ICC于香港Web3.0创业者大会及Web3.0安全科技峰会成功举办加速营(ICC Camp)启动仪式

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当地时间12月,香港Web3.0科技周在香港数码港举行。专注于Web3游戏赛道的前沿科技企业ICC在香港Web3.0创业者大会及Web3.0安全科技峰会中成功举办加速营(ICC Camp)启动仪式及Web3游戏相关专题活动。

12月21日上午10点,ICC加速营(ICC Camp)启动仪式于香港Web3.0安全科技峰会正式开始。随着现场倒计时的结束,加速计划正式启动。ICC Camp将积极响应香港特区政府的政策支持,充分利用香港的区位优势及市场机会、完善的法律及监管体系、人才优待与政策扶持,扩大项目自身的影响,吸引更多志愿投身于Web3游戏领域的初创团队,为他们描绘一幅充满期待的未来画卷。在香港特区政府与现场Web3行业专家学者的共同见证下,ICC Camp启动仪式圆满落幕。ICC Camp也将怀揣着对于未来Web3游戏赛道发展的期冀,助力该领域蓬勃发展的新兴力量在更远的航道上启程扬帆。

ICC顾问、ABGA执行会长、Web3Labs合伙人、Bitrise Capital 创始人Kevin Shao,全国政协委员、香港立法会议员吴杰庄,Nano Labs 创始人、香港数码港管理有限公司董事孔剑平,Web3Labs 联合创始人兼首席执行官黄俊琅,Waterdrip Capital创始人、Satoshi Lab 联合发起人Jademont Zheng,日本 CGV 基金亚洲合伙人、AIFocus加速器发起人 Kevin Ren 共同出席了此次启动仪式。



早前,在由 Web3Labs、ABGA、Satoshi Lab、ICC Camp、AIFocus 主办,Techub News、iPollo、MetaEra 协办的「香港Web3.0 创业者峰会」上,ICC顾问、ABGA执行会长、Web3Labs合伙人、Bitrise Capital 创始人Kevin Shao发表了主题为「开启Web3游戏新篇章」的主题演讲,深入探讨了Web3游戏行业的现状及未来。他强调,区块链游戏将会获得大规模采用,未来区块链技术也能够自然地融入到游戏当中,将虚拟资产的真正所有权交给个人。



同时,在主题为「探索Web3游戏未来:数字资产与经济模型创新」的圆桌论坛活动中,ABGA执行副会长、Chain Capital创始人Simon Li携手与专注Web3游戏行业的知名机构一起围绕当前Web3游戏的发展趋势、Web3游戏数字资产在游戏发展中的作用、Web3游戏赛道与铭文市场结合的可能性及2024年Web3游戏市场经济模型创新等话题探讨了Web3游戏的多元经济未来。


关于ICC Camp

ICC Camp是一家致力于探索和促进Web3游戏行业生态的发展的加速营,得到ABGA(亚洲链游联盟)与Web3Labs的重点战略支持。ICC Camp的使命是培养和支持未来Web3游戏行业的杰出创业者,将在未来赋能更多的优质Web3游戏项目,助力全球的Web3游戏创业者响应未来的链游增量市场,打造一个强大的全球Web3游戏生态网络。

ICC Camp S1定于明年春季起航,第一期创业营项目预计将招收数十家优质的Web3游戏初创项目方,所有成功报名入营的学员将进入长达六个月的创业孵化培训,其中包含为期两个月的高质量的系统课程以及丰富游学机会,课程内容涵盖市场分析、项目规划、产品优化、融资上市、社区运营以及市场推广等主题,以及四个月的观察与服务期,服务内容包含投融资对接、项目赋能与增值、资源权益谈判以及学员支持。

目前,ICC Camp已得到来自行业各界机构,媒体代表,开发者社区的大力支持,ICC Camp诚挚呼吁全球对行业抱有赤忱之情的Web3游戏创业者和支持者的加入,共同书写Web3游戏行业新的传奇,掀起Web3游戏行业创新的浪潮!

The Hong Kong Science and Technology Week was held in Cyberport, Hong Kong in June local time. The cutting-edge technology enterprises focusing on the game track successfully held the launching ceremony of the accelerated camp and the game-related special activities at the Hong Kong Entrepreneur Conference and the Security Technology Summit. The launching ceremony of the accelerated camp officially started at the Hong Kong Security Technology Summit on March. With the countdown to the scene over, the official launch of the accelerated plan will actively respond to the policy support of the Hong Kong SAR Government, make full use of Hong Kong's location advantages and market opportunities, and improve the laws and regulations. Systematic talent preferential treatment and policy support to expand the project's own influence, attract more start-up teams who are willing to devote themselves to the game field, and paint a picture of the future full of expectations for them. With the joint witness of the Hong Kong SAR government and experts and scholars in the field, the launching ceremony ended successfully, and with the hope for the future development of the game track, it will help the booming emerging forces in this field set sail on a farther channel. Member Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, executive chairman of the consultant, founder of the Hong Kong Legislative Council. Member Dr. Johnny ng, founder of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co., Ltd. Director Kong Jianping, co-founder and CEO Huang Junlang, co-founder of Japan Fund Asia Partner Accelerator, co-attended the launching ceremony. Earlier, at the Hong Kong Entrepreneur Summit, co-organized by the organizer, the consultant, executive director and partner gave a keynote speech on the theme of opening a new chapter in the game, and deeply discussed the present situation and future of the game industry. He emphasized that blockchain games will be adopted on a large scale. In the future, blockchain technology can also be naturally integrated into the game, giving the real ownership of virtual assets to individuals. At the same time, in the round-table forum with the theme of exploring the future digital assets and economic model innovation of the game, the founder of the executive vice president joined hands with well-known institutions focusing on the game industry to discuss the game around the current development trend of the game, the role of game digital assets in the development of the game, the possibility of combining the game track with the inscription market and the innovation of the economic model of the game market in. The future of diversified economy is an accelerated camp dedicated to exploring and promoting the ecological development of the game industry. The mission supported by the key strategy of the Asian Chain Tour Alliance and is to cultivate and support outstanding entrepreneurs in the game industry in the future. In the future, more high-quality game projects will be empowered to help game entrepreneurs around the world respond to the future incremental market of chain tours and build a strong global game ecological network. The first phase of the entrepreneurial camp project is scheduled to set sail next spring, and dozens of high-quality game start-ups are expected to be recruited. All the students who successfully sign up for the camp will enter the six-month business incubation training, which includes two-month high-quality systematic courses and rich study opportunities. The courses cover topics such as market analysis, project planning, product optimization, financing, listing, community operation and marketing, as well as four-month observation and service period. The services include investment and financing docking, project empowerment, value-added resource rights negotiation and student support, which have been developed by media representatives from all walks of life in the industry. The strong support of the community sincerely appeals to the game entrepreneurs and supporters around the world who have sincere feelings for the industry to join in writing new legends of the game industry and set off a wave of innovation in the game industry. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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