以促成真正有才华的人之间真正的合作。如果做得好的话,它们可以成为吸引新用户最好的方式之一,因为新手可以立即理解这些Meme,而不是去阅读或理解一篇复杂的 DeFi 代币白皮书。从那里,你可以通过合作伙伴关系和激励措施让他们开始使用网络上的产品。

历史上,Meme币在牛市中一直有巨大的上升空间。这种叙述深深植根于市场参与者的心中。很多人相信这些币种可以创造奇迹。Meme会一直存在,团队应该拥抱这一点。一个普通人不会因为你做了一些他们无法理解的数学运算,你的 DEX 路由订单更好就进入这个市场。但他们会进入这个市场,因为他们可以用很便宜的价格买到数量惊人的带有可爱动物图片的Meme币,并且它正在飙升,然后他们会使用你的 DEX 进行交易。





  • 新货币意味着形成新的社会体系

  • 价值仅仅因为人们想要某种东西而产生

  • 符号具有巨大的凝聚力






  • 文化共鸣:它们利用Meme的通用语言,使它们具有亲和力和吸引力。

  • 社区建设:Meme币培养了围绕共同幽默和兴趣而建立的强大而充满激情的社区。

  • 叙事和象征:它们体现了引人入胜的故事和想法,吸引了公众的想象力,超越了技术或金融效用。

  • 简单性和可访问性:其直接的性质使它们对加密货币新手可访问,成为进入更广阔的加密世界的一个入口。

  • 对网络的杠杆押注:Meme币可以像高风险高回报的投资,通常被视为对其底层网络的受欢迎程度和用户采用率的杠杆押注,反映了社区支持和网络效应如何显着影响其价值。

  • 在加密生态系统中的角色:Meme币为加密行业增加了社交层,用更轻松更有趣的方式平衡了技术和金融的复杂性。

  • 象征力量:它们将社区聚集在符号和理念周围,促进社会凝聚力和集体行动,强调了象征主义在加密货币中的重要性。



We live in an absurd world, and the more absurd the world is, the more we need them. We find common ground through humor to deal with terrible events, so that history can last forever on the Internet. From Trump election with far-reaching geopolitical influence to specific events like Harambe incident, it is the most compact and powerful way to arouse collective emotional memory. Besides those well-known hotspots, they are also a simple ditch. The whole conversation is full of all kinds of stickers and pictures, which are a language and an indispensable part of the Internet. They are usually the places where we find common ground. People form a community around sharing them, enjoying them and acknowledging their important cultural significance. It is an indispensable part of cryptocurrency. Nothing is closer to the core of Internet culture. Since cryptocurrency is essentially Internet money, why not become an indispensable part of cryptocurrency? For us, market participants are often dominated by dialogue and imagination, which is completely logical. In essence, the market itself is the most eye-catching story every day, week or year, which will continue to promote the development of the market. Cryptographic currency only takes it to another level. We spend too much time in this industry arguing about why things are valuable and how to evaluate why these assets and a currency are valuable. In the final analysis, this is just a collective belief, and people believe that we grow up with them. Understanding them and attaching importance to them are very important to us. Building a community around a coin can promote real cooperation between truly talented people. If it is done well, they can be one of the best ways to attract new users, because novices can understand these immediately instead of reading or understanding a complicated white paper on tokens. From there, you can get them to start using products on the Internet through partnerships and incentives. Historically, coins have always had huge room for growth in a bull market. Narration is deeply rooted in the hearts of market participants. Many people believe that these currencies can work miracles and will always exist. The team should embrace this point. An ordinary person will not enter this market just because you have done some mathematical operations that they can't understand, but they will enter this market because they can buy an amazing number of coins with cute animal pictures at a very cheap price and it is soaring. Then they will use your social coordination narrative letter for trading. Minimization and consistent incentives are an indispensable part of cryptocurrency. If cryptocurrency is a language widely understood by Internet aborigines and will become an indispensable part of the Internet in the future, it is reasonable to infer that money will become a lasting part of the new parallel economy that we are building. You can't destroy money on the Internet, and you can't destroy it. Therefore, we should start to treat them more seriously as very powerful tools and constitute them together with technical and financial infrastructure. As an important part of cryptocurrency, currency is the social cornerstone of the currency network. In essence, currency is the social infrastructure. Further, we believe that currency is the most pure thing that embodies our three core beliefs. The new currency means the formation of a new social system. The value of symbols is great because people want something, although all successful currencies reflect these beliefs. For example, Bitcoin has become a global giant because it has successfully created a symbol that many people desire. And regard it as a symbol of the anti-centralization system. However, money pushes these beliefs to the extreme, because the only factor that forms money is basically the social system it manages, thus generating sufficient demand. More importantly, as we pointed out here, it is the symbol itself that unites the community, not the technology or financial system, so they can become one of the most important social layers of the network, bringing teams and users together around some interesting things, and these East. West is not as heavy as some projects trying to change the world. In short, coins resonate with important cultures for the following reasons. The common language they use makes them affinity and attractive. Community building coins cultivate strong and passionate community narratives and symbols built around common humor and interest. They embody fascinating stories and ideas, attract the public's imagination, transcend technical or financial effects, and their simplicity and accessibility make them right. Secret currency novice can access and become an entrance to a wider encryption world. Leveraged betting on the network can be regarded as a high-risk and high-return investment. Leveraged betting on the popularity and user adoption rate of its underlying network reflects how community support and network effects significantly affect its value in the encryption ecosystem. Money has increased the social layer for the encryption industry, balancing the symbolic power of technical and financial complexity in a more relaxed and interesting way. They have gathered the community. Promoting social cohesion and collective action around symbols and ideas emphasizes the importance of symbolism in cryptocurrency. Money is not only a flash in the pan, but also a vital part of cryptocurrency pattern, which reflects the complexity of Internet culture and human interaction. By encapsulating the essence of Internet humor, the cohesion of symbols and the unified power of common beliefs, it reveals the far-reaching influence of social dynamics in shaping digital currency's future. As we further build this parallel economy, Let's not forget that the strength of the community and the common narrative are as important as technological and financial innovation. Let's embrace these unique assets and realize their role as pioneers of the new era of digital connection and cultural expression. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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