Spartan Capital:2024年加密行业让我们感到兴奋的9件事

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作者:The Spartan Group 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

2023年是在熊市中度过的一年。尽管这一年经历了动荡,但也为令人难以置信的新技术创新提供了空间。以下是一些让 Spartan 投资、咨询和实验室团队的合作伙伴对 2024 年的前景感到兴奋的事情的候选清单。

AAA Web3 游戏

我对下一代 AAA 品质 Web3 游戏感到很兴奋,其中一些游戏将于 2024 年推出。我相信这些游戏将带来数百万新的 Web3 用户,并证明为什么 Web3 游戏是现有 Web2 游戏的合理的下一代发展。

— Kelvin Koh,Spartan Capital 联合创始人兼合伙人、首席信息官(@SpartanBlack_1 on X)


对于 2024 年,我对四件事感到特别兴奋:

  • 释放以比特币资产为基础的比特币区块链的力量。

  • 下一代消费者应用程序标志着 NFT 的下一代发展。

  • 亚洲市场作为加密货币的中心——从加密货币交易到企业采用。

  • 资本流向受监管的交易所和本地交易所——流动性将变得更加分散,但这也迫使项目投资于本地合作伙伴和交易所,而不是做在离岸交易所上市但没有真正利用其代币推动本地采用的“懒惰”行为。

— Melody He,Spartan Advisory 联合创始人兼合伙人、联席主管(@melmelmelting on X)


我预计 2024 年将是整个 Web3 行业增长和整合的一年。特别是,我认为我们将看到中心化交易所之间的整合。这种整合主要有3种形式:1/单一市场竞争对手之间的国内整合,2/在邻近市场运营的交易所的区域整合,以及3/通过大型全球参与者进入战略市场进行跨大陆整合。我们还将看到其他 Web3 领域的并购活动急剧增加,包括托管、大宗经纪、数据和分析、质押、支付等。在 Web3 原生并购驱动的整合浪潮之后,我们将看到第二波并购浪潮引领非 Web3 原生公司寻求无机进入市场,以及一些较大的 Web3 平台的 IPO。

— Casper B. Johansen,Spartan Advisory 联合创始人兼合伙人、联席主管(@CasperJohansen on X)


我很高兴业界通过采用主要应用程序来验证我们过去几年构建的基础设施。在 Web3 中,我们将开始以不同的方式衡量这一点的成功,除了个人资产之外,我们还将开始意识到计算所有权的价值。隐私和安全将成为关键驱动因素,这就是我们将看到 ZK 原语和模块化区块链的价值被用户认识到的地方,这些用户甚至不知道他们在数字身份等广泛的应用程序后端依赖它们玩游戏。

— Leeor Groen,Spartan Group 董事总经理 ( @leeorgroen on X)


2023 年出现了意图、网络可玩角色、加密人工智能代理、NFT 应用程序和模块化帐户抽象等概念。到 2024 年,我预计这些分散的加密货币火花将汇聚成围绕自治链上代理的强劲经济。

其次,苹果的Vision Pro即将推出。我对新的空间格式将带来的相应的虚拟商品和体验浪潮感到兴奋。

最后,我期待看到更多以美学为导向的加密原生品牌,由 Family、Blackbird、Bebop、Seed Club、Zora、FWB 等创新者领导。

— Adrian Lai,Spartan Labs 首席创意官(工作室负责人)(@adrianlai on X)

DePIN 和比特币生态系统

我对 DePIN 的腾飞感到很兴奋;利用加密经济学来降低结构性成本的项目将是现有 Web2 业务的有力竞争者。此外,随着即将到来的比特币基础设施升级第 2 层,BTC 生态系统变得更加实用和可用;再加上 BRC-20 等新创建的资产类别提供高投机价值,该生态系统有望强劲增长。

— Cody Poh,Spartan Group 投资助理 ( @0xhopydoc on X)


2024 年,我最兴奋的是人工智能和区块链的交叉。我们有围绕零知识和机器学习 ( ZKML )的研究和新用例。我们有游戏允许您使用 ERC6551(并行)训练 AI 代理。我相信在接下来的一年里,我们将看到更多的方式利用人工智能来增强 Web3 的用户体验和效率,以及更多的区块链技术被用作人工智能的护栏和透明层。

— Audrey Taylor-Akwenye,Spartan Labs 首席技术官(@0xOddrey on X)

Web3 消费者、社交和游戏腾飞

展望 2024 年,我对加密货币的以下领域感到兴奋:

  • 我们可以看到相对较新的 L1/2 的另一波动力和吸引力。我希望看到更多的开发者活动、TVL、这些链上“杀手级 dapps”的出现以及社区建设。Sui、Sei、Aptos、Base、Scroll 等公司在 2024 年仍有很多工作要做,以证明和验证自己。

  • 预计加密货币领域面向零售的消费者应用程序将会增加 的成功,以及来年潜在的空投,导致了模仿项目的激增。这只是开始。这一趋势标志着行业关注点显着转向消费者和社交应用程序。我很高兴能够测试更多具有增强的 UI/UX、改进的激励飞轮和代币实用性以及更可持续的商业模式的产品。

  • 展望行业中出现更复杂的 Web3 游戏和元宇宙:经过过去几年的开发,众多 AAA 和 MMORPG Web3 游戏将在未来 1-2 年内推出。随着硬件(例如苹果的 Vision Pro)和软件(元宇宙引擎公司)的进步,我认为游戏和元宇宙领域有相当大的增长潜力,我很高兴能在 2024 年测试更多这些领域。

— Dana Gan,Spartan Group 顾问助理 ( @cornergirl999 on X)

RWA 和比特币网络的代币化

  • RWA的代币化在类别和比特币网络上安全的可能性上得到扩展。

  • 比特币网络凭借提供可扩展性和互操作性的 L2s 解决方案起飞,释放了 850B+ 的非生产性 BTC 资本,并为机构采用铺平了道路。

  • DeSci 作为区块链的强大用例而受到越来越多的关注——使用 Web3 技术建立安全、持久的科学贡献记录,从而实现公平的信贷分配、简化交易、允许全球资源共享并克服经济障碍。

— Yan Ma,Spartan Group 助理(@zi0nn_eth on X)

The year of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network was spent in a bear market. Although it experienced turbulence, it also provided room for incredible new technological innovation. The following are some candidate list games that make the partners of investment consulting and laboratory teams excited about the prospect of 2008. I am very excited about the next generation of quality games, some of which will be launched in 2008. I believe these games will bring millions of new users and prove why the games are existing. The rational development of the next generation of the game, the co-founder and partner CIO is based on the bitcoin consumer application and the Asian market. I am particularly excited about four things in 2008. Unleashing the power of the bitcoin blockchain based on bitcoin assets, the next generation of consumer applications marks the development of the Asian market as the center of cryptocurrency, from cryptocurrency transactions to the adoption of capital by enterprises to regulated exchanges and local exchanges, but the liquidity will become more dispersed. This also forces the project to invest in local partners and exchanges instead of listing on offshore exchanges, but does not really use its tokens to promote the lazy behavior of local adoption. Co-founder and partner co-head the M&A-driven integration. I expect that 2008 will be a year of growth and integration of the whole industry. In particular, I think we will see the integration between centralized exchanges. This integration mainly has two forms: domestic integration between competitors in a single market in the area of exchanges operating in neighboring markets. Integration and cross-continental integration through large global participants entering the strategic market, we will also see a sharp increase in M&A activities in other fields, including hosting large brokerage data and analyzing pledge payment. After the integration wave driven by native M&A, we will see the second wave of M&A leading non-native companies to seek inorganic access to the market, and the co-founders and partners of some larger platforms are jointly in charge of major applications and modular blockchains. I am very happy that the industry has adopted the main application. Using programs to verify the infrastructure we have built in the past few years, we will begin to measure the success of this in different ways. In addition to personal assets, we will also begin to realize the value of computing ownership. Privacy and security will become the key drivers. This is where we will see the value of primitive and modular blockchain recognized by users. These users don't even know that they rely on them to play games in the back end of a wide range of applications such as digital identity, and they are acting as agents in the chain of managing directors. In 2008, the concepts of intention network, playable role encryption, artificial intelligence agent application and modular account abstraction appeared. By 2008, I expect that these scattered cryptocurrency sparks will converge into a strong economy around agents in the autonomous chain. Secondly, Apple will soon launch. I am excited about the corresponding wave of virtual goods and experiences that will be brought by the new spatial format. Finally, I look forward to seeing more aesthetic-oriented encrypted native brands led by innovators and other chief creative officers. I'm very excited about the take-off of bitcoin ecosystem. The projects that use cryptoeconomics to reduce structural costs will be strong competitors of existing businesses. In addition, with the upcoming upgrade of bitcoin infrastructure, the first-tier ecosystem will become more practical and available, and the newly created asset classes will provide high speculative value. The ecosystem is expected to grow strongly. The intersection of investment assistant artificial intelligence and blockchain is what I am most excited about. There are research and new use cases around zero knowledge and machine learning. We have games that allow you to use parallel training agents. I believe that in the next year, we will see more ways to use artificial intelligence to enhance user experience and efficiency, and more blockchain technology will be used as the guardrail and transparent layer of artificial intelligence. Chief Technology Officer, consumer socialization and game take off. Looking forward to the next year, I am excited about the following areas of cryptocurrency. We can see another relatively new wave of motivation and attraction. I hope to see more developer activities, the emergence of killer in these chains, community construction and other companies still have a lot of work to do in 2008 to prove and verify their expectations that the retail-oriented consumer applications in cryptocurrency will increase their success, and that the potential airdrops in the coming year will lead to a surge in imitation projects. This is just the beginning of this trend, which marks the significant shift of industry focus to consumers and social applications. I am very happy to be able to test more enhanced and improved incentive flywheels and tokens. Product prospect of practicality and more sustainable business model: more complex games and metauniverses appear in the industry. After several years of development, many games will be launched in the next year. With the progress of hardware companies such as Apple and software metauniverse engine companies, I think there is considerable growth potential in the field of games and metauniverses. I am very happy to test more consultants and assistants in these fields and expand the possibility of tokenization of bitcoin networks in terms of categories and security on bitcoin networks. Exhibition bitcoin network has attracted more and more attention by providing scalable and interoperable solutions, releasing unproductive capital and paving the way for institutions to adopt it as a powerful use case of blockchain, using technology to establish a safe and lasting record of scientific contributions, thus achieving fair credit distribution, simplifying transactions, allowing global resource sharing and overcoming economic obstacles. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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