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(接《说说铭文》) 上文书的结论是:铭文实际上是一场反对智能合约的运动。







基于以上认知,我构想了一个名为"智能铭文"(Smart Inscription)的东西,它可能会具备以下几个特点:

  • 基于智能合约,完全在链上记账。

  • 基于公平发射和免费铸造理念,回归Ferc1.0版的初心和防女巫策略。

  • 参与成本极低,可能会部署在Base/optimism链上,预计铸造费用低于0.15U,部署费用低于0.3U,该费用远低于Ferc3.0版上600多美元的部署费用和20多美元的铸造费用。

  • 基于社区,可以在推特、Discord、微博、微信等社交App中直接登录钱包操作,无需下载新的App(技术上基于Wallet As A Service服务,类似服务已被friend.teth等社交应用广泛采用,安全性和便利性已被证实)。

  • 新协议在ERC721基础上扩展,实现铭文NFT。与pfp NFT不同的是,铭文NFT是一种类似于Loot的动态文本NFT(Dynamic Text NFT)(见下图)。它的优点是基于链上数据可以动态改变呈现方式,比如,当铭文NFT转成ERC20 FT后,在OpenSea等NFT交易所中会直观的呈现出不同的状态。

  • 铭文NFT可随时与ERC20互换,以在更庞大且成熟的DeFi生态系统中使用。

  • 协议极简,无主合约,数据完全存储在链上,没有任何人能够篡改。

  • 无服务器架构,全链操作,无需运营,免维护,永不宕机。




  • 过于涉足非技术事务;

  • Ferc20平台从1.0版的公平铸造理念发展成了3.0版的融资平台,背离了公平发射和免费铸造的初衷。



The author of the original text goes on to say that the conclusion of the document on the inscription is that the inscription is actually a movement against the smart contract. So do we really have to abandon the smart contract? Do we really have to abandon the huge and applied ecology built around the smart contract in the past six or seven years? I don't think it's necessary. Recently, I typed inscriptions on several different chains, and it's actually very complicated to transfer transactions after the completion. After each chain has its own pending order system, each chain may need to develop services such as pledge. These problems have been well solved in Taifang and many second-tier chain ecosystems. Why don't we make use of these mature ecosystems? Based on this, I think it is an important opportunity to combine the fair concept of inscriptions with the huge ecology of smart contracts. I don't know if anyone has done cross-chain of inscriptions and chain assets, but technically, I think it is still difficult to do a completely decentralized cross-chain, and the legal wind faced by doing an asset custody cross-chain service. In addition, when we look back at the blog post written by the founder of the inscription last year, we will find that he originally proposed an agreement to issue non-homogeneous tokens instead of homogeneous tokens on the bitcoin chain, which is typically tokens. However, after the release of the standard based on the agreement on April this year, many people found that the agreement can also be used for issuance, which triggered a wave of enthusiasm similar to that based on issuing assets years ago. There were many negative comments that the agreement was abused, and the relevant views were also in the bitcoin core. The bitcoin forum of the Heart Community has become the mainstream, so two months ago, a better agreement symbol was specially put forward for assets. From this, we can see that the inscription has the characteristics of both, that is, the commodity attribute of the inscription is the asset attribute of the inscription, and the two complement each other, so the inscription is an asset form that has never been seen in the past few years. Based on the above cognition, I conceived a thing called smart inscription, which may have the following characteristics: based on smart contracts, it is completely accounted for on the chain, based on fair launch and free casting. The initial intention and anti-witch strategy of the concept regression version have extremely low participation cost and may be deployed on the chain. It is estimated that the casting cost is lower than the deployment cost, which is much lower than the multi-dollar deployment cost and multi-dollar casting cost of the version. Based on the community, you can log in to the wallet directly in social activities such as Twitter, Weibo and WeChat without downloading new technology. Similar services based on services have been widely adopted by social applications such as security and convenience. The new protocol has been expanded to realize the inscription on the basis. The difference is the inscription. It is a kind of similar dynamic text, as shown in the figure below. Its advantage is that the presentation mode can be dynamically changed based on the data in the chain. For example, when the inscription is converted, it will intuitively present different States in the exchange, and the inscription can be exchanged at any time to use the protocol in a larger and mature ecosystem. The contract data is minimalist and completely stored in the chain. No one can tamper with the server-free architecture. The whole chain operation needs no operation, no maintenance and no downtime. The other day, I submitted a smart contract to the governance Committee in writing. After submitting the above ideas, I will start to knock on the code in the next two days. If all goes well, it is expected that the core functions will be launched this week. Some friends may say that the price of the inscription on the Ethereum has exceeded 10,000 yuan, but there is no progress. Your idea is highly useless. I admit that as a developer, I made many mistakes after the version went online six months ago, including getting too involved in non-technical affairs platforms, from the fair casting concept of version to the financing platform of version, which deviated from the original intention of fair launch and free casting. It's fatal to disappoint many friends. Now it's time to correct it. Some people say that they started early but made slow progress and missed this opportunity for inscription. I think it doesn't matter. After all, the development of inscriptions has only been more than half a year, and there has not been any substantial innovation or full contact with the largest group of users in the blockchain circle. So why not let us try to see if the paradigm innovation of intelligent inscriptions can incite a huge user group who has faith in blockchain and smart contracts after nearly ten years of precipitation? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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