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The original author Huang Wenying, as a law firm deeply involved in the blockchain field, receives inquiries from customers all over the country every day. A considerable part of them are involved in blockchain projects or cheated in the process of using virtual currency. What's more, they have lost a lot of money but still haven't realized that they have been cheated. Every time we encounter such a situation, we feel that the liar routine is too deep and there is a long way to go. Today, we will take a look at the fraud in the blockchain industry through the real cases of several customers. Cheating routine case: a false exchange withdrawal routine. Mr. Shen learned about the virtual currency through a friend's introduction. A friend recommended him a virtual currency investment platform, saying that he could make money by investing in the platform. Mr. Shen invested a few small sums of money with the mentality of trying it out. After a few days, he not only recovered the principal, but also gained additional income. In this way, Mr. Shen trusted the platform and decided to invest thousands of dollars in the platform. After a few days, he wanted to withdraw money. At this time, the customer service of the platform told Mr. Shen why. The accumulated profit of Mr. Wang's account has reached the tax payment standard, and Mr. Wang paid taxes according to the platform's prompt. The platform also suggested that Mr. Wang's account had abnormal transactions and needed to pay the deposit. Mr. Wang was flustered and paid the deposit according to the customer service requirements. After paying the deposit, the customer suddenly informed Mr. Wang that his account was frozen by the permanent judicial system. At this time, Mr. Wang was completely dumbfounded. Lawyer Man Kun suggested that we had encountered more than one similar case, and some customers needed it. When paying the deposit, I have doubts to consult a lawyer to avoid more losses, but Mr. Wang still doesn't want to believe that he was cheated in the process of communicating with the lawyer and is still seeking the so-called thawing method. The bank card in China is frozen mainly by the court or the public security organ. The virtual currency exchange will also freeze the account because of cooperation with the judicial organ when receiving the investigation order from the public security organ. Generally, when freezing, it will at least show that the freezing organ, lawyer Man Kun, has handled many cases involving virtual currency. Bank card unfreezing matters In this case, it is still relatively rare to be permanently frozen due to touching Hong Kong laws and regulations. In combination with the platform, it is a scam to pay taxes and pay the deposit properly. Case 2: Be caring and attentive, gain trust, trade funds and cheat people. Xiao Qian is a white-collar worker who just graduated from college. He likes to post his daily life on social media, and then he got to know Xiao Wang because he likes pets. He only talked about some interests and hobbies at first, but later, with the deepening of the chat, they became cautious. Some ambiguous feelings Xiao Wang's thoughtfulness and concern made Xiao slowly put down his guard. In a chat, Xiao Wang introduced Xiao Wang how to invest in virtual currency, saying that he could take her to play. Under the guidance of Xiao Wang, he downloaded a virtual currency trading platform and put some virtual currency into it. He didn't understand the figures and contents displayed on the platform, and he bought and sold it every time according to Xiao Wang's instructions. After several operations, the virtual currency in his small account was indeed increasing. One day, Xiao Wang told Xiao that there was a wave of market coming. Coming, you can invest more to grasp the market and earn a big wave. Xiao said that you just graduated and don't have that much money in your hand. Xiao Wang said that it doesn't matter that you can borrow money through the platform. So Xiao Wang, as a small guarantor, both parties jointly applied to the platform to upgrade the small amount of money. She has never borrowed money from others. This time, she was a little nervous. Seeing that she had earned a lot of virtual money in her account, she wanted to return the borrowed money to the customer service first, and told Xiao that the money in her account could not be withdrawn for repayment, and she needed to recharge the virtual money. I was even more uneasy about withdrawing money after the payment, so I contacted Man Kun lawyer Man Kun to remind me that after Man Kun accepted the small entrustment, I learned more about the small transaction process. I investigated the virtual currency trading platform involved and found that the platform was identified as a fraud platform by many people in the comments on the application market. I also found that the photos given by Xiao Wang in his home were exactly the same as those given by a social blogger. The liar really hammered Xiao Wang in the process of receiving legal advice. Constantly sending messages to Xiao through social accounts asking her to return the money quickly, or she will receive a lawyer's letter or even face prosecution. After Xiao found out the whole story, she was no longer afraid of the threat to Xiao Wang. She bravely blacked out the swindler and started a new life. Although she lost some money in the early stage, she stopped the loss in time after consulting Man Kun's lawyer, which was also a fortunate case. The third case was that the money was exchanged and the money was lost. The first two cases were essentially trading in a false exchange. For various reasons, it is impossible to withdraw cash. However, the following case is a woman who directly uses the top exchanges in the world to defraud. She usually makes some financial investments with her spare money, and then meets Zhang. Zhang introduced a financial software under Ping An Capital to her. The platform can not only invest in legal tender, but also invest in virtual currency. At first glance, it is a big platform under Ping An, but she can't exchange currency for virtual currency. The enthusiastic Zhang said that this is not simple. You can download it. It's ok to put a certain security on it and then invest it in Ping An Capital. However, the operation of a certain security is complicated. Zhang's real good help not only helps the lady open an account to help her complete the exchange of virtual currency, but also helps her invest in Ping An Capital. The lady didn't feel abnormal when she saw that her balance on the platform was gradually increasing until she found that she was blacked out by Zhang and Ping An Capital could not enter. Lawyer Man Kun suggested that the lady immediately reported the case to the local public security organ after she realized that she had been cheated. After investigation, the security organ found that the virtual currency worth hundreds of thousands of yuan was not transferred to the investment platform at all, but was converted into virtual currency and then transferred to other people's trading addresses. The so-called Ping An Capital Investment Platform was just a fake phishing website. At this time, the lady remembered that when she registered an account, she tied an account to Zhang's mailbox because of her unfamiliarity with the operation mode and trust. Zhang obviously used this convenience to change the password of Ms. Ping An's trading account and carried out the currency transfer operation. Man Kun. Lawyer's Friendly Tips Although the methods used by scammers in the above cases are different, lawyer Man Kun also summed up some commonly available anti-fraud guidelines. Click and download carefully to avoid credulity and click and download unfamiliar links. It is very important to ensure that only the links from trusted sources are clicked and downloaded to protect personal privacy and equipment safety. When choosing a regular application mall to download trading software, please be sure to download the specific information of the software from the regular application mall and verify its source before downloading, so as to minimize the risk of downloading malicious software from unknown sources. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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