
币圈资讯 阅读:34 2024-04-22 11:33:48 评论:0



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作者:Kyle Waters & Tanay Ved,Coin Metrics研究员;翻译:比特币买卖交易网xiaozou









这场动荡导致了超1000亿美元的稳定币市场的重新洗牌,引发从USDC到离岸发行的Tether (USDT)的显著转变。这也标志着Tether和USDC之间的分歧越来越大,这一趋势将持续2023年一整年。银行业危机进一步影响了加密资产的流动性,扰乱了实时支付系统,如Silvergate Exchange Network和Signature Bank的Signet,因为这两家加密银行也被关闭了。


尽管面临诸多挑战,BTC和ETH在SVB危机后立即经历反弹。像比特币这样的数字无记名资产的核心特征——易于自我托管、缺乏中介和链上透明度——变得比以往任何时候都更加明显,这与2008年10月金融危机期间导致中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)推出比特币的最初情绪产生了共鸣。




但今年6月,事态迅速发生了变化,管理着超过9万亿美元资产的全球最大资产管理公司贝莱德(BlackRock)于6月15日申请成立iShares比特币信托。此举立即为围绕ETF的相关努力注入了新的合法性,贝莱德首席执行官Larry Fink承认比特币是一种可以“超越任何一种货币” 的全球资产。继贝莱德迈出大胆的一步后,富达(Fidelity)、WisdomTree、Bitwise、VanEck、Invesco、Valkyrie和ARK等之前的申请者也重新加入竞争,再一次点燃了比特币现货ETF的热潮,这表明机构对比特币的兴趣日益浓厚,并且认识到了比特币在多元化投资组合中的潜在作用。













新产品的发布也增加了市场兴奋度,特别是激发了关于稳定币的热烈讨论,这是整个2023年的一个关键主题。PayPal和Visa等支付巨头也加入了这场竞争,前者在以太坊区块链上推出了PayPal USD (PYUSD),后者则推出了稳定币结算计划。美联储即时支付系统FedNow的推出,也重新点燃了围绕其对当前稳定币格局的潜在影响以及央行数字货币计划方向的讨论。


在稳定币领域之外,Coinbase的L2网络Base的推出引起了极大关注,并引发了该平台上新兴应用活动的浪潮。这标志着L2解决方案发展的关键一步(特别是在以太坊即将推出的EIP-4844升级的背景之下),旨在增强网络的可扩展性。尽管金融环境紧缩,以及像Curve Finance所经历的智能合约漏洞这样的行业特定事件带来了更多挑战,但第三季度为未来的增长奠定了重要基础。




这次反弹呈周期性方式扩大到比特币以外,提振了加密生态的其他领域。Grayscale信托产品的折扣率大幅减少,在某些情况下,GSOL和GLINK等产品的溢价在11月份分别达到了869%和250%。Alt L1区块链也经历了强劲的复苏,Solana (SOL)脱颖而出,因为它已从之前的FTX关联关系中脱离出来。活跃的社区、不断增长的应用程序生态和网络上的基础设施加强了Solana作为L1平台的可信度,并在数量不断壮大的模块化区块链和L2网络中引发了围绕单体区块链的讨论。这种飙升不仅仅局限于估值。链上活动也出现了反弹,比特币和以太坊网络的费用市场都有所上涨,而稳定币供应在经历了一段时间的下降后上涨,表明了流动性回归迹象。

这场审判最终以Sam Bankman Fried被定罪而告终,也为行业最动荡的一段时期画上了句号。与此同时,币安的和解涉及40亿美元的罚款和赵长鹏(CZ)的下台,结束了围绕这家最大交易所的长期指控。另一个未被注意到的重要公告是财务会计准则委员会(FASB)对加密会计准则的修改。这一改变将允许在资产负债表上持有数字资产的公司以“公允价值”确定资产,而不再将其视为无形资产,从而减少这些公司目前面临的摩擦,同时激励更大的所有权。例如,这将使Microstrategy (MSTR)(一家持仓超过17,500比特币的上市公司)在其资产负债表上按计量期间实现利润或亏损。



在十年来的高通胀、金融紧缩和地缘政治紧张局势加剧的背景下,数字资产市场一直在努力应对重大的宏观经济挑战。然而,利益相关者已经熟练地驾驭了这些复杂性,带来代币化国债和现实世界资产(RWA)等新领域的增长。我们回顾2023年可投资领域主要资产类别的回报,会发现数字资产的优势非常明显。加密相关股票和数字资产表现出色,Coinbase (COIN)是市场反弹的主要受益者。宏观经济趋势在接下来的几个月里可能发生变化,数字资产行业将进入成熟和扩展阶段。

This paper takes a data-driven perspective to review the important events that affected the digital asset industry in, and after a difficult year, it brought many positive developments to the whole ecosystem, such as the participation of new institutions and the upgrading of key technologies. Although the regulatory environment can be said to be the most challenging in history, especially in the United States, a round of confrontation should force some unresolved issues to become clearer, and the period of monetary tightening seems to be coming to an end. Cryptographic currency and stocks experienced a surge in 2008, and many digital assets more than doubled, including bitcoin, which rose in 2008. The following table shows that the performance of all assets with a market value of more than 100 million US dollars is choking. At the beginning of the year, under the shadow of the crash, the digital asset market improved rapidly. This growth will set the pace for the whole year. More and more people are beginning to think that the worst is over, and the collapse as a centralized entity has not tarnished the public. The core principles and potential of blockchain technology, however, a series of events at the beginning of this year also gave birth to a topic of great concern this year. The escalating regulatory pressure in the United States caused a series of law enforcement actions in the first quarter, which attracted the attention of the digital asset industry. For example, the US Securities and Exchange Commission issued a notice to the stable currency operators, which led to the suspension of issuance. In this year, the supply plummeted from the peak of $ billion to $ billion, and it was reduced by $ billion within one week after the notice was issued. It marks that American regulators have begun to take more extensive actions to curb the offshore exchange giant Bi 'an, which is the largest exchange in the world according to spot trading volume. In that month, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced that Bi 'an and its founder Zhao Changpeng were suspected of multiple regulatory violations, and the onshore operators also had to accept new regulatory review. Many banks have been under increasing pressure since the first quarter. The regulatory authorities issued informal guidance documents to encrypt money and add it. Secret currency customers are listed as banking system risks, and some people in the industry even refer to these actions as operational bottlenecks. It can be said that it is a coordinated action led by the government to hinder the development of the digital asset industry in the United States. Looking at the macroeconomic environment, banks are beginning to face an ordinary but disturbing situation. In the environment of rapid interest rate rise, the depreciation of US Treasury bonds is most affected. The technology-friendly Silicon Valley Bank declared bankruptcy after a bank run in June, which not only triggered people's concern for Bank of America. Concerns about the health of the industry have also tested the stability of the stable currency. Thanks to the federal deposit insurance, the price of the reserve holding US$ 100 million once fell back to the US dollar peg. This turmoil led to the reshuffle of the stable currency market with over US$ 100 million, which also marked a significant shift from offshore issuance. This trend will continue throughout the year. The banking crisis further affected the liquidity of encrypted assets and disrupted the real-time payment system. Because these two crypto banks have also been closed, despite facing many challenges and experiencing a rebound immediately after the crisis, the core features of digital bearer assets such as Bitcoin are easy to be self-hosted, lack of intermediary and transparency on the chain have become more obvious than ever, which resonated with the initial emotions that led to the launch of Bitcoin in Satoshi Nakamoto during the financial crisis in September. This momentum continued to resonate with institutions in the second quarter, and these institutions began to show greater concern for the unique quality of Bitcoin. The US Securities and Exchange Commission has refused to introduce spot products to the US financial market since. The significance of spot is that it is expected to provide investors with a familiar and possibly more tax-saving way to incorporate bitcoin into their brokerage accounts and portfolios. For example, the first batch of gold at the beginning of the century is known to have great influence, which many people hope to see in the spot of bitcoin, despite the American certificate. The Securities and Exchange Commission gave the green light to futures-backed bitcoin in, but these products are not suitable for long-term holding, because there will be serious tracking errors in spot prices over time, in addition to high handling fees and taxable distribution. However, the situation changed rapidly this month, and BlackRock, the world's largest asset management company with assets of more than one trillion dollars, applied for the establishment of a bitcoin trust on, which immediately injected new legitimacy into the surrounding related efforts. Recognizing that bitcoin is a global asset that can surpass any currency, after BlackRock took a bold step, Fidelity and other applicants also re-entered the competition, once again igniting the craze of bitcoin spot, which shows that institutions are increasingly interested in bitcoin and realize the potential role of bitcoin in diversified portfolios, and have reached an important partnership with BlackRock, which has become a key original ally of encryption as the application custodian selected by BlackRock, but this month, The SEC has also filed a landmark lawsuit against this leading American exchange, accusing it of operating as an unregistered stock exchange and marking various assets, including and, as so-called securities. This move has focused the long-standing industry debate on the difference between encrypted securities and commodities, and responded by taking prompt action to refute these allegations. The whole industry is now preparing for a knot that may greatly affect the future development track of the American digital asset industry. Although there were some external events, the industry continued to develop and advanced a key plan upgrade in. In January, Ethereum completed a hard fork, which activated the pledge and the withdrawal function of the pledge reward accumulated by the verifier. The upgrade successfully eliminated the previous liquidity risk related to pledge and immediately attracted a new round of pledge deposits surge. This trend will continue for most of the year. Although the current annual interest rate of pledge hovers around, the pledge volume has reached 10,000. The upgrade is slightly less than a quarter of the total supply, which provides a much-needed guarantee for the pledged Ethereum verifiers. The last stage of Ethereum's multi-year journey from workload certification to equity certification system has been completed, mainly through the merger of Ethereum, and there is no problem. After the merger, the circulation of Ethereum has decreased, even considering the related factors of cost destruction, it is the first complete one-year case that the supply of Ethereum has decreased. The transformation in the second half of the year has a strengthening trend, and the second half of the year has achieved a major legal victory. The re-entry of financial institutions has counterbalanced the regulatory pressure in previous months. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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