Solana、Avalanche、Helium 领涨数字资产 2024 年该谁了?

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作者:Lyllah Ledesma,coindesk 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

2023 年, Layer-1 区块链 Solana (SOL)在代币价格涨幅方面处于领先地位,其他山寨币 Avalanche (AVAX)、Stacks (STX)和 Helium (HNT)紧随其后。数字资产上涨之际,市值最大的加密货币比特币(BTC)也见证了强劲的一年,人们越来越乐观地认为现货比特币交易所交易基金 (ETF) 将在新年年初获得批准。

Solana 从 10 月中旬开始大幅上涨,今年以来涨幅已超过 700%。美国证券交易委员会在 6 月份针对加密货币交易所 Coinbase 的投诉中将该代币与其他加密货币一起命名为“未注册证券”,但此次涨势并未受到影响。

尽管 Solana 与倒闭的交易所 FTX 及其创始人 Sam Bankman-Fried 关系密切(审判于 11 月结束),但它的表现也不错。SBF 是 Solana 的著名支持者,通过他的公司 Alameda Research 和 FTX 收购了价值超过 10 亿美元的代币。

SOL 的大部分收益来自试验结束后。此后,该网络的每月活跃地址不断增长,并推出了多种 memecoin,其中包括最近在加密货币交易所 Coinbase 上上市的BONK。

GSR 高级策略师 Brian Rudick 表示:“FTX 崩溃后,Solana 的生存确实存在问题,但随着链上活动的增加、对其创新技术的新认识以及几次高调的空投,它反而蓬勃发展。” 。



Helium 的 HNT 在 2023 年也取得了可观的收益,其中大部分是在 12 月,继该公司进军移动领域之后。HNT全年上涨500%。Helium于 4 月份从自己的区块链迁移到 Solana。Helium 是一个基于区块链的物联网设备网络,它使用节点作为热点将无线设备连接到网络。

Amberdata 研究总监 Christopher Martin 表示,2023 年对于 Helium 来说是重要的一年,因为它进军了移动领域。“该网络似乎在移动和物联网方面有重大计划,并允许移动计划用户通过支持网络来赚取代币(MOBILE)并用它们支付每月账单,为网络创造了飞轮效应,”马丁说。

他还指出,“最近的BONK 热潮导致 Solana Saga 手机售空(因为这些手机附带 BONK 声明),该手机还提供 30 天免费的 Helium Mobile 订阅,”Martin 说。“简而言之,由于用户增长带来的网络效益之间存在共生关系,人们对 MOBILE 和 HNT 与移动网络一起发展抱有很大的期望。”


Avalanche 的代币 AVAX 今年至今上涨了 300%,其背后与不少机构合作的助推密不可分。今年 1 月,Avalanche 宣布与亚马逊网络服务 (AWS) 建立合作关系;11 月,它又参与了摩根大通和阿波罗全球旗下区块链平台 Onyx 的概念验证项目。

DeFi 咨询和顾问公司 Infinity Labs 创始人,前衍生品交易员 Chris Newhouse 认为,Avalanche 今年的涨势更多归功于消息面的交易。“虽然过去交易周期以 Solana 和 Avalanche 等替代 Layer 1 项目轮换为主,但我认为这次并不完全相同。这次的涨势并非单纯的资金在 L1 和山寨币之间轮换。”

DeFi 专家 Chris Newhouse 在接受 CoinDesk 采访时表示:“通过与阿波罗全球、摩根大通等重量级机构以及年初宣布的亚马逊网络服务合作,Avalanche 取得了巨大进展,正朝着最适合机构参与的区块链平台之一迈进。”

比特币今年同样表现强劲,价格上涨了 164%。投资分析师 Rudick 在采访中指出,潜在比特币实物 ETF 的热烈期待是主要原因,加上有利的宏观经济环境也起到了推波助澜的作用。


Stacks Network的原生代币Stacks ( STX )全年涨幅达 623%。由于比特币 Ordinals(一种将数据写入比特币区块链的方式)的热潮炒作以及该协议上锁定的总价值(TVL)的不断增长,该代币在 3 月份上涨。

Stacks 因是 2019 年首次通过美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 合格代币发行而发行的第一个代币而闻名。Stacks 是一种用于智能合约的比特币第2 层协议,试图从广泛的领域转变和扩展比特币的功能。作为更通用、可编程平台的替代支付系统的角色

根据 DeFiLlama 的数据, Stacks Network 的TVL在这一年中也大幅增长,从 1 月份的 600 万美元攀升至 5000 万美元。

最近,在资深投资者 Tim Draper发表一系列积极评论后,Stacks 周三上涨了 27%。

2024 年预测

Rudick 表示,他预计比特币和以太坊(ETH)在新的一年将继续上涨,部分原因是美国现货比特币 ETF 可能获得批准,资金流入有所帮助。他还指出,到 2024 年,“我们看到去中心化身份将迎来中国、欧盟、巴西和其他国家计划或宣布了新一波区块链用户的兴趣。”

马丁表示,除了新年伊始关注的 ETF 之外,现实世界资产也将成为值得关注的蓬勃发展领域。“我们今年已经看到了基础的建立,但我们还没有看到主流迎头赶上。”

The blockchain of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network is in the leading position in the increase of token price in 2008. Other counterfeit coins and cryptocurrency bitcoin with the largest market value followed by the rise of digital assets have also witnessed a strong year. People are increasingly optimistic that the spot bitcoin exchange trading fund will be approved at the beginning of the new year and will rise sharply from the middle of the month. This year, the increase has exceeded the US Securities and Exchange Commission's complaint against cryptocurrency exchanges in January. Tokens, together with other cryptocurrencies, were named unregistered securities, but this rally was not affected. Despite the close relationship with the closed exchange and its founder, the trial ended in June, but it also performed well. Yes, most of the gains of famous supporters through his company and the purchase of tokens worth more than 100 million dollars came from the fact that since the end of the trial, the monthly active address of the network has been growing and various types have been launched, including the recent collapse of senior strategists listed on the cryptocurrency exchange. However, with the increase of activities on the chain, the new understanding of its innovative technology and several high-profile airdrops, it has flourished and achieved considerable benefits in 2008, most of which rose all year after the company entered the mobile field in June, and moved from its own blockchain to a blockchain-based Internet of Things device network, which used nodes as hotspots to connect wireless devices to the network. The research director said that 2008 was an important year for me because it entered. The network seems to have a major plan in the mobile field and the Internet of Things, and allows mobile plan users to earn tokens by supporting the network and use them to pay monthly bills, creating a flywheel effect for the network. Martin said that he also pointed out that the recent upsurge has led to the sale of mobile phones, because these mobile phones also provide a free subscription for one day. In short, there is a symbiotic relationship between the network benefits brought about by the growth of users, and people have great expectations for developing with the mobile network. The token has risen so far this year, which is closely related to the promotion of cooperation with many institutions. This month, it announced the establishment of a cooperative relationship with Amazon's network service. It also participated in the proof-of-concept project consultation and consulting of JPMorgan Chase and Apollo's global blockchain platform. The former derivatives trader believes that this year's increase is more due to the news trading. Although the past trading cycle was mainly based on the rotation of alternative projects such as peace, I think this increase is not pure. In an interview, experts said that great progress has been made through cooperation with Apollo Global JPMorgan Chase and other heavyweight institutions and Amazon network services announced at the beginning of the year, and bitcoin is moving towards one of the most suitable blockchain platforms for institutions to participate in. Bitcoin has also performed strongly this year, and prices have risen. Investment analysts pointed out in the interview that the enthusiastic expectation of potential bitcoin objects is the main reason, and the favorable macroeconomic environment has also played a role in fueling the situation. The annual increase of raw tokens is due to the upsurge of bitcoin, a way to write data into bitcoin blockchain, and the continuous growth of the total value locked in the agreement. The token rose in January because it was the first token issued by the US Securities and Exchange Commission for the first time in. It is a bitcoin layer protocol for smart contracts, trying to transform and expand the function of bitcoin from a wide range of fields as an alternative payment system for a more general programmable platform. In this year, the data has also increased significantly, climbing from $10,000 in January to $10,000. Recently, after a series of positive comments by senior investors, it rose on Wednesday. The annual forecast said that he expected bitcoin and Ethereum to continue to rise in the new year, partly because the spot bitcoin in the United States may be approved, which helped. He also pointed out that by 2008, we will see that the decentralized identity will usher in China, the European Union, Brazil and other countries plan or announce a new wave of blockchain users' interest Martin Table. It shows that in addition to the concerns at the beginning of the new year, real-world assets will also become a booming field worthy of attention. We have seen the foundation established this year, but we have not seen the mainstream catch up. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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