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原文作者:Bankless 客座作者 Viktor Bunin 原文编译:Sharon,BlockBeats

最近在比特币和 Solana 社区的推特上充满了兴奋的情绪,这是由根本性改进、费用的增加,和代币等相关的数字上升带来的炒作推动的。但是以太坊社区,作为加密货币采用和创新的重心,有时显得比较冷静。这让我不禁思考,(以太坊上)难道只是数字没有上涨呢?

我认为有一个更深层次的原因:以太坊区块链正在从 B2C(执行)向 B2B(结算)过渡。这是以太坊终局之战的已知技术结果,但这对以太坊社交层和社区意味着什么?这方面的文章我没有看到有太多,因此我将在这里尝试解开这个话题。

从长远来看,以太坊区块链的用户数量会从今天开始增加还是减少?我认为是减少。L2 已经消耗了以太坊高达 20% 的 Gas,我预计这个比例在未来几年会继续上升,即使像 EIP-4844 和 Full Danksharding 这样的进展大大降低了 Rollups 向以太坊结算的成本。以太坊区块链的最终用户减少,意味着相对较少的人将成为以太坊社区的一部分。

相反,人们的身份将变得如套娃一般,他们主要与他们互动的面向用户的组件有关,例如像 Base、Arbitrum One 或 Polygon zkEVM 这样的网络。在推特上,你今天就可以看到这一点——上述 L2 的社区正在迅速增长,但它们主要关注各自的链,而不是更广泛的以太坊。

这一现实情况使得人们,尤其是批评者们更难理解以太坊,因为它不再是一个单一的链和社区,而是一个由链和社区组成的生态系统。具有讽刺意味的是,这也使得多年来人们很难理解 Cosmos 社区。

这种变化还意味着,根据定义来说,以太坊生态系统不再有单一的总体叙事。社区和观点的多元性本身就是叙事,这与我们在加密货币生态系统中通常所看到的情况不符(例如,以太坊过渡到 PoS、Solana 推出 Firedancer、比特币的使用过渡到闪电网络)。

可以肯定的是,以太坊区块链本身通过核心开发人员和 EIP 实现了一个愿景,这在 Vitalik 更新的路线图中有所描述,但它只是以太坊叙事的众多叙事之一,包括 Optimistic Rollups、zk-Rollups、共享序列、隐私 Rollups、数据可用性、身份、NFTs、用例特定的 Rollups(例如游戏)等等。

这种社区扩散的趋势将不仅在以太坊上加速,而且在每个通用智能合约链上都会发生。毕竟,加密货币生态系统正计划吸引 80 亿人。因为规模打破了亲密性,所以合理假设,随着时间的推移,不会只有一个以太坊社区,或一个 Solana 社区。


首先,以太坊最重要的社会原则,在整个 Rollup 生态系统中得到维护。这些原则是去中心化、可信中立和无许可的访问和创新。如果最终用户受到审查或资产被汇总生态系统扣押,那么以太坊区块链是否具有可信的中立性,对最终用户而言并不重要。

其次,从用户角度来看,他们使用 Rollup 应该享有与在以太坊主网上交易时相同级别的安全性。从战术上来说,这意味着 Rollups 应该继承以太坊的安全性,即使 Rollup 的序列生成器是不可信任的,他们也不应该有机会窃取用户的资金。

最后,我认为对于以太坊来说最重要的是,Rollup 生态系统应该将 ETH 作为其主要货币使用。除了战术层面的考虑(Rollups 需要 ETH 与以太坊结算,用户已经拥有并喜欢 ETH,ETH 已经具有出色的货币属性等等)之外,加密货币的深层次原因是:创造世界上最好的货币形式。

以太坊社区不能忘记这个目标。现在是时候打造一个由任何人控制、但被所有人使用的货币了。而我们有很大的机会实现这一目标。这并不是说每个 Rollup 都必须完美执行这些支柱。有些可能需要 KYC 门槛,其他一些可能使用自己的代币作为 gas 等等。但这些指标为我们提供了一个方向感——Rollup 生态系统是否在推动「以太坊」这个抽象概念。



这种动态将反映 web2 的情况,虽然最初的重点是互联网,但现在我们专注于在线社区,同时认为互联网本身是理所当然的。在很多方面,以太坊社区的终局是,每个人都是以太坊社区的一部分,同时没有人主要认同自己是以太坊社区的成员。

当然,L1 逐渐淡出背景的概念也并不新鲜。Solana 的创始人 Anatoly Yakovenko 多年来一直主张更加关注构建在区块链之上的事物,而不是关注区块链本身。

随着 Solana 的不断增长和获得采用,我将好奇 Solana 社区随着时间的推移将会如何演变。由于其单体设计(monolithic design)可能会使社区更加紧密,因此它的社区扩散方式,可能与我们今天在以太坊上看到的方式有所不同。与此同时,所有目光都集中在以太坊社区,因为它正在进行这场迷人的、向更大多样性迈步的过渡。

The original author's guest author's original compilation has been filled with excitement on Bitcoin and Twitter in the community recently, which is driven by the increase in the cost of fundamental improvement and the hype brought by the rise of tokens and other related figures. However, the focus of the adoption and innovation of the Ethereum community as a cryptocurrency sometimes seems relatively calm, which makes me wonder if the figures in Ethereum are not rising. I think there is a deeper reason that the Ethereum blockchain is transitioning from execution to settlement, which is the end of Ethereum. I haven't seen too many articles about the known technical results of the game, but what this means to the social layer and community of Ethereum, so I will try to solve this topic here. In the long run, will the number of users of Ethereum blockchain increase or decrease from today? I think it is to reduce the amount that has already consumed Ethereum. I expect this proportion to continue to rise in the next few years, even if the progress like this greatly reduces the cost of settlement to Ethereum, the ultimate use of Ethereum blockchain. The decrease of households means that relatively few people will become part of the Ethereum community. On the contrary, people's identities will become like dolls. They are mainly related to the user-oriented components they interact with, such as networks like or this. You can see this on Twitter today. But the fact that these communities are growing rapidly, but they mainly focus on their own chains rather than the wider Ethereum makes it more difficult for people, especially critics, to understand Ethereum because it is no longer a single chain and. The community is an ecosystem composed of chains and communities. Ironically, this has also made it difficult for people to understand this change in the community for many years. It also means that by definition, the Ethereum ecosystem no longer has a single overall narrative community and the diversity of views is itself narrative, which is inconsistent with what we usually see in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. For example, the transition from Ethereum to the introduction of bitcoin to lightning network is certain that the Ethereum blockchain itself passes the nuclear. Heart developers and realized a vision, which is described in the updated road map, but it is only one of the many narratives of Ethereum, including sharing sequence, privacy, data availability, identity use cases, such as games, etc. This trend of community proliferation will not only accelerate in Ethereum, but also occur in every common intelligent contract chain. After all, the cryptocurrency ecosystem is planning to attract hundreds of millions of people, so it is reasonable to assume that there will not be only one with the passage of time. Taifang community or a community, so what should we do now? What does it mean for the successful completion of this transition in the Ethereum community? Here I seek three indicators. First, the most important social principles of Ethereum are maintained in the whole ecosystem. These principles are decentralization, credibility, neutrality and unauthorized access and innovation. If the end users are censored or assets are seized by the aggregation ecosystem, it is not important for the end users whether the Ethereum blockchain is credible and neutral, and secondly, it is used. From the user's point of view, they should enjoy the same level of security when trading on the main network of Ethereum. Tactically, this means that they should inherit the security of Ethereum. Even if the sequence generator is untrustworthy, they should not have the opportunity to steal users' funds. Finally, I think the most important thing for Ethereum is that the ecosystem should use it as its main currency. In addition to tactical considerations, it is necessary to settle accounts with Ethereum. Users already have and like the excellent currency. The deep-seated reason for cryptocurrency is to create the best currency form in the world. The Ethereum community cannot forget this goal. Now it is time to create a currency controlled by anyone but used by everyone, and we have a great chance to achieve this goal. This does not mean that everyone must implement these pillars perfectly. Some may need thresholds, others may use their own tokens, etc. But these indicators provide us with a sense of direction. Is the ecosystem promoting? The abstract concept of Ethereum, so what does this mean to the Ethereum community? This means that with the passage of time, you will hear less and less about the Ethereum blockchain itself and more about its sub-communities. The Ethereum blockchain will become a solid cornerstone for the old brands to be taken for granted and supported. We will assume its existence and support through various tests and hardships of cryptocurrency growth in the next few decades. Although the initial focus was on the Internet, now we focus on the online community and take the Internet itself for granted. In many ways, the end result of the Ethereum community is that everyone is a part of the Ethereum community, and no one mainly agrees that he is a member of the Ethereum community. Of course, the concept of fading out of the background is not new. The founders have been advocating paying more attention to things built on the blockchain for many years, rather than paying attention to the continuous growth and adoption of the blockchain itself. I will be curious about how the community will evolve over time, because its single design may make the community closer, so its community diffusion mode may be different from the way we see in the Ethereum today. At the same time, all eyes are focused on the Ethereum community because it is undergoing this fascinating transition to greater diversity. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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