比特币告别人民币市场 火币有计划做场外交易平台

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bitcoinChina stopped Bitcoin currents and transactions; once up to $6345; gunbills have planned off-site transactions

  新京报讯 (记者王全浩 黄鑫雨)10月30日,比特币中国称,当日中午12∶00平台将停止提现业务,截至目前,比特币中国已经关闭了所有交易功能。除比特币中国之外,国内其他两大比特币交易平台火币网和OKCoin也将于10月31日停止所有数字资产兑人民币交易业务。

Newjing News & nbsp; (Reporter Wang Quang Ho, nbsp; Huang Yuan) On October 30, Bitcoin China stated that it would stop doing business at 12:00 p.m. on that day, and that to date, Bitcoin China has closed down all trading functions. In addition to Bitcoin China, the two other big Bitcoin trading platforms in the country, the Hotcoin Network and OKCoin, will cease trading all digital assets against the renminbi on October 31.


Prior to that, the regulatory authorities asked the exchange to have a proper clearance programme in place and to ensure that it would be closed by the end of September. Given the scale and number of transactions involved in the currency network and the OKCoin platform, and the fact that they had not previously done ICO or online, the regulatory authorities decided to grant two platforms a one-month buffer period, which would be closed by the end of October, but the specific programme is still under study.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Bitcoin out of $6,300 to an all-time high {\/strang}


On the one hand, Bitcoin said goodbye to China, and on the other hand, international currency prices were re-innovated. At around 4 a.m. on 30 a.m. Beijing time, the price of Bitcoin rose again, once over $6,300, to $6345, a figure that refreshed the record of $6183 on 21 October, reaching an all-time high.


According to CoinMarketCap, this brings the total market value of Bitcoin to nearly $104 billion, even exceeding the US investment in Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. The market value of Bitcoin is close to for Point A, Chinese petrochemical//span> id=quate_sh600028>/span>.


Previously, the price of Bitcoin had fallen sharply, owing to the closure of the Bitcoin exchange in the country, with the price falling by 20,000 dollars in September, before falling to 17,000 dollars. The price of international Bitcoin was also affected, with currency prices falling by $4,000, and six months later, with the price of bitcoin turning 20% or more.


In view of the year’s trend, bitcoin has been on the rise as a whole. In August this year, there was a breakthrough of $5,000. Bitcoin prices rose steadily again in early October, even exceeding the previous breakthrough of $5,000. The data show that bitcoin prices rebounded by more than 80 per cent over a month and a half after the closure of the domestic exchange.


The market believed that the Japanese Government was more open to bitcoin, that large retailers accepted bitcoin transactions, and that the high inflation in Venezuela was perceived by currency circles as related to the increase in bitcoin.

  摩根大通CEO Jamie Dimon认为比特币是一场骗局论。他认为数字货币比郁金香泡沫更糟糕,并最终会破灭。

Morgan Chase CEO  Jamie  Dimon thinks Bitcoin is a fraud. He thinks the digital currency is worse than the tulip bubble and will eventually collapse.


Guns have plans for off-site trading platforms


After the closure of the domestic Bitcoin exchange, there were also Bitcoin off-site transactions that were as active as currency prices.


Yesterday morning, media reports said that the gun would be on the off-the-shelf trading service. In response, the network said yesterday to the Newjing newspaper, “The gun has never been an off-the-shelf platform before, and we have not officially announced an off-the-shelf trading platform, but we may later do an off-the-shelf trading platform in Bitcoin, and there is a plan to do that. With specific information about the off-site trading platform, we may issue an announcement in the next two days.”


On the evening of 30 September, a communiqué was issued in the name of Li Lin, its founder, to fine-tune the worldwide operations already under way and to launch the “Mark Global Professional Station”.


Journalists have also confirmed their presence on the off-the-shelf trading platform to another large domestic Bitcoin trading site, the OkCoin public relations reporter, who stated that “it is not us, but our cooperation platform, OKEX”.


From all-weather technology news, “OKCoin suddenly sent an article a few days ago at U.N. and Bo, entitled “This may be the safest, simplest and quickest way to pay off after 31 October.” Soon, OKCoin deleted the original text, and many users speculated that after 31 October, OKCoin had plans for off-site transactions.” In response, “This is a malicious reading”.

  来自OKEX(www.okex.com)微博认证信息,“OKEX是全球著名的数字资产交易平台之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币数字资产的现货和衍生品交易服务,隶属于OKEX Technology Company Limited”。

Microblogging information from OKEX (www.okex.com), “OKEX is one of the world's famous digital asset trading platforms that provides spot and derivative trading services for digital assets in Bitcoin, Latcoin, mainly for global users, under OKEX  Technology  Company  Limited”.


The announcement issued yesterday by OKCoin states that “the brand and website of the OKCoin line will remain permanent and will gradually be transformed into a company for the application and development of block chain technology”, which is distinct from the position of the currency in China's regional operations “to transform fully into a platform for specialized integrated information and research services in the vertical areas of the block chain”.


In the post-transition perspective on the future development of the industry, the value of the application of the “point-to-point transaction” was also mentioned in the presentation, stating that “the point-to-point transfer of value technology, which does not only have to be used to cover the area, has a very large application space in real economic matters such as registration and transfer of title, inter-agency liquidation and settlement, and legal notarization”.

  ■ 聚焦

nbsp; Focus


Total transactions for the three off-site trading platforms in the last two weeks amounted to $680 million


With the clean-up of domestic ICO and Bitcoin transactions in early September, the volume of off-site transactions was again booming, with the combined amount of Bitcoins for the three offshore offshore trading platforms, LocalBitcoins, Paxful, CoinCola, reaching $680 million over the last two weeks.


According to the Monitoring Report on Foreign Transactions in Bitcoin, issued by the National Technical Expert Committee on Internet Financial Security on 27 October, the main forms of off-the-ground transactions in bitcoin can be three: online P2P transactions, off-line B2C transactions and off-line transactions.


The first type of online P2P transaction, similar to the “sweeping” model, allows traders to make point-to-point transactions with sellers holding bitcoin through off-site trading platforms such as Local Bitcoins and CoinCola, which act as “noteboards.” The report states that payment of treasures, micro-mails, bank transfers, etc., are the main ways of paying off-site transactions in bitcoin against the renminbi (BTC-CNY).


online mode is similar to "screw"


Journalists experience LocalBitcoins.com, where online data show that the platform has provided services to over 14,000 city users in 245 countries for the purchase of bitcoins.


During the experience of CoinCola in Hong Kong, journalists found that the model was more like a “sweeper” and that the platform, after the user took a picture of Bitcoin, required the buyer to acknowledge receipt of the goods and give the seller an evaluation. When a transaction request was made, the amount of bitcoins to be purchased would be deducted from the seller’s wallet and locked in the custody account of CoinCola, and the Bitcoin would not be released until the seller confirmed that payment had been received, and the hosting procedure would lock in Bitcoin until the seller confirmed receipt of payment.



In the payment chain, several respondents stated that “wetmail and payment of treasures will be used”.


An exchange of funds report shows that, in the BTC-CNY off-site transactions completed through Paxful since 2017, 96.3 per cent of the transactions were carried out through payment of treasures and 2.7 per cent through micromail payments; in the Local Bitcoins trading advertisement, a sample of 57 per cent of the sales bill advertisements were selected for payment of treasures, followed by bank transfers, or 28 per cent. In the CoinCola trading advertisement, a sample of 85 per cent of the sales bill advertisements were selected for payment of treasures, followed by bank transfers, or 12 per cent.


QQ group transactions need to be traded face-to-face


Previously, Economic Report 21 quoted traders who said that Bitcoin’s off-site transactions were adjusted in real time to the price of the global market’s bitcoin transactions. The transactions were carried out through micro-message contacts, with unfamiliar people trading through conglomerates.


Journalists search QQ for the “bitcoin below line” and show that there are dozens of bitcoin transactions QQ-groups. According to the group members, sales provide bitcoins, but require face-to-face transactions, and bitcoin prices refer to global market prices.


Many users of the LocalBitcoins platform were conned


There is a risk in the Local Bitcoins.com approach, where journalists found in the “Money Out of the Sea” microscopic group that several investors claimed that the same foreign man was defrauded in Local Bitcoins.com, that the man sought a Chinese seller and, after communicating with the Bitcoins price, cheated on the seller's bitcoins and disappeared. A cheater claimed to the journalist that domestic and foreign legal systems were different and that the cost of litigation might be higher than the lost bitcoins if sued. According to the interviewee, most transactions were between 10,000 and 50,000, the man said: “I can only take my own bad luck, but at best remind some of my friends in the currency circle.”


An analysis of BTC-CNY transactions data from three platforms in Local Bitcoins, Paxful, CoinCola over the previous two weeks showed that 67 per cent of orders with a single transaction value of less than $10,000 and 14 per cent of orders combined; 31 per cent of orders with a single transaction value of between 10,000 and 100,000 yuan and 60 per cent of orders combined.


China's Bitcoin Regents


4 September


Seven departments, such as the Central Bank, the Internet Office and others, issued a joint announcement calling for the issuance of de-alerting (ICO) and the clean-up of the ICO platform and the organization of the de-refund of ICO.


14 September

  比特币中国宣布停止比特币等交易业务, 该平台14日起停止新用户注册,9月30日将停止所有数字资产交易业务。

Bitcoin China announced the cessation of transactions such as bitcoin & & nbsp; the platform ceased registration of new users as of 14 September and all digital asset transactions will cease on 30 September.


15 September


The regulatory body in Beijing announced the closure of virtual currency exchanges, such as Bitcoin, and requested that a public announcement be issued by 2400 hours in the evening of 15 days to specify the final time for the suspension of virtual currency transactions and that the registration of new users be immediately announced.


16 September


The currency network and the OKCoin line have amended the bulletin to state that all transactions relating to virtual currency will be discontinued as the next step.


27 September


In the early announcement by Bitcoin China, digital assets and renminbi charging were closed at 12 noon on the same day; all trading functions were closed at 12 noon on 30 September.


30 October


According to an earlier announcement, Bitcoin officially suspended its operations at 12 noon and all transactions.

  ■ 追问

nbsp; question

  【风险】 如何看待比特币境外交易的风险?

[Risk] & nbsp; How do you see the risks of Bitcoin transactions abroad?


Expert: Fraud and Market Volatility Risk


A number of platforms have moved to overseas markets, as several of the country's major digital currency exchanges have stopped trading against the renminbi.


Bitcoin Player King wins by telling Newjing reporters, “There are more than 400 Bitcoin trading platforms outside the country, and all the rankings on these exchanges are very thin, but we don't see them at home. If the switch is to be made, it will be one of more than 400 Bitcoin exchanges.”


With regard to the risks associated with transactions outside Bitcoin, the Central National University Law School professor and Internet finance law and risk control specialist Deng Jianpyeong argues that this is reflected in two main ways: one is the risk of fraud. For both parties to a transaction, there is a risk that money will be called to the other party, money will not be received, or money will be given to the other, but money will not be received.


The other is the risk of market volatility. Foreign transactions, especially off-the-shelf transactions, have a pre-negotiated purchase and purchase price, but Bitcoin’s transaction price is likely to rise and fall dramatically at a given time.


With regard to the risks of offshore transactions, the Director of the Sünin Institute of Finance's Internet Finance Centre, Xue Hong, argued that “except for the inclusion of virtual currency exchanges in the regulatory framework by issuing licences in individual countries, virtual currency exchanges in most countries and regions do not have regulatory endorsements or preventive measures such as access to funds, virtual currency deposits, etc.” (yellow rain)

  【投资】 还有人愿意“砸钱”投资比特币吗?


Player: Wants to hold and make long-term investments


What about investors who went madly into the past? Will they still be willing to hit the money? In response to investors, Deng Jianpon believes that two bitcoin-related financiers need to be analysed.


On the one hand, the future will not change much in terms of investors’ access to the Bitcoin-related trading platform (the institution), which invests in the intermediary platform that buys and sells bitcoin. Deng Jianpon told Newjing reporters that “the Bitcoin Exchange did have a realistic need to bring in investment capital when it was first established.


However, he also pointed out that, at the current global level, the profitability model of the Bitcoin exchange was largely based on the collection of transaction fees, that “some large exchange fees are considerable, so that they do not have much to do with seeking alternative sources of financing, at least at the domestic level, and that they have virtually no financing programmes in these years, mainly because their revenues are substantial and there is no need for financing”.


But business start-ups associated with bitcoin are another scenario. “If investors enter bitcoin-related start-ups, for example, block chain operations, payment operations, etc., they still have considerable value for investors in the global context, and they will still be willing to smash money,” Deng Jianjun goes on.


In addition, journalists found that there were still Bitcoin players who said they would continue to invest in long lines.


Hu was a programmer with access to Bitcoin for only two years. In mid-September, when Bitcoin prices fell, Hu told Newjing reporters: “There was no demand to resell bitcoin in the near future, hoping to hold it for a long time and make long-term investments”.


At the end of October, the price of Bitcoin went over $6,000, saying that “it will still be held and will not be resold, but it has not been planned to see bitcoin, and it is now a daily concern”.

  另一位区块链创业者黎某认为,“与比特币相比,以太坊(另一种数字货币)更具有区块链价值,能够承载更多的技术应用。”黎某认为:“从币值来看,以太坊还有很大的上升空间,我更看好以太坊。”(黄鑫雨 王全浩)

Another block-chain entrepreneur said, “Better than Bitcoin, it's more of a block-chain value, more capable of carrying more technology applications.” L thought, “In terms of currency, there is still much room for it to rise, and I prefer it.” (Yang Quanhua; Wang Quang Ho)

  【未来】 比特币会不会重返中国?

and nbsp; will Bitcoin return to China?


Counselor: Waiting for the opening of the policy


According to some netizens, “(bitcoin) will one day return to our country.”


In response, as a senior bitcoin player, Wang Win and Li Liang agreed that “it is possible.” Wang Win said, “This is like China's application to join the World Trade Organization, and if your foot is outside the rules of the world trading system, you must join the World Trade Organization as soon as possible.”


Deng Jianpyeong said, "Not easy to judge. I can only say that for two or three years, when regulators have a new understanding of this, like a trading platform that is large enough to be one size, and that needs to be coordinated with a trading agency. It may be possible, but it will take some time."


This was clearly “no” judged by Shao Xiao, a law firm in Beijing, “to wait for the opening of the policy. Documents 38 and 37 are strictly regulated for the exchange”.


Document No. 38, 37 referred to by Shawn, refers to two documents of the State Council: the State Council's decision on the clean-up of all types of trading premises for effective protection against financial risks (State communication No. 38, hereinafter referred to as State communication No. 38), and the Executive Opinion of the Office of the State Council on the clean-up of all types of trading premises (State communication No. 37, hereinafter referred to as State communication No. 37).


It is understood that the most significant impact of these two documents on domestic financial asset exchanges of all types is that: the products issued in the off-site regional trading market are subject to the requirements of “closed, non-standard, non-continuous, restricted” and, in particular, that the State's communication No. 38 specifies that “no trading place shall divide any interest into an equal share of public circulation, except in the case of a stock exchange established by law or in a place authorized by the State Council to engage in transactions involving financial products; no trading shall take place in a centralized manner, such as a competitive and market-based exchange; no trading of interests shall take place on a continuous basis in a standardized trading unit, and no investor may buy or sell the same type of transaction at a intervals of not less than five trading days; and no equity holder may accumulate more than 200 persons unless otherwise provided by law or administrative regulations”.


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