BitMEX:2023 年加密货币十大重要时刻

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作者:BitMEX 来源:X,@BitMEX 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

2023 年真是跌宕起伏的一年。它宣告了加密寒冬的彻底结束,加密货币总市值现在达到 1.7 万亿美元,比特币创下 12 个月新高,美联储宣布停止加息。

从银行危机到比特币现货 ETF 和 meme 币,这一年简直是情绪的过山车。

以下是我们评选的 2023 年加密货币十大重要时刻

1、FTX 余波

市场以看跌的态势步入新的一年,2022 年留下了沉重的包袱。经济仍在努力应对美联储六次加息、COVID-19 以及加密货币领域最大交易所之一 FTX 倒闭的后果。

进入 2023 年,宏观、微观和加密货币方面的一切都看起来都不太乐观。


然后是 3 月份疯狂印钞。通货膨胀和利率风险达到顶峰,银行难以在更高成本的资本下支付长期债务利息。联邦政府的印钞计划被称为 (银行) 储蓄保护计划,客户开始快速提取现金。

结果?Silicon Valley Bank、Silvergate、Signature Bank 和 Credit Suisse 等机构在几周内轰然倒塌。

这里的Silvergate是这对加密货币有利。传统金融机构的失败意味着许多人开始将比特币视为逃离通货膨胀的法币体系的最佳途径。消息传出后,$BTC 在一个月内从 2 万美元区间飙升至 3 万美元以上。事情开始好转。

3、比特币现货 ETF

像 Blackrock 和 Fidelity 这样的传统金融巨头开始申请比特币现货 ETF,这意味着机构需求正在回归。这非常重要,因为获批意味着普通民众可以通过 ETF 轻松接触加密货币资产。

仅仅是申请的消息就反映在 BTC 价格上(不是指实习生在推特上发布的虚假新闻),BTC 自 1 月以来稳健上涨了 180%。

4/ 比特币铭文

Ordinals 技术为比特币生态系统提供了另一轮助力——铭文数量达到历史新高4800万。这是验证网络能力及扩展潜在应用场景的关键时刻。

5、美国证券交易委员会 vs. Kraken、Coinbase、Ripple 等

FTX 事件后,监管机构最初采取了“一刀切”的做法,担心类似情况重演,对多家加密货币公司发起攻击(例如 Kraken、Coinbase、Ripple)。随着时间的推移,这种做法显然不可持续。


@coinbase 和 @Ripple 特别明确了一点:并非所有加密货币都等同于证券。Ripple 在与美国证券交易委员会的诉讼中取得胜利,不仅对他们自身,而且对整个行业都意义重大——现在美国证券交易委员会清楚地意识到,他们需要开始澄清证券和非证券之间的区别。


伴随着比特币反弹,迷因币也再次活跃起来——$DOGE、$SHIB 和 $PEPE 等均有所上涨。这意味着 2021 年的迷因币热潮并非昙花一现。

该类别中最值得注意的是?$BONK——@Solana 平台上的第一个狗币,市值在短短六周内飙升至 20 亿美元。

7、SBF 审判

11 月,#SBF 审判的判决进一步增强了对加密货币的信心。SBF 被判犯有所有 7 项罪名,例如洗钱、证券欺诈,可能会面临长达 115 年的监禁。

这为什么重要?它表明不当行为会带来后果。它促使公司开始优先考虑问责和透明度。这就是为什么 BitMEX 优先每两周发布一次 #PoRL 的原因。

8、Solana 的反弹

类似于迷因币,随着比特币的复苏,山寨币也开始重新出现。其中 $SOL 尤为抢眼,自第一季度以来上涨超过 500%——考虑到它曾经与 SBF 密切相关,这是一个令人印象深刻的壮举。

这可以归功于 Solana 生态系统不断致力于构建和推出项目,例如 @jito_sol ,它重新引入了空投、挖矿、NFT 铸造等等。


11 月底,令人惊讶的消息传来:币安的 @cz_binance 因反洗钱和无牌照汇款等问题辞去 CEO 职务。他们还被迫支付 40 多亿美元的罚款。

与 FTX 事件相比,对币安的处罚力度要小得多。这给了他们足够的空间翻开新的一页,重组合规政策,向前迈进。这也展示了自 2022 年挫折以来,整个行业取得了多大的进步。

10、预 IEO 上市

预 IEO 是一种让交易者在代币正式上市或预期空投之前参与代币价格发现的方式。消除了成为项目早期投资者或参与空投挖矿/耕种的需要。

因此,这种方式今年广受欢迎,为交易者提供了一种从代币发布中获利的新途径。BitMEX 站在预 IEO 上市浪潮的前沿,仅在 2023 年就推出了 7 个以上的预 IEO 期货合约。

展望 2024 年 

加密货币涨势才刚刚开始。回顾 2015 年和 2019 年之前的市场周期,似乎下一个绿色蜡烛可能会在 2024 年出现(见下文)。


最重要的是,TradFi 巨头对比特币现货 ETF、现实世界资产 (RWA) 和区块链技术的兴趣表明传统和新兴技术正在融合在一起。最近比特币价格的飙升为加密货币奠定了上升的道路,2024 年有望成为该行业发展的关键一年。 

在 BitMEX,我们认为 2023 年是构建和准备下一个牛市的时期。这意味着更多的合约、平台功能和升级,为我们的用户带来最佳的交易体验。 

The year of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network was really a year of ups and downs. It announced the complete end of the cryptocurrency winter. The total market value of cryptocurrency has now reached trillion dollars. Bitcoin hit a new high last month. The Federal Reserve announced that it would stop raising interest rates. From the banking crisis to the spot and currency of Bitcoin, this year was simply an emotional roller coaster. The following are the top ten important moments of cryptocurrency in our selection. The aftermath market entered a new year with a bearish trend, leaving a heavy burden. The economy is still trying to cope with the United States. The six interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve and the collapse of one of the largest exchanges in cryptocurrency field have entered the year, and everything in macro, micro and cryptocurrency looks not very optimistic. Then there is the banking crisis, followed by the crazy printing of money in January, and inflation and interest rate risk reach the peak. It is difficult for banks to pay interest on long-term debts at higher cost capital. The federal government's printing plan is called the bank savings protection plan. As a result, customers began to withdraw cash quickly and institutions collapsed in a few weeks. Here is this pair of cryptocurrencies. The failure of traditional financial institutions means that many people began to regard Bitcoin as the best way to escape from the inflationary legal tender system. After the news came out, it soared from the range of 10,000 US dollars to more than 10,000 US dollars within one month, and things began to improve. Traditional financial giants like this began to apply for Bitcoin spot, which means that institutional demand is returning, which is very important, because approval means that ordinary people can easily access encrypted currency assets just by the news of the application. In terms of price, it doesn't mean that the false news posted by interns on Twitter has risen steadily since June. Bitcoin inscription technology has provided another round of help to the Bitcoin ecosystem, and the number of inscriptions has reached a record high. This is a crucial moment to verify the network capability and expand the potential application scenarios. After the incident, the US Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulators initially adopted a one-size-fits-all approach, fearing that similar situations would recur and attack a number of cryptocurrency companies. For example, over time, this approach is obviously not. Sustainable regulators can no longer avoid making a separate cryptocurrency law, and it is particularly clear that not all cryptocurrencies are equivalent to securities. It is of great significance not only for themselves but also for the whole industry. Now the US Securities and Exchange Commission clearly realizes that they need to start to clarify the difference between securities and non-securities. The return of memes is accompanied by the rebound of Bitcoin, and memes are also active again and have risen. This means that the meme craze in 2008 was not a flash in the pan. The most noteworthy thing in this category is that the market value of the first dog coin on the platform soared to US$ 100 million in just six weeks. The judgment of the trial month further enhanced the confidence in cryptocurrency. It was convicted of all crimes, such as money laundering and securities fraud, and may face up to years of imprisonment. Why is this important? It shows that misconduct will bring consequences. It urges companies to give priority to accountability and transparency. This is why it is given priority to publishing it every two weeks. The reason for the rebound is similar to that of meme coins. With the recovery of Bitcoin, counterfeit coins have begun to reappear, which is particularly eye-catching. Since the first quarter, it has risen more than considering that it was once closely related. This is an impressive feat, which can be attributed to the ecosystem's continuous efforts to build and launch projects, such as its reintroduction of airdrop mining and foundry. At the end of the next month, surprising news came that Bitcoin resigned from its post due to anti-money laundering and unlicensed remittance, and they were forced to pay. Paying a fine of more than 100 million dollars is much less severe than the incident, which gives them enough space to turn over a new page and reorganize the compliance policy. It also shows how much progress the whole industry has made since the setback in 2008. Pre-listing is a way for traders to participate in the price discovery of tokens before they are officially listed or expected to be airdropped, eliminating the need to become early investors in the project or participate in air-dropped mining and farming. Therefore, this method is very popular for traders this year. It provides a new way to profit from the issuance of tokens. Standing at the forefront of the pre-listing wave, more than 10 pre-futures contracts were launched only in 2008. Looking forward to the rise of cryptocurrency in 2008, it seems that the next green candle may appear in 2008. See below. The most important thing is that the giant's interest in bitcoin spot real-world assets and blockchain technology shows that traditional and emerging technologies are merging. Recently, the soaring price of bitcoin has laid a foundation for the rise of cryptocurrency. The road year is expected to become a key year for the development of this industry. In our opinion, 2008 is the period to build and prepare for the next bull market, which means more contract platform functions and upgrades to bring the best trading experience to our users. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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