降低成本去垄断化:Arweave 在比特币和以太坊上的经济优势

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 11:37:36 评论:0



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Arweave 专为存储数据而生,以太坊和比特币无法与之匹敌!



Arweave 在 Sam Williams 的愿景下发展起来的,每周都在呈指数级增长。


Arweave 是专门为以太坊和比特币无法匹敌的规模和经济模型来存储数据而构建的。即使面对上述交易激增,Arweave 仍然保持着一如既往的高速度。


Arweave 的数据存储非常便宜,尤其是与以太坊和比特币相比!

Sam Williams 在与 ArDrive 创始人 Philip Mataras 的交流中,揭示了一个惊人的成本对比:

在 Arweave 上存储一个 13 GB 的文件只需 87 美元,而同样存储相同的数据:

  • 在比特币上需要大约 35,620,000 美元

  • 在以太坊上则需要 780,000,000 美元。


为数据而生:Arweave 的基石





Arweave 的架构与以太坊和比特币的架构有根本上的不同。

以太坊和比特币受到其固有的上传吞吐量限制,但 Arweave 是为数据存储精心设计的。它可以在单笔交易中容纳多达 2^256 个字节,并分布存储在无数用户和项目之间。

顺便说一下,2^256 字节是一个很大的数字,我要把它打出来:

1,078,397,866,686,025,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 GB。


容错性和可持续性:Arweave 的独特方案

与以太坊和比特币相比,Arweave 的数据存储方法提供了更强的容错性可持续性。正如 Sam Williams 自己所说,在 Arweave 网络中“验证数据挖掘”。

这一切的核心是网络的捐赠机制。Arweave 实际上激励矿工/节点长期存储数据。





捐赠机制规避了处理数百万个个体数据存储合约的复杂性和低效性,这在以太坊等基于智能合约的系统中是一个普遍存在的难点。在 Arweave 中,一个 Merkle 根和一个公共奖励池为所有数据提供服务,防止增加计算负担或系统膨胀。



正如我们所看到的,Arweave 能够处理大量数据。然而,当涉及到全世界数百万人同时使用手机上传到网络上的交易数量时,会发生什么?


如果你还不知道的话,Arweave 有一个 1000 笔交易的内存池。

这听起来可能是技术性的,但它意味着它有一个可以等待批准和上传的1000个交易的队列。如果有一笔交易超过了1000的限制,那么该文件将不得不排队等待进入内存池。此外,此内存池还有一个超时期限。如果 1000 笔交易的上传时间太长,那么第 1001 个文件就有可能被完全删丢弃,永远不会上传到网络上!


这就是 Bundle(交易打包技术)的用武之地。一个简单的过程,就可以无限提高网络的效能

可以将交易打包在一起,比如将大量文件压缩并将它们全部作为一个包发送到网络。如果将 1000 个文件打包在一起作为一个交易,则意味着第 1001 个文件将成为第二个文件。


Arweave 采用了递归 Bundle 策略。如果你的下一个问题是,当我们有 1000 个打包的文件包填充内存池时会发生什么,答案是我们可以将这些捆绑包再次打包。

到目前为止,您可能已经意识到 Arweave 一次可以上传上传无限数量的文件。理论上,Arweave 可以在一个交易中存储整个当前网络的数据,相当疯狂。

Arweave 之所以能够做到这一切,这要归功于其简单的架构设计:Arweave 上的所有数据都被永久存储。


当谈到实际的 Bundle 过程时,Arweave 并非一开始就是这样的。它曾经有过瓶颈,但现在已经在网络上构建了许多协议来以许多方式改进它。目前网络上领先的两种 Bundle 协议是:

  • Irys(原 Bundlr)

  • EverVision

Arweave 与以太和比特币的对比分析






相比之下,Arweave 的区块链架构具有像块编织(blockweave)技术这样的功能,可实现更大的可扩展性高效的数据检索

说到用例,比特币和以太坊上都存在 NFT 形式的数字资产和艺术品。以太坊上遍地开花,而最近市场也见证了比特币 Ordinals 的崛起和成功。如果你没有听说过 Ordinals,它们本质上是比特币上的 NFT。创建它们的过程比以太坊稍微复杂一点,但这是另外一个故事了。

然而,NFT 也是 Arweave 可以大放异彩的地方。

Arweave NFT

互联网上有很多资源,你可以找到很多关于 Arweave 上 NFT 的信息,所以我不再赘述。在这个例子中,我们的前提是把 NFT 看作数字艺术品的一部分 —— 也有很多人们认为他们只是简单右键点击保存的 JPEG 图像。

NFT 有几个组成部分:

  • 一个是智能合约,需要存储在链上。

  • 然后有从智能合约创建的代币,这些是实际的 NFT 本身,你将在你的钱包中找到它们。

  • 随后有了描述该代币的元数据。

  • 最后,你有了现在看到的图像。

许多 NFT 项目为了节省时间和金钱将图像存储在私人服务器或Dropbox等外部资源上。这是他们规避了前面提到的 13 GB 文件部分成本的一种方式。一些 NFT 项目由 10000 个文件组成。想象一下,如果必须将所有这些文件直接上传到以太坊,那么成本是巨大的……所以通常只有智能合约和代币存储在链上,其他一切都存储在链下。

因此,基于我们对在 Arweave 上存储数据成本的了解,你可以开始看到在这里创建 NFT 是更具成本优势的。


不仅如此,如果你使用 Arweave 创建你的 NFT,你可以将上述所有数据放在一个地方,而不是分散在不同的区块链和外部资源中。

如果你对 Arweave 的智能合约感到担忧 —— 因为它是许多人非常关心的问题——是的,Arweave 绝对支持智能合约。

Meta 实际上选择了 Arweave 作为其存储 Instagram NFT 的区块链。NFT的炒作逐渐平息(就主流而言),但这可能是未来即将到来的牛市的一个彩排。


一旦你开始了解 Arweave 所能做的和处理数据的潜力,你就会意识到它在区块链的未来有多重要,而且不仅仅如此。

低成本的链上存储对于区块链和 Web3 的成功至关重要。Arweave 从幕后走到台前也只是时间问题。

Did the statement that Ethereum and Bitcoin can't compete with each other successfully catch your attention? Let's explore the creation of a new era of data storage on the chain, which is growing exponentially every week under our vision. Look at the transactions in the chart below, which are specially built for the scale and economic model that Ethereum and Bitcoin can't match to store data. Even in the face of the above-mentioned surge in transactions, they still maintain their core advantages of high speed and cost-effectiveness. Storage is very cheap, especially compared with Ethereum and Bitcoin. In the communication with the founders, an amazing cost comparison is revealed. It costs only US dollars to store a file on the Internet, but it costs about US dollars to store the same data on Bitcoin. To make a long story short, if someone wants to store on these two blockchains, it is crazy. Even if they are, who will pay the sky-high storage fee? The cornerstone for data is now. Now the question is, in a world where data is everywhere, how can it expand? When you look around in the street, you are likely to see people using mobile phones to post videos and photos on social media and send messages to each other. Once all these data are added up, it is hard to imagine the size of the data. Can it really handle such a huge amount of data? The answer is yes. The architecture is fundamentally different from that of Ethereum and Bitcoin. Ethereum and Bitcoin are inherent. But it is carefully designed for data storage. It can hold up to bytes in a single transaction and be distributed among countless users and projects. By the way, bytes are a very large number. I want to type it out. You can't even imagine how many photos of selfies or cats it is. The unique scheme of fault tolerance and sustainability provides stronger fault tolerance and sustainability than the data storage method of Ethereum and Bitcoin. As you said, verifying data mining in the network. The core of all this is the donation mechanism of the network, which actually encourages miners to store data for a long time. This concept ensures that miners always have the motivation to store data for a long time. However, the obvious lack of this function in Bitcoin and Ethereum may hinder the long-term storage of data. In essence, the innovative storage donation mechanism encourages miners to store all data instead of selectively storing some data. If miners can prove that they have stored a certain piece of data when required by the network, the miners will be rewarded. When the random process happens, the more data miners store, the more chances they will get rewards, so there is no doubt that they will store all the data. If you are running a miner's node, will you do so? Compared with other blockchains, this is definitely a magic weapon. The donation mechanism avoids the complexity and inefficiency of handling millions of individual data storage contracts, which is a common difficulty in smart contract-based systems such as Ethereum. One root and one public reward pool provide all the data. Let's further elaborate on the last point, recursive packaging to achieve large-scale scalability. As we have seen, it can handle a large amount of data. However, what happens when millions of people all over the world use mobile phones to upload transactions to the network at the same time? Remember selfies and photos of cats. If you don't know, there is a memory pool for transactions. This may sound technical, but it means that it has a waiting list for approval and approval. If one transaction in the uploaded transaction queue exceeds the limit, the file will have to wait in line to enter the memory pool. In addition, there is a timeout period in the memory pool. If the upload time of the transaction is too long, the first file may be completely deleted and discarded and will never be uploaded to the network. So how can we solve this problem? This is where the transaction packaging technology comes into play. A simple process can infinitely improve the efficiency of the network, and transactions can be packaged together, for example. Compress a large number of files and send them all to the network as a package. If you package these files together as a transaction, it means that the first file will become the second file, and things will get better. We adopt a recursive strategy. If your next question is what will happen when we have a packaged file package to fill the memory pool, the answer is that we can package these bundles again. So far, you may have realized that you can upload an unlimited number of files at a time. In theory, it is crazy to store the data of the whole current network in one transaction. It is possible to do all this because of its simple architecture design. In view of this, it is possible to combine the data of different users into one transaction. This method has effectively processed millions of data every day. When it comes to the actual process, it was not like this at the beginning. It once had bottlenecks, but now many protocols have been built on the network to improve it in many ways. At present, the two leading protocols on the network are compared with Ethereum and Bitcoin. Although Ethereum and Bitcoin have made great progress and both have their own use cases, their designs are not optimized for data storage on the chain. Ethereum focuses on smart contracts and decentralized applications, while Bitcoin, as a digital gold, faces inherent limitations in dealing with large-scale data storage. These limitations stem from their respective block sizes, transaction costs and network throughput. This is not to say that these blockchains don't have their own unique use cases. Undoubtedly, at least at present, Ethereum is the first choice for decentralized finance. On the other hand, no one can deny that Bitcoin is a leading position in digital gold and fighting inflation. Some people even think that Bitcoin is the future world currency. At present, I won't comment on it, but I think it is very likely that the blockchain architecture has functions like block weaving technology, which can be achieved even more. Scalable and efficient data retrieval When it comes to use cases, both Bitcoin and Ethereum exist in the form of digital assets and works of art, which are blooming everywhere. Recently, the market has witnessed the rise and success of Bitcoin. If you haven't heard of them, the process of creating them is a little more complicated than Ethereum, but this is another story, but it is also a place where you can shine. There are many resources on the Internet, so I won't go into details. In this example, our premise is to regard them as part of digital works of art, and many people think that they are just. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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